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The first workable prototype of the internet came in the
late 1960s with the creation of ARPANET, or the advanced research
projects agency network ARPANET adopted TCP/IP on 1-1-1983, and
from there researchers began to assemble the “network of networks”
that became the modern internet.
The internet uses data processing servers, data centers,
which consume a lot of energy …This energy causes large releases of

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CO2. Digital pollution comes mainly from streaming videos, ADSL
routers, bitcoins or emails.

In general the full form of INTERNET is International network,
Internet refers to global network that connects the computers across the
globe, the name international network is appropriate which is the
interconnected network of all the web servers world wide, in short its network
of network.


Internet pollution, or the impact of internet on ecology is
simply pollution caused by the operation of the internet. Fo many, the
internet is synonymous with dematerialization. Yet, far from being
dematerialized, the internet is based on a physical infrastructure.
Indeed , a whole network of cables, data centers and servers underpin
the functioning of the internet.

The internet is a network system of the interconnected
computer systems globally, that is available to everyone. These
interconnected computer systems work by sending data by way of a
particular form of packet switching which is known as the IP or the
INTERNET protocol.


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E-Pollution is environment damage that comes from the
constant heat and cooling down facilities that are referred to data
centers are where online information is collected processed, stored
and exchanged supercomputers in these facilities are constantly
running and tend to get very hot. This can result in a meltdown of nor
only the computers but also of the internet.

How Polluting is the Internet

There’s a big difference between sending a million emails and

sending a million letters. Choices like buying an e-book instead of a
print book, watching a film online rather than DVD, or organizing a
work meeting on skype than flying from Barcelona to London to meet

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face-to-face, all reduce environmental impact. There is no doubt that
the internet makes many everyday transactions more efficient, but the
fact that its footprint is lower than that of traditional activities does
not mean it is totally innocuous. First, the inconvenient news: the
internet consumes huge amounts of electricity, although it is difficult
to measure exactly how much. The following questions and answers
are intended to clear up some of the doubts around this issue.
The fact that the internet footprint is lower than that of
traditional activities does not mean it is totally innocuous.
When we talk about pollution and the internet what
we measuring

Jon Koomey, an expert in the environmental

effects of information technology, says that the key elements
we should measure are what he calls “the big three”:
 End-user equipment (computers, tablets, laptops, routers)
 Data centres (that store and host web pages)
 Access networks (the wiring and antennas that carry data

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The first thing that emerges after surveying various sources
is that nobody knows for sure. In 2010, The Guardian came with
the figure of 300 million tonnes of CO2 per year, “as much as all the
coal, oil and gas burned in turkey or Poland in one year.” A
controversial article entitled “power, pollution and the internet” in
the New York times put the figure at 30 billon watts of electricity in
2011, “roughly equivalent to the output of 30 nuclear power
plants.” And According to gartner consultants, the internet was
responsible for 2% of global emissions in 2007, outstripping the
carbon footprint of the aviation industry a more recent study by
the Melbourne based research centre CEET in 2013 estimated that
the telecommunication industry as a whole emits 830 millions
tones of carbon dioxide a year, and that the energy demands of the
internet could double by 2020
The CEET reports that the internet now accounts for
1.5% to 2% of the world’s energy consumption, which means that
if the internet were a country it would rank as fifth largest for
energy consumption. Jon Koomyey estimates that the direct
electricity use of all the elements that make up the internet is
probably around 10% of total electricity consumption, but he
emphasizes that it’s very difficult to calculate exact figures “you can
use a computer to play videogames or write a text and not be
online, and this energy use is often counted as part of the internet
even though it isn’t actually the case.”

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Internet pollution or the impact of internet on ecology is
simply pollution caused by the operation of the internet.
Most of the pollution arises from all of the cooling systems set
in place to make sure the computers do not overheat. It has been
reported that data centers can ‘consume up to 100 times more
energy than a standard office building.’ (cho, chang, jung, & yoon,
2017) therefore it is very impotent to keep an eye on the energy
that these centers are consuming and to keep it as low as possible.

If the internet is virtual, what causes its environmental

Unlike a car that emits fuel through its exahaust pipe, it is
difficult to visualize the environmental impact of the net. Its carbon
footprint is mainly a result of the power required to keep its
infrastructure running. Mobile phone antennas, the device we use
to access the internet, and data centers all require enormous
amounts of electricity. This electricity can come from renewable
sources, but it often does not. For example, in its report “How Clean
in Your Cloud?” Greenpeace found that 70% per cent of the
400,000 Mobile phone antennas in India don’t have access to
reliable electricity sources, and diesel-powered generators are
used to make up for the inadequate power supply. The big data
centers in western countries also rely on back up diesel generators
that kick into action in the event of power cuts.


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