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# Minna no Nihongo I, Lesson 003

# ISBN 4-88319-102-8
# Version 1.0
# Paul Denisowski (
ここ [ここ] /here, this place/
そこ[そこ] /there, that place near you/
あそこ [あそこ] /that place over there/
どこ [どこ] /where, what place?/
こちら [こちら] /this way, this place (polite)/
そちら [そちら] /that way, that place near you (polite)/
あちら [あちら] /that way, that place over there (polite)/
どちら [どちら] /which way, where (polite)/
教室 [きょうしつ] /classroom/
食堂 [しょくどう] /dining hall, canteen/
事務所 [じむしょ] /office/
会議室 [かいぎしつ] /conference room, assembly room/
受付 [うけつけ] /reception desk/
ロビー [ロビー] /lobby/
部屋 [へや] /room/
トイレ [トイレ] /toilet, restroom/
お手洗い [おてあらい] /toilet, restroom/
階段 [かいだん] /staircase/
エレベーター [エレベーター] /elevator, lift/
エスカレーター [エスカレーター] /escalator/
国 [くに] /country/
会社 [かいしゃ] /company/
うち [うち] /house, home/
電話 [でんわ] /telephone, telephone call/
靴 [くつ] /shoes/
ネクタイ [ネクタイ] /necktie/
ワイン [ワイン] /wine/
たばこ [たばこ] /tobacco, cigarette/
売り場 [うりば] /department, counter (in a department store)/
地下 [ちか] /basement/
~階 [~かい] / ~th floor/
何階 [なんがい] /what floor/
~円 [~えん] /yen/
いくら [いくら] /how much/
百 [ひゃく] /hundred/
千 [せん] /thousand/
万 [まん] /ten thousand/
すみません [すみません] /Excuse me/
~でございます [~でございます] /(polite form of "desu")/
~を見せてください [~をみせてください] /Please show me ~/
じゃ [じゃ] /well, then, in that case /
~をください [~をください] /Give me ~, please. /

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