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abcde Monday, August 24, 2020

Generations apart, together in pursuit

Kennedy, his name seemingly both a boon and a Markey, the longtime veteran, finds old and new tools
burden, turns to marathon mode in his challenge to reach young voters in fight to keep Senate seat
By Dugan Arnett By Hanna Krueger

The woman looked up from her MALDEN — On Aug. 2, just a few

seat on the bus bench to find a curi- weeks until the Sept. 1 primary, the
ous sight: a jovial redhead standing sole of Ed Markey’s left 1989 Nike
before her, offering up a fist-bump. Air Revolution started to crumble
For a moment, the stranger’s pres- on the campaign trail. Sure, he
ence here, in the heart of Nubian Sta- could have opted for a dress shoe,
tion on a recent weekday afternoon, but Markey is banking his Senate re-
seemed to leave her puzzled. But in election campaign on those red-and-
the next instant, the young man’s white high tops. Well, at least par-
name — that name — suddenly came tially.
to her. You see, Ed Markey has held elect-
“Mr. Kennedy!” she exclaimed, ed office in Massachusetts for nearly
and she smiled broadly. five decades. And now, as he vies for
For generations, no name in Mas- his second full term as the state’s ju-
sachusetts politics has held more nior senator, he’s in a close race with
clout. But Joseph P. Kennedy III — Representative Joseph Kennedy III, with East Boston Senator Ed Markey greeted voters as he arrived his opponent, 39-year-old Joe Kenne-
KENNEDY, Page A8 resident Linda Boyer, on a campaign stop Saturday. Thursday in Worcester during a campaign bus tour. MARKEY, Page A8

‘This is an assault on the environment — and our community.’

CRISTLE RAWLINS, Roxbury resident, regarding plans to remove trees along Melnea Cass Boulevard
COVID plasma
treatment gets
emergency OK
Some scientists say vention.
The authorization makes it
more study needed easier for some patients to ob-
tain the treatment but is not
the same as full FDA approval.
WASHINGTON — President The blood plasma, taken
Trump announced Sunday that from patients who have recov-
he had helped break through a
regulatory ‘‘logjam’’ to grant
emergency authorization of ‘COVID-19
convalescent plasma to treat
COVID-19, a ‘‘powerful thera- convalescent
py’’ that he claimed ‘‘had an in-
credible rate of success,’’ de-
plasma should not
spite the fact that his own sci- be considered a
entists are calling for more
studies to definitively show
new standard of
whether it works. care.’
The announcement, at a
news conference where Trump DENISE HINTON, FDA
was flanked by Food and Drug
Administration Commissioner
Stephen Hahn and Health and ered from the coronavirus and
Human Services Secretary Alex rich in antibodies, may provide
Azar, came after White House benefits to those battling the
Yvonne Lalyre has affixed ribbons around the lindens, red oaks, and other trees along Melnea Cass Boulevard. officials complained there were disease. But the evidence so far

When equity means shade

politically motivated delays by has not been conclusive about
the Food and Drug Administra- whether it works, when to ad-
tion in approving a vaccine and minister it and what dose is
therapeutics for the disease needed.
that has upended Trump’s re- In a letter describing the
election chances. emergency authorization, the
Activists pan Roxbury project that would raze boulevard’s mature trees It also came on the eve of chief scientist for the FDA, De-
the Republican National Con- TRUMP, Page A9

By David Abel Now, in a move that some residents roots, advocates say.
GLOBE STAFF denounce as a form of environmental “This is an assault on the environ-
In a vast expanse of asphalt, it’s a
rare stretch of urban greenery.
The rows of oaks, lindens, maples,
racism, city officials are planning a new
road project that would cut down about
a quarter of those mature trees —
ment — and our community,” said Cris-
tle Rawlins, 59, an artist who has lived
in the neighborhood for 30 years. “You
Revolt against
affirmative action
and other trees that line Melnea Cass among the largest tree removals in re- have to wonder whether this would be
Boulevard in Roxbury have for decades cent city history. as easy to do in a neighborhood that
provided vital shade, fresh air, and a The construction, slated to begin wasn’t predominantly people of color. I

gains potent ally

leafy balance to a city corridor that can this year, could eventually endanger all do think there’s environmental racism
feel like a furnace in summer and a 500 trees that line the boulevard, given here.”
windswept tarmac in winter. the risk to the trees’ dense network of TREES, Page A6

Justice Dept.’s threat targeting Yale

Hunting for A ROAD OF RUIN accelerates push for high court ruling
By Deirdre Fernandes complaint against Yale on Aug.

buried treasure; GLOBE STAFF

T h e US Ju s t i c e D e p a r t -
13 comes just a month before
the agency’s attorneys are set

finding lunacy
ment’s recent complaint that to urge the First Circuit Court
Yale University discriminated of Appeals to overturn a lower
against Asian-American and court’s ruling that Harvard
white applicants in its admis- University’s use of race in its
sions process opens a new admissions is legally sound.
By Billy Baker front in the Trump administra- Taken together, the two cas-
GLOBE STAFF tion’s fight against affirmative es suggest the Justice Depart-
NEW YORK — I’m not sure how much I action in college admissions, ment is expecting an eventual
can trust you people, so I’m not going to say legal experts say. showdown over affirmative ac-
too much about the location of the treasure. I The move signals the ad- tion in the Supreme Court and,
mean, I don’t technically know where it is, or ministration is expanding its with a majority of conservative
else I’d have dug it up already. But I know attack against longstanding justices on the bench, is expect-
roughly where it is. Probably. Unless it’s in policies aimed at increasing di- ing a favorable outcome, said
the other place where I think it could be. versity on campuses, they said Deborah Archer, an associate
I’m rambling, but treasure hunting makes A man tried to clear a path in a street in Pétion, Haiti, during the — and growing more confident professor at the New York Uni-
me suspicious of everything. And that espe- passage Sunday of Tropical Storm Laura. The US Gulf Coast braced it can win. versity School of Law and co-
cially includes Jason Krupat, a guy I wrote for potentially devastating hits from twin hurricanes. A2. The Justice Department’s YALE, Page A6
about back in October after he solved a four-
decade-old riddle that led to a treasure bur-
ied under home plate on a softball field in
the North End of Boston. He would later be- VOL . 298, NO. 55
Tens of thousands of people, un- The Celtics, led by Kemba Walker and Spitting image
come the reason I applied for a New York daunted by threats of a crackdown, Jayson Tatum, breezed into the sec-
City metal detector’s license, which he did Suggested retail price again filled the streets of Minsk, Be- ond round of the playoffs with their Monday: Warm, late storm.
not, even though it was his idea. Suspicious. $3.00 larus, with protests. A2. sweep of the 76ers. C1. High 83-88, low 69-74.
Babbling again, I know, but this is what Tuesday: Warm, late storm.
happens when you let it infect you. You con- Family members of a soldier who Kellyanne Conway, one of President High 86-91, low 62-67.
nect dots that have no business being con- grew up in Brockton are calling for a Trump’s longest-serving aides, re-
congressional investigation of Fort vealed she is leaving the White House Comics and weather, D4-5.
nected, start a fight with a guy who doesn’t
TREASURE, Page A7 Hood after he went missing. B1. at the end of the month. A6. Obituaries, C11.
A2 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e M O N D A Y, A U G U S T 2 4 , 2 0 2 0

Protesters return to streets in Minsk Gulf
Thousands rally braces
as Belarus leader
vows crackdown
for twin
By Ivan Nechepurenko
MINSK, Belarus — One day La. residents flee
after President Alexander Lu-
kashenko of Belarus promised potential flooding
to crush with an iron fist the
protests that have broken out By Rebecca Santana
since his reelection this month, and Jeff Martin
tens of thousands of people ASSOCIATED PRESS

took to the streets of the capital, NEW ORLEANS — The Gulf

Minsk, on Sunday to show their Coast braced Sunday for a po-
determination to force him out tentially devastating hit from
of office. twin hurricanes as two strong
After a week of rallies and storms swirled toward the Unit-
publicity stunts in support of ed States from the Gulf of Mexi-
Lukashenko, who has led Belar- co and the Caribbean. Officials
us, a former Soviet republic, feared a history-making on-
since 1994, many expected the slaught of life-threatening
protests against him to ebb. But winds and flooding along the
by late Sunday afternoon, a sea coast, stretching from Texas to
of people had filled the main In- Alabama.
dependence Avenue in central A storm dubbed Marco grew
Minsk, blocking all traffic there into a hurricane Sunday as it
and on side streets. moved up the Gulf of Mexico to-
Some es timates put the ward Louisiana. Another po-
number of demonstrators at tential hurricane, Tropical
well over 100,000, in what ap- Storm Laura, lashed the Do-
peared to be a repeat of a simi- minican Republic and Haiti
lar rally a week earlier. and was targeting the same re-
Although Lukashenko de- gion of the US coast.
clared a landslide victory and Protesters rallied in Minsk, Belarus, on Sunday. Some estimates put the number of demonstrators at well over 100,000. With the potential the
80 percent of the vote in the storms could overlap, parts of
Aug. 9 election, protesters and Many at Sunday’s protest crowd of workers on Aug. 17. ko landed at the palace. A video from the West and an internal Louisiana, especially in south-
international bodies, including were wrapped in Belarus’s tra- “Until you kill me, there will published online by the news conspiracy to destabilize Belar- central portions of the state,
the European Union, have ditional white-and-red flag, not be any more elections.” service showed him wearing us. He accused protesters of be- could see rainfall up to 2 feet,
called it fraudulent. The main which became an opposition Later Sunday afternoon, a body armor and holding an au- ing against Russia — a key ally said Benjamin Schott, meteo-
opposition candidate, Svetlana symbol after Lukashenko re- group of protesters moved to- tomatic rifle as he disembarked — and called them “rats” and rologist in charge of the Nation-
Tikhanovskaya, also declared placed it with a more Soviet- ward the Independence Palace, the helicopter with his 15-year- “trash.” On Sunday, some pro- al Weather Service’s Slidell, La.,
victory and fled to neighboring looking emblem soon after Lukashenko’s vast official resi- old son, Nikolai, in a comman- testers waved the Russian flag office.
Lithuania out of fear for her coming to power. A few came dence just outside the center of do uniform and bearing a rifle, to show that they do not want “There has never been any-
safety. with the one used by Lukashen- Minsk. The government de- too. their country to turn away from thing we’ve seen like this be-
Initial protests over the re- ko’s supporters — a bid to show ployed armored vehicles and Lukashenko approached ri- Moscow. fore, where you can have possi-
sults were met with a violent that the country is united in a armed army officers to protect ot police officers blocking a Some of Lukashenko’s asser- bly two hurricanes hitting with-
crackdown by Lukashenko’s ro- desire to see him gone from of- the compound, which is sur- nearby street and thanked the tions seemed directed at the at- in miles of each over a 48-hour
bust law enforcement appara- fice. rounded by a tall fence. After men, who shouted, “ We are tention of President Vladimir period,” Schott added at a Sun-
tus, including beatings and “It doesn’t matter what flag approaching the first line of de- with you until the end,” accord- Putin of Russia, who is leery of day briefing.
mass detentions. No arrests or it is; we just want him to leave,” fense, the protesters made a U- ing to another video. any anti-Russian protests in While Hurricane Marco is
clashes were reported on Sun- said Darya O. Rolya, 28, an ac- turn and went back to the city “We will deal with them,” former Soviet republics. On Sat- likely to hit Louisiana first, hur-
day, despite the presence of riot countant. center. Lukashenko told them, in an urday, Lukashenko thanked Pu- ricane specialists are more wor-
police vans parked near the It was unclear how the pro- Lukashenko observed the apparent reference to the pro- tin and called him a friend, one ried about the second potential-
demonstrations, though Lu- testers could achieve that aim, protests from a helicopter, at testers. day after confirming having in- ly stronger smack from Laura.
kashenko told a rally of sup- with Lukashenko having indi- one point calling the demon- In the past week, Lukashen- vited several Russian journal- Marco is expected to dance
porters in the city of Grodno cated repeatedly that he has no strators “rats,” according to a ko has pushed to rally his sup- ists to replace the Belarusian above and below hurricane sta-
this weekend that protesters intention of succumbing to video released by his news ser- porters around the flag. He ones who resigned from state- tus over the next day and a half
h a d u n t i l Mo n d ay t o c a l m pressure from the streets. vice. made a flurry of statements run news media outlets in pro- after hitting the 75 miles-per-
down. “We had elections,” he told a Shortly after that, Lukashen- about an imminent invasion test over censorship. hour-wind mark Sunday after-
“The central Gulf could be
really under the gun between
Daily Briefing Marco and Laura in back-to-
back succession,’’ said Colorado
State University hurricane re-
Winds could fan Wife, aide visit searcher Phil Klotzbach. “Cer-
tainly both of these storms can
already enormous comatose dissident impact New Orleans signifi-
California wildfires in Berlin hospital cantly. It just remains to be seen
if the track for Laura tracks a
bit to the west.”
SCOTTS VALLEY, Calif. — University of Miami hurri-
Three massive wildfires BERLIN — Alexei Navalny’s cane researcher Brian McNoldy
chewed through the parched wife and a top aide visited him said, “I would be very worried if
Northern California landscape Sunday in a Berlin hospital I were there” in New Orleans.
Sunday as firefighters raced to where the comatose Russian It’s not so much either storm as
dig breaks and make other dissident is being treated by much as the long period of
preparations ahead of a fright- German doctors after a sus- storm surge first from Marco
ening weather system. That pected poisoning. and then from Laura and
system was packing high winds Navalny was flown to Ger- whether the levee system can
and more of the lightning that many on Saturday from Siberia withstand the stress, he said.
sparked the huge blazes and on Saturday after doctors de- New Orleans resident Mat-
scores of other fires around the termined he was stable enough thew Meloy and two friends
state, putting nearly a quarter- to be brought to the capital’s loaded a van with cases of bot-
million people under evacua- Charité hospital for treatment. tled water in the parking lot of a
tion orders and warnings. After his arrival, hospital New Orleans Walmart Sunday.
At the CZU Lightning Com- spokeswoman Manuela Zingl He said they still have a lot of
plex fire in the Santa Cruz said that the 44-year-old would storm prep ahead.
Mountains, authorities said Austin and Cliff Giannuzzi embraced as they examined the charred remains of their home be undergoing extensive diag- “Check the batteries, flash-
their effort was hindered by during the LNU Lightning Complex fire in Vacaville, Calif., on Sunday. nostic tests, and that doctors lights, stocking up on food, and
people who refused to heed wouldn’t comment on his ill- trying to park the car on the
evacuation orders and those “What we’re hearing from “absolutely soulless’’ people personal items, including a ness or treatment until they highest point possible we can
who were using the chaos to the community is that there’s a who seek to victimize those al- wallet and “drained his bank were able to evaluate the re- find,” he said. “I already spent
steal. Santa Cruz County Sher- lot of looting going on,’’ Hart ready victimized by the fire. account,” said Chief Mark sults. like 40 minutes this morning
iff Jim Hart said 100 officers said. Among the victims was a fire Brunton of the California De- On Sunday, Navalny’s wife, filling up the tanks in the cars,
were patrolling and anyone not He and county District At- commander who was robbed. partment of Forestry and Fire Yulia Navalnaya, and aide Le- just in case, and I’ll be checking
authorized to be in an evacua- torney Jeff Rosell expressed an- Someone entered the com- Protection. onid Volkov visited the opposi- the gutters, making sure they’re
tion zone would be arrested. ger at what Rosell called the mander’s fire vehicle and stole ASSOCIATED PRESS tion leader in the hospital but clear.”
did not speak to reporters. With Marco and its expected
Navalny, a politician and landfall in Louisiana Monday
Alaska mine project facing new delays Pompeo heads to Middle East for talks corruption investigator who is evening, the biggest worry is
one of Russian President Vladi- water, not wind. Forecasters ex-
WASHINGTON — The Ar- That requirement could sig- WASHINGTON — Secretary nominate Trump for a second mir Putin’s fiercest critics, fell pect up to 10 or more inches of
my Corps of Engineers will im- nificantly slow a project that of State Mike Pompeo on Sun- term. Should Pompeo appear ill on a flight back to Moscow rain and storm surges of 4 to 6
pose new demands for mitigat- had been sailing toward ap- day headed to the Middle East, by remote or recorded video, it from Siberia on Thursday and feet, with 2 to 4 feet around
ing environmental damage proval until it incurred the op- the first of two senior will break a long tradi- was taken to the hospital in the Lake Pontchartrain.
from a vast proposed copper position of President Trump’s US officials to travel tion of secretaries of city of Omsk after the plane For Laura, add the wind haz-
and gold mine in Alaska, po- son, Donald Trump Jr., as well to the region this state declining to par- made an emergency landing. ard, bigger storm surge, and
tentially delaying approvals for as Vice President Mike Pence’s week as the Trump ticipate in the political His supporters believe that tea more heavy rain on top of the
the project beyond the presi- former chief of staff, Nick Ay- administration press- nomination process. he drank was laced with poison first rain to increase flooding on
dential election, three people ers. If Joe Biden, the Democrat- es an ambitious Arab- Previous secretar- — and that the Kremlin is be- already saturated areas, Mc-
familiar with the corps’ plans ic nominee, prevails in Novem- Israeli peace push ies of state have hind both his illness and a de- Noldy said.
said Saturday. ber, the project is likely to die. that President Trump shunned overtly parti- lay in transferring him to Ger- Because of strong winds
The corps is expected to “The mine will be close to hopes will burnish his san rhetoric. If many. from the southwest, Marco may
send a letter Monday to the de- killed by this,” said Whit Fos- foreign policy creden- Pompeo’s planned While his supporters and attain and then lose hurricane
velopers of the Pebble Mine burgh, the president of the tials ahead of Novem- Mike Pompeo speech to the conven- family members insist that Na- status before it hits land Mon-
project, these people said, add- Theodore Roosevelt Conserva- ber’s election. could possibly tion goes ahead, he is valny was poisoned, doctors in day, meteorologists said.
ing that it will not issue a per- tion Partnership. Pompeo is travel- speak at GOP likely to tout Trump’s Omsk denied that, saying that a The key for Laura’s future is
mit until the company presents Mark Meadows, the White ing to Israel, several convention. Mideast policies and metabolic disorder was the how it sur vi ves Cuba. T he
plans to protect an area in the House chief of staff, has per- Gulf Arab states, and the recent agreement most likely diagnosis and that a storm is forecast to rake across
surrounding watershed, a criti- sonally reassured Pebble Mine Sudan, and will be away when between Israel and the United drop in blood sugar may have almost the entire length of the
cal breeding ground for salm- officials that the move will not he is scheduled to speak on Arab Emirates to normalize re- caused Navalny to lose con- long island and the more it re-
on, equal in size to the acreage scuttle the project. Tuesday to the Republican Na- lations. sciousness. mains over land, the more it
that the mine would damage. NEW YORK TIMES tional Convention, which will ASSOCIATED PRESS ASSOCIATED PRESS can weaken from lack of fuel..
M O N D A Y, A U G U S T 2 4 , 2 0 2 0 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e A3


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A4 World/Nation T h e B o s t o n G l o b e M O N D A Y, A U G U S T 2 4 , 2 0 2 0


India’s caseload tops 3 million as disease spreads south

NEW DELHI — India’s cor- shut nightclubs, karaoke
onavirus caseload topped 3 mil- rooms, buffet restaurants, and
lion on Sunday, with the coun- computer-gaming cafes.
try leading the world in new in- Churches can hold online
fections as the disease marched services only, while fans were
through impoverished rural ar- removed from professional
eas in the north and the sports, just weeks after baseball
wealthier but older populations and soccer teams had been al-
of the south. lowed to sell limited portions of
Health authorities reported their seats.
69,239 new cases and 912 Agency director Jeong Eun-
deaths, bringing the total to kyeong said things will proba-
3,044,940. bly get worse before they get
Cases have leveled off in In- better.
dia’s two largest cities, with se- ASSOCIATED PRESS
rological surveys showing
widespread prevalence among Returning vacationers drive
the residents of the capital, Italy’s surge in virus cases
New Delhi, and financial center ROME — With thousands of
Mumbai. travelers being tested at Italy’s
New hot spots continue to airports and some ports, the
feed surges in cases in rural ar- nation where Europe’s COVID-
eas of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar 19 outbreak began registered a
states in India’s north, and in seventh-straight day of increas-
the southern states of Telanga- ing new infections Sunday,
na, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, mostly driven by returning va-
and Andhra Pradesh. cationers.
India has the third-highest Sicily’s governor, mean-
caseload after the United States while, ordered all migrant resi-
and Brazil, and its 56,706 fatal- dences on the Italian island to
ities are the fourth-highest in be shut down by Monday, part
the world. of a pushback by Italian regions
ASSOCIATED PRESS alarmed by a steady climb in
Health workers performed a cheaper, faster, but less accurate antigen test for the coronavirus on a migrant in New Delhi. COVID-19 cases a few weeks
13 die in Peru stampede before schools are scheduled to
after police lockdown raid Ramírez, a Health Ministry of- By contrast, they said stud- According to Maqbool Hus- ty stadiums on Sunday as South reopen.
LIMA — Thirteen people ficial, told reporters. ies show that not going to sain, a district government offi- Korea stepped up measures na- But people coming in from
died in a stampede at a disco in Night clubs have been pro- school limits children’s ability cial, Sunday’s move to place tionwide to fight a resurgence Mediterranean Sea resorts
Lima after a police raid to en- hibited from operating since to succeed in life and may high-risk areas of Shogran, in coronavirus cases that has abroad as well as from the Ital-
force the country’s lockdown March because of the pandem- worsen physical and mental Naran, and Kaghan under lock- raised concerns that the epi- ian island of Sardinia have ac-
during the coronavirus pan- ic. Peru started lifting quaran- health problems. down was aimed at containing demic is getting out of control. counted for far more of Italy’s
demic, officials said Sunday. tine restrictions on June 30 in “Very few, if any, children or the spread of the virus. The 397 new cases reported new coronavirus infections
The stampede happened at an effort to get the economy teenagers will come to long- He said as many as 47 hotel by South Korea’s Centers for lately than have migrants.
the Thomas disco, where about moving again, and the daily re- term harm from COVID-19 due employees who tested positive Disease Control and Prevention Italy registered 1,210 new
120 people had gathered for a ported number of virus infec- solely to attending school,” they were quarantined at the hotels marked the 10th-straight day cases Sunday, the highest daily
party on Saturday night, the In- tions has doubled to more than said in a statement. “This has where they worked. of triple-digit increases and in- number since May 12 and only
terior Ministry said. 9,000 in recent weeks. to be set against a certainty of The measures came hours dicated that the speed of the vi- weeks after it saw new infec-
People tried to escape Peru has reported about long-term harm to many chil- after Pakistan reported four rus’s spread was nearing levels tions plunge to about 200 a day.
through the only door of the 27,500 deaths from the virus. dren and young people from new COVID-19 fatalities in the seen during the worst of the The Lazio region, which in-
second-floor disco, trampling ASSOCIATED PRESS not attending school.” past 24 hours, the fewest outbreak in the spring. cludes Rome, and the hard-hit
one another and becoming The statement comes as par- deaths reported in a day since The resurgence, which be- Lombardy led the nation in re-
trapped in the confined space, UK’s top medical officers ents and teachers express con- March. That announcement gan in the densely populated gional new caseloads Sunday.
according to authorities. defend opening schools cern about reopening schools raised hopes that Pakistan is on Seoul area before reaching Thousands of returning travel-
After the stampede, police LONDON — Britain’s top next month amid fears that so- the right path despite having a practically every major city and ers got tested at Rome-area air-
had to force open the door. medical officers say children cial distancing measures won’t fragile health system. provincial town over the past ports and a port north of the
“I feel sorry for the relatives are more likely to be harmed by keep children safe. Pakistan has confirmed week, is a major setback for a capital, as well as at airports
. . . but also anger and indigna- staying away from school than ASSOCIATED PRESS more than 275,000 coronavirus country that had been eager to that serve Lombardy’s main
tion with the business people from being exposed to the coro- infections and nearly 6,300 tout its gains against the virus. city, Milan. Other cities, like Tu-
who organized the event,” Peru- navirus. Pakistan shuts hotels over deaths since reporting its first After avoiding stringent so- rin, also have set up airport test
vian President Martín Vizcarra England’s chief medical offi- infections among workers case in February. cial distancing measures be- facilities.
said. He urged judicial authori- cer on Sunday joined his coun- PESHAWAR, Pakistan — ASSOCIATED PRESS cause of concerns about hurt- People arriving from Spain,
ties to punish those who had terparts in Scotland, Northern Pakistani authorities have ing the economy, officials Malta, Greece and Croatia must
broken the law. Ireland, and Wales in saying closed about two dozen hotels S. Korea elevates distancing stepped up restrictions nation- be tested within 48 hours of en-
Some 23 people were arrest- that children are less likely to in a scenic tourist destination as virus nears spring levels wide on Sunday. tering Italy, after those nations
ed, and 15 of those tested posi- contract the virus than adults in the country’s northwest after SEOUL — Churches were They banned gatherings of saw worrisome upticks in infec-
tive for the coronavirus and and have “an exceptionally low dozens of hotel employees test- closed and professional base- more than 50 people indoors tions.
will be quarantined, Claudio risk” of dying from COVID-19. ed positive for the coronavirus. ball games were played in emp- and 100 people outdoors and ASSOCIATED PRESS


Hospitals told funding is tied to their assisting a private vendor

WASHINGTON — The role of private companies in fewer than 3,000 new cases Iowa has ordered schools to re-
Trump administration tied bil- health data collection. Last have been tallied in a day. The open for at least 50 percent in-
lions of dollars in badly needed month, the federal health de- other time was Monday, when person instruction, despite a
coronavirus medical funding partment moved beyond finan- 2,678 cases were reported. Sun- pandemic that has already
this spring to hospitals’ cooper- cial incentives and abruptly or- days and Mondays often have a killed 1,036 people and seen in-
ation with a private vendor col- dered hospitals to send daily low number of reports, as not fections soar in recent days.
lecting data for a new COVID- coronavirus reports to Tele- all hospitals report on the ASSOCIATED PRESS
19 database that bypassed the Tracking, not the CDC, raising weekend.
Centers for Disease Control and concerns about transparency The daily total peaked July University of Alabama issues
Prevention. and reliability of the data. 15, when more than 15,000 ban on student gatherings
The highly unusual de- Officials at the Department cases were reported, but has TUSCALOOSA, Ala. — The
mand, aimed at hospitals in of Health and Human Services been declining since. University of Alabama has is-
coronavirus hot spots using say that the moves were neces- Hospitalizations due to sued a temporary prohibition
funds passed by Congress with sary to improve and streamline COVID-19 have also been de- on student events, including
no preconditions, alarmed data collection in a crisis, and clining. Late Sunday morning, off-campus parties and frater-
some hospital administrators that the one-time reports col- 4,578 patients were being treat- nity and sorority gatherings.
and even some federal health lected in April by TeleTracking ed for the disease in Florida The university says it’s issu-
officials. were not available from any hospitals compared to Satur- ing a 14-day moratorium on all
The office of the health sec- other source. day’s 4,773. It is a drop of al- in-person student events out-
retary, Alex Azar, laid out the NEW YORK TIMES most 800 since Thursday. Hos- side of classroom instruction.
requirement in an April 21 e- pitalizations peaked at above Social gatherings are prohibit-
mail obtained by The New York US judge halts DeVos’s rule 9,500 on July 23. ed both on and off campus, and
Times that instructed hospitals giving aid to private schools Overall, the state has now the common areas of dormito-
to make a one-time report of A federal judge in Washing- reported 600,571 confirmed ries and fraternity and sorority
their COVID-19 admissions ton state temporarily blocked cases. houses are closed, according to
and intensive care unit beds to Education Secretary Betsy De- Hospitalizations due to COVID-19 have also been declining ASSOCIATED PRESS the new guidelines.
TeleTracking Technologies, a Vos from enforcing a controver- in Florida. Above, beachgoers in Clearwater Beach. The announcement came
company in Pittsburgh whose sial rule that directs states to Iowa sees first death of child less than a week after city and
$10.2 million, five-month gov- give private schools a bigger worked out. But in April, DeVos said she linked to coronavirus school officials raised the alarm
ernment contract has drawn share of federal coronavirus aid ‘‘The department claim that wanted money sent to private IOWA CITY — A young child about large crowds waiting out-
scrutiny on Capitol Hill. than Congress had intended. the state faces only an econom- schools based on the total num- died due to complications from side bars.
“Please be aware that sub- In a lawsuit filed by the ic injury, which ordinarily does ber of students in the school, coronavirus in June, the first ASSOCIATED PRESS
mitting this data will inform state, US District Court Judge not qualify as irreparable harm, not how many students from confirmed death of a minor in
the decision-making on target- Barbara J. Rothstein on Friday is remarkably callous, and low-income families attended. Iowa during the pandemic, the Wisconsin coffee shop loses
ed Relief Fund payments and is issued a preliminary injunction blind to the realities of this ex- That would have sent hundreds state health department belat- lease for violating mask rule
a prerequisite to payment,” the and castigated the Education traordinary pandemic and the of millions of dollars more to edly announced Sunday eve- MIDDLETON, Wis. — A
message read. Department over the July 1 reg- very purpose of the Cares Act: private schools than Congress ning. Middleton coffee shop has lost
The financial condition, ulation about the distribution to provide emergency relief had intended. The Iowa Department of its lease after violating Dane
which has not been previously of federal funds. The money, where it is most needed,’’ Roth- WASHINGTON POST Public Health said the state County’s mask mandate.
reported, applied to money about $13.5 billion, was includ- stein wrote. medical examiner’s office con- The Wisconsin State Journal
from a $100 billion “coronavi- ed for K-12 schools in Con- The Education Department Florida reports fewer than cluded its case investigation reports that Helbachs Coffee
rus provider relief fund” estab- gress’s March $2 trillion-aid did not respond to a request for 3,000 new COVID-19 cases Aug. 6 into the death of the Roasters and Kitchen will close
lished by Congress as part of package — known as the Cares comment about the decision. TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Flor- child, who was under the age of on Aug. 31. The shop said in an
the $2.2 trillion CARES Act, Act — to mitigate economic US legislators from both ida broke the 600,000 mark for 5. But the death wasn’t report- Instagram post Thursday its
signed by President Trump on damage from the pandemic. parties said that most of the confirmed coronavirus cases ed in the state’s statistics until landlord has refused to renew
March 27. Two days later, the Rothstein slammed the Edu- funding was intended to be dis- Sunday but reported one of its Saturday, more than two weeks its lease and the decision to
administration instructed hos- cation Department for arguing tributed to public and private lowest daily totals in two later. close comes on the heels of “en-
pitals to make daily reports to that states would not suffer ir- elementary and secondary months, continuing a down- The confirmation of the forcement action, negative
the CDC, only to change course. reparable damage if forced to schools using a formula based ward trend that began five state’s first child death comes public statements, and contin-
The disclosure of the de- implement the rule and said on how many poor children weeks ago. one day before dozens of school ued vindictive and hostile be-
mand is the most striking ex- there was cause to put a pre- they serve that had long been Florida reported 2,974 new districts are prepared to begin havior” by county health offi-
ample to surface of the depart- liminary injunction on the rule used for distributing federal cases on Sunday, only the sec- the school year on Monday. cials toward the shop.
ment’s efforts to expand the while the broader issues are aid. ond time since June 22 that Governor Kim Reynolds of ASSOCIATED PRESS
M O N D A Y, A U G U S T 2 4 , 2 0 2 0 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e A5

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A6 Nation/Region T h e B o s t o n G l o b e M O N D A Y, A U G U S T 2 4 , 2 0 2 0

Activists aim to protect Roxbury’s precious trees Conway

Continued from Page A1 to leave
City officials began planning
a wide range of changes to the
often-congested boulevard

nearly a decade ago, when they
proposed adding more lanes to
the existing four.
Facing stiff opposition to
what residents viewed as plans Trump adviser
to run a quasi-highway through
their neighborhood, city plan- cites family needs
ners scaled back the proposal
substantially, hoping not to By Ashley Parker
lose out on $25 million in fed- WASHINGTON POST

eral grants for roadway im- WASHINGTON — Kelly-

provements. anne Conway, a senior adviser
The final plan seeks to cre- to President Trump and one of
ate a “more pedestrian-friend- his longest-serving aides, is
ly” boulevard, one safer to cross leaving the White House at the
and easier to navigate by bicy- end of the month.
cle, with slower traffic and Conway, whose title is coun-
more flood protections. selor to the president, was
Instead of additional space Trump’s third campaign man-
for vehicles, the plan is to add ager in 2016 and the first wom-
bike lanes on both sides of the an to manage a presidential
boulevard. campaign to victory. She joined
“Ensuring all these priori- the White House at the start of
ties are met has been the focus Trump’s term and has been one
of the work for the last several of his most visible and vocal de-
years of this project,” said Au- fenders.
drey Coulter, a spokeswoman Conway informed Trump of
for Mayor Martin J. Walsh. her decision Sunday night in
The removal of trees is nec- the Oval Office.
essary “to meet all priorities,” Her husband, George Con-
she said. way, a conservative lawyer and
“The trees that are still slat- Nearly 1,900 residents have signed a petition urging the city to hold a hearing before removing trees in Roxbury. outspoken critic of the presi-
ed to be removed are due to ad- dent, is stepping back from his
justments in the design of the tal justice community that is al- “first lady of Roxbury.” and transportation committee. In hopes of persuading the role on the Lincoln Project, an
road, principally to reduce ready facing disparate impacts The city has already plant- Wu, who recently released a c i ty t o p r e s e r v e t h e t r e e s , outside group of Republicans
crashes and flooding, and to from extreme heat,” they wrote. ed, or plans to plant, another “Green New Deal” plan for Bos- Yvonne Lalyre spent recent devoted to defeating Trump in
improve the infrastructure for “Urban [tree] canopy is a criti- 140 trees in the surrounding ton, noted that neighborhoods weeks tying ribbons around the November. He will also take a
walking and biking,” Coulter cal tool for communities in area, she said. such as Roxbury will probably lindens, red oaks, and other hiatus from Twitter, the venue
said. combating the effects of ex- But new trees take decades bear the brunt of the warming. trees that line the boulevard. he has often used to attack the
But environmental advo- treme heat. The residents of to provide the shade and cli- In 50 years, the city expects She is also one of nearly 1,900 president.
cates say city officials have vio- Roxbury should, at the very mate benefits of mature trees. summer temperatures will ex- local residents who have signed In a statement , Conway
lated state law. In a letter this least, have an opportunity to Most of the trees along the bou- ceed 90 degrees nearly every an online petition, urging the called her time in the Trump
month to city officials, lawyers voice their concerns.” levard were planted in 1981, af- day, with higher temperatures city to hold a hearing before re- administration ‘‘heady’’ and
from the Conservation Law More than 90 percent of ter a failed project to build an in areas with more asphalt and moving the trees. ‘‘humbling,’’ and said she and
Foundation in Boston said the Roxbury’s residents are people “inner belt” highway there that fewer trees. T he 71-year-old re tired George were making the deci-
city failed to hold a public hear- of color. would have connected Roxbury She also noted that mature teacher has spent years fight- sion based on what they think
ing about their plans. State law, City officials declined to re- with Brookline, Cambridge, trees do far more than saplings ing the project and now wor- is best for their four children.
they said, requires tree war- spond to the allegations, but in and Somerville. to absorb storm-water runoff ries that contractors could ‘‘We disagree about plenty,’’
dens to hold a hearing before the past, they have told local Given the steadily rising and reduce flooding during break ground at any time in the she wrote of herself and her
removing any “public shade residents that such public road- temperatures from global heavy storms, which are ex- coming months. City officials husband, ‘‘but we are united on
trees,” or nearly any tree on way projects are exempt from warming — last month was tied pected to increase with climate declined to say when the proj- what matters most: the kids.
public property. the law, which the attorneys for the second hottest July on change. ect will start. Our four children are teens and
The attorneys also argued disputed. record, following July 2019, the “No amount of federal fund- “We live in times when we ‘tweens starting a new academ-
that city officials have failed to Of the 124 trees the city hottest month on record — crit- ing is worth exacerbating deep, have to keep all the trees we ic year in the middle school and
consider the climate impact of plans to remove, 25 are consid- ics of the project said the city structural injustices,” she said. have,” Lalyre said. “The trees high school that will be con-
removing so many mature ered dead, Coulter said. To should revise the construction “It’s short-sighted, foolish, and are essential to us. It’s criminal ducted remotely from home for
t r e e s f r o m t h e b o u l e va r d , make up for the removed trees, plan to preserve far more trees. an egregious injustice to tell to cut them down.” a least a few months. As mil-
w h i c h r u n s f r o m Tr e m o n t the city plans to replant anoth- “ This is an awful, awful these communities that they lions of parents nationwide
Street to Massachusetts Ave- er 205 along the boulevard, plan,” said Michelle Wu, a city have to wait decades for new David Abel can be reached at know, kids ‘doing school from
nue. which was named after a civil councilor who chairs the coun- trees to replace the existing Follow home’ requires a level of atten-
“Roxbury is an environmen- rights activist known as the cil’s planning, development, canopy.” him on Twitter @davabel. tion and vigilance that is as un-
usual as these times.’’
Conway continued: ‘‘This is
completely my choice and my

Justice Dept. propels push against affirmative action voice. In time, I will announce
future plans. For now, and for
my beloved children, it will less
drama, more mama.’’
uYALE said in a statement. “Yale must Conway’s high school-age
Continued from Page A1 be taken to court.” daughter had drawn attention
director of its Center on Race, Students for Fair Admis- for tweets about her parents
Inequality, and the Law. sions has also filed a Freedom and politics.
“Their intention is to get rid of Information Act request On Sunday, she tweeted that
of affirmative action complete- with the Justice Department social media was ‘‘becoming
ly,” Archer said. “They have seeking the Yale admissions da- way too much’’ so she had de-
confidence in the Supreme ta and documents. Blum has cided to take ‘‘a mental health
Court. They ’re moving full suggested that the information break.’’
steam ahead.” could be similar to what the ‘‘See y’all soon,’’ she wrote.
Richard Sander, a professor group received in the Harvard ‘‘Thank you for the love and
at the University of California case. support. No hate to my parents
Los Angeles School of Law Blum and his organization please.’’
who, along with a Chinese- had alleged that Harvard’s ad- Conway’s announcement
American Republican activist, missions policies were unfair comes on the eve of the Repub-
has sued the public university to Asian-American students, lican National Convention as
system in his state for informa- who performed well academi- Trump seeks to gain momen-
tion about how it admits stu- cally and participated in many tum for a tough reelection bat-
dents, concurs. extracurricular activities but tle ahead.
“Things are moving to a cli- received poor personal scores She has been intimately in-
max,” Sander said. “There are from the university’s screeners. volved in the convention plan-
five Supreme Court Justices The case relied heavily on sta- ning, and will be speaking
that have expressed skepticism tistics and analysis of Har- Wednesday night about the
about affirmative action.” vard’s admissions data. theme of ‘‘everyday heroes.’’
The Justice Department ac- But US District Court Judge Conway outlasted many of
cused Yale of discriminating in Allison Burroughs was uncon- her colleagues from the cam-
its undergraduate admissions vinced and ruled that Har- paign and the White House to
process by favoring Black and vard’s admissions process was become one of Trump’s longest-
Latino applications at the ex- “legally sound.” serving aides, proving herself to
pense of Asian Americans and Yale president Peter Salovey accused the Justice Department of trying to impose a new The First Circuit Court of be a survivor in a workplace
whites. The findings followed a standard that is inconsistent with the law on college admissions. Appeals will hear oral argu- that has had historic levels of
two-year investigation ments in that case on Sept. 16. turnover.
launched by the agency after Yale president Peter Salovey ment, Archer said. issue again in a short time Harvard declined to com- The Conways became an ob-
complaints from Asian Ameri- has called the allegations base- Last year, the Texas Tech span, legal experts say, and the ment on whether the Justice ject of fascination as George
can groups. less and accused the agency of University agreed to stop using last affirmative action decision Department’s move against Conway ramped up his criti-
Under current law, colleges trying to impose a new stan- race in admissions for its medi- is just 4 years old. Yale would have any impact on cism of the president in 2018
and universities can use race as dard that is inconsistent with cal students after the Depart- But if the Justice Depart- its case. while Kellyanne Conway re-
a factor, but not the determin- the law. ment of Education began in- ment files a lawsuit against The Justice Department de- mained a top adviser to Trump.
ing one, in admissions. Accord- “ Ya l e C o l l e g e w i l l n o t vestigating a complaint filed by Yale, it offers another example clined to comment further George Conway has written,
ing to its letter to Yale, the Jus- change its admissions process,” an anti-affirmative action and could prompt the Supreme about its findings against Yale. among other things, that
tice Department said the uni- Salovey said in a message to group. Court to take up the issue more Sander, the UCLA professor, Trump is not mentally fit to be
versity used race at multiple the Yale community. The Justice Department “is quickly, Onwuachi-Willig said. said that the Justice Depart- president.
junctures in the admissions Yale received almost 37,000 sending a message,” said Ange- In 2016, the Supreme Court ment seems to have done a The president has voiced an-
process. As a result, Asian applications for admissions la Onwuachi-Willig, dean of upheld the use of race-con- similar statistical analysis of ger at times about George Con-
Americans and whites have on- last year and enrolls slightly the Boston University School of scious admissions, in a case Yale’s admissions data that Stu- ways comments, calling him a
ly one-tenth to one-fourth the more than 1,550 freshmen. Law. brought by Abigail Fisher, a dents for Fair Admissions did ‘‘a stone cold LOSER & hus-
likelihood of admission to Yale Last year, about 12 percent of Opponents of affirmative white student who was denied in the Harvard case. That could band from hell.’’
as Black applicants with simi- the freshmen class were Black, action are trying to illustrate a seat to the University of Texas help the group if the federal Before making her decision,
lar academic credentials, the 15 percent were Hispanic, 26 that race-conscious admissions Austin. government is following its Conway had been in discussions
Justice Department alleges. percent were Asian American, is a widespread problem, and Edward Blum, leader of Stu- lead, Sander said. with the Trump campaign. Se-
Yale must agree to stop us- and 49 percent were white. not just an issue at Harvard, dents for Fair Admissions, who “I don’t think it’s transfor- nior advisers on the campaign
ing race in its upcoming admis- Students can list more than she said. backed Fisher in the Texas case mative, but it’s helpful,” Sander had suggested she take a leave of
sions cycle or submit a detailed one ethnicity. Students for Fair Admis- and is suing Harvard, applaud- said. “It’s another stick in the absence from the White House
explanation of how it plans to Yale, with its $30 billion en- sions, which brought the law- ed the Justice Department’s let- pile, it adds a little bit of weight to join Trump’s reelection effort,
use race in a limited way, the dowment, can afford to wage a suit against Harvard, has also ter to Yale. to the argument.” and anticipated a significant
Justice Department said in its legal battle to defend its admis- challenged the admissions pro- “We hope that the Depart- role in which she would travel to
letter. If Yale fails to agree to sions process, but less wealthy cess at the University of North ment will file a lawsuit against Deirdre Fernandes can be two states a day between now
those conditions by the end of institutions may become in- Carolina Chapel Hill. The UNC Yale to enforce our nation’s civ- reached at and the election. But Conway
the month, the Justice Depart- creasingly wary of using race in case is awaiting trial. il rights laws in the event the said she could not envision her-
ment has threatened to sue the their admissions if they fear ac- The high court is generally school fails to comply with the Follow her on Twitter self spending so much time
university. tion from the Justice Depart- reluctant to take up the same terms DOJ has set forth,’’ Blum @fernandesglobe. away from her family.
M O N D A Y, A U G U S T 2 4 , 2 0 2 0 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e The Region A7

‘Then it got weird. Or maybe I did.’

He said it: Treasure hunting makes people crazy

uTREASURE days later. More silence.
Continued from Page A1 Another week went by, and I
even know you’re in a fight with ran into my friend Mark, who
him, and the next thing you just so happens to be the only
know you’re standing in a New other person I know who is into
York City park jabbing a long “The Secret,” and I told him my
metal probe into the ground, suspicions and my barreling
trying to beat him to a treasure wave theory.
that isn’t even worth that much The next thing I knew, he
to begin with. was sending me PowerPoint
I need to slow down. Let me presentations, picking apart the
start at the beginning. painting and the verse, as well
Back in 1982, a man named as reservations for the hotel
Byron Preiss published a book rooms he’d booked for our fam-
called “The Secret,” which con- ilies down in Queens.
tained 12 puzzles that led to 12 Like I said, treasure hunting
parks in North America where makes people crazy.
he had buried a plexiglass box When Krupat replied more
that contained an ornate chest than two weeks later with my
with a key inside. Each puzzle favorite “stuff got crazy with
consisted of a cryptic verse work” excuse, I informed him
paired with a cryptic painting, that I’d developed my own su-
and if you solved one and found per-team, and we were now ri-
a key you could exchange it for vals.
a jewel worth about $1,000. “Not quite sure what you
Three teenagers solved the mean?” he replied.
first one in Chicago the next I mean . . . all of this.
year, and Preiss thought the My team went down to New
rest would quickly follow. It York the other day. Don’t worry
took 21 years to find the sec- about where, exactly. I even
ond, in Cleveland. The follow- borrowed a metal detector from
ing year, in 2005, Preiss died in my 11-year-old neighbor, but it
a car crash, taking the secrets of A metal detector and rumors of buried treasure send people off on crazy adventures in hopes of uncovering riches. didn’t matter, because the peo-
“The Secret” with him. ple of New York paid zero atten-
I’d never heard of “The Se- New Mexico antiques dealer cret” puzzles, this one leading pies the lower half of the paint- work and knew that permit tion to the two guys jabbing a
cret” until Krupat and his fami- named Forrest Fenn that was to a key buried in New York, ing. would allow us to dig holes le- spear into the ground over and
ly found the third key last fall, reported to be worth millions. and asked if I wanted to go to In addition to being a bad gally in New York City parks, so over while their kids argued
after he alerted a construction We did not solve the riddle that Brooklyn to dig it up. treasure hunter, I’m a bad surf- long as we used a tool that was over whose turn it was to dig
crew that was renovating Lan- led to Fenn’s treasure, but we We arranged a time to have a er, but I knew the only place in less than 12 inches long and with the spade.
gone Park in the North End that did not die looking for it, which video chat, and before we did I New York City that might possi- could only be used one-handed. We failed to hit anything
he thought a treasure was bur- is pretty good, since five people took my first look at the verse bly have a wave like that was I immediately ordered a heavy- that sounded like plexiglass,
ied below home plate. Under- already had. and painting that led to the Rockaway, in Queens. duty spade and mailed in my but we know it’s there. The
standably, the workers thought In June, 10 years after he’d New York treasure. The riddle I mentioned this to Krupat application. clues all add up. It’s definitely
he was nuts, until a few months hidden the treasure, Fenn an- is maddeningly convoluted — on our video chat, and he went Krupat did not. there. Unless it’s somewhere
l a t e r, w h e n a n e x c a v a t o r nounced someone had found it. Although the sign/Nearby/ strangely silent — at least that’s Four weeks later, my official else.
cracked open a plexiglass box, Then, because the man can’t Speaks of Indies native/The na- how it felt to me — until he fi- metal detector permit arrived, As I was writing this, I got a
exactly where Krupat had said help but drive people nuts, tives still speak/Of him of Hard nally said that none of the many and I immediately texted Kru- text from Mark. “The sickness
it was. Fenn declined to say where, or word in 3 Vols — but the paint- online theories he’d read had pat to ask if he’d received his. “I is real,” he wrote. “I think that I
When I interviewed Krupat, by whom, only that it was “a ing is slightly more straightfor- ever mentioned this. thought we would use yours,” now have the right spot.”
I mentioned that I was a bit of a man from back East.” ward. It features an angelic Then it got weird. Or maybe he replied. “I’m OK if you dig. Even worse, he said he had
treasure hunter myself and had This is when Jason Krupat woman hovering in the air, I did. My hands are delicate. Is that just mailed in the application
recently led three buddies deep reentered my life, via a text to along with images that appear Krupat’s plan was for us to unethical?” for his metal detector permit.
into the back country of Mon- ask if I was the man from back to show such things as a apply for New York City metal Um, it’s suspicious. Even
tana and Wyoming, searching East. While he had me, Krupat mosque, a clock face, and a gull. detector permits, though what more suspicious, when I replied Billy Baker can be reached at
for a treasure that was hidden casually mentioned that he had But what stood out to me was we were looking for was not to ask when he wanted to go, he Follow
in the Rocky Mountains by a solved another of the “The Se- the barreling wave that occu- metal. But he’d done his home- went silent. I asked again four him on Twitter @billy_baker.

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Markey turns to old, new tools to reach young voters

uMARKEY between Kennedy and Markey
Continued from Page A1 mounting by the day, even while
dy III. Those Air Revolutions — con- their stances on issues remain in
spicuously weathered, but perenni- lockstep. ProgressivePunch, a non-
ally hip — are a focal point of the 74- partisan group that rates members
year-old’s campaign. of Congress, gives Markey a pro-
Some might call them a gim- gressive voting score of 99 percent
mick, a way to pander to a younger and Kennedy 97 percent.
generation, but Markey credits The so-called Markeyverse on-
them with maintaining his 90 per- line is anchored by a constellation
cent accuracy from the free-throw of fan accounts, so dogged that
line. Whatever the reason, the kicks they influenced a group of Broad-
made their public debut in an April way stars to back out of a virtual
2 tweet just as the pandemic forced Kennedy fund-raiser in July, forc-
almost all aspects of life online, and ing its cancellation. In April, Mar-
Markey and Kennedy to reimagine key became one of few politicians
their dueling campaigns. to embrace TikTok, the controver-
While April polls showed Mar- sial video-sharing platform that’s
key just a few points behind Ken- bewitched teenagers worldwide.
nedy, who once held a double-digit One post finds him shooting bas-
lead, the senator of six-and-a-half kets in baggy khakis. A mellow
years remained alarmingly unde- beat paired with Markey talking
fined in the minds of many voters. about climate change plays in the
Nearly 28 percent of likely voters background.
were unsure if Markey deserved to “Our use of this platform is part
be reelected, according to a Suffolk of our strategy to organize every- defeated in the Senate after Repub- allegiance to the establishment. dy name evokes suspicions of enti- Arriving at a
University/Boston Globe/WBZ-TV where and to tap into online grass- licans rushed it to the floor. The al- Markey himself has been more tlement more than the lore of Cam- Lowell park
poll. The uncertainty left a void the roots enthusiasm to engage with liance between Markey and Oca- muted. elot. After a Worcester campaign Wednesday,
campaign needed to fill if the in- and turn out young voters during sio-Cortez granted Markey admis- “Pelosi is a tremendously effec- event last week calling for Postal Senator Ed
cumbent stood a chance against a this election,” said Paul Bologna, sion into the emergent progressive tive leader who has shattered glass Service protections, some young Markey was
Kennedy viewed as a rising star in the campaign’s digital director. wing of the party, although his ceilings throughout her career. I activists approached the senator greeted by
a Democratic Party torn between With the worst of the pandemic campaign argues that he’s always am privileged to work alongside for a photo. Eliana Stanislawski, Cambodian
its leftist and centrist camps. tamed in Massachusetts, Markey, served outside the mainstream, the speaker and any candidate 24, asked if their “Defund the Po- community
Five months later, with the pri- who at 74 qualifies as high risk, is touting his past work to curb car- would be proud to have her en- lice” sign could be in the shot. He leader Rithy
mary eight days away, many argue back on the trail. Always masked, bon emissions and enact a single- dorsement,” he said repeatedly. declined. The cardboard sign fell to Uong and
Markey has risen to the challenge Markey relies exclusively on outdoor payer health care program. His tone livened when discuss- the ground. Markey’s thumbs went Capitol Hill
and used a digital strategy to portray gatherings and elbow bumps. He Minutes before Markey’s first ing the support of Cori Bush, who up. The cameras clicked. colleague
himself as a perennial rabble-rouser disinfects the podium microphone event Thursday, news broke that recently ousted a longtime con- “He often says ‘reimagine’ rath- Lori Trahan.
rather than a sleepy politico content with religious fervor, often using the House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had gressman in the Democratic pri- er than ‘defund’ the police. That’s
with the status quo. Markey’s calling time to take digs at the president, endorsed Kennedy, despite previ- mary to end a St. Louis political dy- pretty typical for Senator Markey.
card of late is the Green New Deal, who has publicly downplayed the ously stating she opposed all Dem- nasty. Bush, once homeless and He supports the ideas but it’s hard
but in the past, he’s led on less flashy severity of the virus since its start. At ocratic primary challengers. She thrust into politics after leading for him to be explicit,” said Stanis-
issues such as net neutrality and least a foot of space lingers between told The Washington Post that she protests in Ferguson, endorsed lawski. “Still he blows Joe Kennedy
Wall Street reform. him and his supporters, many of felt it “imperative” after Markey’s Markey hours after Pelosi’s an- out the water.”
Detractors point to Markey’s them twentysomethings, when pos- jabs at the Kennedys. When Globe nouncement, joining Ocasio-Cor- But no Kennedy has ever been
past votes in support of the Iraq ing for photos. columnist Joan Vennochi found tez and Senator Cory Booker of denied a bid for elected office in
War and the 1994 crime bill, which “Let me see those shoes!” yelled Markey in the driveway of his mod- New Jersey. Massachusetts. And Markey has
most elected Democrats now de- a young man in Lowell. Markey est Malden home in June, he de- “I’m running a campaign that is never lost in his 47 years in poli-
nounce for increasing mass incar- shimmied his sneakers into the clared, “ Welcome to my com- focusing on justice, and I am part- tics, nor has an incumbent US sen-
ceration, to poke holes in his pro- frame for a selfie. pound,” a dig at the sprawling Ken- nering with a new generation of ac- ator from the Bay State lost a pri-
gressive image. The politician’s popularity with nedy residence in Hyannis Port. In tivists who are entering the political mary since the 1910s. History will
“Markey went from tired old in- younger voters stems largely from a new ad, Markey lands a zinger, a process in order to change the coun- be made regardless of how the bal-
cumbent to progressive, insurgent his partnership with firebrand twist on the famous JFK line: try for the better. It can be intergen- lots, many of which will be cast ear-
firebrand in about three months, Representative Alexandria Ocasio- “With all due respect, it’s time to erational,” Markey told the Globe. ly or by mail, fall in this unconven-
in part due to Twitter. He stole Cortez of New York, who unseated start asking what your country can “And I am the only candidate in this tional race.
Kennedy’s change message,” said a 10-term incumbent to become do for you.” race that is calling for a new genera- Ed Markey, whose high tops are
Mark Horan, a political consultant the youngest woman to serve in Across Twitter, progressives — tion of leaders to make the real back from the cobbler, will be hop-
who worked with Markey on previ- Congress. In February 2019, the from congressional candidates to change that our country needs.” ing they’re enough to maintain
ous campaigns. “He should have duo introduced the Green New “Queer Eye” star Jonathan Van Ness It’s unclear to what extent Mar- that sterling shooting percentage.
done it earlier but it worked.” Deal, an ambitious plan to lower — largely welcomed the snub by key’s progressive appeal is a result
Recent polls now show the race CO2 emissions and expand green Pelosi, labeling her support for Ken- of his legislative record or because, Hanna can be reached at
to be neck and neck with tensions jobs, but the resolution was swiftly nedy another example of stubborn to young progressives, the Kenne-

Kennedy turns to marathon mode in Senate challenge

uKENNEDY “Markey doesn’t lack for energy,
Continued from Page A1 believe me. But there’s something
39-year-old congressman, heir to about seeing a young Kennedy in
the Kennedy dynasty — suddenly action that has a flavor to it.”
finds himself in the fight of his po- In recent weeks, as the pandem-
litical life. Once a heavy favorite in ic has loosened its grip on the state,
his bid to unseat Democratic in- Kennedy has scrambled to make up
cumbent Edward J. Markey for a for lost time. He has returned to the
S e n at e s e at , Ke n n e d y i s n o w campaign trail with a flurry, and in
locked in a tight and increasingly last week’s 24-hour marathon ses-
contentious race. sion, which included 19 stops
And as he seeks to convince vot- across the state, his noticeably lax
ers that he’s much more than the adherence to social distancing
entitled, ambitious rich kid his guidelines was perhaps a byproduct
critics claim, the famous name of his time spent in isolation.
that helped carry him to easy victo- He fist-bumped. He shook
ries in each of his four runs for hands. He bear-hugged.
Congress can seem, at times, less a To be sure, a Kennedy cam-
boon than a burden. paign appearance is an event.
When Kennedy announced his There are selfie requests and
intention last summer to run, “Hey Joe!”s. People want to talk to
some wondered whether the in- him about vaccines, about his fa-
cumbent might simply ride off into mous great-uncle, about the time
the sunset rather than endure they met him way back when.
what seemed an inevitable loss, so When he isn’t looking, they sneak
strong was the Kennedy brand. cellphone photos. in a Massachusetts political race. chael Rollins (”a privileged, legacy he said. “I still to this day think Joe
But public polling, which once At the Double Down Cafe in But Markey’s increasingly pointed candidate“ she called Kennedy), that risk is worth it, because I Ferrante,
showed Kennedy holding a sizable Taunton, where Kennedy was set mentions of the family in recent and Representative Ro Khanna, a don’t think it’s an appropriate owner of the
lead, now has Markey with a slight to make an appearance Thursday, weeks — headlined by a viral video rising California Democrat who pre- thing or the right thing to do to tell Gloucester
edge with just a week remaining in a waitress named Pam Mealey earlier this month riffing on a fa- dicted that the endorsement would the Massachusetts public, the Fisherman’s
a race that has seen a number of waited nervously, peeking through mous speech by JFK — have coin- ultimately backfire. American public, [to] wait six Pier, showed
unforeseen developments: shifting the front window between ferrying cided with his momentum surge. For Kennedy, the challenge of more years with somebody that off a freshly
political winds, national protests cups of coffee and plates of eggs to Markey, who has garnered the the campaign has no doubt taken a hasn’t given that all — that isn’t caught fish
on police brutality and race, and customers. “I wasn’t supposed to endorsement of Representative toll. As the campaign has pro- giving that all.” to
an opponent who has sought to work today,” she admitted. “But I and Twitter powerhouse Alexan- gressed, he has stopped checking Win or lose, Joe Kennedy III Represent-
weaponize the Kennedy surname. wanted to come in and meet him.” dria Ocasio-Cortez while becoming Twitter, he said, where Markey will not go hungry. He is a Stan- ative Joe
While the ongoing pandemic Grandmothers — many of something of a social media mae- supporters have been quick to ford-educated man with a law de- Kennedy III
has represented a significant dis- whom remember casting ballots stro in his own right, has also cap- launch offensives. And asked dur- gree from Har vard. And he is early Friday
ruption to both campaigns, it’s fair for his famous relatives decades tured the support of a vocal group ing last week’s final debate when young enough, at 39, to mount a morning.
to wonder whether the effects have ago — love him. When Springfield of progressives not old enough to he’d last cried, Kennedy replied, political comeback if the election
been felt more acutely by Kennedy, City Councilor Malo Brown recent- remember the past accomplish- “Yesterday.” goes Markey’s way.
who, lacking his opponent’s de- ly brought Kennedy to the home of ments of the Kennedy clan. Asked this week by the Globe to He insists he hasn’t spent a mo-
cades of policy chops, relies heavily his own grandmother, the 92-year- “You’re seeing sort of the inevi- elaborate, Kennedy said he’d been ment thinking about what hap-
on his ability to connect in-person old woman tried to set the young table diminution of the halo ef- disappointed by his opponent’s ef- pens if he wakes up on Sept. 2 a
with would-be voters. politician up with her daughter. fect,” said Barney Frank, who be- forts to detract from his family’s loser; for now he says he is devoted
For much of the campaign, Kennedy — who married Lau- fore retiring held the House seat legacy. “ Talking about family to this race.
Kennedy has been relegated to the ren Birchfield Kennedy in 2012 af- Kennedy now occupies and who members that I am obviously ex- But despite the inherent risk in-
attic office of his Newton home, a ter the two met in a Harvard Law has been critical of his decision to tremely proud of [and] that I think volved, this is still New England,
guy who thrives on handshakes School class taught by Elizabeth challenge Markey. “It hasn’t fallen gave a lot to this country, and and there are certain things you’d
and fist bumps forced to settle for Warren — politely declined. Still, off a cliff; it’s still a factor. somehow trying to either deni- be wise not to bet against. Tom
Zoom events and Facebook Q- said Brown, his grandmother “ B u t i t ’s n o t a n a u t o m at i c grate their commitment or appro- Brady, trailing by six with two min-
and-A’s. Even his smile — a politi- called everyone she knew after- gimme.” priate their work, was upsetting,” utes and 80 yards to go. Pedro
cal asset if ever there was one — ward to brag that “a Kennedy The tenuousness of the race he said. An aide later clarified that Martinez with two outs and run-
has been largely AWOL during the came to visit her.” was evident last Thursday, when Kennedy had choked up while ners on the corners, Game 6 hang-
campaign, hidden behind the in- But even as his family name Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi speaking about his family during ing in the balance.
dignity of a face mask. propels his campaign forward, the handed Kennedy his biggest en- an Aug. 17 press conference. And a Kennedy, sleeves rolled
“I think his youthful energy was election has raised questions about dorsement to date, crediting him But if anything, Kennedy said, up, back-slapping his way through
taken off-stage because of the pan- whether it holds the unequivocal with helping Democrats retake the the events of the past few months the final days of a Massachusetts
demic,” said Mark Horan, a Demo- sway it once did. House in 2018. — the pandemic, the social justice political campaign.
cratic strategist not working on ei- As recently as two decades ago, it Yet it quickly generated progres- protests — have only solidified his
ther campaign but who has would’ve been unthinkable to take sive backlash from Markey backers decision to run. Dugan Arnett can be reached at
worked for Markey in the past. shots at the Kennedy family legacy such as Suffolk District Attorney Ra- “Look, it was a risk for me, yes,”
M O N D A Y, A U G U S T 2 4 , 2 0 2 0 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e The Nation A9


Republicans rush to finalize convention look, lineup

Producers from navirus crisis, Republicans are
working to finalize a week’s
ing, and thin on policy propos-
als. “We’re going to have more
opportunity to rebut charges
made against him throughout
ocrats’ program, although the
major broadcast networks do
sador to the United Nations;
and Secretary of State Mike
‘The Apprentice’ worth of events that can match of it live than what they did,” the Democratic program. not start covering until 10 p.m. Pompeo.
the production put on for the Trump told Fox News on Thurs- The list of speakers is heavy A “Democrats For Trump” The president is set to accept
are helping Democratic nominee, former day. “I think it’s pretty boring on the president’s relatives and segment is planned, although his par ty ’s nomination on
vice president Joe Biden, while when you do tapes.” White House staff members, in- the participants remain a se- Thursday from the White
By Michael M. Grynbaum meeting the exacting — and fre- Exactly what that looks like cluding Dan Scavino, Trump’s cret. Tim Scott of South Caroli- House, with fireworks above
and Annie Karni quently shifting — standards of remains an open question. former caddie who is now dep- na, the sole Black Republican in t h e S o u t h L a w n . Me l a n i a
NEW YORK TIMES President Trump. As Monday’s kickoff looms, uty chief of staff for communi- the Senate, will speak, along Trump will speak Tuesday from
Democrats set a high bar Two producers of “The Ap- Republican officials were still cations, and Larry Kudlow, the with three future potential the Rose Garden, and Vice Pres-
last week for the pandemic-era prentice,” where Trump rose to deciding what segments to air national economic adviser. Ru- presidential candidates: Sena- ident Mike Pence will appear
political convention, dispens- TV stardom, are involved in the live and what would be taped in dy Giuliani, the president’s per- tor Tom Cotton of Arkansas; Wednesday from Fort McHenry
ing with cheering crowds in fa- planning. Sadoux Kim, a long- advance. Those involved in the sonal lawyer, will also speak, ac- Nikki Haley, the former ambas- in Maryland.
vor of a virtual pageant that en- time deputy to “Apprentice” planning said Saturday that cording to a person involved in
compassed passionate speech- creator Mark Burnett, is a lead they were confident that a fully the planning. Kimberly Guil-
es, a charming cross-country consultant on the production. realized lineup was in place — foyle, a campaign fund-raising
roll call vote, vignettes from an Kim once served as a Miss Uni- and that voters could expect official and Donald Trump Jr.’s
Oscar-winning filmmaker, and verse judge when Trump owned something more akin to a regu- girlfriend, is also a speaker.
a low-fi fireworks display above the pageant. Chuck LaBella, a lar convention, with a focus on The lineup also includes
a parking lot. A few hiccups former NBC entertainment ex- live moments featuring Trump, Mark and Patricia McCloskey,
aside, even jaded network exec- ecutive who helped produce whom aides described as the the Missouri couple that toted
utives conceded the party most-
ly pulled it off.
Now it’s the Republicans’
“The Comedy Central Roast of
Donald Trump,” is also on the
week’s “talent in chief.”
Ty p i c a l l y, t h e n o m i n e e
makes a mundane appearance
weapons at Black protesters
and have since become right-
wing media stars, and Nicholas More Sales,
Less Tax.
turn in the prime-time spotlight Party officials say their con- early in the convention — wav- Sandmann, the Kentucky teen-
— and the party led by a former vention — during which Trump ing or watching from the wings ager who sued news outlets
reality TV star is rushing to is expected to speak every night — before a major speech at the over coverage of his encounter
measure up. in the 10 p.m. hour — will ulti- end. Trump has dismissed that last year with a Native Ameri-
After scrapping plans for a mately surpass the Democrats’ model and plans to directly ad- can protester in Washington. Tax Free Weekend August 29-30
full-bore, in-person spectacle in telethon-like show, which the dress the nation in prime-time Each night’s events are ex-
Charlotte, N.C., and Jackson- president and his allies have re- on each of the convention’s four pected to begin at 8:30 p.m., a One of the biggest shopping events of the year is
ville, Fla., because of the coro- peatedly called “dark,” depress- nights. The president wants the half-hour earlier than the Dem- coming. Advertise in The Boston Globe and on to show shoppers how far their savings can

Trump announces FDA’s OK

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Trump also displayed some


rare discipline in the evening President Trump delivered news of the FDA’s emergency
news conference, sticking to authorization at the White House on Sunday.
his talking points, deferring to


the head of the FDA, Hahn, said Eric Topol, an influential As Trump, Azar, and Hahn
and only taking three ques- physician and scientist and di- left the White House briefing,
tions from reporters. rector of the Scripps Research reporters shouted questions at
The White House had be- Translational Institute. ‘‘These Hahn, asking him whether
come agitated with the pace are basically just exploratory there was pressure on him to
of the plasma approval. The
accusations of an FDA slow-
analyses that don’t prove any-
thing. It’s just extraordinary to
authorize convalescent plas-
ma. The three kept walking. If you were a victim of sexual abuse,
down, which were presented
without evidence, were the
latest assault from Trump’s
declare this as a breakthrough.
. . . All this does is jeopardize
ever getting the truth.’’
‘‘The urgency of the crisis
has elided with a false sense
we should skip over rigorous
you may be eligible for compensation.
team on what he refers to as
the “deep state” bureaucracy.
The Infectious Diseases So-
ciety of America released a
studies of interventions be-
cause we don’t have enough BE PROUD TO TAKE POSITIVE ACTION
White House chief of staff statement noting that while time,’’ said Peter Bach, director
Mark Meadows did not deal
in specifics but said that
there are ‘‘some positive sig-
nals that convalescent plasma
of Memorial Sloan Kettering’s
Center for Health Policy and
Contact the Law Offices of Mitchell Garabedian
“we’ve looked at a number of
people that are not being as
can be helpful in treating indi-
viduals with COVID-19,’’ the
Bach and others have been for a claim evaluation today.
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cutting red tape,” Meadows ther plasma or a placebo be- access program facilitated by

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said in an interview Sunday on fore it is authorized for wider the FDA and the Mayo Clinic,
“This Week’’ on ABC. “He had use. instead of testing it rigorously
to make sure that they felt the At the briefing, Hahn in a clinical trial.

Deadline to file is November 16th, 2020

heat. If they don’t see the light, struck a more measured tone Many have pointed out that
they need to feel the heat be- than Trump, stating that con- if even a small fraction of those
cause the American people are valescent therapy, in which the patients had gone into such a
suffering.” yellowish liquid portion of trial, scientists would have a

During Sunday’s 18-minute blood is taken from recovered much better idea of how well it
press conference, Trump said patients and transfused into ill worked.
he thought there had been a people, had met the standard Convalescent plasma is a
“ l o g j a m” a t t h e F D A o v e r for emergency authorization — century-old treatment that
granting the emergency autho- a lower standard than full ap- was deployed against the novel
rization. He alleged there are proval — and showed ‘‘promis- coronavirus on the theory that
people at the FDA “that can ing efficacy.’’ virus-fighting antibodies in the
see things being held up . . . But Azar said this was a plasma could be helpful

and that’s for political rea- ‘‘major advance’’ and the kind against a new pathogen.
sons.” of result pharmaceutical com- Former FDA commissioner
Dr. Joshua Sharfstein, a pany executives dream about, Scott Gottlieb said the blood
vice dean at John Hopkins even though the authorization product — derived from pa-
University’s Bloomberg School states that more studies are tients who have sur vived
o f Pu b l i c He a l t h , s a i d t h e needed, including medical tri- COVID-19 — clearly meets the
statement, and Hahn’s silence als that test the treatment criteria for an emergency use
while Trump said it, “was dis- against a placebo. authorization.
graceful.” The authorization specifi- Kate Fry, chief executive of
“The FDA commissioner cally says plasma ‘‘should not A m e r i c a’s B l o o d C e n t e r s ,

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basically allowed the president be considered a new standard which represents blood banks,
to mischaracterize the deci- of care for the treatment of pa- said her organization was sup-
sion and attack the integrity of tients.’’ portive of the emergency au-
FDA employees. I was horri- A notice to patients who re- thorization. The expanded ac-
fied,” said Sharfstein, who was
a top FDA official during the
ceive the treatment does not
mention that it could help
cess program was never de-
signed to provide plasma Now Accepting Pre-Orders
Obama administration. them survive the infection, but supply for the long term.
The announcement on the says they ‘‘may improve faster ‘‘It really has gotten so
plasma drew criticism from if they receive plasma.’’ large that it has sort of gone
physicians and scientists who Hahn stressed his agency’s past its intended purpose,’’ she
said the officials’ statements independence on a call with said, adding that the FDA au-
misled the public and overstat- reporters Sunday, saying ‘‘the thorization would ease the
ed the evidence behind a ther-
apy that shows promise but
expert scientists at CBER [the
FDA’s Center for Biologics
burden for physicians.
still needs to be tested rigor- Evaluation and Research] Material from the Associated BOSTON WELLESLEY
ously. ‘‘made this decision solely on Press and Washington Post 617-859-1700 781-235-4510
‘‘I watched this in horror,’’ the data and nothing else.’’ was used in this report.
a10 Editorial t h e b o s t o n g l o b e m o n d a y, a u g u s t 2 4 , 2 0 2 0



Hospitals need a stronger prescription

for keeping the public’s trust
r. elizabeth nabel, the president of brigham ing cancer center in new york profited from relationships
and Women’s hospital, broke no hospital rules with drug companies, outside research ventures, and corpo-
when she took a seat on the board of moderna, rate board memberships. the disclosures led to the resigna-
a cambridge biotech firm. still, the fact that tion of the hospital’s ceo from the corporate board of merck
she held the position — from which she recent- & co. and drew “new attention to the opaque web of connec-
ly resigned — has bred mistrust and outrage from patients tions between pharmaceutical companies and nonprofit
and her own employees. that’s why the rules that allowed it health systems at the highest levels of power,” reported biop-
need to be changed., an online industry newsletter. in the embar-
“a physician leader is different than another leader,” said rassing aftermath, memorial sloan-Kettering announced it
dr. charles binkley, director of bioethics at the markkula would bar its top executives from serving on corporate
center for applied ethics at santa clara university. “a hospi- boards of drug and health care companies.
tal leader has different moral obligations.” it’s impossible to arguments in favor of allowing these relationships include
meet those moral obligations, said binkley, when you are also the contention that it helps hospitals to recruit the best talent
a board member “with a fiduciary responsibility to propel the if executives are also allowed to accept lucrative board posi-
profits of a company” — not to mention the opportunity to tions. there are also benefits to the institution from such col-
enrich yourself from those company profits. laboration. hospital leaders can learn about the latest re-
nabel joined the moderna board in 2015, and her position david l. ryan/globe staff
search in a given field and help shape the direction taken by
was approved in accordance with hospital policies. more The fact that Dr. Elizabeth Nabel was on the Moderna these companies. yet the potential risk is considerable in
safeguards were put in place after the hospital undertook a board doesn’t mean she did anything unethical regarding
terms of maintaining the public’s and colleagues’ trust. for
major role in a nationwide study of an experimental vaccine the vaccine trial, but her resignation signals that the
example, for those working on a clinical study at a hospital,
for covid-19, which is being developed by moderna and the appearance posed enough of a problem in the court of
public opinion. people can raise the question: how much does knowing of
their boss’s financial stake in an outcome influence their
Hospitals are special places, and their general brigham, reduced or froze salaries and suspended thinking? for employees, said binkley, “What people see is a
physician leader making a lot of money ... while freezing and
leaders have special obligations. contributions to retirement benefits.
relationships like this between hospital executives and cutting salaries at their institution. meanwhile, a patient may
biotech and pharmaceutical firms are common. in 2014, the rightly wonder, ‘is what i’m being prescribed, treated with,
Journal of the american medical association published a pa- benefiting me or the person prescribing it?‘”
national institute of allergy and infectious diseases. in may, per that found that about 40 percent of pharmaceutical com- hospitals are special places, and their leaders have special
nabel sold about $8.5 million worth of stock in moderna. af- pany boards of directors had at least one member who held a obligations. one of those obligations is absolute, undiluted
ter the globe asked hospital officials whether nabel’s position leadership position at an academic medical center. the pa- loyalty to the community they lead and serve. that includes
at the biotech firm conflicted with her hospital’s work in the per, co-authored by dr. Walid f. gellad, director of the center patients and their families, along with the entire universe of
clinical trial, she resigned from the moderna board. it’s worth for pharmaceutical policy and prescribing at the university of hospital employees — from doctors, nurses and nurse’s aides
noting that the fact that she was on the moderna board pittsburgh, explored the potential for conflict of interest to cleaning crews and cafeteria staff.
doesn’t mean she did anything unethical regarding the vac- problems, but did not reach a conclusion about any actual allowing executives to serve on corporate or biotech
cine trial, but her resignation signals that the appearance conflicts. boards while the hospitals they lead are conducting research
posed enough of a problem in the court of public opinion. in 2018, the risks became more than hypothetical when on their products could undermine that loyalty and compro-
the stock sales also angered employees, because at the time the new york times, in collaboration with propublica, re- mise trust in the hospital itself. it’s a practice that hospitals
nabel was cashing in her shares, the parent company, mass ported that top hospital executives at memorial sloan-Ketter- should rein in for their own sake.

abdallah Fayyad

The case for a foreign-born president

espite his racism, his incompe- declare expressly that the command in chief of
tence, his soliciting of foreign in- the american army shall not be given to, nor de-
telligence to boost his presidential volved on, any but a natural born citizen.” Jay
bids, what may be multiple at- feared that naturalized citizens might serve for-
tempts at obstructing justice, and eign interests in their pursuit of the presidency.
his undermining of american democracy, don- (incidentally, that’s the charge that the biparti-
ald trump is still eligible to serve as president of san, republican-led senate intelligence commit-
the united states. and that’s because, like his tee recently made against the trump campaign.)
running mate and their democratic opponents “What matters to me is that we’re not in the
in the race for the White house, he meets the 18th century,” Kennedy said. “We’re in the 21st
two main constitutional requirements to serve century and there are millions and millions of
as commander-in-chief: he’s over 35 and a natu- people who were born abroad, who have become
ral-born citizen. american citizens, and are willing to give their
While setting a minimum-age for the presi- all to the betterment of this country.” indeed, for-
dent seems somewhat arbitrary, the requirement eign-born americans have served their country
to be a natural-born citizen is rooted in a xeno- in all the ways they can: as activists and service
phobic fear of recent immigrants as potentially members; as governors; as members of con-
disloyal americans who might be foreign agents. gress; as supreme court justices; and as secre-
it creates a tiered citizenship both legally and taries of state, or america’s ‘chief ambassadors.‘”
psychologically: in recent years, the “nat-
through the “natural- ural-born” clause has been
born” clause, the consti- The ‘natural-born’ clause used as a weapon to ad-
should be removed from
michael m. santiago/getty
tution grants more rights vance white supremacy.
to those who are ameri- trump’s ramp-up to his While setting a minimum-age for the president seems somewhat arbitrary, the
cans by birth than those the Constitution. presidential run was the requirement to be a natural-born citizen is rooted in a xenophobic fear of recent
who are americans by racist birther conspiracy, immigrants as potentially disloyal Americans who might be foreign agents.
choice. as a result, natu- where he peddled a lie that
ralized citizens are made to feel — whether con- barack obama, the nation’s first black president, partisan judge in one swing state to throw the “natural-born” clause have a heavier burden on
sciously or not — that they are not actually every was not actually born in the united states. but whole democratic ticket off the ballot,” the people of color. White americans are seldom
bit as american as their natural-born counter- despite the fact that obama was born in hawaii, times wrote. asked where they’re really from, while brown
parts, despite what they’re told when they swear the conspiracy gained traction, and not only be- When the constitution makes a distinction — americans are often assumed to be recent immi-
their allegiance to the united states. cause people were so willing to believe a racist big or small — between its natural-born and nat- grants and are therefore likelier to be charged
“We’re told various stories about our democ- myth, but because it was empowered by the con- uralized citizens, it emboldens xenophobes and with dual loyalty, whether they were born on us
racy,” randall Kennedy, a professor at harvard stitution. but for the “natural-born” clause, an racists. during World War ii, general John l. soil or not.
law school, said in an interview. “We’re told all accusation that an american citizen is foreign- deWitt recommended to president franklin d. both republicans and democrats have
citizens are the same. Well, all citizens are not born when they’re not should be met with noth- roosevelt that the us government intern Japa- shown support for a constitutional amendment
the same because the united states constitution ing more than a shrug. nese-americans because he believed they were to remove the “natural-born” clause and its in-
makes a distinction.” that’s why, as Kennedy has birtherism was so successful and damaging conspiring with Japanese nationals to sabotage sinuation that recent immigrants are inherently
argued, the constitution should be amended to that, according to the new york times, during the united states. a few years later, in a testimo- untrustworthy. they must muster the political
allow naturalized citizens to serve as president. Joe biden’s search for a running mate, senator ny to the house naval affairs committee, deWitt will to do it, no matter how tall a task it is. the
the origins of the “natural-born” clause can tammy duckworth was dismissed in part be- was asked about Japanese-americans who were prospect of a foreign-born president is not a dan-
be traced back to a letter that John Jay, who cause the campaign’s legal advisers worried that serving in the military. he responded with a rac- ger to american democracy; right now, that
would later serve as the first chief justice of the her birth overseas would cause some to doubt ist remark, stating that a Japanese american is threat comes from a white billionaire born in
supreme court, sent to george Washington. her eligibility to serve, even though her father still Japanese. “it makes no difference whether Queens.
“permit me to hint,” Jay wrote, “whether it would was a us citizen — making her a natural-born he is an american citizen or not,” he said.
not be wise & seasonable to provide a strong citizen. “While mr. biden’s team believed ms. deWitt may have been talking about both Abdallah Fayyad can be reached at
check to the admission of foreigners into the ad- duckworth was eligible for national office, cam- naturalized and natural-born Japanese ameri- Follow him on
ministration of our national government, and to paign lawyers feared that it would take just one cans. but that’s why the consequences of the Twitter @abdallah_fayyad.

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M o n d a y, a u g u s t 2 4 , 2 0 2 0 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e opinion a11


Battle goes on in
hard-fought Senate race
Kennedy has forced Markey to be
accountable to his constituents
activists like me, not wanting another scott brown type
of situation, worked hard for edward Markey in the 2013
special election for senate. When Markey ran for his first
full term as our junior senator in 2014, he did not active-
ly campaign for his reelection. i traveled around the
commonwealth myself during that time, and i never saw
ironically, i first met Joe Kennedy iii that year, at the
university of Massachusetts amherst, while he cam-
paigned for the slew of democrats on the ballot that in-
cluded senator Markey. as an elected official myself, that
kind of help matters and can make a difference. How
many days did Markey spend in Massachusetts that year?
i advocate for people to run for office, especially wom-
en, and i always tell them to ask people for their vote and
never take it for granted.
eric baradat/afP
Markey is not entitled to another term unchallenged.
A banner is displayed on a building in Washington, D.C., on Aug. 9. Win or lose, Kennedy’s run has made him accountable
for his residency and his record.
i expect my senator to spend more than 77 nights in

Business leaders need to follow words the state he represents. in fact, i demand it. you should
Mary olberding

with actions and support workers Belchertown

The writer is the Hampshire County register of deeds,

has endorsed Representative Kennedy for Senate, and is
By Beth Clymer Millions are living with economic, flexibility and resources to build their skills on the candidate’s housing policy committee.

health, shelter, food, and child-care insecu- to earn living wage roles.
ne year ago, the business rity. We hear these heart-wrenching stories acknowledge the child-care crisis and
roundtable, an influential on every day. yet, the s&P 500 support working parents. stand up safe, There was no need for Kennedy
lobbying group of over 200 is at $3,400, almost 15 percent higher than on-site child-care facilities for those who
ceos — from such compa- one year ago. stakeholders in crisis. share- need to work outside of the home. expand
to run against Markey
nies as american express to holders doing just fine. the benefits provided by the families first given that the us senate is controlled by the republican
the coca-cola company to goldman sachs so, today, i appeal to the members of coronavirus response act, which pays on- Party, many of us believe it is necessary to elect demo-
— released a statement on the “purpose of the business roundtable. i speak as a fel- ly two-thirds of salaries for 10 weeks of crats this fall to prevent republicans from sabotaging
a corporation” articulating that stakehold- low capitalist. i grew up in a middle-class leave, and ends on dec. 31. Programs like needed changes in agenda and policy. luckily, Massachu-
ers should matter as much as shareholders: family and, through a combination of hard this reassure employees that they don’t setts has two progressive democratic senators: elizabeth
“americans deserve an economy that al- work, luck, and privilege, earned an Mba have to choose between their kids and their Warren and edward Markey. We had no need for repre-
lows each person to succeed through hard jobs. sentative Joe Kennedy iii to run against Markey this
work and creativity and to lead a life of Boards need to get involved. a Harvard year.
meaning and dignity ... While each of our Millions are living with law school study recently found that only Markey and Warren are both in their 70s. Kennedy
individual companies serves its own corpo-
rate purpose, we share a fundamental com-
economic, health, shelter, 2 percent of business roundtable compa-
nies interviewed had their board approve
could have waited. Had he done so, millions of dollars
and substantial energy could have otherwise been made
mitment to all of our stakeholders.” food, and child care the decision to adopt their new statement available to democratic candidates in closely contested
this sounded like a bold commitment of purpose. this suggests perhaps this senatorial races, such as sara gideon in Maine, Mark Kel-
at the time and embodied the kind of cor- insecurity. statement had more to do with public rela- ly in arizona, steve bullock in Montana, John Hicken-
porate leadership we need to support tions than an actual commitment to action. looper in colorado, and theresa greenfield in iowa. by
america’s workers. that day, the s&P 500 to change this, devote one hour at your rushing in to challenge Markey, Kennedy has pitted his
was trading at $3,000 and unemployment from Harvard business school and went on next board meeting to talk about compen- own self-interest against the best interests of his party,
was 3.7 percent. to spend 10 years in private equity where i sation, benefits, and working conditions his state, and the nation.
Millions are living with economic, helped build companies that treat workers for hourly workers, and secure your board’s Jocelyn r. tager
health, shelter, food, and child care insecu- with dignity and respect. i believe in capi- support and guidance on plans to prioritize Watertown
rity. that doesn’t sound like a life of mean- talism. i believe in you — the ceos and them in concrete ways.
ing and dignity for these stakeholders. board members who truly want to value these steps won’t be easy, and they do
Many schools are reopening primarily with stakeholders as much as shareholders. take time and money. but that doesn’t Without term limits, too many
distance learning, sending working fami- but i’m disappointed that i don’t see mean it will hurt companies’ bottom lines
lies scrambling for scant child care. the ceos and board members stepping up and share prices. When consumers see a
elected posts become lifetime jobs
$600 additional unemployment assistance enough. they are enjoying the security of company doing the right thing, they re- after many years of watching how our government runs,
was allowed to expire in July without con- stable stock prices, while around us, work- ward it with loyalty. Jobcase is poised to i have come to favor term limits for our representatives
gressional action. and, in a one-two punch ers are in crisis. instead, they must take publicize these actions to our tens of mil- and senators. However, since such a change to our sys-
to the solar plexus for working families, the concrete action to support workers. the fu- lions of members who are not only your tem is not in the interest of members of congress, this is
federal eviction moratorium expires next ture of america depends on it. employees but also your customers. wishful thinking.
week, putting 40 percent of us renters at Here are just a few first steps business capitalism can drive change and help as it is now, a person could make being an elected
risk of eviction. as of June 30, almost 16 leaders should take: all workers lead lives of meaning and dig- lawmaker a lifetime career. for instance, edward Markey
percent of federal Housing administration chart a path to pay your entire work- nity, free from the anxiety that comes with has served for 44 years, between the House and senate.
loans, mortgages generally extended to force a living wage. use Mit’s living Wage financial insecurity. if we truly believe that Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell has been in the senate
lower-income borrowers, were delinquent. calculator to analyze how many employees stakeholders matter as much as sharehold- for 35 years. speaker nancy Pelosi has served in the
Many of america’s essential workers face make a living wage in their geography. ers, we don’t have any other choice. House for 33 years. chuck grassley has served in the
embarrassingly unkind treatment in their build a plan to transition your workforce to House and senate for 45 years. this is just a small sam-
day-to-day work life. ensure all are paid at that level or provide Beth Clymer is the CFO of Jobcase. ple.
Meanwhile, many long-serving politicians build up
contacts in the private sector to ensure that in the event
they may not be reelected, they have a plan in place to
lobby for special interests.
Rachelle cohen i concede that there are many pros and cons to term
limits, as there are to any issue. surely with term limits

Wu’s obstructionism is a losing strategy we would lose some good people, and i would hope they
would consider putting their expertise to the service of
the country in other ways. but it seems to me that what
we have right now is not working to the benefit of the

aked political ambition is til early october because of the backlog. this country needs to pass the torch of the workings
rarely a pretty sight. it’s Meanwhile the candidates rejected at of government to the generation that will live with the
worse when it masquerades the last meeting have been held up by Wu consequences, good or bad.
as progressive politics. for months. first because she said she i suggest that the only way term limits will really take
but it’s really ugly when wanted more information about the scan- place is by the people voting long-term politicians out of
it victimizes some poor guy in eastie who dal that sent one city Hall aide to federal office.
just wants to build a mother-in-law apart- prison for taking bribes from a developer Joanne M. Hogan
ment in his basement or a couple who with business before the Zba. now Wu Byfield
needs the income from the two-family says she wants new appointees to have ex-
they hope to create from their single-fami- pertise in climate change, environmental
ly house in charlestown. protection, and urban planning — some- one ringing endorsement
Way to go, boston city councilor Mi- thing called for in a home rule petition ap-
chelle Wu. that won’t win you votes if you proved by the council and Walsh. in response to victoria Mcgrane’s article “are Kennedy’s
decide to run for mayor — holding up there’s no dispute about the merits of efforts to define Markey too late?” (Metro, aug. 20), i can
hundreds of small and mid-size construc- the case for adding such expertise — ex- only add what my mother said when my sister and i visit-
tion projects at the city’s Zoning board of cept for the one Wu is trying desperately ed her the other day at her nursing home, where staff
appeals by digging in your heels over to create. but until that home rule petition had just made the rounds with absentee ballots.
Mayor Martin Walsh’s nominees to the passes on beacon Hill — which could take although my mother, evelyn davidson, is sight-im-
Mary altaffer/ associated Press
board. months or may not happen at all — Walsh paired and over 90 years old, she still follows the news
“this is not about the individuals,” Wu Boston City Councilor Michelle Wu is obliged to abide by existing law. the closely on tv and has always been politically informed.
insisted at Wednesday’s city council speaking at a YWCA YWomenVote now rejected nominees, recommended by she retains a keen understanding of issues that matter
meeting. “these are all extremely dedicat- 2020 panel discussion in January in the boston society of architects, the and of who is best equipped to handle them for her life-
ed boston residents, hard-working people Manchester, N.H. greater boston real estate board, and the long home state.
who would add a lot to the Zba. this is building trades employers association, i asked her who she had voted for in the senate pri-
about the larger structural issues in this appeals — has a backlog of some 600 proj- have that expertise. mary, and despite being a longtime fan of the Kennedy
moment we are in.” ects, in large part due to the coronavirus While Wu plays politics with these ap- family, her answer was quick and sharp. “of course i vot-
nevertheless Wu led an effort — with pandemic. the board essentially shut pointments, everything from driveway ed for ed Markey,” she exclaimed. “shouldn’t everybody?”
most of her so-called progressive col- down for four months when it couldn’t curb cuts to installing garage doors to that then she returned to talking about the bruins.
leagues following in lock-step — to reject hold public hearings. elderly housing complex and its medical susie davidson
those “extremely dedicated” individuals it resumed remote meetings with a clinic, await action. all this comes at a Brookline
on a 7-5 council vote. shorter agenda in July and is trying to time when construction workers are look-
no doubt the hundreds of bostonians work its way through the backlog. Howev- ing for work after months of forced idle-
waiting months for small construction er, it’s still down at least four appointees ness.
projects that will make their lives a little from what ought to be a full complement if Wu really wants to think big, she
easier — like a roof deck or an income- of seven members and seven alternates. ought to focus on the antiquated zoning
Postcards from the pandemic
producing apartment — will be ever-so it takes five for the board to have a city laws that force everyday home fix-ups Readers, we want to hear from you for our blog capturing
grateful for Wu’s focus on those “larger” quorum. but at the July 28 meeting, ap- into this clogged pipeline. how the globe audience is coping with the pandemic and
issues. and for a rising political star, is proval of zoning variances for a 144-unit it would sure make a better electoral with social distancing . What’s bringing you solace? What
there anything “larger” than a possible subsidized elderly housing complex (al- strategy than her bout of pointless ob- challenges are you facing? send us a photo and caption,
mayoral run against Walsh? ready approved by the city’s planning structionism. and if you’d prefer not to share a photo, send us your “snap-
the problem now being exacerbated by agency last february) had to be put off be- shot” in prose — 100 words or less. We’ll post an updated
Wu is that the already dysfunctional — cause one of the five members present had Rachelle Cohen can be reached at sample of submissions regularly. e-mail
and, yes, scandal-plagued Zoning board of to recuse herself. it’s probably off now un- or visit
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T H E B O S T O N G L O B E M O N DAY, AU G US T 24, 2 0 2 0 | B O S T O N GL OB E .C O M / ME T R O

Adrian Walker
Eight near finish in race to replace Kennedy
Of course Congressional hopefuls campaign live at a march for affordable housing in Newton

they’re wary
By Stephanie Ebbert pearing in person at polling places.
GLOBE STAFF ”We haven’t been indoors anywhere since
NEWTON — On one side of City Hall Sunday, March,” said Alan Cushing, who had just dropped
Fourth Congressional District candidates cam- off ballots for himself and his wife, Elaine
Why would schools paigned side-by-side with advocates for affordable Bresnick.
that are unsafe for housing. On the opposite side, voters were depos- Eight candidates are competing in the Sept. 1
students be deemed iting ballots into a specially marked drop box cast- Democratic primary to succeed US Representa-
safe for teachers? ing their votes in a primary that was still nine tive Joseph Kennedy: Jake Auchincloss, a Newton
That’s a reason- days away. city councilor and Marine veteran; Newton City
able question raised “I wanted to be sure it gets counted on time,” Councilor Becky Walker Grossman; Alan Khazei,
by the state guide- said Newton resident Tyler Brown, who had just the founder of City Year, a national service pro-
line issued on Fri- dropped off ballots for himself and wife Reiko Su- gram for young adults; Ihssane Leckey, a former
gai-Fernandez. “It’s so much more convenient.” Wall Street regulator; Dr. Natalia Linos, an epide-
day that called for
The unusual primary election cycle has been miologist; Jesse Mermell, a former president of
teachers to return to their classrooms in JESSICA RINALDI/GLOBE STAFF
accelerated by the pandemic. Voters have been the Alliance for Business Leadership; Ben Sigel, a
a few weeks, even in the absence of stu-
weighing competing concerns about the delays in A voter dropped a ballot into the box for Brookline attorney; and tech entrepreneur Chris-
delivery of mail-in ballots against their safety ap- mail-in ballots at Newton City Hall Sunday. RACE, Page B2
Education Secretary Jeff Riley main-
tains that there is an educational benefit
to students in seeing teachers in regular
school settings, even if that’s through the Thomas Farragher
magic of Zoom.
But teachers aren’t buying it, and it
isn’t hard to understand why. Lots of
school buildings in this state are old, di-
lapidated, and poorly ventilated. Sure,
there’s nothing new about that. But the
coronavirus has added a huge element
of risk that understandably leaves teach-
ers wary, if not downright terrified.
I don’t think many people would try
to convince you that last spring’s experi-
ment with remote learning was a rous-
ing success. It wasn’t. But this doesn’t
feel like the right way to fix the problem.
If the appearance of being in school is
so important, figure out how to let every
teacher use a picture of her classroom as
a virtual background and call it a day.
The proposal was denounced by
teachers’ unions, which will ultimately
hold great sway over working condi-
“The safety issues that are leading a
growing number of districts to start the
year remotely may include lack of ade-
quate ventilation, lack of personal pro-
tective equipment and training on how
to use it, lack of frequent testing and
contact tracing, high rates of community
transmission, or all of the above,” said
Merrie Najimy, the president of the Mas-
sachusetts Teachers’ Association, in a
statement. “This move to expose both
students and staff must be reversed.”
That was typical of the reaction of
Of course, this is just a piece of a larg-
er, more complicated fight. The real ten-
sion is about sending kids back to school ERIN CLARK/GLOBE STAFF
this fall — and when and how that can Matthew Tannenbaum, surrounded by shelves of books at his independent bookstore, which he has owned in Lenox since 1976.


In Boston, for example, the current
plan is for school to open remotely on
Sept. 21. Students are to begin returning
to classrooms, gradually, just 10 days lat-

er, with everyone back two days a week
— in theory - by mid-November. Berkshires ENOX — He’s been at his well-worn post just inside the front door at the venerable
bookstore here for more than 43 years now. A long time. A lifetime of stories. An
In other words, there isn’t a lot of
time to figure this policy out. bookstore anthology of small-town life in the Berkshires.
He’s sold thrillers and classics. Poetry and dense histories. Coffee table books
Boston Public Schools Superinten-
dent Brenda Cassellius insisted Sunday owner and the works of Kerouac and Tolstoy, of J.D. Salinger and the masterful Richard
that the schools will be safe. She pointed
to extensive custodial work over the past
boosted in Russo.
But Matt Tannenbaum, now 74 and a beloved fixture at The Bookstore on
few months — including the replace- pandemic by Housatonic Street, had never seen a tale quite as compelling and heart-warming as the one now
unfolding here.
ment of 7,000 windows — to upgrade
conditions. She said teachers will soon support It’s a drama worthy of Hollywood magic created by Frank Capra and Jimmy Stewart, who
once played a small-town businessman named George Bailey driven into darkness only to be
be able to enter school buildings to
judge the upgrades for themselves. Cas-
from small saved by the generosity of beloved friends and neighbors.
And it goes like this:
sellius said it is imperative to return to
in-person schooling as soon as possible.
town A historic pandemic sweeps across the United States, killing tens of thousands, derailing an
economy and sending jitters along the main streets of small-town America, the place where Tan-
“If we don’t return children now, I’m FARRAGHER, Page B4
not sure that we would return children
until we have a vaccine,” Cassellius said.
I don’t believe there are any villains
in this scenario. Teachers are rightly
concerned about a public health menace
Soldier’s family
that is nowhere near subsiding. At the
same time, who can doubt that children
should go to school — if they can do so
Finding a place for Black history calls for probe
of Fort Hood
safely? It’s obviously better for the
54,000 Boston students (and their peers Sculptures grace
around the state) than virtual instruc-
tion. public squares
Glossing over real issues of health By John Hilliard
and safety doesn’t serve anyone. Teach- By Bryan Marquard GLOBE STAFF

ers have made no secret of feeling vili-

GLOBE STAFF Family members of a soldier who grew up in
Fern Cunningham-Terry’s Brockton are calling for a congressional investi-
fied throughout this process — blamed
sculpture in the South End of gation of Fort Hood after their loved one went
for the failings of a new instructional
Harriet Tubman was historic missing Aug. 17, and following the deaths of
model improvised on the fly, accused by
and groundbreaking — the first two other soldiers in the past year, the family’s
some of intransigence for not wanting to
statue on city-owned property attorney said Sunday.
serve as guinea pigs — as government of a Black woman and the first Sergeant Elder N. Fernandes, 23, was last
sorts out how to address this pandemic. on city-owned property honor- seen by members of his unit Monday at a resi-
I certainly have had my differences with ing a woman. dence in Killeen, Texas, and did not come to
both the MTA and its Boston equivalent, For the artist, though, her work Tuesday, according to the Army. He was
but I’m not sure how excited I’d be to re- sculpture in Harriet Tubman the survivor of sexual abuse, according to the
port to work at an old, poorly ventilated Square also asked an important Army, and had been reassigned to another unit
high school a couple of weeks from now. question. MICHAEL ROBINSON-CHAVEZ/GLOBE STAFF/FILE 1999
in his brigade to “ensure there were no oppor-
There are no easy answers in this bi- “When you look at African- Ms. Cunningham-Terry, working on part of her sculpture of tunities for reprisals.”
zarre time. But I think there is one com- American heroes, people who Harriet Tubman at the Paul King Foundry in Rhode Island. His mother and other members of Fer-
mon-sense standard: “Safe” should have been important to our his- nandes’s family traveled from Massachusetts to
mean safe for everyone. If that means tory, to our development, they and added: “This is the Ameri- day of progressive supranuclear Texas to help search for him, said Natalie Kha-
that teachers and students start the have been largely ignored,” she can dilemma: Who is a hero?” palsy, a rare brain disorder, wam, an attorney representing the family. On
school year at home, so be it. I’ll take the told the Globe in 1999, just be- Ms. Cunningham-Terry, who spent a half-century addressing Sunday afternoon, the family was scheduled to
side of caution over regret anytime. fore her sculpture was installed, was 71 when she died Wednes- CUNNINGHAM-TERRY, Page B3 FERNANDES, Page B4

Adrian Walker is a Globe columnist. He

can be reached at INSIDE Cambridge letter carriers say they’re worried about the funding of the US Postal Service. B2 Woman severely injured in Natick hit and run. B4
B2 Metro T h e B o s t o n G l o b e M O N D A Y, A U G U S T 2 4 , 2 0 2 0

Letter carriers rally for US Postal Service in Cambridge

By Gal Tziperman Lotan came to the rally Sunday with
GLOBE STAFF navy blue T-shirts bearing the
CAMBRIDGE — Letter car- words “delivering for Ameri-
rier Bob Tremarche, a 38-year ca,” which he handed out to
veteran of the US Postal Ser- supporters.
vice, said he’s recently found Local letter carriers are
himself trying to reassure peo- working long days, he said,
ple on his route through East making up for both colleagues
Cambridge. still out because of the corona-
They’ve been worried, he virus and those who are taking
said. Will their mail-in ballots time off.
get to the city on time? Will McCarthy said he would
their medication be delivered like to see Congress support
quickly? those carriers by removing a
And amid a national con- 2006 requirement for the
versation about the postal ser- agency to prefund future bene-
vice, Tremarche said he and fits for its retirees, which other
other letter carriers have their government agencies are not
own concerns about the fund- required to do.
ing and support of their agen- “The [union] members are
cy. So on Sunday morning, a pretty resilient,” McCarthy
f e w d o z e n l e tt e r c a r r i e r s , said. “If they get us the mail,
union officials, and supporters we’ll get it delivered. Just get it
stood in front of the ornate to us. Stop playing the games.”
Post Office building near Cen- Passersby on Massachu-
tral Square in Cambridge to setts Avenue honked their car
rally for postal workers. horns or rang their bicycle
“We thought we need our bells in support.
voices to be heard,” Tremarche “The immediate problem is
said. “We appreciate all the obviously the election,” said
protests and rallies that have Gail O’Hare of Somerville, a
gone on around the country. retired archivist who came to
But most of us here are postal the protest with a homemade
employees who are working “Save our post office” sign.
here in Cambridge, and “ T he y have to count e ver y
around the Boston area. We’re Tim Flynn, a letter carrier in Cambridge, made his feelings known outside of the Post Office in Central Square on Sunday. vote. The long-term problem is
here to rally for the Postal Ser- the Republican effort to priva-
vice, and for us.” ed a series of cost-cutting mea- pay 600,000 dedicated letter livelihood in retribution for Last week Massachusetts tize mail for everyone in the
The US Postal Service, tra- sures, including banning over- carriers and postal workers,” the calls that they have made Secretary of State William F. country. I mean, they’re argu-
ditionally an apolitical institu- time pay and allowing some US Representative Ayanna to all of our offices.” Galvin urged Massachusetts ing that it’s a business — it’s a
tion, has been swept into a mail to be held in USPS facili- Pressley said on the House The US House of Represen- residents who have not yet service. Are they investigating
partisan fight since more ties overnight instead of deliv- floor Saturday. Those workers, tatives on Saturday approved a mailed their Sept. 1 primary the Defense Department to see
Americans have considered ered immediately. Some of the she said, “have put themselves bill that would send the US election ballots back to hand- if their budget is balanced?”
voting by mail because of the changes, like removing mail in harm’s way in the midst of Postal Service $25 billion, leg- deliver them to early voting
coronavirus pandemic. sorting machines and blue this pandemic, who find digni- islation the White House said sites instead. Gal Tziperman Lotan can be
The new postmaster gener- mailboxes, have triggered a ty in their work and are wor- President Trump would veto if Jerry McCarthy, president reached at
al, Louis DeJoy, announced national outcry. ried about the impact on ser- it came to his desk, according of the National Association of or at
and then temporarily rescind- “This is a hell of a way to re- vices, and fear for their very to the Associated Press. Letter Carriers’ local branch, 617-929-2043.

Eight for the Fourth as congressional primary nears

uRACE “What we’re asking for is Teens Against Systemic Racism also about protecting tenants’ in this country — a global pan- agenda and then building coali-
Continued from Page B1 very simple. Every ballot that is and Defund Newton Police De- rights. “This is why I signed on- demic, racism, climate change, tions for the day after he leaves
topher Zannetos. postmarked by Sept. 1 should partment. to the Green Homes guarantee, and economic disaster. And I office.”
The contenders have been be counted,” Grossman said in Sigel, whose father worked part of the Green New Deal,” think we want to send someone Auchincloss’s communica-
campaigning under extraordi- Newton on Sunday. “Donald for Housing and Urban Devel- she said. to Washington who’s got the tions director Yael Sheinfeld
nary circumstances, with the Trump is actively trying to sab- opment, noted that he would Meanwhile, one of two can- consistent record to deliver noted that despite his criticism
coronavirus hampering their otage the Postal Service and it’s sometimes accompany him to didates that a recent poll what we need to help move us last year, he supports the Green
ability to speak to large groups threatening the most funda- site visits in Taunton and Fall showed to be leading the race, forward from all of those chal- New Deal, and will be a cham-
of supporters or even meet vot- mental cornerstone of democ- River. criticized the other for his re- lenges.” pion for bold environmental
ers door-to-door. On Sunday, policy in Congress.
while the sun was shining, they “While Jake has concern re-
headed for what’s left of the garding the feasibility of some
campaign trail. points in the Green New Deal,
“We’re doing outdoors, in he sees it as the best way to
parks and public spaces. We’re make serious progress on is-
not knocking on people’s doors sues of climate and the environ-
at this stage,” said one of the ment,” she said in a statement.
candidates, Linos, who praised “He supports the Green New
the efforts to engage voters Deal, was the first candidate to
with early voting and mail-in call for carbon pricing and to
ballots. release a comprehensive cli-
“It extends the period for Natalia Linos, an Ben Sigel, whose father Becky Walker Grossman has Ihssane Leckey said housing mate plan, and has voted in
voting, but from a public health epidemiologist, has been worked for Housing and sued the state to ensure is not only about developing line with Green Newton’s prior-
perspective, it makes sense,” campaigning outdoors. She Urban Development, said he that all vote-by-mail ballots affordable housing but also ities 100 percent of the time as
she said. praised the efforts to saw the segregation of postmarked by the primary about protecting tenants’ a city councilor.”
Still, candidates were dis- engage voters with early public housing firsthand, election day are counted — rights, why she signed onto Mermell, a former Brookline
mayed by the uncertainties voting and mail-in ballots. and saw what redlining did. even if they arrive up to 10 the Green Homes guarantee Select Board member and one-
raised about the US Postal Ser- days later. in the Green New Deal. time aide to former governor
vice’s delivery of mail-in elec- Deval Patrick, on Sunday also
tion ballots. Secretary of State picked up the endorsement of
William Galvin has encouraged state Senator Becca Rausch, a
voters to hand-deliver their bal- Needham Democrat whose leg-
lots to early voting sites, ballot islative district overlaps with
drop boxes, and local election 10 of the communities in the
offices, rather than rely on the congressional district.
US Postal Service, which has “Jesse Mermell is the cham-
suffered delays under cost-cut- pion I want representing me
ting measures implemented by and my family in Congress,”
President Trump’s new post- Rausch said in a statement,
master general. Currently, vot- noting their shared fights for
ers are required to get their pri- Jake Auchincloss said he is Jesse Mermell, a former Alan Khazei, the founder of Christopher Zannetos, a reproductive health and jus-
mar y ballots to their local focusing on a positive president of the Alliance for City Year, bypassed technology entrepreneur, tice, immigrant rights, econom-
clerks by the close of the polls message, adding that Business Leadership, on Sunday’s rally for affordable also chose to campaign at ic equity, and dismantling sys-
at 8 p.m. on Sept. 1. President Trump has given Sunday picked up the housing, choosing instead farmers markets in the temic racism. “Whatever the is-
“I think we’re all disappoint- people enough negativity to endorsement of state to campaign at area farmers region in lieu of joining the sue, I know that Jesse has the
ed to hear Galvin say actually if last a lifetime. Senator Becca Rausch, a markets. affordable housing rally. experience, savviness, dedica-
you want your vote truly to be Needham Democrat. tion, and empathy to do the re-
counted by mail, you actually search, ask the questions, ana-
should be delivering it,” said Si- racy in protecting the right for “You saw the segregation of cord on climate change. Mer- Auchincloss said that criti- lyze diligently, and make the
gel. “It really goes against the everyone to vote, to be able to public housing. I saw it first- mell, who won the endorse- cism is part of politics. right call.”
whole idea of a mail-in ballot.” do so safely and to have that hand. We saw what redlining ment of 350 Mass Action, a “Certainly as someone who’s The other two candidates in
Grossman has sued the state ballot be counted.” did,” Sigel said. statewide volunteer network been setting the pace for the the race — Khazei and Zan-
to ensure that all vote-by-mail Six of the eight Democrats Today, communities like working on the climate crisis, field, I’ve taken a share of criti- netos — campaigned at farmers
ballots postmarked by the pri- running for the seat joined a Brookline, Newton. and Need- pointed out that Auchincloss cism,” Auchincloss said. “I don’t markets on Sunday.
mary election day are counted crowd of about 100 activists ham still don’t have the diversi- had compared an aspect of the take it personally. I focus on a
— even if they arrive up to 10 outside City Hall for a rally for ty they should have, he said. Green New Deal to commu- positive message. I think Don- Stephanie Ebbert can be
days later. The Massachusetts affordable housing that fol- L e c ke y, w h o i s t h e o n l y nism. ald Trump has given us enough reached at
Supreme Judicial Court is ex- lowed a march from Waban woman of color in the race, said “It’s about consistency,” negativity to last us a lifetime.
pected to hear Grossman’s case Train Station. The event was or- housing is not only about devel- Mermell said. “We are dealing My message is standing up to Follow her on Twitter
on Monday. ganized by Greater Boston oping affordable housing but with multiple overlaying crises his dangerous and hateful @StephanieEbbert.

Trump graffiti removed from Day Boulevard in South Boston

By Lucas Phillips David Procopio. content or message of the graf- parade,” traveling from New- “It was a beautiful summer several weeks supporting the
GLOBE CORRESPONDENT The lettering, at the inter- fiti,” he said in an e-mail Sun- buryport Harbor to Salisbury afternoon and boating season,” president, who faces reelection
Graffiti in South Boston pro- section of I Street and near the day. Beach, according to published said Hayes, who said nearly in November. The Republican
moting the campaign of Presi- Admiral David Farragut statue, Procopio said similar graffiti reports and the Coast Guard. 4 0 0 b o a t s p a r t i c i p at e d . A National Convention is sched-
dent Trump was removed over was painted over Saturday by also had been found on East An organizer said the event spokeswoman for the Coast uled to begin on Monday.
the weekend, according to the Department of Conserva- Broadway, which is maintained was designed to support the Guard, Petty Officer Briana According to Carter, another
State Police. tion and Recreation, which by the City of Boston, but Bos- president, police officers, and Carter, said she could not con- such event took place in Narra-
The phrase “Trump 2020” maintains the road, Procopio ton police did not have a record military personnel, but also firm the number of partici- gansett Bay off Rhode Island on
had been painted in large let- said. of it Sunday, a police spokes- just to enjoy a day out during pants. Sunday.
ters on the street in two loca- “The decision to paint over woman said. the pandemic. “It didn’t get The event was one of a num-
tions on William J. Day Boule- the graffiti was based solely on Separately on Saturday, tied to any one thing,” said ber of flotillas organized Lucas Phillips can be reached
vard, according to spokesman the illegality of the act, not the Trump supporters held a “boat James Hayes, 58, of Danvers. around the country in the past at
M O N D A Y, A U G U S T 2 4 , 2 0 2 0 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e Metro B3

Fern Cunningham-Terry; put Black history in public square

uCUNNINGHAM-TERRY signed to provide them with the different buses to take us to
Continued from Page B1 past, present, and future of four different schools, raising
the disparity of whose accom- Mattapan, to bring all the cul- us as a single parent,” said her
plishments are recognized in tures together.” daughter Shandalea Abdul-Ha-
public art. She was hesitant to hold any di of Dorchester.
“I was determined to create of her creations as more pre- “She also was hilarious and
figures of Black people,” she cious than all the others. she loved songs,” Shandalea
said in a 2009 interview for “Ba- “ With every one of her said. “ We just sang our life
sic Black” on WGBH-TV. “So sculptures she would say, ‘This away through my childhood.
that was my mission.” is like a birth,’ " recalled her She just wanted to make sure
Her most famous work is husband, the drummer Alvin that we all followed our pas-
“Step on Board,” which shows Terry. sions as well. She made sure
Tubman, the abolitionist who Ms. Cunningham-Terry once that we knew that and believed
had escaped slavery, with a Bi- told The Patriot-Ledger, howev- that, and we still believe that.”
ble under her arm, left hand er, that “ The Sentinel” — a In addition to her husband
outstretched, leading others to bronze sculpture of a Black and daughter, Ms. Cunning-
freedom via the Underground woman — was her favorite. ham-Terry leaves two sons, Ku-
Railroad. The artwork, which is part masi Allen of Dorchester and
“Initially I thought of having of the Forest Hills Cemetery Kahlil Allen of Roxbury; anoth-
her sitting down, but the more I sculpture path, was inspired by er daughter, Autumn Allen of
read about her, I thought she a photograph of a woman who Norwood; a sister, Margaret
should be standing, and in mo- “looked so watchful, like the Conn of Schenectady, N.Y.; 12
tion. She should be pulling peo- protector of the stories, the grandchildren; and a great-
ple along,” Ms. Cunningham- keeper of the knowledge, and grandchild.
Terry said. the eternal observer,” she told The public will gather at 2
And while the sculpture cap- the Globe in 2001. p.m. Thursday in Davis Funeral
tures movement on many levels In 2003, she and her hus- Home in Roxbury, with limited
— physical, geographical, politi- band unveiled the sculpture in numbers allowed inside at a
cal — the details convey the the Jamaica Plain cemetery time. The family will hold a ser-
emotion of stepping from cap- with a program that included vice in the funeral home at 11
tivity into freedom and a new music from his ensemble. a.m. Friday. Ms. Cunningham-
chapter in history. “I like her because she re- Terry will be buried in Forest
“When you look at my work minds me so much of myself,” Hills Cemetery, not far from her
you see faces,” Ms. Cunningham- Ms. Cunningham-Terry said of sculpture “The Sentinel.”
Terry said in a 2003 Globe inter- “The Sentinel” in a WGBH in- Though often honored for
view. “It’s what draws you in.” terview. her work, “you would never
Along with the Tubman stat- The younger of two sisters, hear her speak about it. If you
ue in the South End, the faces Fern Cunningham was born in wanted to talk about art with
in Ms. Cunningham-Terry’s Queens, N.Y., on Jan. 24, 1949. Fern, you would probably have
sculptures gaze out at passersby Her father, Dr. James F. Cun- to bring it up,” said her hus-
in Dorchester, Roxbury, and ningham, was a physician who band, with whom she lived in
Mattapan Square, where “Rise,” early in his career treated tuber- Hanson.
an artwork installed in 2005 culosis patients and later fo- “When people marveled at
that she created with her cousin cused on psychiatry. Her moth- her art,” he added, “I would say,
Karen Eutemey, honors the er, Margaret Barnes, founded Ms. Cunningham-Terry, with her sculpture ‘The Sentinel’, which is at Forest Hills Cemetery. ‘It’s not her best feature. Her
neighborhood’s Black and In- the Hamilton Hill Arts Center best feature was that she was
digenous history. in Schenectady, N.Y. another education for her. While in the 10th grade, Ms. BU was, and I wanted the fig- just full of love.’ "
The cousins’ separate tower- When Ms. Cunningham-Ter- “As a child, I was always col- Cunningham-Terry announced ure,” she said. That affection for others was
ing statues form an “implied ry was young, her father’s work lecting stones on the beach, not to her family that she planned Graduating with a bache- visible in her art, as was her
gateway” across Blue Hill Ave- took the family to an island in because of color, but because of to become a sculptor. lor’s degree in 1971, she taught deep spiritual connection to the
nue, Edmund Barry Gaither, di- Alaska. their form and texture,” she After graduating from high at the Elma Lewis School of subjects of her work.
rector of the Museum of the Na- “ My m o t h e r w a s a n a r t said. “I also felt the same about school, she spent the summer Fine Arts for several years be- While finishing “Step on
tional Center of Afro-American teacher, a potter, painter, sing- trees. All those formations, the at Ecole des Beaux Arts at Fon- fore moving to the Park School Board,” Ms. Cunningham-Terry
Artists, said in 2005. er, and guitar player,” Ms. Cun- way they grow, the way branch- tainebleau in France before at- in Brookline, where she was a said, she could feel Harriet Tub-
The sculptures recall “the ningham-Terry told the Globe es pull out of the basic form, tending Boston University, teacher for 33 years. man’s presence.
rising of the sun with its prom- in 1999. While her mother like a hand reaching up.” where her teachers included Ms. Cunningham-Terr y, “I keep thinking that she’s
ise of a new day,” Gaither told a taught art to children at the lo- The Cunninghams moved to the renowned sculptor John whose previous marriage ended up there watching,” she said.
crowd as the artworks were un- cal hospital, “I would go to Delmar, N.Y., just west of Alba- Wilson. “I didn’t apply any- in divorce, raised her four chil- “So it’s really important that I
veiled. classes with her, and I guess ny, and became the communi- where else because after re- dren alone. do this right.”
“It’s a piece that’s basically that was the beginning of my ty’s first Black family – “much searching art schools, it became “She was just such a selfless
for the people,” Ms. Cunning- loving art.” to the dismay of people who clear that no one else was work- mother who sacrificed so much Marquard can be reached at
ham-Terry said then. “It’s de- The surroundings provided lived there,” she recalled. ing with the figure in the way for us, at one point taking four



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B4 Metro T h e B o s t o n G l o b e M O N D A Y, A U G U S T 2 4 , 2 0 2 0

Victim of horrific Natick crash still ‘fighting for her life’

By Lucas Phillips talized but released that night. ly been installed. put energ y of hurt and in emotional agony ground,” said Lentell, one of the
GLOBE CORRESPONDENT But Gunner’s family said her in- “We looked over to see what into helping over what happened to his neighbors. “ We were really
A Natick woman was still juries were more severe, includ- was going on and saw a blue Kimberly wife,” she said. shook about it: That could have
hospitalized Sunday, recovering ing multiple broken limbs, and pickup truck back up and then and Andy According to Tony Catlin, been us.”
from traumatic injuries after a said she has been under heavy peel out,” she said. “Clearly they fully recov- Colbert visited his wife at Tufts Miscia said with cars travel-
truck allegedly hit her and her sedation since the incident. fled afterwards; that’s the horri- er,” she said. Medical Center for the first i n g d o w n t h e r o a d at h i g h
husband as they were out for an “Her body shattered almost ble part about it,” she said. The fund- t i m e o n Fr i d ay. “ He n e v e r speed, she worries another dev-
evening walk, then fled the like a glass bottle,” Catlin said in On Wednesday, Natick Po- raiser she thought he’d see his wife’s face astating crash could take place
scene, according to her family a brief phone interview Satur- lice Chief James Hicks said au- Kimberly started to again,” Catlin said. by the playground.
and authorities. day afternoon. “It’s a miracle thorities have a person of inter- Gunner and support At least three more surgeries “Something has got to be
“[Doctors] say she’s not out she’s still alive.” est in the case, who he urged to Andrew them had are scheduled for the coming done because I can’t run that
of the woods and is still fighting Karen Miscia, 63, a nurse come forward. “You don’t drive Colbert, in a raised more week to reconstruct her arms fast anymore over to the play-
for her life,” said Tony Catlin, who lives near the crash site, down a roadway and strike two wedding t h a n and legs, and she may need am- ground,” she said, grimly.
58, of Natick, a cousin speaking said Sunday “it was the most people and leave. That’s not photo. $90,000 as putations, he said in a text Sun- “Whoever saw this is going
Sunday on behalf of the family devastating scene I’ve seen in what human beings do to each of Sunday day. to be devastated for a while,”
of Kimberly Gunner. my entire career.” other,” he told TV crews outside evening. “It’s a tragedy for everybody she said. “This woman almost
Gunner, 51, was walking on Gunner’s legs had been shat- the police station. Catlin said the couple had all around,” Wendy Catlin said. lost her life. She’s going to be
the sidewalk with her husband, tered and a piece of fence had The district attorney’s office married about a year ago, but “It’s horrendous, but it’s also crippled for life. She’s got a
39-year-old Andrew Colbert, gone through her chest, Miscia said Wednesday that police had had been together for at least tragic for the person who was long, long road to recovery if
when the truck allegedly said in a phone interview. The located a “possible involved ve- five years and had recently got- driving. Their life is never going she’s even able to keep both her
jumped the curb on Washing- couple had been hit so hard, hicle,” but said Sunday that ten enough money together to to be the same, whether they legs.”
ton Avenue in the area of Sum- Colbert’s wedding ring had there were no further develop- buy a home in Natick. come forward or not.” Miscia and her neighbors
mer Street at about 6:24 p.m. been knocked off his finger and ments in the case. “One of their favorite things The aftermath of the crash are now left to wonder about
Tuesday, according to the Mid- bone fragments were scattered Wendy Catlin, 56, of Sud- to do is to go out walking to- has also continued to reverber- the many what-ifs of the terri-
dlesex district attorney’s office. in the yard, she said. bury, another cousin of Gunner gether,” she said in a phone in- ate in the neighborhood where ble crash and parse rumors
The two were identified by “You can’t get it out of your and Tony Catlin’s sister, said she ter view, noting the couple it happened, where residents about who was behind the
family members. No charges head,” Miscia said. “I haven’t was more focused on helping would often walk for miles. worry about speeding drivers wheel Tuesday evening.
had been filed in connection been able to sleep.” the couple recover than about “Most of all, they just love on a cut-through street that “You ruined someone’s life
with the crash as of Sunday eve- Another neighbor, Ann Len- the search for the driver. The being together,” she said. provides access to walking — and for what reason?” she
ning. tell, 37, was outside having din- family is devastated by the Colbert suffered less serious trails and a playground. asked, thinking of the driver.
Colbert suffered broken ribs ner when she heard a loud crash, she said. injuries in the crash, but he has “It’s a very common … side-
and collarbones, according to crash up the street, where she “Don’t put energy into feel- been deeply traumatized by the walk for kids and families to go Lucas Phillips can be reached at
Gunner’s family, and was hospi- said a new sidewalk had recent- ing vindictive about the driver; event, she said. “He’s in a world for walks and access the play-

Customers rally to give a financial boost to bookstore

uFARRAGHER Like any old home, the place
Continued from Page B1 is full of memories. Like the fa-
nenbaum has long and happily mous authors who came by to
made his living. sign their books. Or the time a
“For all these years, I’ve been wife fruitlessly tried to keep her
in business and I’ve managed to husband from browsing books
creep by,’' he told me at The that she knew would consume
Bookstore the other day. “And hours of their vacation.
suddenly — very suddenly be- “We hear a woman’s voice,
cause I’m not a businessman — saying, ‘Harold! Don’t go in The
I had a big payable due and I re- Bookstore! Harold! Harold!
alized: I don’t have any money Harold, don’t go in The Book-
coming in.‘' store! Harold, stop!’ And then
T hat meant there was a the guy walks in The Bookstore
death watch on Housatonic and we hear outside: ‘We lost
Street. That meant the place him.’ ‘'
Matt Tannenbaum had bought And there was that time, two
from David Silverstein on April summers ago, when a customer
Fool’s Day in 1976 was facing approached him at his post
an existential crisis — a tear- near the front door.
jerking epilogue — all its own. “He said, ‘I see what you do.
That meant no more poetry You sit in that chair surrounded
readings. No more cozy wine by the things you love most in
bar in the room just steps from the world and you talk to peo-
his bookshelves. That meant no ple. And the only time you get
more magical connections with interrupted is when someone
customers who, like him, have wants to give you money.‘’ '
fallen in love with the written Bingo, Matt Tannenbaum
word. thought.
It meant an against-all-odds “People love The Bookstore,’'
campaign to save a little be- he said. “Again, I’m not going to
loved bookstore that has woven brag , but there’s a cer tain
its way into the fabric of civic amount of customer service
life here. A GoFundMe cam- that we do here. I have not read
paign has raised $103,000 so every book in this store. I’ll tell
far. Matthew Tannenbaum and his bookstore have received thousands of dollars from customers in a GoFundMe campaign. you the truth. But the ones that
“For some reason they really I have read are the ones I enjoy.
like me,’' Tannenbaum said of Book Mart in Midtown Man- become more than browsers would agree with that. And so recalled. So he did and moved And I can find something to en-
his customers and supporters. hattan where he worked briefly along his bookshelves. They’ve would Tina Packer, founder and the store to Lenox, where Tan- joy in every book.‘'
“ T hey really love me. I am as a clerk. become his loyal clientele, his former artistic director of nenbaum bought it from him. And now, for the man whose
George Bailey.‘' He worked on John Lind- literary fan club. Shakespeare & Company here. “I think it’s fabulous,’' he professional life has been sur-
Actually, Matt Tannenbaum say’s successful 1969 reelection “He’s a marvelous character “He’s terribly knowledgeable said about the campaign to save rounded with stories of adversi-
is the second of four children campaign for New York City and a character he is,’' Paula without being pompous or aca- his old shop. “I’m happy for ty and triumph, of humor and
born in New York City, growing mayor, later taking a job with a Lustbader, 84, of Lenox and demic,’' Packer said. “People him, happy for the bookstore. I tragedy, there’s a certain sense
up in an apartment house full group protesting the Vietnam Palm Beach, Fla., told me the said, ‘We can’t let that happen.’ feel so touched that people are of accomplishment as he roams
of European refugees. War. He attended Brooklyn Law other day as she purchased a The town would be really a appreciative of an independent his old store wearing boat
His father died when he was School in 1970, before deciding book via a credit card from Tan- much poorer place without bookstore, especially that book- shoes, a blue button-down shirt
just 12 from heart disease the two things: It was too difficult. nenbaum from behind the glass him. I hope he gets more than store, which is a special place.‘' — and a cranberry mask.
day before he was to have open- And he wasn’t interested. window of his front door. he needs so he gets a little piggy A special place. That’s pre- He has compiled a compel-
heart surgery performed by Dr. Eventually, he found himself “We appreciate that we have bank.‘' cisely how Tannenbaum’s 34- ling story of his own. And soon,
Michael DeBakey, the world-fa- in the Berkshires surrounded this small bookstore and it’s She’s a fan of the store and year-old daughter Shawnee de- but not right now, he’ll be ready
mous cardiovascular surgeon by bohemians and books. He very intimate,’' she said. “He’s its colorful history. scribed the place she will take to write its last line.
who pioneered bypass surgery. was home. And then nervous. got a creative ability. Look what David Silverstein opened the over when it’s time for a transi- It won’t say The End.
An aspiring teacher, Tannen- “I got cold feet,’' he recalled. he’s done with this wine bar. He bookstore here in the summer tion of family ownership. Because, if you ask his
baum attended American Uni- “What am I doing? I’ve never creates community for all of us. of 1966, encouraged to get into “I grew up here and I want daughter, there’s a sequel com-
versity in Washington, where owned anything like this. I took And that’s why the community the business by Alice Brock, the her to grow up here,’' she said, ing. It’s got a catchy title. So
he worked his way up to editor- one class in business. That’s loves him. If you talk about The central character in Arlo Guth- nodding to her 4-month-old write this down:
in-chief of the college newspa- why I’m sitting here now.‘' Bookstore in Lenox, people say, rie’s anthem, “Alice’s Restau- daughter, Siena, who sat bright- To Be Continued.
per, leaving in 1968 without That applause you’re hear- ‘Oh yeah, Matt!’ ‘' rant.‘‘ eyed in her arms. “It’s so spe-
earning a degree. Eventually he ing is coming from grateful, His younger daughter, So- “Alice was an avid reader cial. People love it. This is like Thomas Farragher is a Globe
found his true love and his avo- longtime customers who — phie, a 30-year-old Great Bar- and she said, ‘Why don’t you my second home. Besides my columnist. He can reached at
cation at the famous Gotham over the long years now — have rington vege table farmer, open a bookstore?’ ‘’ Silverstein house this is home.‘'

Family of missing Brockton soldier seeks probe of Fort Hood

uFERNANDES statement Sunday that the Ar- but Army officials have also discharged on Aug. 17, she ment of Defense, against Fort Investigators do not believe
Continued from Page B1 my continues to make finding warned his loved ones that he said. Fernandes was discharged Hood, and against the man who Fernandes’s disappearance is
meet with officials at Fort Fernandes a priority and re- will be arrested for going ab- that day, she said, and his staff sexually assaulted him,” Kha- tied to the deaths, the Army has
Hood, she said. mains concerned for his well- s e n t w i t h o u t l e av e i f h e i s sergeant said he had dropped wam said in a phone interview. said, nor is foul play suspected.
“We need a congressional in- being. found. off her nephew at his former Khawam also represented Last month, Army officials
vestigation. That base has to be “Sergeant Fernandes did re- Brautigam said Fernandes’s residence. But his former room- the family of Fort Hood soldier said they would conduct an in-
turned upside down, every- port an incident of abusive sex- duty status is currently absent mate said later that he had not Vanessa Guillen, 20, who had dependent review of the com-
thing has to be looked at, every ual contact and that there is an without leave, but it is adminis- seen him, she said. gone missing April 22. Guillen’s mand climate at Fort Hood.
person has to be interviewed,” ongoing law enforcement inves- trative in nature and “does not Khawam said Sunday that remains were found on July 1 The Army asks anyone with
Khawam said in a phone inter- tigation by US Army [Criminal imply that the Soldier has done since Fernandes went missing, about 20 miles from the base, information to contact the Fort
view from Florida Sunday after- Investigation Command] into anything wrong or illegal.” volunteer searchers and sol- The remains of another Fort Hood Criminal Investigation
noon. “We want to know why that report,” Brautigam said “His Family and his leader- diers have been looking for him Hood soldier, Gregory Morales, Command at 254-287-2722, the
it’s so toxic.” Sunday. “The chain of com- ship just want to see that he is with the help of dogs and fliers 24, were found June 21 near Fort Hood Military Police at
Khawam said Fernandes mand takes all reports of sexual safe and be in a position to help bearing his photograph. the base. Morales had been re- 254-287-4001, or their local po-
was sexually assaulted in April harassment and assault seri- provide for his well-being,” “A lot of people are just de- ported missing on Aug. 20, lice department. People can al-
inside a supply room at the ously.” Brautigam said. termined to put the posters out 2019. Officials suspect foul play so submit information anony-
base, where a superior grabbed An update will be provided Fernandes’s aunt, Isabel Fer- because we just believe, we are in Morales’s death, which re- mously at
Fernandes’s buttocks. when the Army’s Criminal In- nandes, said in a Friday inter- hoping, that he is just hiding,” mains under investigation. report-a-crime.html.
“They are not there to be vestigation Command com- view that a superior officer had Khawam said. Guillen was bludgeoned to
bullied or hazed, they are there pletes its work and “all parties contacted the family on Aug. 14 “We are actively searching death by a fellow soldier who John Hilliard can be reached at
to serve our country,” she said are informed of the results and and said Fernandes had not re- for Elder. We are looking for- killed himself when confronted
of soldiers at the base. progress of the investigation,” ported to work that day. ward to finding him, letting by police after her remains Globe correspondents Jeremy C.
Lieutenant Colonel Chris Brautigam said. Family members called Fer- him know he is protected, let- were found. A civilian woman Fox and Breanne Kovatch
Brautigam, a spokesman for the Khawam said the family is nandes, and he told them he ting him know that I will repre- was charged with helping to get contributed. Material from the
1st Cavalry Division, said in a concerned for his well-being, was hospitalized and would be sent him against the Depart- rid of Guillen’s body. Associated Press was also used.
M O N D A Y, A U G U S T 2 4 , 2 0 2 0 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e Metro B5

This day in history

New England
in brief Today is Monday, Aug. 24,
the 237 th day of 2020. There
median Dave Chappelle is 47.
Actor James D’Arcy is 47. Actor
embarked on a 19-hour flight
from Los Angeles to Newark,
ºIn 1981, Mark David
Chapman was sentenced in
are 129 days left in the year. Rupert Grint is 32. N.J., making her the first wom- New York to 20 years to life in
BOSTON Birthdays: Composer-musi- ºIn 79, Mount Vesuvius an to fly solo, nonstop, from prison for murdering John Len-
Storm leaves damage, power outages cian Mason Williams is 82. Ac-
tor Anne Archer is 73. Actor Joe
erupted, burying the Roman
cities of Pompeii and Hercula-
coast to coast.
ºIn 1949, the North Atlan-
non. (He remains imprisoned.)
ºIn 1989, the Voyager 2
Thunderstorms rolled through much of Massachusetts Sunday Regalbuto is 71. Former Arkan- neum in volcanic ash; an esti- tic Treaty came into force. space probe flew by Neptune,
evening, leaving power outages, downed trees, and other dam- sas governor Mike Huckabee is mated 20,000 people died. ºIn 1951, the first segment sending striking photographs.
age. As of 6:30 p.m. Sunday, nearly 31,000 customers in the 65. Actor-writer Stephen Fry is ºIn 410, Rome was overrun of Route 128 was opened. (By ºIn 2012, the US Anti-Dop-
state were without electricity, according to a Massachusetts 63. Actor Steve Guttenberg is by the Visigoths, a major event 1956, the route around Boston ing Agency wiped out 14 years
Emergency Management Agency map of outages. A small fire 62. Baseball Hall of Famer Cal in the fall of the Western Ro- stretched 65 miles from Glouc- of Lance Armstrong’s cycling
was also reported on Gale Road in Belmont after lightning Ripken Jr. is 60. Actor Jared man Empire. ester to Braintree and would at- career — including his record
struck a building around 5:30 p.m., and winds downed at least Harris is 59. Talk show host ºIn 1814, during the War of tract high-tech companies, seven Tour de France titles —
three trees in Salem, where another lightning strike damaged a Craig Kilborn is 58. Actor Mar- 1812, British forces invaded leading to its nickname, “Amer- and barred him for life from the
building under construction on Flint Street, police said. In Con- lee Matlin is 55. Basketball Hall Washington, D.C., setting fire to ica’s Technology Highway.’’) sport after concluding he’d
cord, officials closed a section of College Road after a tree fell of Famer Reggie Miller is 55. the Capitol (which was still un- ºIn 1968, France became used banned substances.
on some power wires. Residents in Saugus posted pictures and Broadcast journalist David der cons truc tio n) and the the world’s fifth thermonuclear ºLast year, Indianapolis
videos online of trees down in the middle of roads and what ap- Gregory is 50. Movie director White House. power as it exploded a hydro- Colts quarterback Andrew
peared to be pea-sized hail. The National Weather Service had Ava DuVernay is 48. Actor-co- ºIn 1932, Amelia Earhart gen bomb in the South Pacific. Luck, 29, said he was retiring.
sent out several warnings for severe thunderstorms, flooding,
and flash flooding for parts of the state, including in the Boston
area, for late Sunday afternoon and early Sunday evening. The
storm was still ongoing as of deadline. LegaL Notices LegaL Notices LegaL Notices LegaL Notices LegaL Notices LegaL Notices
ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT City Of Boston Public Improvement Commission
August 20, 2020

Two women killed in head-on crash

Public Facilities Department (PFD) Public Works Department
Request for Qualifications (RFQ) Ordered: That due notice be given that this Commission
Project Title: Codman Square Branch Library Study INVITATION FOR SEALED BIDS is of the opinion that in said City of Boston the following
Location: 1520 Dorchester Avenue, Dorchester, MA ELECTRICAL REPAIR TO PUBLIC WORKS BUILDINGS ON public improvements will be considered at the request of
02122; Project No. 7201 AN AS-NEEDED BASIS the petitioner: 1241 Boylston LLC.
Two women were killed after a wrong-way driver crashed head-
Contact information On a petition by the petitioner for the acceptance of a Pe-
on into their vehicle on Route 27 in Brockton early Sunday, ac- For information specific to this particular RFQ, please destrian Easement adjacent to Boylston Street (public
contact PFD’s Bid Counter at way), Boston Proper, located on its northwesterly side at
cording to the Plymouth district attorney’s office. The two The City of Boston, acting by its Public Works Commis- address no. 1241, between Park Drive and Ipswich Street.
sioner, hereinafter is referred to as the Awarding Authority,
women were traveling in a gray 2004 Hyundai Santa Fe in the Pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 7C, §§ hereby invites sealed bids for the above titled project. In- This Commission appoints September 3, 2020, at 10:00
44-57, the City of Boston’s Public Facilities Department vitations for bids shall be available until the time of the bid AM, in Boston City Hall room 801, as the time and place for
northbound lane when the car collided with a blue 2009 Volk- (PFD) is requesting qualification statements for services in- opening. Every sealed bid shall be submitted in accordance the Public Hearing to consider the petition of the petitioner.
cluding master planning, studying, programming and cost with the Invitations for Bids. All bids for this project are
swagen Jetta that was traveling southbound in the wrong direc- estimating for the Codman Square Branch Library Study subject to all sections 29 and 44A-J, inclusive of Chapter CHRISTOPHER P. OSGOOD
project with an estimated study cost of $100,000. 149 of the General Laws, as amended, and in accordance GREGORY ROONEY
tion on Route 27 near the overpass to Route 24 at about 3:08 with the terms and provisions of the contract documents SEAN LYDON
The scope of services for the Codman Square Branch entitled: Electrical Repair Work to Public Works Build- INDIRA ALVAREZ
a.m., the district attorney’s office said in a statement. A 31-year- Library includes design services to perform a program- ings on an as needed basis PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION
ming and facility study at the Codman Square Branch
old man driving a 2000 red Chevy Tahoe also collided with the Library at 690 Washington St. Dorchester MA 02124. General Bids will be valid only when accompanied by (1) a A true copy of an order passed by said Commission
The library analysis will provide a detailed program- Certificate of Eligibility issued by DCAM, on said day.
Jetta after the initial crash. He was not injured and refused ming report that adheres to the Compass Principles, showing that the contractor has been approved in Electri- Attest:
as defined by the Boston Public Library and the evolv- cal Construction to bid on projects the size and nature of Abateneh Y. Alemu
medical treatment at the scene. The 66-year-old driver of the ing needs of the Community, including high-level analy- that advertised, and (2) an Update Statement summariz- Interim Executive Secretary
sis of neighborhood demographic changes and trends. ing the general contractor’s record for the period between
Hundai Santa Fe was taken to Good Samaritan Hospital, where the latest DCAM certification and the date the general con-
The study will include a detailed facility assessment of all tractor submits its bid.
she died, the Plymouth district attorney’s office said. Her 39- building systems and a cost estimate. The designer will co- City Of Boston Public Improvement Commission
ordinate closely with Boston Public Library staff and meet PLANS/SPECIFICATIONS will be available on Tuesday,
year-old passenger was pronounced dead at the scene. The 30- with the community and project stakeholders throughout August 18, 2020 by appointment only. Invitation for bids August 20, 2020
the study period. The focus of the study shall include evalu- shall be available until the time of the bid opening .There
year-old driver of the Jetta was taken to Good Samaritan Hospi- ation of operational adjacencies that support improved
space utilization, dedicated children, and teen spaces,
will be a charge of five dollars ($5) NOT REFUNDABLE, for
each set of contract documents taken out. Every sealed
Ordered: That due notice be given that this Commission
is of the opinion that in said City of Boston the following
tal and then transferred to Brigham and Women’s Hospital in expanded program spaces and efficient staff spaces that
enhance workflows and improved wayfinding signage
filed not later than Thursday, September 3, 2020 at 10:00
am at the Office of the Commissioner, Public Works Room
public improvements will be considered at the request of
the petitioner: 1241 Boylston LLC.
Boston with life-threatening injuries, the district attorney’s of- and furniture. The study shall also focus on improvements
to the façade, building system efficiency, technology up-
At which time the bids will be opened read aloud through On a petition by the petitioner for the granting of a Projec-
fice said. No charges have been filed, a spokeswoman for the grades, and sustainability. Furthermore, the study will also
include an analysis of mixed use housing opportunities
a virtual meeting. Due to the current public health crisis
and restrictions around gatherings, interested parties will
tion License for the installation of a canopy over a portion
of the sidewalk within Ipswich Street (public way), Boston
Plymouth district attorney’s office said in an e-mail. The crash on the library site, including: a market analysis, a zoning
and land use analysis and coordination of housing require-
not be able to access the building for the bid opening but
will be able to view the event live through a link provided
Proper, located on its northeasterly side at the side of 1241
Boylston Street, between Van Ness Street and Boylston
is under investigation. ments including a preliminary plan of finance with devel-
opment and operating pro forma budgets, including likely
by Public Works upon receiving your bid packet. You will be
sent an email with an invite to join. All bids must be from
subsidy resourcing. Assessment of the aforementioned bidders of record (those who have purchased contract This Commission appoints September 3, 2020, at 10:00
improvements shall be explored via test fit options and documents) on file at room 714, City Hall. AM, in Boston City Hall room 801, as the time and place for
DORCHESTER massing studies in the context of a building reuse, building the Public Hearing to consider the petition of the petitioner.
expansion as well as an entirely new facility. In the con- The attention of all bidders is directed to the Boston Resi-

Dennis woman ID’d as crash victim

text of an entirely new facility, the studied improvements dents Jobs Policy section of the specifications CHRISTOPHER P. OSGOOD
shall adhere to Mayor Walsh’s executive order requiring all and the obligation of the contractor to take affirmative ac- GREGORY ROONEY
new municipal buildings to conform to Zero Net Carbon tion in connection with employment practices in SEAN LYDON
standards. the performance of this contract. The contractor and its INDIRA ALVAREZ
subcontractors shall maintain the following ratios of work-
The victim of a fatal multi-vehicle Dorchester crash Saturday The City reserves the right to retain the selected designer force hours in each trade: People of Color 25% to 40% of to-
to provide complete design and construction administra- tal workhours, Female: 10% to 12% of total workhours, Bos-
has been identified as 39-year-old Ashley Rose Jimenez of Den- tion services for the resulting project. ton Residents: 50% to 51% of total workhours. Bidders are
A true copy of an order passed by said Commission
on said day.
Project fees will follow the schedule as stated in the appli- hereby notified that this project is subject to M.G.L. C. 149,
nis, according to State Police. A preliminary investigation sug- cation form. Completion shall be 104 weeks after execu- s. 27 and in accordance contractors must pay prevailing
Abateneh Y. Alemu
tion of a contract. Applicants must be a registered Archi- wages as set by the Division of Occupational Safety within Interim Executive Secretary
gests that a Nissan Altima, driven by Jimenez, struck a traffic tect in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts with master the Department of Labor and Workforce Development.
planning experience.
barrier attenuator on Interstate 93 near Exit 14, went out of A performance bond and labor and materials payment
A program for this project will not be prepared beyond the bond satisfactory to the Awarding Authority, of a
control around 7:40 p.m., and hit a Brewster ambulance that scope of services stated above. surety company licensed to do business under the laws of
City Of Boston Public Improvement Commission
the Commonwealth and included on the U.S.
was transporting a patient, State Police said in a statement. The project will be performed under applicable M.G.L. Treasury current list of approved sureties (See Circular
August 20, 2020
c.149 §§ 44A-44J. 570), in the sum of 100% of the contract price Ordered: That due notice be given that this Commission
Three other vehicles were also involved in the crash after the will be required of the successful bidder. The Awarding Au- is of the opinion that in said City of Boston the following
Applicants must provide the names of key personnel and thority reserves the right to waive any informality in or to public improvements will be considered at the request of
initial collision, the statement said. Jimenez was declared dead consultants that will be utilized on this project for the fol- reject any and all bids if it is in the public interest to do so. the petitioner: 1241 Boylston LLC.
lowing disciplines: civil, structural, plumbing and electrical
at the scene, the statement said. She was the only person in the engineer; code consultant; sustainable design specialist; CHRIS OSGOOD, Chief of Streets, Transportation, and Sani- On a petition by the petitioner for the granting of an Earth
geotechnical engineer; HVAC engineer; landscape archi- tation Retention License for the installation of a temporary earth
car, according to police. Two Brewster EMS medics, the patient tect; fire protection engineer; cost estimator and commer- (August 18, August 24, 2020) support system within Ipswich Street (public way), Boston
cial real estate consultant with appraisal and developmen- Proper, located on its northeasterly side at the side of 1241
they were transporting, and a man from one of the other in- tal experience. 72153702 Boylston Street, between Van Ness Street and Boylston
volved vehicles were transported to Boston Medical Center Applicants, at a minimum, must have prior experience on CITY OF BOSTON
projects in the following settings: Urban, Leadership in En- This Commission appoints September 3, 2020, at 10:00
with minor injuries, State Police said. Troopers found small ergy and Environmental Design (LEED). Public Works Department AM, in Boston City Hall room 801, as the time and place for
the Public Hearing to consider the petition of the petitioner.
open and closed bottles of alcohol inside the Nissan, the state- Applicants, at a minimum, must have prior experience on INVITATION FOR SEALED BIDS
the following types of projects: Municipal libraries in an ur- CLEANING OF MUNICIPAL PARKING LOTS CHRISTOPHER P. OSGOOD
ment said. State Police had received reports of a vehicle match- ban setting, mixed use projects with housing in an urban
setting and zero net carbon buildings.
ing the description of the Nissan Altima being driven erratically The Designer Application Package will be available on Au-
on Route 3 earlier Saturday, the statement said. The crash re- gust 24, 2020 at the Public Facilities Department Bid Coun-
ter to all interested parties. The Designer Application Pack- The City of Boston (“the City”), acting by its Chief of Streets, A true copy of an order passed by said Commission
mains under investigation. ages are only available electronically and by requesting
access for such through Statements
Transportation, and Sanitation (“the Official”), invites sealed
bids for the performance of the work generally described
on said day.
of Qualifications must be submitted in sealed envelopes above, and particularly set forth in the Invitation for bids, Abateneh Y. Alemu
and returned to PFD Bid Counter, 26 Court Street, 1st Floor, which may be obtained at the Public Works Department,
MANCHESTER, N.H. Boston, Massachusetts 02108 by September 16, 2020 no Boston City Hall, Room 714, Contract Office) Boston, MA
Interim Executive Secretary
later than 2:00 P.M. LATE QUALIFICATION STATEMENTS 02201 beginning at 9:00 am on Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Trump to hold rally on Friday

WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. by appointment only. Invitation for bids shall be available
until the time of the bid opening. There will be a charge CITY OF BOSTON
August 24, 2020 of five dollars ($5.00) NOT REFUNDABLE, for each set of TREE REMOVAL HEARING
Patrick I. Brophy contract documents taken out 566 Columbus Avenue in Roxbury
President Trump will hold a rally in Manchester, N.H., on Fri- Chief of Operations
A Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference will be held on Thursday, In accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 87, the City of Boston
day night — a month after he canceled a planned rally in Ports- City Of Boston Public Improvement Commission August 27, 2020 at 10:00 am, via a Google Meet Video Call.
You will receive an email notification upon picking up the
will hold a public hearing on the request to remove one ash
tree that is 20” in diameter at chest height and two honey
mouth. Trump will speak at the PeriCohas Hangar near Man- August 20, 2020 contract documents. locust trees that are each 3” in diameter at chest height lo-
cated at 566 Columbus Avenue in Roxbury. The hearing will
chester-Boston Regional Airport at 6 p.m., his campaign team Ordered: That due notice be given that this Commission
is of the opinion that in said City of Boston the following
Every sealed bid shall be submitted in accordance with the
Invitation for Bids. All sealed bids shall be filed no later
be held at 11:00 am on Thursday, September 3, 2020. Writ-
ten comments or questions may be submitted to parks@
said in a statement. “In accordance with State of New Hamp- public improvements will be considered at the request of
the petitioner: President and Fellows of Harvard College.
than Tuesday, September 8, 2020 at 10:00 am at the office
of the Official, Public Works Department, Room 714, Boston prior to the hearing. This hearing will be held
virtually via ZOOM as follows:
City Hall. At which time the bids will be opened read aloud
shire Emergency Order 63, masks are required and will be pro- On a petition by the petitioner for the making of Specific through a virtual meeting. Due to the current public health To participate by computer:
Repairs within North Harvard Street (public way), Brigh- crisis and restrictions around gatherings, interested parties
vided to all attendees,” the statement said. The rally will take ton, located on its southeasterly side at address no. 95, will not be able to access the building for the bid open-
generally northeast of South Campus Drive. ing but will be able to view the event live through a link To participate by phone:
place a day after Trump is slated to speak during the 2020 Re- provided by Public Works, upon receiving your bid packet. Number: 1-312-626-6799 or 1-646-558-8656
This Commission appoints September 3, 2020, at 10:00 Webinar ID: 851 7868 2590
publican National Convention. Trump was initially scheduled AM, in Boston City Hall room 801, as the time and place for All bids must be from bidders of record (those who have
the Public Hearing to consider the petition of the petitioner. picked up contract documents) on file at Room 714, City City Of Boston Public Improvement Commission
to hold a rally in Portsmouth, N.H., July 11, but cancelled citing Hall. The documents must be accompanied by a non-re-
fundable bid deposit in the form of a bid bond, certified August 20, 2020
concerns over Tropical Storm Fay. CHRISTOPHER P. OSGOOD check drawn on or treasurer’s or cashier’s check issued by
GREGORY ROONEY a responsible bank or trust company, payable to the City Ordered: That due notice be given that this Commission
SEAN LYDON of Boston, in the amount of on hundred dollars ($100.00), is of the opinion that in said City of Boston the following
INDIRA ALVAREZ public improvements will be considered at the request of
PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION The attention of all bidders is directed to the provisions of the petitioner: 1241 Boylston LLC.
the Invitation for Bids and contract documents, specifically
to the requirements for bid deposits, insurance and perfor- On a petition by the petitioner for the making of Specific
A true copy of an order passed by said Commission mance bonds as may be applicable. Repairs within the following public ways in Boston Proper:
on said day.
The contract will begin on September 21, 2020 to June 30, •Boylston Street – on its northwesterly side at address
Attest: 2021. The contract shall contain Two (2) One-Year Options. no. 1241, between Park Drive and Ipswich Street;
Abateneh Y. Alemu If both options are exercised, it will result in a contract •Ipswich Street – on its northeasterly side, between Van
Executive Secretary term of three years. Ness Street and Boylston Street.

News Advertising City Of Boston Public Improvement Commission The Chief of Public Works has determined that there is little
or no risk of default or unsatisfactory performance by the
This Commission appoints September 3, 2020, at 10:00
AM, in Boston City Hall room 801, as the time and place for
August 20, 2020 vendor/contractor therefore, a performance bond will not the Public Hearing to consider the petition of the petitioner.
Switchboard: (617) 929-2000 (617) 929-2200 Ordered: That due notice be given that this Commission
is of the opinion that in said City of Boston the following The award of this contract shall be subject to the approval
(617) 929-7400 public improvements will be considered at the request of of the Mayor of Boston. The maximum time for bid accep- SEAN LYDON
the petitioners: Seaport B/C Retail Owner LLC and Seaport tance by the City after the opening of bids shall be ninety INDIRA ALVAREZ Square Development Company LLC. (90) days. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION CLASSIFIED The City and the Official reserve the right to reject any or all
On a joint petition by the petitioners for the making of bids or any item or items thereof and to award a contract A true copy of an order passed by said Commission
(617) 929-1500 Specific Repairs within Seaport Boulevard (public way), as the Official deems to be in the best interests of the City. on said day.
SPOTLIGHT TEAM TIP LINE South Boston, located on its northeasterly side at address Attest:
no. 85, generally between Sleeper Street and Fan Pier Bou- CHRIS OSGOOD, Chief of Streets, Transportation, and Sani- Abateneh Y. Alemu
(617) 929-7483 levard. tation Interim Executive Secretary
(August 17, August 24, 2020)

Customer service City Retail Other

This Commission appoints September 3, 2020, at 10:00
AM, in Boston City Hall room 801, as the time and place
for the Public Hearing to consider the petition of the pe-
Massachusetts Development Finance Agency
titioners. Property Management Services
PRINT AND DIGITAL 7-day home delivery $30.00 30.00 30.00
1550 Main Street LegaL Notices LegaL Notices
(888) 694-5623 Sunday-only CHRISTOPHER P. OSGOOD Springfield, MA
$10.00 10.00 10.00 GREGORY ROONEY
home delivery Daily single copy $3.00 3.00 3.00
SEAN LYDON 1-800-Pack-Rat (MA-
INDIRA ALVAREZ Massachusetts Development Finance Agency (“MassDevel- Commonwealth of Methuen-5517)
Sunday single copy $6.00 6.00 6.00 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION opment”) is seeking Proposals / Qualifications (RFP/Q) from Massachusetts 14 Aegean Dr.
property management companies interested in providing Middlesex Sheriff’s Office Methuen, MA 01844
comprehensive property management services for the op- 877-774-1537
eration of the 150,000 SF Class A office building located at Public Bid Notice Notice of Sale
A true copy of an order passed by said Commission 1550 Main Street, Springfield, MA. Interested companies Request for Response Tenant:
on said day. may request a copy of the RFP/Q beginning 8/24/20 at 2PM for Inmate Medical Unit #

by emailing Tom Pope at Services RFR 2021-002 BRISCOE, JAMAL ZM0233
Attest: or on MassDevelopment’s website at (https://www.mass- Grand China Inc. D03674
Abateneh Y. Alemu A mandatory site walkthrough In complete compliance Lackey, Marilyn D52342
Interim Executive Secretary will be held on 9/10/20 at 10AM. MassDevelopment may with the Commonwealth Long, Tami Lang ZM0226
provide additional guidance with respect to the site walk- of Massachusetts, Office Maurice, Olga D10201
SUNDAY MIDDAY 9685 MEGABUCKS through closer to the date of the walkthrough. Responses
are due no later than 2PM on 9/23/20. MassDevelopment
of the Sheriff policy gov-
erning the procurement
Merrill, Allen 706346
Morales, Wilson 706714
Payoffs (based on a $1 bet) August 22 01-02-21-27-28-35 LegaL Notices LegaL Notices reserves the right to waive any informalities or to reject
any or all responses. Award of a contract for the work con-
of commodities and/or
services, the Middlesex
Servpro of East Boston
templated by the RFP/Q may be subject to the approval of Sheriff’s Office (MSO)
EXACT ORDER Jackpot: $3.7 million; no winners MassDevelopment’s Board of Directors. is soliciting sealed
Servpro of East Boston
responses for a vendor
to provide Inmate
Katie Hallmark D00458
1-800-Pack-Rat (MA-
11 - 45 Bowdoin Street in 191 B Sumner Street in
Midday Night Beacon Hill East Boston
Medical Services at the Methuen-5517), 14 Aegean
First or last 3 $801 Middlesex Jail and House Dr., Methuen, MA 01844,
Saturday 6649 2165 In accordance with M.G.L. In accordance with M.G.L.
of Correction in Billerica, has possessory lien on all of
Any 2 digits $69 Chapter 87, the City of Chapter 87, the City of Bos-
MA. RFR 2021-002 must the goods stored in the units
Friday 0200 9300 Boston will hold a public ton will hold a public hear-
be received by the MSO above. All these items of
Any 1 digit $7 hearing on the request to ing on the request to re-
Central Purchasing personal property are being
Thursday 5708 6669 remove six honey locust move one red oak tree that
Department located at sold pursuant to the assertion
ANY ORDER trees with diameters at
400 Mystic Avenue, 4th of the lien on 9/8/2020 at
Wednesday 7167 5816 chest height as follows: 2”,
is 9” in diameter at chest
height at 191 B Sumner
floor Medford, MA 02155 10:00 AM in order to collect
by 2 pm on Thursday,
All 4 digits $238 Tuesday 2139 4777 12”, 12”, 13”, 14” and 14” Street in East Boston. The September 17, 2020.
the amounts due from you.
The sale will take place on
located at 11 - 45 Bowdoin hearing will be held at 10:00 Responses received after
First 3 $133 Street in Beacon Hill. The am on Thursday, September
WEEKEND NUMBERS hearing will be held at 10:30 3, 2020. Written comments
the deadline will not be
considered for contract
from 9/8/2020 to 9/15/2020
Last 3 $133 AROUND NEW ENGLAND am on Thursday, September or questions may be sub- award. Responses must
at 6:00p.m.
3, 2020. Written comments mitted to parks@boston.
SUNDAY NIGHT 0162 Sun. Maine, N.H., Vermont
or questions may be sub- gov prior to the hearing.
be received in a sealed
envelope clearly labeled
mitted to parks@boston. This hearing will be held vir- “Request for Response
Payoffs (based on a $1 bet) Day: 3-digit 324 4-digit 4961
gov prior to the hearing. tually via ZOOM as follows: for Inmate Medical
Eve: 3-digit 452 4-digit 5101
This hearing will be held vir-
tually via ZOOM as follows: To participate by computer:
Services RFR 2021-002.”
The contract will run Today’s
All 4 digits $5,191 Rhode Island
To participate by computer:
from the date of the
contract award until one
year after the award
us/j/88429305965 To participate by phone:
First or last 3 $727 Sunday 8333 Number: 1-301-715-8592
date. There will be three

Any 2 digits $62 To participate by phone: or 1-312-626-6799 (3) additional Get the day’s
Saturday's Powerball Number: 1-312-626-6799 or Webinar ID: 846 5587 3044 one-year options to
1-646-558-8656 renew. Options will be top stories
Any 1 digit $6 19-30-36-42-66 Webinar ID: 884 2930 5965 renewed at the sole

ANY ORDER Powerball 14 Now place your want ads discretion of the MSO
and contingent upon
sufficient appropriation
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whenever you want ads. of funds. The MSO
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reject or accept any or all
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responses and waive any
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MASS CASH bid documents can be
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Alison Gallon at agallon@
Jackpot: $100,000; no winners Experience or
b6 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e M o n d a y, a u g u s t 2 4 , 2 0 2 0

Here’s the latest
going out

11 rooftop restaurants hot pandemic purchase

and patios to enjoy (safely)
while it’s still summer Heat lamps One of Frontgate’s
models is the
help make your Lightfire Patio
Heater. It sells for
socially distant more than $4,000.

hangouts last Below: Frontgate’s

commercial patio
through autumn heater, which
runs about $500.

The airstream-turned-bar at Coppersmith in South Boston.

By Diti Kohli

globe correspondent

he end of summer is creeping up on us, but it isn’t here yet, so

now seems as good a time as any to (safely) pay a visit to the
rooftop and outdoor restaurants bostonians hold so dear. that frontgate photos

way, you can enjoy an al fresco evening out before it gets too
nippy and summer becomes a distant memory. the globe compiled a list
of a few open-air breweries and restaurants in and around boston that
serve cocktails, bites, and beers. in order to comply with covid-19 safety
guidelines, all require masks, social distancing, and capacity limits. seri-

By Meredith Goldstein tween the two.
ously people, follow the rules or stay home. Many places recommend or re- globe staff lindsay foster, senior director of merchandising for
quire reservations in advance, so plan ahead. rysta chauncey-allen of somerville frontgate, said the company started to see an uptick in
did not want to be late on a trend interest in heat lamps this month. she said the ques-
again. tion of the moment is “how do we extend the season?”
trillium Fort Point cart drafts. While you’re there, peek she hadn’t moved fast enough Many people improved their outdoor space after
located right in the seaport, trillium at the extensive brunch, lunch, and during what she jokingly calls the March and want to make use of it during the winter.
serves up more than a dozen outdoor dinner menus. coppersmithboston “great hammock rush of 2020,” “We even see customers buying two and three, you
drafts, snacks, and a limited food .com, 40 W. 3rd St., South Boston when many people, including her friends, decided it know, or multiple heaters at a time,” she said. “because
menu for the remainder of the warm might be nice to rest outside during the summer. they want to stay outside as long as possible and they
season. devour malt salt fries, island Faces Brewing co. “you had to scour the internet for one,” she said. “i know that as november hits, you can’t go anywhere.
creek oysters, or a warm lobster roll if you’re heading out to Malden, drop didn’t want to do that again, so i started the conversa- they can at least go outside.”
while drinking your beer of choice. by one of the area’s newest spots: tion [with friends] about, like … what’s the next ham- a popular frontgate model is the propane-fueled, 50 Thomson faces brewing co. the brewpub mock?” carillon patio heater, which has been on sale for
Place, Seaport opened in the midst of the pandemic, the next hammock, as it turns out, $1,139.05. there’s also the lightfire pa-
in June, and started to-go can sales is a heat lamp. tio heater, which looks very Mi-
only shortly before. now its outdoor some people are buying small, ami and costs more than $4,000.
patio serves as a retreat for lovers of portable, lantern-style lamps for it heats about 450 square feet of
summer looking for a brew and a their city decks. others are investing in the tall, outdoor space.
bite. beers on tap include new eng- mushroom-shaped lamps you might find on of course, if you miss the rush, you can get
land ipas like headspace, digression, the patio of a restaurant. chauncey-allen more creative about where to find them. some
and progression, and you can opt for bought her heat lamp — a Well traveled living restaurant supply companies are now finding
a garden party pizza, mondo burger, black, electric patio heater — from lowe’s. that private consumers want their products.
wings, brushcetta, and more. in new england, where it could be very cold in a andy starr, of restaurant supplier boston, 50 Pleasant St., just a few months, residents still want the option of showcase company, which has had clients such as
Malden hanging out safely with friends. that means they
Dorchester Brewing company need a heat source strong enough to keep people co-
retreat to the recently renovated patio cambridge Brewing company zy even if they’re many feet away from each other ‘We even see customers buying
at dorchester brewing company for as the oldest brewpub in greater bos- and outside.
house beers and guest brews. its in- ton, the cambridge brewing compa- fire pits are also in style, but that can be a bigger . . . multiple heaters at a time.
door hopservatory beer hall is closed
to comply with the state’s covid-19
ny and its extensive outdoor patio is
open and always ready for customers.
project — one that only works if you have the space.
a heat lamp is simple. Most of the time.
Because they want to stay
safety guidelines, but the outdoor deck With 13 beers on tap and food like but they’re going fast. outside as long as possible.’
with its open-air tables is still serving. fish ’n’ chips, fried brussels sprouts, a spokesperson for Wayfair said searches for pa-
lindsay foster, senior director of
visitors can also pick and choose from and chocolate cake on the menu, tio heaters are up more than 70 percent in the last
merchandising for Frontgate
the full menu of in-house restaurant what more could you ask for? five weeks compared to this time other years. (fire
M&M bbQ, which cooks up half racks, pit searches are up 60 percent). Wayfair sells a vari-
of ribs, chicken, sandwiches, corn- 1 Kendall Sq., Cambridge ety of heaters for properties of all sizes, like electric
bread, soft pretzels, and more. patio heaters that can be attached to the top of a cov- davio’s, grill 23 & bar, and uni, said that in normal, guy’s tequila cocina ered porch. Mobile gas and electric heaters include times the company wouldn’t keep a surplus of patio
1250 Massachusetts Ave., Dorchester you’ve no doubt seen guy fieri on popular sellers such as the baner garden patio heat- heaters in stock. but because of the pandemic, it
“diners, drive-ins, and dives” on the er, an almost 74-inch-tall propane patio heater brought in a supply to have them on hand.
food network at some point; now with a 20-foot heat range diameter (on sun- boston showcase company has some
you can sample his food. at guy’s te- day, it was out of stock), and northern trail’s mushroom- and pyramid-shaped models
quila cocina, the patio menu over- propane tabletop patio heater, which looks that run about $600. of course, starr recom-
flows with options for margaritas and like a tabletop version of what you’d see at a mends buying very soon.
tequila flights, and the food includes restaurant. it’s been on sale for $103.99 and “With a normal product that we carry,
fajitas, cojito fries, and even a crispy is about 20 pounds. they’d run out and we’d order more,” he said.
cheeseburger taco., frontgate, a brand known for design- “but with the two particular models that we
110 Causeway St., Boston friendly, upscale outdoor decor, has a small brought in, there is nothing to re-order.”
variety of heat lamps in its collection. they
the Pour yard sell to commercial and residential shoppers, Meredith Goldstein can be reached at
this 50-seat patio in Quincy has a few but these days there’s less distinction be-
Rooftop@Revere cocktails on the menu that stand out
this rooftop above the revere hotel — think an adult iced coffee, orange
offers 16,000 square feet of outdoor and peach blossom Mule, and a rasp-
space — complete with lounge chairs, berry lime rickey lemonade with
chaises, and towering plants. plus the bourbon. it also serves hot dog flights community
patio comes with a sprawling view of (nathan’s all-beef dogs with a array of
the theater district and back bay. on toppings and condiments) and a col-
the menu is an array of cocktails, san-
grias, draft beers, seltzers, and wines
lection of flatbread pizzas., 210 Washington
BPL offering free passes as museums reopen
to sip on under the sun. bites, like St., Quincy
guacamole and chips or chicken boston public library cardholders
wings, are also available. reverehotel the Brendan Behan Pub can now access free and discounted
.com, 200 Stuart St., Boston nestled in Jamaica plain, this long- passes to local museums. effective im-
loved spot has a secluded brick patio mediately, the Museum pass program
Brato Brewhouse and Kitchen behind its fencing. there (and now includes nine spots, including the in-
this one isn’t a rooftop — rather it’s an out front, too), customers can find stitute of contemporary art, larz an-
outdoor beer garden nestled on a the perfect place to savor a beer and derson auto Museum, and new eng-
paved lot in brighton. its outdoor ta- partake of the behan’s limited food land aquarium. new locations will be
bles are covered by big red umbrellas menu., added as they reopen in the coming
and surrounded by strings of lights, 378 Center St., Jamaica Plain months.
garden chairs, and whiskey barrels. some passes may be physical, in
the beer menu includes picks like Kiss Harpoon Brewery which case a cardholder will need to
the cook and extraterrestrial affair to the new outdoors @ harpoon space return the pass to a bpl location after
enjoy alongside homemade sausages, in front of the beer hall can accom- use. these passes will be subject to
grilled cheese, and “truffalo” wings. modate guests in tented seating. late fees. others will be paper coupons, 190 N. Beacon St., there, they can dive into the draft or digital passes that require an e-mail
Brighton beer menu with seasonal picks like address and no physical pickup. each
dragonWeisse with dragonfruit and institution may have their own ticket-
coppersmith hibiscus, camp Wannamango, or ing and reservation methods beyond
atop this restaurant in south boston house Marg, a margarita-inspired the library pass.
is a breathtaking roof deck where they sour ale., cardholders can reserve one pass
serve craft beers and house cocktails. 306 Northern Ave. per museum within 30 days. passes
steven senne/associated press
it’s the spot for a spicy Margarita, pas- can be reserved at
sion spritz, or almond Manhattan. Diti Kohli can be reached at The Institute of Contemporary Art is among the sites included in the museum-passes.
otherwise try the be hoppy or Mango Boston Public Library’s Museum Pass program. diti Kohli
Sports C
NBA playoffs: Rockets-Thunder, 4 p.m., TNT
NHL playoffs: Islanders-Flyers, 7 p.m., NBCSN
NBA playoffs: Lakers-Trail Blazers, 9 p.m., TNT
NHL playoffs: Stars-Avalanche, 9:45 p.m., NBCSN
Listings, C3

T H E B O S T O N G L O B E M O N DAY, AUG US T 24 , 2 0 2 0 | B O S T O N G L O B E .C O M / S P O RT S

First round was a ball for Celtics

Gary Washburn Walker, Tatum
sweep away 76ers

A feeling
worth waiting for By Adam Himmelsbach

Celtics 110 There was a time earlier this year

ORLANDO — On his left leg were two over- when a first-round series be-
stuffed ice packs, cooling, protecting, and heal- 76ers 106 tween the Celtics and 76ers, with
ing the left knee that has caused Kemba Walker their All-Stars, their rabid fan bases, and their
so much trouble this season. He could have simmering rivalry, would have been a seductive
pounded the knee for more minutes if the Celt- matchup.
ics had allowed, but we may not have been here But then the games moved to silent Orlando,
if that was the case. then Ben Simmons and Gordon Hayward were
Here was Walker’s first career playoff series hurt, and then the Celtics established that this
victory. For eight years, Walker labored with the seemingly fair fight was not fair at all. In Game 4
Charlotte Bobcats/Hornets, becoming the lone on Sunday the Celtics defeated the 76ers, 110-
cornerstone of a franchise that has not sus- 106, to complete a series sweep.
tained any prolonged success since returning to Kemba Walker, who has advanced to the sec-
the NBA 15 years ago. ond round of the playoffs for the first time, led
Walker represented all that was good about Boston with 32 points. Jayson Tatum added 28
the Hornets and then they essentially betrayed points and a career-high 15 rebounds.
him by not offering anything close to a maxi- With the score tied at 77 late in the third quar-
mum contract to stay, when he made it clear he ter the Celtics created separation with a 14-0 run
wanted to re-sign. So he signed a max deal with that was sparked by Tatum, who had been rela-
the Celtics, the first time in his career he didn’t tively quiet. The All-Star had 7 points in the flur-
have to be the lone focal point on a team, no ry, including a deep dagger from the top of the
more constant late double teams, no more, key. The Celtics never trailed again.
“Kemba, why didn’t you win us the game?” from Boston advances to the conference semifinals,
fans. where it will face the Toronto Raptors, who swept
Walker had a chance to play a role on a team away the Brooklyn Nets later Sunday.
ON BASKETBALL, Page C4 Kemba Walker drives around the 76ers’ Joel Embiid for 2 of his game-high 32 points. CELTICS, Page C4

Near-perfect storm


Brad Marchand buries the puck in the

third period to give the Bruins a 3-0 lead.

Bruins strike
first, get jump
on Lightning
By Matt Porter

Bruins 3 There will surely be moments

in this series, perhaps if and
Lightning 2 when injured captain Steven
Stamkos returns to the Lightning lineup,
when Tampa Bay will dissect the Bruins with
There were few of those moments in
Game 1.
In striking the first blow with a 3-2 win on
Sunday, the Bruins were at times surgical.
While they were plenty physical, they beat
the Lightning for just the third time in 14
meetings with quick sticks, smart plays and
boatloads of confidence.
Dustin Johnson hits an iron Sunday on No. 14, one of just five holes he failed to birdie during his 11-shot victory in the Northern Trust. You never doubted they find it, did you?
“Those were exhibition games, let’s be
honest here,” said Brad Marchand, one of the
Tara Sullivan It’s Johnson by 11 Bruins’ goal-scorers, referring to the collec-
tive yawn they let out through the round rob-

A dominance in legendary romp in. “We obviously buckled down when the
playoffs started. When the games mattered.”
Charlie Coyle and David Pastrnak also

that’s rarely seen By Julian Benbow


NORTON — Dustin Johnson’s status as the

scored for the Bruins, who will rest for a day
before a Tuesday-Wednesday set of Games 2
and 3. In those games, if the Bruins are as
was on display winner of the Northern Trust wasn’t really ever in
question Sunday at TPC Boston. Just whether
composed in critical moments as they were
in the opening contest, they could have a
he’d have to wait until Monday to lift the trophy. commanding lead.
It got to the point late in A 74-minute weather delay caused by Sun- The Bruins scored 1:17 into the third, af-
Sunday’s Northern Trust day’s thunderstorms hit Norton with Johnson on ter Patrice Bergeron picked the pocket of de-
coverage that announcers the 17th hole, nine shots clear of the field. When fenseman Ryan McDonagh as he wheeled
were left pointing out the play resumed at 7:14 p.m., it seemed possible the around the Tampa net. Marchand, who be-
stretches of TPC Boston With the sun long gone, Dustin Johnson six players left on the course wouldn’t be able to gan the sequence by tracking down a loose
that Dustin Johnson had beams as he holds the winner’s trophy. finish before sunset, or more weather. BRUINS, Page C2
not birdied across four The sextet didn’t beat the rain, but nothing
dominant days of golf. was stopping Johnson’s machine-like run at his-
That’s how ridiculously The Northern tory this year. At 7:40, 10 minutes after the sun
well DJ played, turning the manicured lawns of Trust TPC BOSTON had been expected to set, Johnson sank a 4-foot I N S I DE
Norton’s favorite golf course into his own person- FINAL-ROUND LEADERS birdie putt, completing a 30-under 254 with an 8-
al playground, a show of dominance for which under 63 and tying a bow on the most dominant No walk in the park
only Mother Nature proved equal. Yet even as the
weather gods forced Johnson to pause on the
17th hole Sunday — at which point he held a
Dustin Johnson
Harris English
week of golf ever seen on the two-decade-old de-
Johnson won by 11 over Harris English. He
Godley can’t find the plate as Red Sox let
down by pitching again in Baltimore. C5

nine-stroke lead — they only delayed the inevita- fell just one shot shy of the lowest aggregate ever
Catch-up ball
NOTABLES Edelman looks to make a connection with
ble. A short time later, Johnson closed out an 11- in a 72-hole PGA Tour event, Justin Thomas’s 253
Berger -18 Kuchar -12 all three Patriots quarterbacks. C8
stroke victory and a 30-under 254 with one final at the 2017 Sony Open. (Johnson broke the TPC
Scheffler -17 Rose -11
birdie on 18. He was the talk of both the week,
Kisner -17 Bradley -10
Boston record of 262, done three times and most Twice as nice
and the sport, as a whole. recently by Henrik Stenson in 2013, by eight.) He No fans in stands to watch as Sato triumphs
From the 60 he carded on Friday, when he Simpson -16 Woods -6 is just the third player since 1950 to finish at least at Indy 500 for second time. C8
Rahm -16 McIlroy -2 NORTHERN TRUST, Page C7
C2 Sports T h e B o s t o n G l o b e M O N D A Y, A U G U S T 2 4 , 2 0 2 0

The wins come when they play with snarl

Kevin Paul the inside game right off the from Columbus. He said he wing faceoff dot on a velvety The takeaway of the night
hop. They owned a 15-9 shot hoped to get more chances in dish from David Krejci from belonged to Patrice Bergeron NHL playoffs
Dupont advantage, and a 1-0 lead, with this series by drawing more the bottom edge of the right on Brad Marchand’s goal that
Charlie Coyle connecting with fouls. wing circle. Again the Bolts made it 3-0 only 1:17 into the Eastern Conference
ON HOCKEY a low-in-the-zone tip of a Bran- To get those chances, the were shoddy in their own end, third. Ryan McDonagh picked At Scotiabank Arena, Toronto
don Carlo shot. Coyle was Bolts will have to do a better albeit on a penalty kill, and the puck up near his own goal PHILADELPHIA VS. NY ISLANDERS
A bit of a fright at the finish, alone above the crease, the job of moving their feet. Speed Krejci had no resistance deliv- — after great leg work by
but the Bruins cashed in on a Bolts back liners leaving him alone won’t guarantee penal- ering the cross-slot relay. Krej- Marchand getting the puck Mon., Aug. 24.....................................7
3-0 lead Sunday night, holding far too much open acreage. The ties, but it will typically force ci’s inclusion on the first-unit deep — and was attempting to Wed., Aug. 26.....................................3
off a late Tampa Bay charge led open acreage became a theme. opponents into stick and ob- PP has been the “find” of the race up the right side. But Pa- Thu., Aug. 27...................................... 7
Sat., Aug. 29.....................................12
by Victor Hedman’s two goals Goalie Jaroslav Halak won struction infractions — then it’s postseason for the Bruins. It trice The Thief slipped his stick *Mon., Aug. 31..............................TBA
for a 1-0 lead in the Eastern three straight in Round 1, fill- up to the referees to blow the highlights his spatial sense and under McDonagh’s stick, made *Wed., Sep. 2.................................TBA
Conference semis. ing in for the franchise tender whistle, and up to the Bolts to passing skills. the quick filch, and swept the *Thu., Sep. 3..................................TBA
The Bolts too often were Tuuuka Rask. The ’Canes didn’t convert their chances. If the Bolts can’t defend puck back toward Pastrnak Western Conference
loose in their own end, allow- pepper him with shots the way The Bolts didn’t have a sin- more proficiently deep in their near the net. Pasta fed a cross At Rogers Place, Edmonton
ing the Bruins room and time the Bolts can, but that wasn’t gle power- own zone, to Marchand, who banged
around the net. A distinct dif- evident in the first period. play chance in then they’ll home his fourth goal of the
ference from two years earlier,
also in a second-round series,
Tampa landed only the nine
shots, and really never tested
Game 5 vs Co-
‘We’ve certainly have to over-
postseason. Again, the Bolts
were too loose in their own
Sunday, Aug. 23
Vancouver................................. Vegas

when the Bolts all but cor- the 35-year-old tender. Halak Tampa grown as a team on offense, as end, and again, they paid.
Tue., Aug. 25..................................9:45
Thu., Aug. 27.................................9:45
doned off their own end of the has won four straight, the first didn’t connect they did in the “He has a gift, the way he
ice with yellow police tape and time he has won four games in on a second- since [2018], final 15 min- reads the game,” said March-
Sat., Aug. 29....................................... 8
*Mon., Aug. 31..............................TBA
kept Boston forwards pushed
out high and wide.
the postseason since the spring
of 2010 when he was wearing
period power
play (Chris obviously some utes of the
second. But
and, assessing Bergeron’s steal.
“His stick positioning, his abili-
*Tue., Sep. 1..................................TBA
*Thu., Sep. 3..................................TBA
“I thought we were better
than where we were,” said Bru-
the Montreal CH.
Frustrated on the power
Wagner in-
fraction), but
different that’s typically
not a prescrip-
ty to read plays . . . There’s just
very few guys in the league that

ins coach Bruce Cassidy after

the win, the Bruins’ fourth in a
play vs. Columbus in Round 1,
when they went 0 for 10, the
it did finally
find some
personnel.’ tion for suc-
cess. They are
have that ability on the defen-
sive side of things . . . picking
Stars lead series, 1-0
Saturday, Aug. 22
Dallas 5............................. Colorado 3
row this postseason. “We’ve Bolts had one chance with the traction in BRUCE CASSIDY, a bit spoiled, pucks, lifting sticks, his back Schedule
Mon., Aug. 24................................9:45
certainly grown as a team since advantage in the first period their offense. Bruins coach given the su- pressure is incredible. That Wed., Aug. 26..............................10:30
[2018], obviously some differ- (Zdeno Chara cross-check in After the Bru- perlative work goal was all him. His Fri., Aug. 28.......................................10
ent personnel. It’s something the opening minute). But the ins made it of Andrei forechecking a great read, and *Sun., Aug. 30...............................TBA
*Mon., Aug. 31..............................TBA
you have to do in the playoffs, futility remained. They 2-0 with only 4:34 gone, the Vasilevskiy in net, but the Bru- that’s why he’s going to be a *Wed., Sep. 2.................................TBA
particularly against a big D squeezed off only one shot on Bolts outshot them, 17-4, for ins were afforded too many Hall-of-Famer.” * If necessary
core, and we did a better job.” Halak. They finished the night the rest of the period. The ice Grade-A chances in the first 25 The Bolts, with their 28th
Keep in mind, noted Cassi- 0 for 3 on the advantage. tilted. And the steady-legged minutes. shot of the night, finally broke
dy, the Bruins won the opener With Steve Stamkos injured, Halak handled the vertigo. Left winger Nick Ritchie, Halak. With 8:50 gone in the to shovel off the shot. Does he
vs. the Bolts two years ago, they just don’t move the puck “It’s huge,” Coyle said of scratched for the final three third, Hedman connected on a ever get off the ice?
then dropped four straight. with the same pace, and they Halak’s work. “They’re a good games of the Hurricanes series, 45-foot snap when the puck Hedman scored again and
“I mean, we won the first don’t make the offensive end of team. They’re going to push. was back in the lineup on a line squibbed free in the slot. Jake finished the night with 25:47
game in Tampa,” he mused, the ice look bigger than a soc- And Jaro was there to shut the with Coyle and Anders Bjork DeBrusk was a hair late to TOI, about a minute less than
“then it didn’t go our way after cer field. door on a number of good on right wing. Neither pro- front the shot, and then Hed- McAvoy.
that. So we’re not going to get Tampa Bay coach Jon Coo- chances to keep us ahead. It duced a point, but both looked man’s shot ticked in off Charlie
ahead of ourselves . . . enjoy per noted Saturday that his could be a totally different better in the third period (three McAvoy. Kevin Paul Dupont can be
this one, but understand what charges never found their game.” shots on net for Bjork). Ritchie One of the few times the reached at
we need to be better. And I am rhythm on the advantage vs. David Pastrnak delivered delivered five hits, second only Bruins were sloppy in their
sure they’ll say the same thing.” the Blue Jackets, in part be- the two-goal lead, snapping to the seven by Joakim Nord- own end, and a very alert play Follow him on Twitter
The Bruins were better at cause they drew so few fouls home a one-timer from the left strom. by the uber-taltented Hedman @GlobeKPD.

Bruins Krejci still has playoff magic

strike for Chad Finn
Lightning vs. Bruins
If the 34-year-old continues
to play at a high level in the

first win
postseason this year and per-
I’ve always found it telling Bruins lead series, 1-0 haps a season or two beyond,
Sunday, Aug. 23
in all the important ways when Boston 3........................ Tampa Bay 2 there might be another number
a productive player makes a Schedule we need to remember: 46.
uBRUINS habit of performing at an equal Tue., Aug. 25.............7 p.m. (NBCSN) His sweater number, which
Continued from Page C1 Wed., Aug. 26...........8 p.m. (NBCSN)
or even higher level in the post- Fri., Aug. 28...............7:30 p.m. (USA) could well end up in the Gar-
puck in the Bolts’ zone and de- season. *Sun., Aug. 30...............................TBA den rafters.
*Tue., Sep. 1..................................TBA
laying until his mates arrived, During the dozen champ- *Wed., Sep. 2.................................TBA
This praise is not meant to
was waiting at the doorstep af- ionships graciously delivered to double as a claim Krejci is al-
* If necessary
ter Bergeron and Pastrnak Boston sports fans this century, ways a phenomenon in the
played hot potato. Boston 3, a number have earned a well- playoffs. In the Cup Final last
Tampa 0. deserved reputation for being year against the Blues, he had
“He has a gift,” an admiring at their best when the stakes Even his teammates are in on no goals and two assists in the
Marchand said of Bergeron’s are the highest and the compe- it, with usual hockey nickname seven-game defeat. His most
play-reading abilities. “That Charlie Coyle got the Bruins on the board with a tip past tition is toughest. abbreviation. memorable play was a kick
goal was all him . . . That’s why Andrei Vasilevskiy early in a first period Boston controlled. David Ortiz, the greatest “Obviously, we all love play- save while covering for an out-
he’s going to be a Hall-of-Fam- clutch hitter in Red Sox history off Krech,’' said David Pastrnak of-position Tuukka Rask in the
er.” Krug and floated down the (with the plaque to prove it), is after the Bruins’ series-clinch- Game 5 loss.
The Bruins also got a Bruins 3, Lightning 2 right wall. Tampa’s tired legs the ultimate example. He ing 2-1 win over the Hurri- Before finding the net in
healthy dollop of goaltending. At Scotiabank Arena, Toronto barely moved. The Lightning slashed .290/.386/.570 in his canes Wednesday. “He’s unbe- Game 1 against the Hurricanes,
Jaroslav Halak, entrusted with Penalty — Boston, Chara (cross check) 0:29 sagged toward Bergeron in the 14-year Red Sox career. In 76 lievable.” he had been on a 14-game post-
Penalty — Tampa Bay, Sergachev (holding)
the Boston net from here on 11:40 bumper, but made a critical postseason games here, he was Pastrnak’s comment came season goalless drought, dating
Boston 1, Tampa Bay 0 — Coyle 3 (Carlo,
out, inspired confidence with Marchand) 18:52 mistake. slightly better than that at after Krejci scored a tying pow- to the Eastern Conference fi-
35 saves on 37 shots. He had a Penalty — Tampa Bay, Hedman (tripping) 3:08 They left a seam open for .291/.415/.560, including a ri- er-play goal in Game 5, then as- nals last year against Carolina.
shutout until a soft Victor Hed- Boston 2, Tampa Bay 0 — Pastrnak 2 (Krejci,
Krug) 4:34 (pp)
Krejci. diculous .455/.576/.795 line in sisted on Patrice Bergeron’s go- Krejci is an elite passer, a savvy
man wrister deflected off Char- Penalty — Boston, Bergeron (holding) 5:50
Penalty — Boston, Wagner (roughing) 13:36
Pastrnak finished a fore- 14 World Series games. ahead score. Krejci finished the all-around player, and a reli-
lie McAvoy with 11:10 left in Penalty — Tampa Bay, Killorn (interference) hand-to-forehand pass, rip- Remember, it’s extremely series with three goals, five as- able defender, but his grace
the third period. It was the THIRD PERIOD ping a rocket of a one-timer hard to equal, let alone sur- sists, and a claim as the Bruins’ and calm, slow-the-game pace
Boston 3, Tampa Bay 0 — Marchand 4 (Pas-
first shot of the frame for Tam- trnak, Bergeron) 1:17 under Vasilevskiy’s blocker at pass, regular-season produc- best player in the series. can make him appear laconic
Penalty — Tampa Bay, Bogosian (roughing)
pa, which pounded pucks at 2:49 4:34 of the second. tion in the postseason, since On a roster with Pastrnak, when the points aren’t piling
Penalty — Boston, NRitchie (roughing) 2:49
Halak in the second period but Boston 3, Tampa Bay 1 — Hedman 2 (Point, “I was ready for about 15 you’re playing only the best Patrice Bergeron, and Brad up.
couldn’t solve him. Palat) 8:50
Boston 3, Tampa Bay 2 — Hedman 3 (Shatten- seconds,” Pastrnak said. competition. Ortiz remained Marchand among other nightly But after 14 seasons, most
“Got a little too cute,” coach kirk, Johnson) 18:46
“Obviously a great pass by extraordinary, and often ex- three-stars candidates, no one Bruins fans understand and
Bruce Cassidy said of the sec- Boston .................................... 1 1 1 — 3 David,” Bergeron said. “I was ceeded his usual greatness. would claim Krejci is the Bru- appreciate him. And he has a
Tampa Bay ............................ 0 0 2 — 2
ond, when Halak papered over SHOTS BY PERIOD trying to get out of the way. I Since becoming a starting ins’ best player during the reg- coach who absolutely gets him.
a handful of mistakes with Boston .................................. 15
Tampa Bay .......................... 10 18
7 9

knew it wasn’t for me.” wide receiver in 2013, the Pat- ular season. But the playoffs “He’s a real competitor,
five-star stops. “He was domi- Power plays — Boston 1 of 3; Tampa Bay 0 of 3. Krejci’s seven-game playoff riots’ Julian Edelman has aver- are a different matter with him. good team guy, well liked in the
Goalies — Boston, Halak 4-1-0 (37 shots-35
nant that period.” saves). Tampa Bay, Vasilevskiy 6-3-0 (31 shots-28 point streak is the longest by a aged 69.3 receiving yards per He has a long history of playoff room, quiet, I think a good
In a matchup of the East’s Referees — Chris Lee, Francis Charron. Lines- Bruin since Bergeron’s seven- game during the regular season performance in his 14 seasons hockey mind,” said Bruce Cassi-
deepest teams — Marchand men — Michel Cormier, Derek Amell.
Attendance — 0 (18,819). Time — 2:34.
gamer in 2014. while an integral part of the of- as a Bruin. dy after the Carolina clincher.
professed that the Bruins have In the final 15:26 of the pe- fense. He’s upped that to 97.6 When the Bruins won their “You can always talk to him
“three No. 1 centers,” and the riod, Tampa mashed the gas per game over 14 postseason first Cup since 1972, Thomas, about the game and get good
Lightning have “six top-two de- playoff games last year. Coyle, pedal. The Lightning flung 33 games in the same stretch. Bergeron, and captain Zdeno responses and good dialogue.
fensemen” — the Black and who chopped home a goal out pucks toward Halak, landing We’ll never forget Tim Chara were perceived, rightful- [He’s a] guy that loves the
Gold were better early. They of midair last round against 17, and allowed the Bruins six Thomas taking his play in net ly, as the frontmen of the band game, he just doesn’t show it
jumped on the Bolts in the Carolina, has his hand-eye shot attempts. to a Drydenesque level during and, along with Marchand, the maybe like some other people
first, putting 15 pucks on An- working. But Halak was a wall. He the Bruins’ Stanley Cup run in stars of the parade. But it was would because he is kind of
drei Vasilevskiy, who denied “I’m glad my parents signed stopped a trio of Tampa tries in 2011, when he posted a 1.98 Krejci who led all players in the more of a composed guy that
perhaps their best chance of me up for Little League when I the middle of the period: Erik goals-against average and four postseason with 12 goals (in- way, but certainly one of the
the opening frame. was younger,” said Weymouth’s Cernak on the rush, Nikita shutouts en route to the Conn cluding four game-winners) more fierce competitors in
About a minute before own. “Stick around the net, Kucherov on the rebound, and Smythe Trophy. and 23 points. He set up Na- terms of inner drive that I’ve
Coyle’s goal with 1:08 left in good things happen.” Brayden Point from the slot. The fairly recent Celtics ver- than Horton’s winner in the been around here.”
the period, Torey Krug slipped The top line was dangerous Later on, he spread out to deny sion? How about Rajon Rondo, pristine 1-0 victory over the Maybe Krejci drives you
a brilliant five-foot pass in the opening 20, while seeing a bang-bang Barclay Goodrow who delivered electrifying play- Lightning in Game 7 of the nuts sometimes, when he
through a stack of Lightning a lot of Tampa’s two best defen- bid. off performances, be it a 44- Eastern Conference finals, and seems bored or indifferent dur-
defenders at the blue line. On- sive players, center Anthony The Bruins out-attempted point, 10-assist effort against that was after scoring a hat ing a slog of a Tuesday night in
drej Kase was speeding Cirelli and defenseman Hed- the Lightning, 13-2, in the first the Heat (Game 2, 2012 East- trick in Game 6. one corner of Canada or anoth-
through the middle and man. Marchand started the se- 10 minutes of the third. Tampa ern Conference Finals) and a Leading the playoffs in scor- er. (Or, say, during the round-
wound up alone. Vasilevskiy quence that led to Carlo’s goal, pushed back, but Boston sur- 28-point, 18-rebound, 13-assist ing once is never a fluke, but I robin portion of the Bubble
(28 saves on 31 shots) came up curling high in the zone and vived. A final push with the net masterpiece against the Cava- suppose it could be the product Playoffs.)
with a split-legged pad stop on stickhandling around a sea of empty produced another long liers (Game 4, 2010 Eastern of a well-timed hot stretch for a But he’s one of those ath-
Kase’s forehand-to-backhand Bolts backcheckers before Car- Hedman strike, again off the Conference semifinals). just decent player. But leading letes with a history and habit of
bid, which didn’t rise more lo got open for the point drive. leg of McAvoy, with 1:14 left. Rondo seemed to revel in the playoffs in scoring twice? seizing the moment and being
than a foot off the ice. He also He also fed Pastrnak for one of “ You can’ t win with one befuddling fans — and espe- That’s when you join — and be- at his best in the postseason.
stoned Kase — zero goals in 13 his two attempts that rang the l i n e ,” M a r c h a n d m u s e d . cially the media, actually — but long with — elite company. Like Ortiz, and Edelman, and
games since he was acquired post. On the power play, Pas- “You’ve got to roll all the way he came through so often in big Krejci entered a club that in- yes, Playoff Rondo, among
from the Ducks — on a 2-on-1 trnak set up a dangerous through. Different heroes ev- spots, it became commonplace cludes Wayne Gretzky, Mario many others in these Boston
in the second. Bergeron redirect with a bullet er y night, different series. to refer to him as “Playoff Ron- Lemieux, and Guy Lafleur in sports good ol’ days.
Vasilevskiy had little chance of a no-look pass from the cir- That’s why we were a good do” or “National TV Rondo.” 2013 when he paced the post- Playoff Krejci is here again,
to stop the redirect from Coyle, cle. team last year. That’s why we Which brings us to David season with 26 points (9 goals, and when the spotlight comes
who stood 10 feet to the goal- Boston went up, 2-0, on a were dominant all season long. Krejci. Or perhaps we should 17 assists) during the Bruins’ on, he makes you grateful that
ie’s left and knocked a Brandon lethal power play. The Bruins That’s why we’re here tonight.” refer to the Bruins veteran run to the Cup Final. he’s on your side.
Carlo slapper out of the path of h a d a l e n gt hy p os s es s i o n, centerman as his alter ego: Krejci ranks sixth in Bruins
Vasilevskiy’s glove, and behind thanks in large part to Krug’s Matt Porter can be reached at “Playoff Krejci.” history in playoff goals (39), Chad Finn can be reached at
his ear. It was the third goal sharp stick keeping the puck in You call him that. I do, too. and only Ray Bourque tops Follow
this postseason for Coyle, who the zone. David Krejci, still on Follow him on Twitter: I’m pretty sure Jack Edwards Krejci’s assists (74) and points him on Twitter
produced a 9-7—16 line in 24 the first unit, took a drop from @mattyports and Judd Sirott have done it. (113). @GlobeChadFinn.
M O N D A Y, A U G U S T 2 4 , 2 0 2 0 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e Sports C3

Capitals cut losses SportsLog

by firing Reirden NFL to probe lab for questionable test results
The NFL had 77 positive COVID-19 tests from 11 teams re-ex-
STAFF AND WIRE REPORTS him go rather than pay him amined by a New Jersey lab after false positives, and all those MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN
Back-to-back early playoff more on a long-term deal. tests came back negative. The league asked the New Jersey lab 8/24 8/25 8/26 8/27 8/28 8/29 8/30
exits were enough to make the “It’s disappointing for us BioReference to investigate the results, and those 77 tests are be- TOR TOR TOR WAS WAS WAS
Washington Capitals realize that we couldn’t come to an ing re-tested once more to make sure they were false positives. 6:37 6:37 6:37 7:30 7:30 1:35
they made a agreement, a compromise on Anyone testing positive for COVID-19 — even a false positive up- NESN NESN NESN NESN NESN NESN
NHL mistake. the negotiations,” MacLellan on a retest — is required to have two more negative tests before
NOTEBOOK In the two said. “We were more than will- being cleared to return. Among teams reporting false positives, TB TB TB
years since ing to pay market level. I think the Vikings said they had 12, the Jets 10 and the Bears nine. The TB
7:00 8:00 7:30
promoting top assistant Todd term was the sticking point on Jets canceled a walkthrough Saturday night but had a full prac- TBA
Reirden instead of giving Stan- the negotiation.” tice Sunday morning after the previously positive tests came back
ley Cup-winning coach Barry While Reirden got a multi- negative. The Bears moved their practice scheduled for Sunday
Trotz a raise, they’ve been year deal, Trotz’s Islanders have morning to the afternoon. The Steelers said they had six false pos- TOR TOR
knocked out of the playoffs in reached the second round twice itives and those players will be back at practice Monday. There TBA TBA
the first round. in two chances since veteran are five labs nationwide that service the 32 teams, with only the
On Sunday, the team fired general manager Lou Lamor- New Jersey facility having the false positives this weekend. “Defi- DC NY
Reirden days after losing a five- iello hired him almost immedi- nitely probably better that this happened now than three weeks 7:00 8:00
game series to Trotz’s New York ately after the Capitals let him from now,” said Bills general manager Brandon Beane, whose NBCSB FS1
Islanders and moved toward walk. club had some of those positive results. “But it seems like every
hiring the seventh coach since Asked Sunday about Reird- few weeks, or even every week, something’s going on. Who knows Home games shaded For updated scores:
Alex Ovechkin entered the en losing his job, Trotz said: what the next curveball will be?” Beane said tests in the North- On the radio, unless noted: Red Sox, WEEI-FM 93.7; Bruins, Celtics, and Revolution, WBZ-FM 98.5

NHL. “It’s part of what you sign up east had gone “haywire,” and called it “a lab issue and not a true
“There was a continuity that [for when] coaching. That’s issue with our guys currently” after several Bills were held out of injuries. Aiyuk, a first-round pick out of Arizona State who had
we tried to duplicate with Todd what you accept when you’re a practice. impressed in camp, grabbed the back of his left leg after pulling
to keep the same structure go- head coach in the National up on a deep pass during team drills and didn’t return. Ford was
ing forward,” general manager Hockey League. Just wish him Cardinals add veteran CB Kirkpatrick hurt earlier in practice when he came up limping after a one-on-
Brian MacLellan told reporters well.” The Arizona Cardinals signed veteran cornerback Dre Kirk- one pass rush drill. Trainers worked on his lower leg for some
in a video interview. “I think it patrick to boost their secondary after a season-ending injury to time and he didn’t return either.
worked for a while, and as we Avalanche are aching Robert Alford. The Cardinals announced the 30-year-old Kirkpat-
evolved it started to slip and it The second-seeded Ava- rick, a first-round pick out of Alabama in 2012, agreed to a one- SOCCER
wasn’t working. I guess in lanche will be without goalten- year deal after spending the first eight seasons of his career with
hindsight you could say we der Philipp Grubauer and likely the Cincinnati Bengals, the last five as a starter. He’s played in 99 Bayern Munich wins Champions League
could’ve brought in a more ex- will be missing defenseman Er- games, including 67 starts and has 10 career interceptions . . . Kingsley Coman, 24, headed Bayern Munich to a sixth Euro-
perienced guy, but I thought ik Johnson on Monday when Thin and inexperienced at linebacker after the left knee injury pean Cup title, scoring against boyhood club Paris Saint-Germain
that was the right decision at they try to pull into a 1-all tie in suffered by second-year player Mack Wilson, who may require to seal a 1-0 victory in Lisbon in the first Champions League final
the right time for both the play- the Western Conference semifi- season-ending surgery, the Cleveland Browns signed Malcolm to be played without fans. While Bayern won its first final since
ers and what we had going on nals against the third-seeded Smith. The former Super Bowl MVP helped lead the Seattle Sea- 2013, PSG has yet to lift the European Cup despite more the than
in circumstances.” Stars. hawks to an NFL title after the 2013 season, when he returned an $1 billion spent on players in nine years. More than $500 million
Dismissing Reirden, 49, is Grubauer left Game 1 early interception for a touchdown, recovered a fumble, and had 10 was spent on Neymar, Kylian Mbappé, and Angel Di Maria but
an acknowledgement that the in the second period with a tackles in a 43-8 blowout of Denver . . . The San Francisco 49ers PSG looked far from formidable or threatening against the Bavar-
longtime assistant wasn’t able non-contact injury. Johnson had two key players leave practice early with rookie receiver ian giants who felt more assured on European club football’s big-
to make the most out of a team was very limited after his right Brandon Aiyuk and edge rusher Dee Ford each suffering lower- gest stage.
built to continue contending leg appeared to awkwardly turn body injuries. There was no immediate word on the extent of the
for championships with Ovech- midway through the first peri- TENNIS
kin, centers Nicklas Backstrom od of Dallas’ 5-3 series-opening ON THE AIR
and Evgeny Kuznetsov, wing- win Saturday night. BASEBALL After COVID-19 bout, Dimitrov triumphs
7:10 p.m. Chicao Cubs at Detroit FS1
ers Tom Wilson and T.J. Oshie, Avalanche coach Jared Bed- 9:40 p.m. Colorado at Arizona ESPN
Two months after barely being able to walk while ill with
and defensemen John Carlson nar said Sunday he’s not sure COVID-19, Grigor Dimitrov played a professional tennis match at
and Dmitry Orlov in the prime how long Grubauer will be out 1:30 p.m. Milwaukee at Orlando NBATV
the Western & Southern Open and — while the result was not
of their careers. of the lineup. He will likely be 4 p.m. Houston at Oklahoma City TNT what was most important — he won, scoring a 6-3, 6-4 victory
After Trotz coached the Cap- replaced by Pavel Francouz, 6:30 p.m. Indiana at Miami TNT over Ugo Humbert. “I said to myself, ‘I’ll give it a try.’ Now I’m
itals to their first title in fran- who stopped 27 shots in a 4-0 9 p.m. LA Lakers at Portland TNT here playing a match today,” said Dimitrov, a 29-year-old from
chise history in 2018, an auto- win against Dallas in round- GOLF Bulgaria who was a US Open semifinalist last year. “Honestly, I’m
matic extension kicked in to robin play this month in Ed- 6 p.m. Champions: Charles Schwab Series Golf just purely thankful that I’m even able to just be here, to partici-
keep him under contract at his monton. PRO HOCKEY pate.” Dimitrov tested positive in June while participating in a se-
current salary. NHL coaching Francouz faces a tough task, 7 p.m. NY Islanders at Philadelphia NBCSN ries of exhibitions in Croatia and Serbia organized by Novak Djok-
salaries had ballooned between trying to slow the Stars’ top line 9:45 p.m. Dallas at Colorado NBCSN ovic, who also got COVID-19. The women’s draw saw some big
the time Trotz signed his con- of Jamie Benn, Alexander TRACK AND FIELD names exit on Day 2 at the hard-court tournament, including No.
tract and lifted the Cup, and Radulov, and Tyler Seguin after 2:30 p.m. IAAF Diamond League: Bauhaus-galan meet (tape) NBCSN 1 seed Karolina Pliskova, No. 2 Sofia Kenin, and 2017 US Open
the organization decided to let the trio took over Saturday. champion Sloane Stephens.

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NBA playoffs
A feeling worth waiting for
Eastern Conference uON BASKETBALL on Aug. 17,” coach Brad Stevens


Continued from Page C1
with championship aspirations.
Celtics schedule said. “We said that from the get-
go. I thought he was really good.
Bucks lead series, 2-1 So as his knee calmed down and CELTICS VS. SIXERS He was great [Sunday]. He’ll have
Tuesday, Aug. 18 he expressed gratitude for the to continue to be really good. He’s
Orlando 122..................................................... Milwaukee 110 Celtics win quarterfinals, 4-0
Thursday, Aug. 20 Celtics ignoring his pleas to play Monday, Aug. 17 just a warrior, a competitor, the
Milwaukee 111........................................................Orlando 96 more minutes during the last cou- Boston 109......................Philadelphia 101 guy just loves to play. It doesn’t
Saturday, Aug. 22 ple of weeks, he is relieved that at Wednesday, Aug. 19 surprise me that he’s been so good
Milwaukee 121..................................................... Orlando 107 Boston 128......................Philadelphia 101
Schedule age 30, he finally won a playoff se- under these circumstances.”
Friday, Aug. 21
Mon., Aug. 24.......................................................................1:30 ries. Boston 102....................... Philadelphia 94
Stevens has no issue making
Wed., Aug. 26............................................................................4 Unleashed by Celtics coach tough roster and playing time de-
Sunday, Aug. 23
*Fri., Aug. 28........................................................................TBA
*Sun., Aug. 30......................................................................TBA Brad Stevens and the medical staff Boston 110..................... Philadelphia 106 cisions if it’s for the long-term
for this series, Walker finished his good of the team. He pulled Dan-
slicing and dicing of the Philadel- iel Theis after 30 seconds in Game
Raptors win series, 4-0 phia 76ers with a team-high 32 Conference semfinals 4 and benched him for the rest of
Monday, Aug. 17 KEVIN C. COX/GETTY IMAGES Thu., Aug. 27.........................................TBA
points in the Celtics’ 110-106 win the quarter for missing an assign-
Toronto 134..........................................................Brooklyn 110 Sat., Aug. 29..........................................TBA
Wednesday, Aug. 19 Luka Doncic is surrounded at The Field House. The Celtics Mon., Aug. 31........................................TBA ment. He doesn’t mind being the
Toronto 104............................................................Brooklyn 99 after his 3-pointer at the buzzer swept the best-of-seven series and Wed.., Sept. 2........................................TBA short-term enemy because it’s for
Friday, Aug. 21 lifted the Mavericks on Sunday. advanced to the Eastern Confer- *Fri., Sept. 4.......................................... TBA the greater good, so it was a no-
Toronto 117........................................................... Brooklyn 92 *Sun., Sep. 6......................................... TBA
ence semifinals, a place Walker brainer to limit Walker even when

Sunday, Aug. 23 *Tue., Sep. 8..........................................TBA
Toronto 150......................................................... Brooklyn 122 has never been. *if necessary he wanted to finish out against the
Coincidentally, the Celtics sent rival Bucks.
home the man Walker would re- “There’s so many great quali-

do away
Heat lead series, 3-0 place in Boston. There was a gap- on attempting to limit budding ties [about Kemba] it’s not fair to
Tuesday, Aug. 18
Miami 113.............................................................. Indiana 101 ing hole in the team’s arsenal superstars Jayson Tatum and Jay- single out one with the exception
Thursday, Aug. 20 when Al Horford left to sign a len Brown, Walker entered this se- that he really loves basketball,”

with Nets
Miami 109.............................................................. Indiana 100 four-year, $109 million deal with ries as a somewhat of a wild card. Stevens said. “And he loves all the
Saturday, Aug. 22
Miami 124...............................................................Indiana 115 the 76ers, but that also left open a He played well at times during the good stuff about it. And that’s
Schedule large enough salary slot to sign seeding games but was saddled what team, competing, playing
Mon., Aug. 24.......................................................................6:30 Walker. with minute limitations. both ends, like he’s . . . he’s just got
*Wed., Aug. 26.....................................................................1:30
*Fri., Aug. 28........................................................................TBA
ASSOCIATED PRESS If Horford had remained in There was an instance in the the mentality that he wants to win
*Sun., Aug. 30......................................................................TBA Norman Powell scored 29 points Boston, the Celtics would not have seeding opener with the Milwau- and just loves the game.”
Western Conference and fellow reserve Serge Ibaka add- been able to sign Walker. kee Bucks that Walker cursed Ste- The lack of winning a playoff
ed 27 points and 15 rebounds as So there sat Walker, ice water vens after being told he couldn’t series didn’t necessarily damage
OKLAHOMA CITY VS. HOUSTON the Toronto Rap- literally dipping off his left knee, return when the Celtics were rally- Walker’s reputation because he
NBA tors steamrolled grinning in exhaustion as he re- ing in the fourth quarter. When played on barely above-average
Rockets lead series, 2-1
Tuesday, Aug. 18 NOTEBOOK into the Eastern flected on a nine-year NBA so- the playoffs began, Walker had no teams, but it’s definitely a relief
Houston 123..............................................Oklahoma City 108
Thursday, Aug. 20
Conference semifi- journ. limit and he responded by averag- that he no longer has deal with
Houston 111................................................Oklahoma City 98 nals Sunday by routing the Brook- “Nah, it feel good man, I can’t ing 24.3 points in the series on that stigma. And he has been able
Saturday, Aug. 22 lyn Nets, 150-122, to complete a lie,” Walker said. “I’ve been to the 49.3 percent shooting. to accomplish one of his goals so
Oklahoma City 119.....................................Houston 107 (OT)
four-game sweep. playoffs two times before this. I He hit several clutch shots in far in Boston.
Mon., Aug. 24............................................................................4 The Raptors got 100 points off played against LeBron James, the past two games, as the 76ers “It’s a good feeling man, not
Wed., Aug. 26.......................................................................6:30 their bench, most in any game Chris Bosh, and D [Dwyane] constantly allowed him into the having to carry the load the whole
*Fri., Aug. 28........................................................................TBA
*Sun., Aug. 30......................................................................TBA
since official starters began being Wade one time and they swept up. paint to work. This scenario is ex- time like I had to do in Charlotte,
tracked in 1970-71, according to The next year we played Miami actly what the Celtics envisioned especially down the stretch when
DENVER VS. UTAH Elias. No bench had scored more again and lost in Game 7, so we when they decided to limit Walker games get tough,” he said. “Teams
Jazz lead series, 3-1 than 94 in the regular season or 86 put up good fights but it never once they arrived in Orlando, al- come and double-team me and it’s
Monday, Aug. 17 in the postseason. happened. low him to strengthen the knee really hard for teams to do that
Denver 135..........................................................Utah 125 (OT)
Wednesday, Aug. 19 The Raptors lost Kyle Lowry to a “Now that I’m able to get out of during seeding games to ensure now just because of the talent lev-
Utah 124................................................................. Denver 105 foot injury in the first quarter but that first round, it’s definitely a he’s fresh for when it counts. el we have on this team.”
Friday, Aug. 21 the defending NBA champions had great feeling. This is the reason I “He didn’t like playing in limit-
Utah 124.....................................................................Denver 87
Sunday, Aug. 23 more than enough depth to set up a came to Boston, to be able to play ed minutes building up; he didn’t Gary Washburn can be reached at
Utah 129...................................................................Denver 127 series with the Celtics. in the playoffs and advance, play- like not practicing but got the
Schedule Pascal Siakam had 20 points ing high-level basketball.” knee stronger, got ready to go for Follow him on Twitter
Tue., Aug. 25........................................................................ 6:30
*Thu., Aug. 27......................................................................TBA and 10 assists for the Raptors. They While the 76ers were focused trying to be the best he could be @GwashburnGlobe.
*Sat., Aug. 29.......................................................................TBA improved their record to 11-1 in
the Orlando bubble.

Walker, Tatum lead way in sweep

Caris LeVert scored 35 points
Series tied at 2 for Brooklyn, which came to the
Monday, Aug. 17
LA Clippers 118........................................................Dallas 110 bubble without many of its top
Wednesday, Aug. 19 players but went 5-3 in the seeding
Dallas 127....................................................... LA Clippers 114 games to earn the No. 7 seed. uCELTICS
Friday, Aug. 21 Continued from Page C1
LA Clippers 130....................................................... Dallas 122 Mavericks 135, Clippers 133 —
Sunday, Aug. 23 Luka Doncic hit a deep, step-back Observations from the game:
Dallas 135...............................................LA Clippers 133 (OT) 3-pointer at the buzzer to cap a tri- R The Celtics’ tone after closing
Tue., Aug. 25..............................................................................9 ple-double on a sprained ankle and out the series win was pretty mut-
Thu., Aug. 27........................................................................TBA the shorthanded Dallas Mavericks ed. Celebrations will probably be
Sat., Aug. 29.........................................................................TBA beat the the Los Angeles Clippers different anyway in these sterile
LA LAKERS VS. PORTLAND in overtime to even the playoff se- environments, but for the Celtics,
ries at two games apiece. it’s also because there remains un-
Lakers lead series, 2-1
Tuesday, Aug. 18 Doncic had 43 points, 17 re- finished business.
Portland 100........................................................ LA Lakers 93 bounds, and 13 assists for his sec- “At the end of the day there’s not
Thursday, Aug. 20 ond straight triple-double. a lot of savoring when you’re in the
LA Lakers 111.........................................................Portland 88
Saturday, Aug. 22 Marcus Morris hit a 3-pointer middle of it,” coach Brad Stevens
LA Lakers 116...................................................... Portland 108 with nine seconds remaining in OT said. “I think you end up looking
Schedule to give the Clippers the lead. It sim- back on things after seasons are
Mon., Aug. 24............................................................................9
Wed., Aug. 26............................................................................9 ply set the stage for Doncic’s win- over, careers are over or people
*Fri., Aug. 28........................................................................TBA ner over Reggie Jackson. move on or whatever, and that’s
*Sun., Aug. 30......................................................................TBA The Mavericks had their biggest when you enjoy it.” KIM KLEMENT/POOL/GETTY IMAGES

* If necessary playoff comeback, overcoming a Added Walker: “I don’t know if Jayson Tatum dunks right in front of the Sixers’ Mike Scott on his
21-point, second-quarter deficit. it’s much to celebrate, honestly. We way to a 28-point, 15-rebound performance in Sunday’s clincher.
They had a 16-0 run in the third to didn’t do much yet.”
take the lead — and led by 12 In the locker room after the “Ball don’t lie.” That probably
MAVERICKS 135, CLIPPERS 133 RAPTORS 150, NETS 122 points in the fourth before the Clip- game, Stevens actually focused on Celtics 110, 76ers 106 doesn’t deserve a technical, but it
LA CLIPPERS TORONTO pers rallied. how the team had let a double-digit At HP Field House, Kissimmee, Fla. at least gets some humor points.
Min M-A M-A O-T A F Pt Lou Williams tied it at 121 by lead slip away in the final minute. FG FT Reb R Walker had his way on of-
Min M-A M-A O-T A F Pt Annoby . 26 3-7 3-4 3-7 2 0 10 Min M-A M-A O-T A F Pt PPG
Mrrs Sr. 35 3-9 2-2 1-5 2 5 9 Siakam.. 33 9-22 1-2 1-6 10 2 20 hitting two of three free throws R Tatum averaged 8.7 3-point at- J.Brown.......41 6-15 2-3 0-5 2 3 16 21.5 fense, but one solid defensive
Tatum .........40 10-18 6-10 3-15 4 1 28 27.0
Leonard 47 10-22 9-10 2-9
Zubac.... 22 5-9 5-5 3-4
3 32
2 15
Gasol..... 21 3-4 2-3 1-4
Lowry...... 9 1-3 0-0 0-2
with 50.6 seconds remaining in tempts over the first three games of Theis............27 6-12 1-1 2-4 2 2 15 8.5 stretch in which he appeared over-
Smart ..........43 3-6 1-2 1-5 4 1 8 8.5
Shamet . 23 3-8 0-0 0-3 1 2 8 VnVleet. 19 2-5 3-4 0-4
H-Jffrsn. 12 2-5 0-2 2-3
regulation. After Dallas failed to this series but didn’t take one in the Walker ........36 8-15 12-13 0-4 4 4 32 24.3 matched stood out, too. Late in the
George.. 45 3-14 2-2 1-8 3 4 9
Harrell... 17 1-2 0-0 0-1 1 1 2
Johnson 12 3-7 1-1 1-2
Powell... 24 9-14 6-6 0-5
score on the next possession, the first half. He was moving the ball Kanter.........16
3-5 1 4
0-1 2 2
second quarter he found himself
Willims.. 34 13-20 8-9 1-4 5 2 36 Ibaka..... 20 12-14 0-0 3-15 2 4 27 Clippers called a timeout to set up a well, but there were a couple of Langford.......4
G.Wllims .......6
0-1 0 1
0-0 0 4
on Embiid near the free throw line.
Jackson. 28 5-9 0-0 0-4 2 3 14 Davis ..... 24 5-10 0-0 1-4 2 4 14
Green .... 13 2-4 3-4 0-3 0 1 8 Thomas. 25 5-6 0-0 0-2 1 1 12 play with 24.7 seconds left. times when it looked like he was Ojeleye..........7
R.Wllims .......2
1-2 0 2
0-0 0 1
He got low and held his ground
Boucher 10 1-3 0-0 0-3 1 1 3
Mann....... 1 0-0 0-0 0-0
Totals .... 45-97 29-32 8-41
0 0
23 133
Watson ... 6 1-1 0-0 0-0 1 0 2 Kawhi Leonard's 3-point shot actually over-passing, which is Totals .......... 38-82 22-29 10-42 19 25 110 against the Philly big man, and
56- FG%: .463, FT%: .759. 3-pt. goals: 12-35, .343 (J.Brown
FG%: .464, FT%: .906. 3-pt. goals: 14-
Totals ....
16-22 12-57 39 26 150 with 0.2 seconds remaining was off rare. On one, he passed up an open 2-9, Tatum 2-5, Theis 2-5, Smart 1-2, Walker 4-9, Wana- Embiid settled for a fadeaway
38, .368 (Morris Sr. 1-4, Leonard 3-9, FG%: .554, FT%: .727. 3-pt. goals: 22- the mark. The Mavericks failed on look so Walker could have one, per- maker 0-1, G.Williams 1-1, Ojeleye 0-3). Team re-
bounds: 13. Team turnovers: 15 (21 pts.). Blocks: 5 (Tat-
jumper that thudded off the rim.
Shamet 2-6, George 1-7, Williams 2-4, 47, .468 (Anunoby 1-3, Siakam 1-7, Gas-
Jackson 4-7, Green 1-1). Team re- ol 1-2, Lowry 0-2, VanVleet 2-3, Hollis- a lob toward big man Boban Mar- haps knowing the point guard was um 2, Theis, Walker 2). Turnovers: 14 (J.Brown 5, Tat-
um, Theis, Smart, Walker 2, Langford, G.Williams,
On the next possession Al Horford
Jefferson 0-1, Johnson 2-4, Powell 5-9,
bounds: 4. Team turnovers: 9 (11 pts.).
Blocks: 5 (Morris Sr., Leonard, Harrell
Ibaka 3-3, Davis 4-8, Thomas 2-3, janovic to send it to overtime. cooking. Nevertheless, Semi Ojel- Ojeleye, R.Williams). Steals: 4 (J.Brown, Tatum, Walker,
Wanamaker). Technicals: Smart, 5:15/1st.
tried to back down Walker on the
Boucher 1-2). Team rebounds: 7. Team
3). Turnovers: 9 (Leonard 2, Shamet, turnovers: 11 (10 pts.). Blocks: 6 Doncic didn’t have center Kri- eye, Daniel Theis, and Smart com- PHILADELPHIA wing, but Walker stripped him.
George 2, Harrell 2, Williams 2). Steals: (Anunoby 2, Lowry, Powell, Ibaka 2). FG FT Reb
7 (Leonard 2, Shamet, George, Wil- Turnovers: 10 (Anunoby 3, Siakam 2, staps Porzingis, who sat out with bined to take eight shots from be- Min M-A M-A O-T A F Pt PPG R Celtics fans and Walker were
Horford .......36 6-10 0-1 4-10 3 4 12 7.0
liams, Jackson, Green). Technicals:
Green, 7:23/2nd.
Gasol 2, VanVleet, Hollis-Jefferson,
Powell). Steals: 9 (Siakam 2, Lowry, right knee soreness. yond the arc in the first half, so Harris ..........35 7-12 4-4 0-5 2 4 20 15.8 upset about Walker’s minutes re-
Embiid.........37 8-18 13-18 2-10 0 5 30 30.0
VanVleet 2, Hollis-Jefferson, Powell 2,
Watson). Flagrant fouls: VanVleet,
The 21-year-old Doncic was a that’s not the best ratio. Milton..........33 5-11 2-2 0-4 1 5 14 14.5 strictions during the seeding
Richrdsn .....36 2-10 8-9 1-3 5 5 14 16.8
FG FT Reb 0:38/3rd. game-time decision after he hurt That silence did not last, Scott..............7 0-0 0-0 0-2 0 0 0 1.5 games as the team tried to
FSmith .. 34 3-9 0-0 3-7 2 5 8 FG FT Reb his left ankle in the last game. He though. In the second half Tatum Korkmaz .......4 0-0
Burks...........30 6-16
0-0 0 0
1-3 1 2 13 10.5
0 0.8
strengthen his troublesome left
Min M-A M-A O-T A F Pt
Hrwy Jr. 35 8-18 2-3 1-5
Kleber ... 37 2-8 3-4 1-9
Temple . 32 4-9 0-1 0-0 2 2 10 hardly looked hampered, going 18 hit a pair of 3-pointers and had 19 Thybulle........9
0-1 0 0
0-1 0 0
0 1.8
3 4.0
knee. But those seeding games
L-Cabrt . 27 2-12 5-5 1-3 1 3 11
Burke .... 37 10-14 1-2 1-5 1 3 25 Allen...... 25 3-5 2-2 4-15 0 1 8 of 31 from the floor. He tested the points. Few players can flip from Totals .......... 35-82 27-34 8-39 12 25 106 meant very little, and the Celtics
Doncic... 46 18-31 3-5 1-17 13 1 43 Johnson 29 5-13 0-0 0-3 1 1 13 FG%: .427, FT%: .794. 3-pt. goals: 9-34, .265 (Horford
Jackson... 5 0-2 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 LeVert... 31 11-23 7-10 3-6 6 2 35 ankle often, too, with jump stops, ho-hum to dominant as quickly as 0-1, Harris 2-5, Embiid 1-5, Milton 2-6, Richardson 2-5, understood that. This was the best-
Burks 1-8, Thybulle 0-1, Neto 1-3). Team rebounds: 11.
Barea ...... 5 0-1 3-3 0-0 0 1 3 Martin... 12 1-4 1-1 0-1 3 1 4
Chiozza. 22 2-9 0-0 1-5 6 4 6
pivots, and impressive Euro-steps he can. Team turnovers: 8 (10 pts.). Blocks: 5 (Horford, Embiid case scenario they were hoping for.
K-Glchrt 19 0-3 3-4 1-3 0 3 3
Curry..... 31 6-9 3-3 1-1 1 2 15
Musa..... 23 2-7 8-10 1-1 1 1 12
Kurucs .. 17 4-7 0-2 1-3 0 1 8
to gain separation. R Theis started the day by 2, Burks 2). Turnovers: 8 (Harris, Embiid 4, Richardson
2, Neto). Steals: 7 (Embiid 3, Milton, Burks, Thybulle,
Walker looks like a new player, and
Marjnvc 16 5-9 0-0 2-7
0 2 10 Andersn 10 3-6 0-0 0-4 1 1 9
Thomas... 7 1-2 2-2 1-3 0 0 4
Williams scored 36 points for throwing the ball away and com- Neto). Technicals: Harris, 4:10/2nd, Coach Brown,
he even has some extra energy
Totals .... 18-24 11-54 20 24 135
104 Hall.......... 6 1-1 0-0 0-0 0 0 2 the Clippers, and Leonard had 32. mitting a foul, and he was replaced Boston.................................. 27 30 32 21 — 110 along with good health.
Totals .... 39-98 25-33 12-44 21 17 122 Philadelphia........................ 32 26 19 29 — 106
FG%: .500, FT%: .750. 3-pt. goals: 13-
FG%: .398, FT%: .758. 3-pt. goals: 19-
Paul George had 9 points as his by Enes Kanter 30 seconds into the A — (0). T — 2:37. Officials — Kane Fitzgerald, Eric “It’s been great,” said Walker,
36, .361 (Finney-Smith 2-5, Hardaway
Jr. 3-8, Kleber 0-5, Burke 4-5, Doncic 4- 50, .380 (Temple 2-6, Luwawu-Cabarrot
2-9, Johnson 3-8, LeVert 6-9, Martin 1-1,
struggles continued. He was 3 of 14 game in one of the quickest switch- Lewis, Dedric Taylor.
who was battling a stomach bug
10, Kidd-Gilchrist 0-2, Curry 0-1). Team
rebounds: 14. Team turnovers: 12 (17
Chiozza 2-7, Musa 0-3, Kurucs 0-2, An-
derson 3-5). Team rebounds: 10. Team
from the field and is shooting 29 es in Stevens’s coaching career. The Sunday morning. “It’s not over. I’ve
pts.). Blocks: 5 (Finney-Smith 2, Kleber turnovers: 14 (18 pts.). Blocks: 6 (Tem- percent in the series. turnover was bad, but Theis has got to stay on top of it. I’ve been do-
2, Doncic). Turnovers: 11 (Burke 2, ple, Allen 2, Musa, Kurucs, Hall). Turn-
Doncic 7, Barea, Curry). Steals: 7 overs: 14 (Temple, Luwawu-Cabarrot Jazz 129, Nuggets 127 — Donovan been very good in this series, and slammed into the floor as he fell. ing a great job at just sticking with
(Finney-Smith 2, Burke 2, Doncic 2, 4, Allen, Johnson, LeVert 3, Musa 3, An-
Curry). Technicals: Doncic, 4:03/1st.
derson). Steals: 5 (Luwawu-Cabarrot 2, Mitchell scored 18 of his 51 points he did not play again in the first There was blood, and Harris stayed it.”
LeVert 2, Kurucs).
LA Clippers ....... 34 32 19 36 12 — 133 Toronto .................39 38 39 34 — 150
in the fourth quarter as Utah with- quarter. It was a bit surprising, es- down for several minutes before R In the first half the Sixers at-
Dallas ................. 24 34 35 28 14 — 135 Brooklyn................32 36 19 35 — 122 stood a 50-point night from Jamal pecially because the 76ers feasted going to the locker room to be eval- tempted 23 free throws and com-
Murray to beat Denver and take a at the foul line in the first quarter uated. He came back to the bench mitted just one turnover, and led
JAZZ 129, NUGGETS 127 3-1 lead in the playoff series. and Theis is one of Boston’s best midway through the fourth quarter by just 1 point at the break. That
DENVER UTAH Mitchell was 15 of 27 from the defenders. But perhaps Stevens with the game and his team’s sea- wasn’t the best sign for them.
Min M-A M-A O-T A F Pt Min M-A M-A O-T A F Pt floor and went 17 of 18 from the was just trying to send a message. son likely over, but he checked back R This, in all likelihood, marks
Grant..... 36 4-8 2-2 1-4 2 6 12
P.Millsp. 35 6-13 2-2 3-7 4 3 16
Ingles .... 35 0-4 0-0
O’Neale. 37 1-3 1-2
2 0
5 4
free throw line. Mitchell scored 57 Theis checked back in to start in anyway. the end of Brett Brown’s tenure as
Jokic...... 39 12-24 2-2 3-7 6 3 29
Morris ... 36 3-10 1-2 0-2 3 3 7
Gobert... 39 7-8 3-4
Conley... 32 8-13 6-6
5 17
0 26
points in Game 1. He’s averaging the second quarter and hit a pair of R Smart was whistled for a ques- the coach of the 76ers. Selfishly, it
Murray.. 43 18-31 5-5 4-11
Plumlee .. 9 1-2 0-0 2-3
Mitchell 38 15-27 17-18
Clarksn . 27 9-13 2-2
2 51
4 24
39.5 points in the series. 3-pointers in the first three min- tionable foul against Joel Embiid in will be sad to see him go. He’s one
Craig ..... 19 1-4 0-0 2-2
Portr Jr. 23 4-8 0-0 2-4
Niang .... 12 2-4 0-0 0-2 0 1 5 The Jazz can close it out in utes, as the Celtics claimed the the opening quarter. He was frus- of the most thoughtful and insight-
Morgan. 11 0-0 0-0 1-4 0 0 0
Daniels.... 0 0-0 0-0 0-0
0 0 0 Bradley ... 9 0-1 2-4 1-3 0 0 2 Game 5 on Tuesday. lead. trated by the call, and he let the of- ful coaches, and his interview ses-
Totals .... 12-13 17-40 25 24 127 Totals .... 42-73 31-36 6-37 14 19 129
FG%: .575, FT%: .861. 3-pt. goals: 14-
Murray, who hit a long 3-pointer R There were times when it ficials know. Then Embiid missed sions are always a must-listen.
FG%: .490, FT%: .923. 3-pt. goals: 17-
44, .386 (Grant 2-4, P.Millsap 2-6, Jokic
29, .483 (Ingles 0-3, O’Neale 1-2, Conley
4-8, Mitchell 4-7, Clarkson 4-7, Niang
near the buzzer, had the most looked like the 76ers had quit on both free throws, and Smart re- R Tatum wore a purple armband
3-10, Morris 0-4, Murray 9-15, Craig 0-2,
Porter Jr. 1-3). Team rebounds: 4.
1-2). Team rebounds: 7. Team turn-
overs: 10 (11 pts.). Blocks: 0 Turnovers:
points by a Denver player in a post- this series, but do not lump Tobias ceived a technical foul moments during Game 4 in honor of Kobe
Team turnovers: 6 (7 pts.). Blocks: 4
(P.Millsap 2, Murray, Plumlee). Turn-
10 (O’Neale, Gobert 2, Mitchell 4, Clark- season game, surpassing Spencer Harris into that group. later. It seemed late, but according Bryant, who would have turned 42
son 3). Steals: 2 (Conley 2).
overs: 6 (Grant 3, P.Millsap, Jokic 2).
Steals: 2 (Morris 2).
Denver...................36 29 24 38 — 127 Haywood’s mark of 45 in an ABA With the Celtics leading, 80-77, to the Globe’s man on the scene in on Sunday. “Everybody knows how
Utah .......................33 31 33 32 — 129
A — (8,000). T — 2:30. Officials —
playoff contest on April 19, 1970. Harris was inadvertently clipped Orlando, Gary Washburn, it was much he meant to me and still
John Goble, Sean Corbin, Brian Forte. Murray also had 11 rebounds. by Tatum on a drive and his head because Smart said to the official, means to me,” Tatum said.
M O N D A Y, A U G U S T 2 4 , 2 0 2 0 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e Sports C5

Godley off target as Sox fall in series finale

By Peter Abraham

Orioles 5 A series victory

against the Balti-
Red Sox 4 more Orioles at
Camden Yards wouldn’t usually
be viewed as much of an accom-
plishment for the Red Sox.
But for this particular team,
it would have been significant if
only to prop up the confidence
of the many castoffs and rook-
ies dotting the roster, and to re-
mind the veterans of the days
when they played for a team
that was feared.
Even that small mercy was
elusive Sunday afternoon with
a 5-4 loss.
Following wins Thursday
a n d Fr i d a y, t h e 9 - 2 0 S o x
dropped consecutive one-run
games after trading Heath
Hembree and Brandon Work-
man to the Philadelphia Phillies
on Friday night.
“It’s hard when you look at
the losses and you look at your
record,” manager Ron Roen-
icke said. “It doesn’t help any-
body. I don’t really look at it
that much. I know we’re not
playing well.”
With several of the primary
relievers unavailable because
of recent use, Roenicke was
limited in what moves he could
make. So it didn’t help when
starter Zack Godley walked five
of the 16 batters he faced and
hit another before finally com-
ing out in the third inning. J.D. Martinez is tagged out by Orioles catcher Pedro Severino while trying to score from third on a grounder during the sixth inning of the Sox’ 5-4 loss.
The righthander was diffi-
cult to watch, his max-effort de- inning.” in and fired 4‚ scoreless inn- with a 97-mile-per-hour fastball
livery firing pitch after pitch That’s been a theme. Godley, ings. and cracked it into the left field
out of the strike zone. who was released by the Tigers “It’s a disadvantage,” Roen- seats for his second homer in as
Godley left five runners in July, has a 7.29 earned run icke said. “It’s hard to make many games. Jonathan Arauz
stranded in the first two inn- average and 1.95 WHIP in six changes that early in the game. singled to extend the game but
ings. But when he walked Pedro games for the Sox. You kind of want to see how the Pillar grounded into a force to
Severino, Chance Sisco, and Ry- Robert Stock, a waiver claim game unfolds.” end it.
an Mountcastle in the third in- in July, started the seventh inn- The Sox did not score again Pillar credited the Sox with
ning, it was all Roenicke could ing for the Sox. Severino and until the sixth inning when Pil- being in position to win the fi-
stand. Sisco singled, Pat Valaika bunt- lar singled off Miguel Castro, nal two games of the series. But
Facing Jeffrey Springs, Rio ed them over, and Ruiz lined a Martinez walked, and Xander he acknowledged the overall
Ruiz lined a full-count fastball double to left field to drive in Boga er ts doubled to right position they’re in.
to right field to drive in two two runs. field. “When you have two guys
runs. It was a ball that should Sunday was the 20th time in The Sox had Martinez run get traded that were a big part
have been caught but J.D. Mar- 29 games the Sox allowed five on contact from third base and of this team . . . two guys that
tinez was shifted toward center or more runs. he was thrown out at the plate were a part of helping this orga-
field and couldn’t get there fast Even what should be breaks w h e n C h r i s t i a n Va z q u e z nization win a World Series, it’s
enough. don’t work out well for the Sox grounded to second. obviously a gut punch,” he said.
Andrew Velazquez then laid this season. Alex Verdugo pinch hit in “It’s a reality of where we put
down a bunt and Mountcastle Orioles starter Wade Le- the ninth inning and drew a ourselves as a team, allowing
scored standing. Blanc allowed a home run by walk off Mychal Givens. With the front office to make the
Godley lacked the ability to Kevin Pillar to start the game. two outs, Orioles manager moves they made.”
put hitters away, the Orioles He then came off the mound Brandon Hyde went to
fouling off 17 of his pitches. four batters later with an elbow lefthander Tanner Scott to face Peter Abraham can be reached
“They just took some really injury. lefthanded-hitting Jackie Brad- at
good at-bats,” he said. “I had to Facing a lineup geared for a ley Jr. Follow him on Twitter Kevin Pillar got the Red Sox off to the best start possible
battle my way through every lefty, Thomas Eshelman came Bradley went the other way @PeteAbe. Sunday, with a leadoff home run against the Orioles.

Day off in Baltimore, then they head to Buffalo Orioles 5, Red Sox 4
At Oriole Park at Camden Yards, Baltimore
Pillar lf
Devers 3b
5 2 2 1 0 0 .278
4 0 0 0 0 2 .222
By Peter Abraham Martinez rf
Bogaerts ss
3 0 0 0 1 1 .228
3 0 1 1 1 0 .271
GLOBE STAFF Vázquez dh 3 0 0 0 1 1 .258
Chavis 1b 3 0 0 0 0 3 .233
The Red Sox remained in a-Verdugo ph 0 1 0 0 1 0 .298
Plawecki c 4 0 0 0 0 0 .313
Baltimore after Sunday’s 5-4 Bradley Jr. cf 4 1 1 2 0 0 .235
Araúz 2b 4 0 2 0 0 0 .308
loss against the Orioles so they Totals 33 4 6 4 4 7
can better en- BALTIMORE AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
RED SOX joy Monday’s
Mullins cf
Santander rf
0 1 0 0 1 .286
0 1 0 0 1 .287
NOTEBOOK day off. Núñez 1b
Urías 2b
0 1 0 0 2 .283
0 0 0 0 0 .250
Severino c 2 1 1 0 2 0 .333
The team b-Holaday pr-c 0 1 0 0 0 0 .231
Sisco dh 2 2 1 0 1 1 .279
starts a three-game series Tues- Valaika 2b-1b 3 0 0 0 0 1 .231
day in Buffalo against the To- Mountcastle lf
Williams lf
1 2 0 1 1 .333
0 0 0 0 0 —
ronto Blue Jays. Under the Ruiz 3b
Velazquez ss
0 2 4 0 1 .213
0 1 1 1 1 .162
terms of the agreement reached Totals 32 5 10 5 5 9
Boston............................... 100 001 002 — 4 6 0
for the Blue Jays to use Sahlen Baltimore..........................003 000 20x — 5 10 0
Field this season, visiting teams a-walked for Chavis in 9th, b-ran for Severino
in 7th. LOB—Boston 6, Baltimore 10. 2B—Bogaerts
are strictly confined to their ho- (5), Mullins (1), Santander (11), Mountcastle 2
(2), Ruiz (3). HR—Pillar (3), off LeBlanc, Bradley
tel and the ballpark. Jr. (2), off Scott. SB—Pillar (1), Vázquez (1). S—
Valaika. Runners left in scoring position—Boston
“I didn’t want guys to basi- 3 (Chavis 3), Baltimore 7 (Mullins, Santander, Sis-
co, Valaika 2, Velazquez 2). RISP—Boston 1 for 4,
cally be locked up in their Baltimore 3 for 18. Runners moved up—Severino.
rooms for the whole day off,” Godley L 0-3 2„ 2 3 3 5 3 70 7.29
Springs 2 4 0 0 0 3 43 10.80
Sox manager Ron Roenicke Valdéz 1‚ 1 0 0 0 0 18 1.08
said. “[In Baltimore] it’s not Stock
1 3 2 2 0 2 18 7.71
1 0 0 0 0 1 11 5.48
like it’s just a free-for-all. But Baltimore IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
LeBlanc „ 1 1 1 1 0 14 8.06
we have certain places they can Eshlman W 2-0 4‚ 0 0 0 1 2 54 2.75
go here. They can get out of the Castro
Fry 1‚
1 2
1 1 1 2 18 4.61
0 0 0 1 17 2.61
hotel to walk around if they Givens
Scott S 1

1 1 1 2 23 0.77
1 1 0 0 8 2.45
want to. In Buffalo, you can’t Inherited runners-scored—Springs 3-3, Valdéz
1-0, Eshelman 1-0, Scott 1-1. HBP—by Godley (Sis-
do that.” co). WP—Godley. Umpires—Home, Tripp Gibson;
First, Ben May; Second, Dan Iassogna; Third, An-
After the Canadian govern- dy Fletcher. T—3:17. A—0 (45,971).
ment banned games in Toronto
because of coronavirus con- HOW THE RUNS SCORED
cerns, the Blue Jays moved FIRST INNING
RED SOX — Pillar homered to center on a 0-1
quickly to refurbish their Triple count. Devers popped out to shortstop Ve-
lazquez. Martinez flied out to center fielder Mull-
A park and have played seven ins. Bogaerts walked. Eshelman pitching.
TOMMY GILLIGAN/ASSOCIATED PRESS Vázquez walked, Bogaerts to second. Chavis
games there. struck out.
“I hear it’s a good situation. I Zack Godley walked five and hit a batter while giving up three runs in 2„ innings, and the Red Sox couldn’t recover. ORIOLES — Núñez grounded out, third base-
know it was a scramble to get man Devers to first baseman Chavis. Severino
walked. Sisco walked on a full count, Severino to
things ready,” Roenicke said. “It starts and have a 4.25 earned next day. He subsequently for Benintendi to return at 11 earned runs over 10 in- second. Valaika lined out to left fielder Pillar. On
Godley’s wild pitch, Severino to third, Sisco to
will be interesting to see.” run average. The Sox have aver- cleared waivers and was out- some point this season. “I nings as a starter . . . The Sox second. Mountcastle walked on four pitches.
Springs pitching. Ruiz singled to right, Severino
The Sox will fly into Buffalo aged only 2„ innings in their righted to the training camp in would be surprised if he’s not,” were 5-12 in their stretch of 17 scored, Sisco scored, Mountcastle to third. Ve-
lazquez hit an infield single to third, Mountcastle
on Monday night. other 17 starts with a 7.49 Pawtucket. Roenicke said. “But I know games in as many days . . . scored, Ruiz to second. Mullins popped out to
second baseman Araúz.
ERA. Arroyo has hit .214 in 71 this things at times take a long Kevin Pillar’s home run lead- SIXTH INNING
Rotation shift major league games but is a time to heal.” . . . Jonathan ing off the game was the first RED SOX — Castro pitching. Pillar singled to

The Sox will start Kyle Hart Arroyo sticks around skilled second baseman who Arauz has made seven starts, of his career. He had hit lead-
left. Devers struck out. Martinez walked, Pillar to
second. Pillar stole third. Bogaerts doubled to
right, Pillar scored, Martinez to third. Vázquez
and Nate Eovaldi in the first A series of roster moves led can also play third and short- more than was expected for a off 92 previous times . . . Balti- grounded into fielder’s choice, second baseman
Valaika to catcher Severino, Martinez out, Bo-
two games of the Toronto se- to the Sox keeping infielder stop. 22-year-old Rule 5 selection. more’s Anthony Santander ex- gaerts to third. Vázquez stole second. Chavis
struck out.
ries. Thursday’s starter is unde- Christian Arroyo. Part of that is a last-place team tended his hit streak to 18 SEVENTH INNING

termined. The former first-round pick Benintendi on mend evaluating a prospect but games with a double in the
ORIOLES — Stock pitching. Severino singled to
center. Holaday pinch-running for Severino. Sisco
singled to right, Holaday to second. Valaika sacri-
Martin Perez would be on was claimed off waivers from There has been little news Arauz also has earned his fourth inning. It’s the longest ficed, first baseman Chavis to second baseman
Araúz, Holaday to third, Sisco to second. Mount-
turn for Thursday but the deci- Cleveland on Aug. 13. He was on Andrew Benintendi since time. “He deserves it from for the Orioles since Nick castle struck out. Ruiz doubled to left, Holaday
scored, Sisco scored. Velazquez struck out.
sion was made to give him an then placed on the COVID-19 he went on the injured list what he’s done so far,” Roen- Markakis had an 18-game NINTH INNING
extra day off. The Sox started injured list a day later to com- with a strain on the right side icke said. “I like what he’s streak in 2014. RED SOX — R.Urías in as second baseman. Va-
laika in as first baseman. Vázquez struck out.
splitting up Eovaldi and Perez plete intake testing. of his rib cage on Aug. 12. done defensively.” . . . Ryan Verdugo pinch-hitting for Chavis. Verdugo
walked. Plawecki flied out to right fielder San-
earlier this month to ease the Arroyo was activated on “Still a ways away,” Roenicke Weber worked a scoreless Peter Abraham can be reached tander. Scott pitching. Bradley Jr. homered to left
on a 2-1 count, Verdugo scored. Araúz singled to
burden on the bullpen. Aug. 19 and added to the ros- said. “So I really haven’t eighth inning. He has allowed at center. Pillar grounded into fielder’s choice,
shortstop Velazquez to second baseman R.Urías,
Eovaldi and Perez have aver- ter. He did not play and was locked in on what’s going on two earned runs in 11‚ in- Follow him on Twitter Araúz out.

aged 5‚ innings in their 12 designated for assignment the with him.” The expectation is nings of relief after giving up @PeteAbe.
C6 Sports T h e B o s t o n G l o b e M O N D A Y, A U G U S T 2 4 , 2 0 2 0


Giants make ‘difficult’

Fletcher 2b 4 0 0 0 2 0 .306 McCutchen lf 5 1 2 1 0 0 .238
La Stella 1b 5 0 2 0 0 0 .269 Hoskins 1b 5 1 2 2 0 2 .224

move, cut veteran Pence

Harper rf 5 0 0 0 0 3 .320
Trout cf 4 1 0 0 1 2 .270 Realmuto dh 5 0 1 0 0 2 .294
Rendon 3b 5 2 2 0 0 0 .319 Gregorius ss 4 1 1 1 1 0 .289
Ohtani dh 4 1 2 3 1 1 .181 Segura 2b 4 0 0 0 0 2 .206
Goodwin lf 4 0 1 1 1 2 .241 Bohm 3b 3 2 3 1 1 0 .344
Adell rf 5 0 0 0 0 3 .196 Knapp c 3 0 1 0 0 0 .450
Castro c 3 0 0 0 2 1 .200 Haseley cf 1 0 0 0 0 1 .304
Simmons ss 5 0 2 0 0 1 .280 Quinn ph-cf 1 0 0 0 1 0 .241
Totals 39 4 9 4 7 10 Totals 36 5 10 5 3 10
FROM WIRE REPORTS Antonetti added that righthanders Mike OAKLAND AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Swanson ss 5 1 3 0 0 1 .319
Semien ss 4 1 0 0 1 0 .202
The San Francisco Giants cut ties with Clevinger and Zach Plesac will not start Laureano cf 3 0 1 0 1 0 .233
Freeman 1b
d’Arnaud c
2 3 1 0
1 0 0 1
outfielder Hunter Pence on Sunday, end- in Cleveland’s next series against the Olson 1b
Barreto pr
0 0 0 3
0 0 0 0
Ozuna lf
Adams dh
1 1 0 0
0 0 1 2
ing a second stint with the fan favorite Twins. Both were demoted to the alter- Chapman 3b 5 1 2 1 0 1 .256 Duvall rf
Riley 3b
0 0 0 2
2 0 0 1
Canha dh 4 0 1 2 0 1 .281
that didn’t go nearly as nate training site on Aug. 14 after break- Grossman lf 4 1 1 0 0 3 .288 Camargo 2b 4 0 0 0 0 2 .186
NOTEBOOK well as his first. ing curfew in Chicago, risking exposure to Piscotty rf 4 1 2 1 0 1 .253 Inciarte cf
Hechavarría ph
0 0 1 1
0 0 1 0
Kemp 2b 4 0 1 0 0 0 .241
Totals 34 4 9 4 4 10
Pence, 37, was desig- COVID-19. Murphy c
1 1 0 3
9 5 2 12
Philadelphia..............013 100 000 — 5 10 1
nated for assignment to clear a spot on Atlanta....................... 003 000 001 — 4 9 1

Mookie Betts connects for one of his two home the 40-man roster for utility man Daniel Abreu sets HR mark in loss LA Angels...............003 010 000 0 — 4 9 1
Oakland..................200 002 000 1 — 5 9 0
E—Hoskins (2), Toussaint (2). LOB—Phila-
delphia 9, Atlanta 7. 2B—Swanson 3 (10),
E—Adell (2). LOB—LA Angels 13, Oakland Freeman 2 (9), Riley (2). HR—Hoskins (2), off
runs in the Dodgers’ 11-3 victory Sunday. Robertson, who was acquired earlier in José Abreu went deep for the White 9. 2B—Chapman (9), Grossman (7). HR— Tomlin, Gregorius (4), off Tomlin, Bohm (1),
off Tomlin. S—Haseley. DP—Philadelphia 1;
Ohtani (5), off Montas. SB—Trout (2), Piscot-
the day from the Tampa Bay Rays for cash Sox in the second, matching a major ty (2). SF—Canha. Atlanta 1.

Philadelphia IP H R ER BB SO ERA
or a player to be named. league record with a home run in four LA Angels
5„ 7 4 2 1 6 2.58
Eflin W 1-1 5‚ 6 3 3 3 6 5.12
Hembree 1„ 1 0 0 0 2 0.00
Pence was a fiery emotional leader for consecutive at-bats, but Yu Darvish struck Mayers BS 2 ‚ 1 0 0 0 0 3.60 Hunter 1 0 0 0 0 2 5.00
Peña 1 0 0 0 0 2 1.84 Workman S 1 1 2 1 1 1 0 7.71
the Giants from 2012-2018, helping an- out 10 in his career-high fifth consecutive Robles 1 0 0 0 0 2 9.90
chor teams that won the World Series in victory, and the Cubs prevailed, 2-1, to Ramírez
Buttrey L 1-1
„ 0 0 0 1 1 3.65
„ 1 1 0 0 1 2.70
Tomlin L 1-1 3 6 4 4 0 5 3.93
Toussaint 1‚ 2 1 1 2 1 7.89
2012 and 2014. stop the South Siders’ seven-game win Oakland IP H R ER BB SO ERA
Matzek 1„ 0 0 0 1 3 4.15
Martin 1 1 0 0 0 1 1.50
After making the All-Star team with streak. Abreu connected five times in the Montas 4„ 7 4 4 3 5 5.22 Smith 1 0 0 0 0 0 3.86
EAST W L Pct. GB WCGB Last 10 Streak Wendelken 1‚ 1 0 0 1 2 2.19 LJackson 1 1 0 0 0 0 3.75
Tampa Bay 19 10 .655 — — 8-2 W2
Texas last season, he returned to San first two games against the Cubs, includ- Diekman 2 1 0 0 1 3 0.00
Inherited runners-scored—Hembree 2-0,
Soria 1 0 0 0 2 0 1.32
New York 16 9 .640 1 — 6-4 L3 Francisco in February on a one-year, $3 ing three homers and four RBIs in Satur- Hendriks W 2-0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1.17
Matzek 2-0. HBP—by Toussaint (Knapp).
WP—Toussaint. NP—Eflin 92, Hembree 18,
Baltimore 14 14 .500 4½ 3 3-7 W2 million contract but hit just .096 with two day night’s 7-4 win. Inherited runners-scored—Mayers 2-1, Hunter 19, Workman 18, Tomlin 61, Toussaint
Toronto 13 13 .500 4½ 3 6-4 L2 Buttrey 1-0, Wendelken 2-0. IBB—off Soria 38, Matzek 23, Martin 14, Smith 10, LJackson
homers and six RBIs in 17 games. Kyle Schwarber hit a two-run homer (Goodwin). HBP—by Buttrey (Laureano). 6. Umpires—Home, Roberto Ortiz; First,
Boston 9 20 .310 10 8½ 3-7 L2 NP—Bundy 101, Mayers 7, Peña 10, Robles 19, James Hoye; Second, Mike Estabrook; Third,
Giants manager Gabe Kapler said he in the sixth inning as the Cubs won for Ramírez 12, Buttrey 18, Montas 96, Wendelk- Chad Whitson. T—3:17. A—0 (41,184).
CENTRAL W L Pct. GB WCGB Last 10 Streak
simply needs to get more looks at younger just the fourth time in 11 games. en 32, Diekman 32, Soria 16, Hendriks 11. Um-
Minnesota 19 10 .655 — — 7-3 W2 pires—Home, Jim Reynolds; First, Lance Bar- TWINS 5, ROYALS 4
Cleveland 17 11 .607 1½ — 7-3 L1 players who might be a part of the team’s The White Sox have hit 28 homers rett; Second, Gabe Morales; Third, John Lib-
ka. T—3:40. A—0 (46,847).
Chicago 17 12 .586 2 ½ 7-3 L1 long-term outlook. over their last eight games. They blasted Polanco ss 5 0 1 0 0 2 .284
Detroit 11 15 .423 6½ 5 2-8 W1 The team also reinstated reliever Sam 12 in the weekend set at Wrigley Field. PADRES 5, ASTROS 3 Kepler rf
Cruz dh
1 0 0 1 2 .216
2 2 1 2 0 .343
Kansas City 11 17 .393 7½ 6 4-6 L2
Coonrod from the 10-day injured list. Sanó 1b 4 2 3 1 1 0 .241
WEST W L Pct. GB WCGB Last 10 Streak Meanwhile, Mike Yastrzemski cele- Workman saves Phillies HOUSTON
Springer cf
0 0 1 1 .200
Adrianza 3b
ERosario lf
0 0 0 0 0 .186
0 3 1 0 1 .248
Altuve 2b 4 0 0 0 0 0 .214 Gonzalez 3b-1b 4 0 2 2 1 0 .250
Oakland 20 9 .690 — — 7-3 W1
Houston 15 13 .536 4½ 2 7-3 L3
brated his 30th birthday with a go-ahead Rhys Hoskins, Didi Gregorius, and Correa ss 4 1 1 1 0 1 .300 Vargas 2b 5 0 0 0 0 0 .294
Tucker lf 4 1 1 2 0 1 .240 Cave cf 4 0 1 0 0 1 .184
Texas 10 17 .370 9 6½ 2-8 L8 home run and the Giants beat the Dia- Alec Bohm homered and the Phillies Gurriel 1b 4 0 0 0 0 2 .276 Jeffers c 4 0 1 0 0 0 .273
Brantley dh 3 0 0 0 0 1 .271 Totals 38 5 13 5 5 6
Seattle 11 19 .367 9½ 7 4-6 W3 mondbacks, 6-1, in San Francisco for snapped a five-game skid with a 5-4 victo- Reddick rf 3 0 2 0 0 1 .266 KANSAS CITY AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Los Angeles 9 20 .310 11 8½ 2-8 L1 their sixth consecutive victory. ry over the Braves in Atlanta. Toro 3b 3 0 0 0 0 1 .132 Merrifield rf 5 0 1 0 0 0 .312
Maldonado c 3 0 1 0 0 0 .232 Lopez 2b 5 0 0 0 0 3 .222

Closer Brandon Workman, acquired Totals 31 3 5 3 1 8 Dozier 1b 4 3 4 0 1 0 .275
Classic Williamsport match from the Red Sox on Friday along with SAN DIEGO AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Soler dh
Franco 3b
1 2 1 0
2 2 1 2
Grisham cf 4 0 0 0 0 2 .261 Gordon lf 4 0 0 0 1 0 .190
Mike Trout and the Los Angeles Angels Heath Hembree, survived the ninth when Tatis Jr. ss 3 2 2 0 1 0 .314 Mondesi ss 4 0 0 0 0 1 .220
Starling cf 3 0 0 0 0 1 .174
will face the Cleveland Indians in Wil- Dansby Swanson, the potential tying run, Machado 3b
Hosmer 1b
1 2 0 0 .257
2 1 0 0 .254 Phillips ph-cf 1 0 0 0 0 1 .226
Viloria c 2 1 1 0 0 1 .250
liamsport, Pa., in the 2021 Little League was tagged out at the plate by catcher An- Myers rf 3 1 0 0 1 2 .271 McBroom ph 1 0 0 0 0 1 .271
Cronenwrth 2b 4 0 1 1 0 1 .347 Gallagher c 0 0 0 0 0 0 .313
Classic, Major League Baseball said. drew Knapp to end the game. The Braves Profar lf 2 0 0 1 1 0 .193 Totals 37 4 9 4 4 10
EAST W L Pct. GB WCGB Last 10 Streak The game is scheduled for Aug. 22 at challenged the call, but it was upheld. Naylor dh 2 0 0 0 0 0 .276
Minnesota..................202 000 001 — 5 13 1
France ph-dh 1 0 0 0 0 0 .263 Kansas City...............002 000 101 — 4 9 0
Atlanta 16 12 .571 — — 5-5 L1 Bowman Field in front of a crowd pre- Hembree, making in Phillies debut, re- Torrens c 1 0 0 0 0 0 .167 E—Sanó (2). LOB—Minnesota 11, Kansas
Miami 11 11 .500 2 ½ 3-7 L1 GGarcia ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .273 City 11. 2B—Polanco (3), Sanó 2 (10), Gonza-
New York 12 14 .462 3 1½ 5-5 W3 dominantly made up of players, coaches tired two batters in the sixth to strand a Hedges c 1 0 0 0 0 1 .149 lez (2), Dozier 2 (2), Soler (5). HR—Cruz (10),
Totals 30 5 6 5 3 6 off Rosenthal. SB—Merrifield (6), Franco (1).
Washington 11 14 .440 3½ 2 5-5 W1 and parents in Williamsport for the Little pair of runners in scoring position. DP—Kansas City 2.
Houston..................... 300 000 000 — 3 5 1
Philadelphia 10 14 .417 4 2½ 5-5 W1 League World Series. Cleveland will be Minnesota IP H R ER BB SO ERA

Betts, Dodgers power up

San Diego..................000 300 02x — 5 6 0 Wisler 2 1 0 0 1 2 1.29
E—Maldonado (1). LOB—Houston 2, San
CENTRAL W L Pct. GB WCGB Last 10 Streak the home team. Diego 4. 2B—Reddick 2 (9), Hosmer (4). HR—
2 3 2 2 0 1 6.59
1 1 0 0 1 1 2.45
Chicago 17 10 .630 — — 4-6 W1 This year’s game between the Red Sox Mookie Betts homered twice and Kike Tucker (4), off Morejon, Machado (8), off Poppen 1„ 1 1 1 0 2 3.86
Paredes. SB—Machado (3). DP—San Diego 1. Romo ‚ 1 0 0 2 1 1.93
St. Louis 9 8 .529 3 — 5-5 W2
Cincinnati 11 15 .423 5½ 2½ 4-6 L2
and Baltimore Orioles, which originally Hernández hit a three-run drive in the Houston IP H R ER BB SO ERA Clippard W 1-0
Rogers S 6
1 0 0 0 0 2 1.42
1 2 1 1 0 1 5.23
Greinke 6 4 3 3 2 4 2.29
Milwaukee 11 15 .423 5½ 2½ 4-6 L4 was scheduled to be played Sunday, was Dodgers’ seven-homer attack in an 11-3 Raley 1 0 0 0 1 1 5.40 Kansas City IP H R ER BB SO ERA
Pittsburgh 7 17 .292 8½ 5½ 4-6 W3 canceled because of the pandemic. victory over the Rockies in Los Angeles Paredes L 1-1
„ 2 2 2 0 1 3.55
‚ 0 0 0 0 0 1.38
Bubic L 0-4

4 4 2 0 5.96
0 0 0 0 4.50
WEST W L Pct. GB WCGB Last 10 Streak . . . Josh Fleming pitched five innings of Holland 1 0 0 0 0 1 3.21

Los Angeles 22 8 .733 — — 9-1 W4 More from McKenzie two-run ball to win his major league de-
San Diego
3 3 1 3 5.79
0 0 2 3 0.00
0 0 0 1 1.69
Patiño 2‚ 1 0 0 0 2 5.23 Rosenthal 1 2 1 1 1 1 1.59
San Diego 18 12 .600 4 — 7-3 W7 Indians righthander Triston McKen- but, and the AL East-leading Rays beat Quantrill 1‚ 1 0 0 0 2 2.93 Zuber pitched to 2 batters in the 5th. Inher-
San Francisco 14 16 .467 8 1½ 6-4 W6 Hill 1‚ 0 0 0 0 1 5.19 ited runners-scored—Romo 1-1, Zuber 2-0,
Colorado 13 15 .464 8 1½ 1-9 L7 zie, who struck out 10 and won his major the Blue Jays, 5-4, in St. Petersburg, Fla. Stammen W 3-1 1‚ 0 0 0 0 0 5.27 Holland 2-0. IBB—off Bubic (Cruz). HBP—by
Arizona 13 16 .448 8½ 2 5-5 L5 league debut Saturday, is staying with the Fleming is the 11th starter in 29 games Pagán S 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 6.23 Smeltzer (Viloria). NP—Wisler 26, Smeltzer
34, May 18, Poppen 21, Romo 16, Clippard 15,
team for at least one more start. this season for the injury-filled Rays Inherited runners-scored—Patiño 1-0.
NP—Greinke 106, Raley 14, Paredes 15, Taylor
Rogers 21, Bubic 73, Zuber 14, Holland 10,
RESULTS Hahn 34, Barlow 16, Rosenthal 26. Umpires—
The 23-year-old allowed two hits and pitching staff . . . Fernando Tatis Jr. made 3, Morejon 36, Patiño 32, Quantrill 13, Hill 14,
Stammen 19, Pagán 13. Umpires—Home,
Home, Jordan Baker; First, Jerry Meals; Sec-
ond, Jeremie Rehak; Third, Ed Hickox.
SUNDAY one run over six innings, becoming the two spectacular plays at shortstop, Man- Cory Blaser; First, Alfonso Marquez; Second, T—3:35. A—0 (37,903).
Chris Guccione; Third, Nestor Ceja. T—3:04.
At Baltimore 5 Boston 4 At Chi. Cubs 2 Chi. White Sox 1 eighth MLB player with double-digit ny Machado hit a two-run home run in A—0 (40,019).
At Washington 9 Miami 3 At San Francisco 6 Arizona 1 strikeouts and two or fewer hits in his ini- the eighth inning and the Padres swept DODGERS 11, ROCKIES 3 WHITE SOX AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Detroit 7 at Cleveland 4 At LA Dodgers 11 Colorado 3 tial start. the Astros, 5-3, in San Diego for their sev- TAnderson ss 4 0 0 0 1 2 .350
NY Yankees (ppd.) at NY Mets At San Diego 5 Houston 3 COLORADO AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Moncada 3b 5 0 1 0 0 3 .250
President of baseball operations Chris enth win in a row. Tapia dh 5 0 1 0 0 1 .281 Grandal dh 3 0 0 0 1 0 .227
At Tampa Bay 5 Toronto 4 At Oakland 5 (10 inn.) LA Angels 4 Hampson cf 5 0 1 0 0 1 .257 LuGonzlz pr-dh 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000
Abreu 1b 3 1 1 1 1 0 .322
At Pittsburgh 5 Milwaukee 4 At Seattle 4 Texas 1 Blackmon rf 4 0 2 0 0 0 .405
Jiménez lf 4 0 1 0 0 1 .298
Story ss 4 1 1 1 0 1 .296 Robert cf 4 0 0 0 0 4 .265
Minnesota 5 at Kansas City 4 Philadelphia 5 at Atlanta 4 NATIONALS 9, MARLINS 3 RAYS 5, BLUE JAYS 4 GIANTS 6, DIAMONDBACKS 1 Wolters 2b 0 0 0 0 0 0 .193 McCann c 3 0 1 0 1 1 .340
Murphy 1b 3 0 0 0 1 0 .267 Mazara rf 4 0 2 0 0 0 .245
At St. Louis 6 Cincinnati 2 Fuentes 1b 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Engel pr 0 0 0 0 0 0 .286
MIAMI AB R H BI BB SO Avg. TORONTO AB R H BI BB SO Avg. ARIZONA AB R H BI BB SO Avg. McMahon 3b 4 1 2 1 0 2 .222 Mendick 2b 3 0 1 0 1 2 .264
SATURDAY Villar 2b 4 0 1 0 0 2 .278 Biggio 2b 5 0 1 0 0 1 .268 Calhoun rf 2 1 0 0 2 0 .227 Rodgers 2b-ss 4 0 0 0 0 1 .083 Totals 33 1 7 1 5 13
Joyce dh 4 0 1 0 0 2 .279 Grichuk cf 5 0 1 0 0 0 .287
Guerrero Jr. dh 4 1 1 0 0 1 .245 KeteMarte 2b 3 0 1 0 0 2 .336 Hilliard lf 4 1 1 1 0 0 .240
At Baltimore 5 (10 inn.) Boston 4 NY Yankees (ppd.) at NY Mets Aguilar 1b 3 0 0 0 0 0 .272 CHI. CUBS AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Hernández rf 1 2 1 1 3 0 .296 StarMarte cf 4 0 1 0 0 1 .320 EDíaz c 3 0 1 0 1 1 .250 Happ cf-lf 3 0 0 0 1 0 .286
Forsythe 1b 1 0 0 0 0 1 .125 DavidPeralta lf 3 0 0 1 0 3 .301
1st: At Wash. 5 (7 inn.) Miami 4 At Atlanta 6 Philadelphia 5 Shaw 1b-3b 4 0 1 1 0 1 .232 Totals 36 3 9 3 2 7 Rizzo 1b 4 0 1 0 0 1 .213
Dickerson lf 2 1 2 1 0 0 .257 Gurriel Jr. lf 3 1 1 2 1 1 .264 Walker 1b 3 0 1 0 1 1 .286 Báez ss 4 1 1 0 0 2 .200
2d: At Miami 5 (7 inn.) Washington 3 Chi. White Sox 7 at Chi. Cubs 4 Sierra cf 2 1 1 0 0 0 .278 Jansen c 2 0 0 0 1 0 .145 LA DODGERS AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Escobar 3b 4 0 0 0 0 1 .188 Schwarber lf 4 1 2 2 0 0 .230
Anderson 3b 2 0 0 0 0 1 .219 Panik ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .179 Betts rf 5 3 3 3 0 1 .300 Almora Jr. cf 0 0 0 0 0 0 .182
At Pittsburgh 12 Milwaukee 5 At St. Louis 3 Cincinnati 0 Berti ph-3b 2 1 1 1 0 1 .255 Ahmed ss 4 0 2 0 0 1 .265
McGuire c 0 0 0 0 0 0 .107 Seager ss 5 1 2 1 0 0 .298 Contreras dh 3 0 0 0 0 0 .215
JesusSánchez rf 4 0 1 1 0 0 .091 Drury 3b 2 0 0 0 0 0 .171 Vogt c 3 0 0 0 0 0 .146
LA Angels 4 at Oakland 3 At LA Dodgers 4 Colorado 3 ChriTaylor lf 3 0 0 0 2 0 .258 Heyward rf 2 0 0 0 1 0 .246
Rojas ss 4 0 0 0 0 0 .429 Tellez ph-1b 2 0 0 0 0 1 .227 Locastro ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .238 Caratini c 3 0 0 0 0 0 .293
Bellinger cf 4 1 1 1 1 0 .211
Brinson cf-lf 3 0 0 0 0 1 .107 Espinal ss 4 0 0 0 0 0 .185 Varsho dh 2 0 0 0 0 1 .136 Hoerner 3b-2b 2 0 0 0 1 1 .208
At Tampa Bay 2 (10 inn.) Toronto 1 At San Diego 13 Houston 2 Pederson dh 2 1 1 0 0 0 .183
Navarreto c 3 0 2 0 0 0 .667 Totals 33 4 6 4 5 5 Cron ph-dh 2 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Kipnis 2b 3 0 1 0 0 2 .289
Pollock ph-dh 0 0 0 1 0 0 .275
Minnesota 7 at Kansas City 2 At Seattle 10 Texas 1 Totals 34 3 9 3 0 8 TAMPA BAY AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Totals 31 1 5 1 3 10 Muncy 3b 3 2 2 1 1 0 .192
IanMiller pr 0 0 0 0 0 0 —
Meadows lf 3 1 1 2 0 2 .242 Bote 3b 0 0 0 0 0 0 .190
At Cleveland 6 Detroit 1 At San Francisco 5 Arizona 1 WASHINGTON AB R H BI BB SO Avg. SAN FRAN. AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Hernández 2b 4 1 1 3 0 0 .241 Totals 28 2 5 2 3 6
Lowe rf 3 0 1 1 1 1 .313 Beaty 1b 4 0 1 0 0 1 .250
Turner ss 3 2 3 3 0 0 .316 Yastrzemski rf 4 1 1 1 0 1 .309
YaDíaz 3b 2 0 2 0 2 0 .315 Smith c 3 2 1 1 1 0 .200 Chi. White Sox..........010 000 000 — 1 7 2
Difo ss 1 0 0 0 0 0 .091 Choi 1b 3 0 1 1 0 0 .200 Dickerson lf 4 1 1 3 0 1 .211 Chi. Cubs................... 000 002 00x — 2 5 0
Eaton rf 4 0 1 2 1 0 .230 Totals 33 11 12 11 5 2
Tsutsugo dh 4 0 0 0 0 0 .167 Solano 2b 0 0 0 0 0 0 .363 E—Moncada 2 (5). LOB—Chi. White Sox 10,
Soto lf 3 0 1 0 1 1 .367 Wendle 2b 4 1 1 0 0 1 .290 Chi. Cubs 5. 2B—Báez (6), Schwarber (4).
Flores 2b 4 0 0 0 0 1 .306 Colorado....................001 100 001 — 3 9 0
Taylor ph-lf 1 0 0 0 0 0 .167 Adames ss 3 1 1 0 1 1 .286 HR—Abreu (11), off Darvish, Schwarber (5),
Dubón cf 0 0 0 0 0 0 .265 LA Dodgers................101 301 23x — 11 12 2
Kendrick dh 4 0 1 1 0 0 .291 Kiermaier cf 4 1 1 0 0 0 .237 off Cease. DP—Chi. White Sox 1; Chi. Cubs 1.
JosHrrsn ph-dh 1 0 0 0 0 0 .261 Perez c 1 0 0 0 0 0 .167 Belt 1b 3 2 3 0 1 0 .274 E—Hernández (4), ChriTaylor (2). LOB—
Colorado 8, LA Dodgers 5. HR—Story (8), off Chi. White Sox IP H R ER BB SO ERA
Thames 1b 3 1 1 0 2 1 .224 Martínez ph 1 1 1 1 0 0 .254 Longoria 3b 4 0 2 1 0 0 .262 Cease L 4-2 6 4 2 2 3 5 3.13
Zunino c 2 0 0 0 0 1 .107 Sandoval dh 4 0 2 1 0 0 .217 Stripling, McMahon (6), off Stripling, Hilliard
Suzuki c 4 1 1 0 0 1 .255 Foster 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.00
Totals 30 5 9 5 4 6 (3), off Santana, Betts 2 (11), off Senzatela,
LuGarcía 2b 4 3 3 0 0 0 .357 Bart c 4 1 1 0 0 1 .333 Detwiler 1 0 0 0 0 1 0.00
off Goudeau, Seager (7), off Senzatela, Bell-
Kieboom 3b 2 1 0 1 2 1 .217 Toronto......................010 100 020 — 4 6 1 Crawford ss 3 1 0 0 0 2 .235 inger (8), off Senzatela, Muncy (7), off Goud- Chi. Cubs IP H R ER BB SO ERA
Robles cf 4 1 0 0 0 1 .236 Tampa Bay................000 030 20x — 5 9 0 Duggar cf-lf 3 0 0 0 0 2 .125 eau, Hernández (3), off Senzatela, Smith (3), Darvish W 5-1 7 6 1 1 1 10 1.70
Totals 34 9 11 7 6 5 E—Hernández (3). LOB—Toronto 7, Tampa Totals 33 6 10 6 1 8 off Kinley. SB—Betts 2 (5), ChriTaylor (3). Kimbrel „ 0 0 0 2 2 9.95
Bay 7. 2B—Biggio (6), Grichuk (4), Choi (8), SF—Pollock. DP—Colorado 1; LA Dodgers 1. Jeffress S 3 1‚ 1 0 0 2 1 1.46
Miami.........................010 000 002 — 3 9 2 Adames (9). 3B—Guerrero Jr. (1). HR— Arizona.......................000 001 000 — 1 5 0
Washington...............110 250 00x — 9 11 0 Colorado IP H R ER BB SO ERA Inherited runners-scored—Jeffress 2-0.
Hernández (10), off Fleming, Gurriel Jr. (3), San Francisco...........000 011 31x — 6 10 1
E—Anderson (3), Villar (3). LOB—Miami 4, off Castillo. SB—Hernández 2 (4), Kiermaier Senzatela L 3-1 5‚ 7 6 6 1 1 3.96 NP—Cease 103, Foster 10, Detwiler 10,
E—Crawford (5). LOB—Arizona 8, San
Washington 8. 2B—JesusSánchez (1), Eaton (5). SF—Meadows, Choi. DP—Toronto 1. Kinley „ 2 2 2 0 1 6.52 Darvish 103, Kimbrel 19, Jeffress 31. Um-
Francisco 5. 2B—StarMarte (7), Belt 2 (4),
(6), Kendrick (2). 3B—Turner (2). HR—Dicker- Toronto IP H R ER BB SO ERA Pazos 1 0 0 0 2 0 13.50 pires—Home, Laz Diaz; First, Shane Liven-
Longoria (5). HR—Yastrzemski (7), off Weav-
son (3), off AnibaSánchez. SB—Robles (1). Thornton 1 2 0 0 0 2 11.12 Goudeau 1 3 3 3 2 0 13.50 sparger; Second, D.J. Reyburn; Third, Tim
er, Dickerson (3), off Rondón. SB—StarMarte
CS—LuGarcía (1). DP—Miami 1; Washington Kay 3 1 2 2 2 2 3.14 Timmons. T—3:15. A—0 (41,649).
(5). SF—DavidPeralta. DP—Arizona 1; San
2. Borucki L 1-1 „ 2 1 1 0 0 3.24 Francisco 1. LA Dodgers IP H R ER BB SO ERA
Miami IP H R ER BB SO ERA Waguespack
1„ 3 2 2 1 1 4.85
„ 0 0 0 1 0 16.20
ViGnzálz W 1-0
2 2 2 2 5.46
0 0 0 2 1.80
Mejía L 0-2 3„ 7 4 2 2 4 5.40 Weaver L 1-4 5„ 5 2 2 1 5 7.77
Sharp ‚ 3 5 4 3 0 10.13 Cole 1 1 0 0 0 1 0.69 Floro „ 1 0 0 0 0 0.69
Ginkel ‚ 1 0 0 0 0 10.13 Kolarek 1 0 0 0 0 1 0.00
Saturday night game
Leibrandt 4 1 0 0 1 1 0.00 Tampa Bay IP H R ER BB SO ERA Rondón 1 2 3 3 0 1 11.57 Santana 1‚ 1 1 1 0 2 5.40 COLORADO AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Fleming W 1-0 5 4 2 2 2 3 3.60 Tapia lf 3 0 0 0 1 1 .288
Washington IP H R ER BB SO ERA López 1 2 1 1 0 2 6.14
Fairbanks 1 0 0 0 2 2 3.65 Kinley pitched to 2 batters in the 7th. Inher- Story ss 4 1 2 0 0 0 .297
AnbSchz W 1-3 7 5 1 1 0 5 6.48 Loup „ 1 0 0 0 0 3.38 San Francisco IP H R ER BB SO ERA ited runners-scored—Kinley 1-0, Pazos 1-1, Blackmon dh 4 0 0 0 0 0 .402
Harper 2 4 2 2 0 3 8.25 Castillo „ 1 2 2 1 0 2.53
Cahill 5‚ 1 1 1 2 8 1.64 Kolarek 1-0. HBP—by Senzatela (Pederson). Arenado 3b 3 0 0 1 0 0 .218
Sharp pitched to 6 batters in the 5th. Inher- Curtiss S 1 1„ 0 0 0 0 0 2.61 NP—Senzatela 80, Kinley 13, Pazos 21, Goud- Murphy 1b 4 0 1 0 0 0 .277
Baragar W 3-1 „ 1 0 0 0 0 7.50
ited runners-scored—Sharp 1-0, Leibrandt Kay pitched to 2 batters in the 5th. Inherit- eau 27, Stripling 64, ViGonzález 23, Floro 11, McMahon 2b 3 1 0 0 1 0 .209
Watson 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.93 Kolarek 19, Santana 17. Umpires—Home, Bill Hampson cf 3 0 0 0 0 1 .261
1-0. HBP—by Mejía (Turner). NP—Mejía 82, ed runners-scored—Borucki 2-2,
Sharp 34, Leibrandt 55, AnibaSánchez 92, Waguespack 1-0, Gaviglio 2-1, Castillo 1-0. Rogers 1 0 0 0 1 1 6.60 Miller; First, Edwin Moscoso; Second, Rob Hilliard rf 3 1 1 1 1 1 .239
Harper 37. Umpires—Home, Ramon De Jesus; NP—Thornton 25, Kay 47, Borucki 13, García 1 2 0 0 0 1 0.00 Drake; Third, Doug Eddings. T—2:58. A—0 Wolters c 2 0 0 0 0 0 .193
First, Ron Kulpa; Second, Chris Segal; Third, Waguespack 48, Gaviglio 13, Cole 13, Fleming (56,000). Kemp ph 0 0 0 0 1 0 .250
Inherited runners-scored—Ginkel 1-0, Ba- Butera c 0 0 0 0 0 0 .200
Manny Gonzalez. T—3:12. A—0 (41,376). 72, Fairbanks 23, Loup 13, Castillo 15, Curtiss
ragar 1-1. HBP—by Rondón (Crawford), by EDíaz ph-c 1 0 0 0 0 1 .231
15. Umpires—Home, Todd Tichenor; First,
Randy Rosenberg; Second, Marty Foster;
Rogers (KeteMarte). NP—Weaver 84, Ginkel PIRATES 5, BREWERS 4 Totals 30 3 4 2 4 4
NUCCIO DINUZZO/GETTY IMAGES TIGERS 7, INDIANS 4 Third, Sean Barber. T—3:14. A—0 (25,025).
4, Rondón 21, López 18, Cahill 88, Baragar 13,
Watson 14, Rogers 14, García 18. Umpires— LA DODGERS AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Home, Adam Hamari; First, Marvin Hudson; MILWAUKEE AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Betts rf 3 1 0 0 1 2 .286
Jose Abreu is congratulated by White Sox DETROIT AB R H BI BB SO Avg. CARDINALS 6, REDS 2 Second, Brian Knight; Third, Mike Muchlinski. García cf 5 0 1 0 0 1 .238 Seager ss 4 0 1 0 0 2 .292
VictorReyes lf 4 2 1 0 1 0 .273 T—2:52. A—0 (41,314). Yelich lf 3 0 0 0 1 2 .194 Turner dh 1 1 0 0 2 0 .272
teammate Eloy Jimenez after homering for the WiCastro 2b 4 0 2 1 0 1 .276
CINCINNATI AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Hiura 2b 4 2 1 0 0 1 .240 Pollock cf 4 0 1 0 0 2 .275
Cabrera dh 3 0 1 2 1 0 .181 Smoak 1b 4 1 2 3 0 0 .205 Bellinger 1b 3 1 1 1 1 1 .209
fourth consecutive at-bat, tying a record. Candelario 1b 5 0 1 0 0 2 .279
Votto 1b
Castellanos rf
0 0 0 0 .207
1 0 1 0 .242
MARINERS 4, RANGERS 1 Braun dh 4 0 0 0 0 0 .204 ChriTaylor lf-2b 3 1 1 1 0 1 .267
Goodrum ss 3 1 2 1 2 0 .202 Winker dh 3 0 0 0 1 2 .314 Gamel rf 4 0 0 0 0 3 .185 Muncy 3b 2 0 1 0 1 0 .178
Jones cf 5 1 1 0 0 3 .272 Suárez 3b 4 1 1 2 0 1 .149 TEXAS AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Urías 3b 3 1 1 0 0 1 .297 Hernández 2b 2 0 0 0 0 0 .240
Bonifacio rf 5 1 1 2 0 2 .083 Moustakas 2b 3 0 0 0 1 0 .212 Pederson ph-lf 0 0 0 0 1 0 .174
Solak lf 4 0 0 0 0 1 .261 Narváez c 4 0 2 1 0 2 .151
Greiner c 3 2 1 1 1 0 .130 Akiyama cf 2 0 1 0 0 0 .224 Barnes c 3 0 0 0 0 1 .273
MONDAY’S GAMES Paredes 3b 4 0 3 0 0 1 .250 Ervin ph-lf 2 0 0 0 0 0 .103
Dietrich dh 4 0 1 0 0 1 .217 Arcia ss 3 0 0 0 1 2 .254 Totals 25 4 5 2 6 9
Santana 1b 3 0 0 0 1 1 .159 Totals 34 4 7 4 2 12
.......2020....... Team ......2019 vs. opp ...... ......Last 3 starts ...... Totals 36 7 13 7 5 9 Payton lf 2 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Colorado....................001 001 100 — 3 4 0
Davidson ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .240 Gallo rf 4 0 0 0 0 1 .200 LA Dodgers................110 000 101 — 4 5 2
CLEVELAND AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Jankowski cf 0 0 0 0 1 0 .067 Odor 2b 4 0 0 0 0 1 .143 E—Ferguson (1), Seager (3). LOB—Colora-
González 3b-ss 4 1 1 0 0 1 .273
TORONTO AT TAMPA BAY, 3:10 p.m. Hernández 2b 5 1 1 1 0 2 .275 Galvis ss 3 0 0 0 0 0 .213 Kiner-Falefa 3b 3 0 1 0 0 1 .256 Frazier 2b 4 0 1 1 0 2 .200 do 6, LA Dodgers 4. 2B—Story (7), Pollock (7).
Ramírez 3b 5 0 2 0 0 1 .241 Barnhart c 1 0 0 0 1 0 .178 Heineman cf 3 0 0 0 0 0 .179 Newman ss 2 0 0 0 0 1 .269 HR—Hilliard (2), off May, Bellinger (7), off
Roark (R) +175 2-1 4.76 3-1 0-0 0.0 0.00 1-1 12.0 6.00 Lindor ss 3 0 0 0 0 1 .246 Casali ph-c 0 0 0 0 1 0 .167 Mathis c 3 1 1 1 0 1 .200 Bard, ChriTaylor (2), off Freeland. SB—Tapia
Totals 28 2 3 2 6 3 Riddle 3b 2 1 1 0 0 1 .200
Snell (L) -210 2-0 3.00 4-1 0-1 14.1 2.51 2-0 13.0 2.08 CarlsSntana 1b 3 0 0 0 1 0 .187 Rivera ss 3 0 0 0 0 1 .000 (3), Hilliard (2). S—Hampson. SF—Arenado.
Moran 1b 1 0 0 0 0 1 .259 DP—Colorado 3.
FranmiReyes dh 4 0 0 0 0 2 .293 ST. LOUIS AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Totals 31 1 3 1 1 8
MIAMI AT WASHINGTON, 6:05 p.m. Tucker rf 3 1 1 0 0 1 .244 Colorado IP H R ER BB SO ERA
Luplow lf 3 1 2 0 1 0 .118 Wong 2b 3 0 1 0 1 0 .255 Reynolds lf 4 0 1 1 0 2 .220 Freeland 6 4 3 3 3 6 2.87
DomiSantana rf 3 0 0 0 0 2 .169 BMiller 3b 3 0 0 0 2 1 .308 SEATTLE AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
López (R) +115 2-1 2.42 2-2 0-1 11.2 10.03 1-1 17.1 3.12 Polanco dh 3 2 2 2 1 1 .151 Almonte BS 2 1 0 0 0 2 1 3.29
Voth (R) -135 0-2 5.00 1-3 0-0 5.0 1.80 0-1 13.0 5.54 MikFreeman ph 0 1 0 0 1 0 .167 Goldschmidt 1b 4 1 1 0 1 1 .340 Crawford ss 4 0 0 0 0 1 .222
Carpenter dh 4 1 2 0 1 2 .222 Osuna rf-1b 4 0 0 0 0 0 .133 Estévez 1 0 0 0 1 2 2.63
Taylor c 3 0 0 0 0 2 .048 Haggerty lf 3 1 1 2 1 0 .300
O’Neill lf 5 0 0 0 0 2 .154 Dyson cf 2 0 2 1 1 0 .167 Bard L 1-2 0 1 1 1 0 0 4.50
CHI. CUBS AT DETROIT, 7:10 p.m. Chang ph 1 0 0 0 0 1 .143 Lewis cf 4 1 1 1 0 0 .368
GAllen cf 4 1 1 3 0 2 .143 Molina c 5 1 4 2 0 0 .314 Stallings c 2 0 0 0 0 2 .300 LA Dodgers IP H R ER BB SO ERA
DeJong ss 4 0 0 0 0 1 .190 Seager dh 3 0 0 0 0 1 .291 Totals 31 5 9 5 2 12
Mills (R) -140 2-2 4.76 2-2 0-0 0.0 0.00 1-2 16.2 5.40 Totals 34 4 6 4 3 13 May 5 2 1 1 2 1 2.79
Mize (R) +120 0-0 6.23 0-1 0-0 0.0 0.00 0-0 4.1 6.23 Carlson rf 4 2 2 2 0 0 .154 Nola c 3 1 1 1 0 1 .298 Graterol BS 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 3.38
Detroit........................100 302 010 — 7 13 1 White 1b 3 0 0 0 0 1 .143 Milwaukee.................000 112 000 — 4 7 2
Bader cf 3 1 2 2 1 1 .233 Alexander „ 0 1 1 1 0 2.00
MINNESOTA AT CLEVELAND, 7:10 p.m. Cleveland...................100 000 003 — 4 6 0 Totals 35 6 12 6 6 8 Lopes 3b 3 0 1 0 0 1 .238 Pittsburgh..................110 001 02x — 5 9 1 Treinen 1 1 0 0 1 1 0.75
E—Goodrum (1). LOB—Detroit 9, Cleveland Long Jr. 2b 3 0 0 0 0 1 .167 E—Narváez (1), Peralta (1), Riddle (1). Ferguson 1 0 0 0 0 1 0.79
Cincinnati.................. 200 000 000 — 2 3 0 LOB—Milwaukee 6, Pittsburgh 5. 2B—Smoak
Maeda (R) -110 3-0 2.27 4-1 0-0 0.0 0.00 1-0 20.2 2.61 7. 2B—VictorReyes (4), Goodrum (4), Jones Bishop rf 3 1 1 0 0 1 .167 Jansen W 1-0 ‚ 0 0 0 0 1 0.77
St. Louis.....................021 000 30x — 6 12 0 (7), Urías (1), Narváez (2), González (7), Rid-
Civale (R) -110 3-2 2.91 3-2 0-0 11.0 1.64 2-1 22.0 2.45 (8), Paredes (1), Ramírez (6), Luplow (1). LOB—Cincinnati 6, St. Louis 12. 2B—Castel- Totals 29 4 5 4 1 7 dle (1). HR—Smoak (4), off Hartlieb, Polanco Freeland pitched to 3 batters in the 7th.
HR—Goodrum (5), off Carrasco, Bonifacio (1), lanos (6), Goldschmidt (2), Carpenter (3), Bard pitched to 1 batter in the 9th. Inherited
OAKLAND AT TEXAS, 8:05 p.m. off Carrasco, Greiner (1), off LAllen, Hernán- Texas..........................000 000 010 — 1 3 0 (4), off Phelps. SB—Polanco 2 (2), Dyson (4).
Bader (3). HR—Suárez (4), off Ponce de Leon, S—Stallings. DP—Pittsburgh 1. runners-scored—Almonte 3-1, Treinen 1-1,
dez (1), off Skubal, GAllen (1), off Jiménez. Carlson (1), off Jones, Bader (2), off Mahle. Seattle........................110 020 00x — 4 5 1 Ferguson 1-0, Jansen 1-0. HBP—by Freeland
Luzardo (L) -145 2-0 3.67 4-0 0-0 4.0 2.25 2-0 15.1 4.70 Milwaukee IP H R ER BB SO ERA
SB—Goodrum (3), Ramírez (6). S—WiCastro. SB—Wong (2). S—Wong. DP—St. Louis 2. E—Lopes (1). LOB—Texas 4, Seattle 2. 2B— (Turner). WP—Treinen. NP—Freeland 94, Al-
Lynn (R) +125 3-0 1.37 4-2 2-1 20.2 5.66 2-0 21.0 2.14
SF—Cabrera. DP—Cleveland 2. Cincinnati IP H R ER BB SO ERA Kiner-Falefa (3), Lopes (6). HR—Mathis (1), Burnes 5‚ 5 3 3 2 7 3.42 monte 21, Estévez 16, Bard 2, May 81, Grater-
CINCINNATI AT MILWAUKEE, 8:10 p.m. Detroit IP H R ER BB SO ERA Mahle L 0-1 3 5 3 3 2 5 4.41 off Altavilla, Haggerty (1), off Minor, Lewis Peralta 1„ 2 0 0 0 3 3.45 ol 8, Alexander 16, Treinen 24, Ferguson 19,
Skubal 2‚ 3 1 1 1 5 10.38 Lorenzen 2 3 0 0 1 0 7.30 (7), off Minor, Nola (4), off Minor. SB—Rivera Phelps L 2-3 1 2 2 2 0 2 2.45 Jansen 5. Umpires—Home, Doug Eddings;
Bauer (R) -135 3-0 0.68 3-1 0-0 0.0 0.00 3-0 20.0 0.45 Norris W 2-1 3„ 2 0 0 0 4 2.77 Thornburg 1 0 0 0 1 1 0.00 (1), Bishop (1). First, Bill Miller; Second, Edwin Moscoso;
Anderson (L) +115 1-2 3.71 1-3 0-0 6.0 6.00 1-2 14.0 3.21 Soto 1 0 0 0 0 1 4.05 Jones 1 4 3 3 0 0 6.23 Pittsburgh IP H R ER BB SO ERA Third, Rob Drake. T—3:05. A—0 (56,000).
Farmer 1 0 0 0 0 1 2.16 Reed 1 0 0 0 2 2 5.79 Brubaker 4 4 2 2 1 6 4.80
KANSAS CITY AT ST. LOUIS, 8:15 p.m. Minor L 0-5 6 5 4 4 1 4 6.75
Hartlieb 1‚ 2 2 1 0 1 3.00
Cisnero S 1
‚ 1 3 3 2 1 12.46
„ 0 0 0 0 1 1.76
St. Louis IP H R ER BB SO ERA Rodríguez 1 0 0 0 0 2 1.17 Howard „ 1 0 0 1 1 3.72 AL LEADERS
Keller (R) +160 3-0 0.00 3-0 1-1 13.0 3.46 3-0 17.2 0.00 Ponce de Leon 4„ 3 2 2 4 2 5.25 Hernández 1 0 0 0 0 1 1.72
Cabrera W 2-1 2 0 0 0 1 0 4.26 Turley 1 0 0 0 0 1 3.48
Flaherty (R) -190 1-0 3.12 2-0 1-0 7.0 0.00 1-0 8.2 3.12 Through Saturday’s games
Cleveland IP H R ER BB SO ERA Gant ‚ 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 Stratton W 1-0 1 0 0 0 0 1 4.50
LA ANGELS AT HOUSTON, 9:10 p.m. Carrasco L 2-3 3‚ 7 4 4 1 4 4.50 AMiller 1 0 0 0 0 1 4.76 Rodríguez S 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 3.09 AB R H Avg.
Dunn W 2-1 6 1 0 0 1 6 5.57
LAllen 4„ 5 3 3 4 2 4.70 Reyes 1 0 0 0 1 0 0.00 LeMahieu, NYY................. 73 15 30 .411
Leone 1 1 0 0 0 3 8.53 Misiewicz 1 0 0 0 0 0 4.35 Brubaker pitched to 2 batters in the 5th. In-
Sandoval (L) +135 0-3 5.40 1-3 0-1 6.1 5.68 0-3 16.0 6.19 Inherited runners-scored—Cabrera 2-0. Lewis, Sea ....................... 102 23 38 .373
Altavilla 1 1 1 1 0 1 6.75 herited runners-scored—Peralta 1-1, Hartlieb
Valdez (L) -160 2-2 1.72 2-2 1-1 10.0 6.30 2-1 20.2 1.31 HBP—by Ponce de Leon (Galvis). Balk—Mah- Cruz, Min........................... 96 20 32 .333
Inherited runners-scored—Norris 2-0, LAl- Williams S 6 1 1 0 0 0 1 3.00 1-0. HBP—by Howard (Urías). WP—Burnes.
le. PB—Casali. NP—Mahle 71, Lorenzen 31, Severino, Bal..................... 79 7 26 .329
COLORADO AT ARIZONA, 9:40 p.m. len 1-0. HBP—by Skubal (Lindor). NP—Skubal NP—Burnes 87, Peralta 22, Phelps 18, Brubak-
Thornburg 21, Jones 31, Reed 25, Ponce de Abreu, CWS..................... 115 21 37 .322
69, Norris 59, Soto 9, Farmer 12, Jiménez 22, NP—Minor 91, Rodríguez 12, Hernández er 76, Hartlieb 17, Howard 20, Turley 12,
Leon 93, Cabrera 14, Gant 3, AMiller 12, Reyes Merrifield, KC ................. 104 19 33 .317
Castellani (R) +140 0-1 3.77 1-2 0-0 0.0 0.00 0-1 14.1 3.77 Cisnero 9, Carrasco 67, LAllen 71, Leone 17. 12, Dunn 80, Misiewicz 8, Altavilla 12, Wil- Stratton 11, Rodríguez 16. Umpires—Home,
10. Umpires—Home, Jose Navas; First, CB Fletcher, LAA .................. 117 19 37 .316
Kelly (R) -165 3-2 2.59 3-2 1-2 17.2 7.64 2-1 17.2 2.55 Umpires—Home, Alex Tosi; First, David Rack- liams 17. Umpires—Home, Mark Ripperger; Dan Bellino; First, Will Little; Second, Nic
Bucknor; Second, Paul Clemons; Third, John Rendon, LAA ..................... 86 15 27 .314
ley; Second, Chris Conroy; Third, Lance First, Ted Barrett; Second, Quinn Wolcott; Lentz; Third, Angel Hernandez. T—3:11. A—0
Team rec. — Record in games started by pitcher this season Tumpane. T—3:03. A—0 (44,383). Lowe, TB............................ 96 25 30 .313
Barksdale. T—3:22. A—0 (34,830). Third, Nick Mahrley. T—2:14. A—0 (47,500). (38,747).
M O N D A Y, A U G U S T 2 4 , 2 0 2 0 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e Sports C7


Oosthuizen needs
every shot to earn
final spot in BMW
By Hayden Bird at least on the front nine.
BOSTON.COM Woods birdied each of the
There wasn’t much sus- first four holes, playing some of
pense still on the course Sun- his best golf of the tournament.
day when a 74-minute delay “I felt like I hit the ball bet-
left the final ter,” Woods said. “I putted bet-
NOTEBOOK three groups ter. Everything was just cleaner
unsure if and better today. It was good. I
they’d finish their rounds. just wish I would have kept the
Dustin Johnson was clearly round going a little bit more.”
on his way to victory, riding all Woods sandwiched his last
the momentum in the world to two birdies around a bogey on
Olympia Fields in Illinois for the par-3 eighth, and made
next week’s BMW Champion- nine pars on the back nine.
ship. Given some of the low
Louis Oosthuizen, mean- scores on the course this week,
while, wasn’t sure where he including Scottie Scheffler
was headed. The South African posting the 12th sub-60 round
entered the week 99th in the in Tour history with a Friday
Dustin Johnson, checking his notes before putting on No. 10 on Sunday, had a great read on TPC Boston all weekend. FedExCup standings, but had 59, Woods entertained the
played himself into position to thought of what might have

Johnson leaves Trust foes in dust

reach the top 70 and move on been.
in the playoffs with a 65-65-68 “It could have been, well, it
open to his Northern Trust. could have been one of those
He went out Sunday in 2- really low rounds,” Woods spec-
over 38, however, doubling the ulated, “but I’ll take 5-under.”
uNORTHERN TRUST greens in regulation all week, having a realistic chance of win- par-5 second after putting a Woods will need to be better
Continued from Page C1 going 18 for 18 for the second ning the FedEx Cup.” Northern Trust scores ball in the water. After a birdie in the BMW Championship,
At TPC Boston, Norton
30 under par in a PGA Tour time in his career on Sunday, Scheffler, whose 59 on Fri- Yardage: 7,308; par: 71 on No. 10, he made three the second of this year’s three
$1,710,000 (-30)
event, joining Ernie Els (31 un- and missed just two fairways in day not even Johnson could Dustin Johnson................................ 67-60-64-63–254 straight bogeys. FedExCup playoff events, to
der, 2003) and Jordan Spieth the final round. touch, needed birdie on the last $1,035,500 (-19)
Harris English...................................64-66-66-69–265
A 14-foot birdie putt on the reach the season-ending Tour
(30 under, 2016), who both did “Obviously this is a really hole just for an even-par 71 $655,500 (-18)
Daniel Berger...................................66-66-67-67–266
par-3 16th put him in range Championship. The top 30
it at par-73 Kapalua in Hawaii. good week,” Johnson said. “My Sunday. He finished tied for $427,500 (-17)
Kevin Kisner.....................................65-66-70-66–267
again, but he’d need to birdie qualify to play at East Lake,
“I don’t know, I’ve never ball striking was unbelievable. I fourth at 17 under with Kevin Scottie Scheffler..............................70-59-67-71–267 the par-5 18th, which he was in where he won in 2018. Woods
$332,500 (-16)
shot 30 under in four rounds,” found something on Wednes- Kisner (who closed with 66), Jon Rahm..........................................69-67-67-65–268 the midst of playing when the fell from 49th in the standings
Webb Simpson.................................70-64-68-66–268
Johnson said, making no secret day. Felt like I was swinging re- both one behind Daniel Berger. $277,875 (-15) weather horn blew. to 57th after the Northern
Russell Henley................................. 64-67-70-68–269
he had the number in his sights ally good, but something “I feel like I played a solid Alex Noren........................................69-68-64-68–269 No matter. From 229 yards Trust.
Ryan Palmer.....................................67-67-68-67–269
when he stepped on the course clicked on Wednesday. I really, round yesterday,” Scheffler said. $230,375 (-14) out, Oosthuizen struck a 3-iron Yet given the unusual nature
Brian Harman...................................67-66-73-64–270
Sunday. “Just something that I really hit it well on Thursday. I “I just made too many mis- Harry Higgs......................................67-66-66-71–270 to 31 feet, then made a 4-footer of the entire season, Woods is
wanted to do.” didn’t really make a lot of putts, takes, and today got off to a $175,275 (-13)
Charley Hoffman.............................65-68-68-70–271
for the needed 4. He finished remaining patient with his per-
Before Johnson’s 11-stroke but I really went and worked slow start and didn’ t make Mackenzie Hughes..........................68-68-66-69–271
Jason Kokrak....................................68-68-70-65–271
with a 2-over 73, putting him at formance.
runaway, the largest margin of hard on my putting on Thurs- many putts. I put myself in a Louis Oosthuizen.............................65-65-68-73–271
Robby Shelton..................................66-71-71-63–271
70th place in the FedEx Cup “I haven’t played my best,”
victory on the Tour this season day afternoon, and it paid off.” good position going into the $117,189.29 (-12) standings. He displaced Doc Woods said of his season so far.
Talor Gooch......................................66-72-65-69–272
was six. The most dominant English and Scottie Scheffler weekend. Didn’ t play well Viktor Hovland.................................68-70-68-66–272 Redman — who missed the cut “I haven’t really played that
Matt Kuchar.....................................69-69-66-68–272
showing of his prior 21 PGA came into the day five strokes enough.” $117,189.28 (-12) at the Northern Trust — for the much. This has been a very dif-
Danny Lee.........................................66-64-69-73–272
Tour victories was eight, when behind Johnson, but their With his second win of the Sebastian Munoz.............................65-71-69-67–272 last spot in next week’s field. ferent year for all of us, and
Cameron Smith................................69-68-66-69–272
he won at Kapalua in 2018. hopes of catching him washed s e a s o n , Jo h n s o n n o t o n l y Bubba Watson.................................65-68-67-72–272 Oosthuizen was one of six to that’s one of the things that
$76,237.50 (-11)
“It is a big margin, and I’m away long before the rain came. earned the New England dou- Corey Conners.................................72-65-69-67–273 play their way into the BMW, we’ve all had to make adjust-
definitely really proud of that,” English bogeyed 18 in the dark- ble — he won June’s Travelers Tyrrell Hatton...................................67-71-63-72–273
Justin Rose........................................69-70-67-67–273
along with Alex Noren, Harry ments, and for me, I’m just
Johnson said. “My goal today ness, a 2-under 69 his worst of Championship in Connecticut Xander Schauffele...........................68-71-67-67–273
$55,860 (-10)
Higgs, Russell Henley (whose now starting to get into the
was, I knew I was playing well the week by three shots. — but jumped to the top of the Keegan Bradley...............................68-67-69-70–274
Wyndham Clark...............................68-71-67-68–274
tie for eighth leapt him from rhythm and flow of competing
and I knew the guys were going “Years past, TPC Boston has FedExCup standings after the Cameron Davis................................ 64-65-72-73–274 101st to 61st), Robby Shelton and playing again. Hopefully it
Tyler Duncan....................................69-69-69-67–274
to shoot low.” not been a great track for me, first of three playoff events. Mark Hubbard..................................67-71-68-68–274 (who tied Johnson for Sunday’s gets better.”
Kyoung-Hoon Lee............................67-68-69-70–274
Johnson also moved back to but I felt like I was coming in Despite tying Rory McIlroy Hideki Matsuyama..........................70-69-65-70–274 best with an 8-under 63), and
No. 1 in the world rankings for with really good form and I with his fifth playoff event vic-
Troy Merritt......................................72-67-70-65–274
Scott Piercy......................................65-70-70-69–274 Jason Kokrak (who eagled the Lob shots
Cameron Tringale........................... 67-72-67-68–274
the sixth time in his career and played really well,” English said. tory, Johnson is still chasing his $39,425 (-9) last for 65 on Sunday, one of R It was a tough weekend for
Si Woo Kim.......................................68-64-70-73–275
the first time since last May, dis- “Just, Dustin played unbeliev- first overall title. He was second Kevin Na............................................71-65-73-66–275 five bogey-free rounds). South Hadley’s Richy Wer-
placing Jon Rahm, who shot able golf. It was solid ball strik- in 2016, when he went into the J.T. Poston........................................ 71-67-66-71–275
Ian Poulter........................................66-67-73-69–275
“Yeah, it was exciting,” said enski, who opened 69-67, then
69-67-67-65 and tied for sixth, ing, putting, everything. Shoot- Tour Championship leading the Adam Schenk...................................70-66-71-68–275
$30,001 (-8)
Shelton of his round, in which shot 75 on Saturday and 74 on
14 shots back. ing 30 under on a playoff golf standings and was tied for the Tommy Fleetwood..........................66-69-71-70–276
Emiliano Grillo..................................69-64-73-70–276
the 24-year-old finished birdie- Sunday. Still, Werenski
The course was Johnson’s course like this is pretty incredi- tournament lead entering the Charles Howell III............................66-70-68-72–276 birdie-eagle-par-birdie-birdie. dropped just three spots to
Brendan Steele................................68-67-69-72–276
playground from the time he ble, and well deserved.” final round at East Lake, but Matthew Wolff.................................65-67-77-67–276 “It kind of felt like I was win- 44th in the FedExCup stand-
$23,169.44 (-7)
needed only 27 shots to play the After coming into the season shot a field-worst 73 and lost Paul Casey........................................70-69-67-71–277 ning the golf tournament for a ings, giving him a chance to
Rickie Fowler....................................67-70-71-69–277
first nine holes of his Friday sec- with a conditional card, English out to McIlroy. Beau Hossler....................................73-66-66-72–277 minute there.” reach his first Tour Champion-
Zach Johnson...................................69-69-67-72–277
ond round, that eventual 11- kept his goals and performance “It’s something I haven’t ship with a strong BMW Cham-
under 60 followed with a 7-un- in perspective. Leaping to sixth won,” Johnson said. “It’s some-
Adam Long.......................................68-67-72-70–277
Denny McCarthy..............................69-68-69-71–277
Chez Reavie......................................68-70-67-72–277
Woods takes a step pionship.
der 64 on Saturday. in the FedExCup standings, he’s thing I’ve been close to winning Patrick Reed.....................................68-71-68-70–277
Justin Thomas..................................68-67-71-71–277
Striding confidently in his Fellow New Englander Kee-
Johnson did his damage secured a spot in the season- a few times, and it’s just some- $21,565 (-6)
Lanto Griffin.....................................68-68-70-72–278
trademark red, Tiger Woods gan Bradley isn’t so fortunate.
quickly again Sunday, with an ending Tour Championship. thing that I would really like to Adam Scott.......................................66-70-75-67–278
Tiger Woods.....................................68-71-73-66–278
did more than merely look the His 1-under 70 got him to 10
eagle on the par-5 second and “I’ve been in that spot, a lot have on my resumé when I’m $20,995 (-5) part in the final round of the under, tied for 29th. That only
Maverick McNealy..........................67-71-70-71–279
birdies on Nos. 4, 5, 7, and 8. It of tr ying to get in the Tour done playing golf. You know, it’s Keith Mitchell...................................69-68-72-70–279 Northern Trust. Woods played bumped him from 112th in the
Kevin Streelman..............................64-71-73-71–279
was his fifth eagle of a week Championship, and only get- a big title. It means a lot to all $20,615 (-4) a substantive 18 holes Sunday, FedExCup to 99th, however,
Brendon Todd..................................70-66-70-74–280
when no other player finished ting in once in my career,” he the guys out here. It definitely $20,330 (-2) shooting a 5-under 66 to finish meaning his season is over.
Scott Harrington..............................68-67-76-71–282
with more than two, and his 18- said. “It feels really good to fi- means a lot to me, and it ’s Rory McIlroy.....................................69-70-74-69–282 6 under for the week, tied for R On another hot day, Schef-
$20,045 (-1)
under total on the front nine — nally get back there. Only an something that I really want to Andrew Landry................................69-70-69-75–283 58th. fler’s caddy Scott McGuinness
which included a 1-over 37 in hour away from where I went to be a FedEx Cup champion.” $19,855 (+1)
Richy Werenski................................69-67-75-74–285
It was a vintage display from was carted off at the No. 9
the first round — would’ve tied college [at Georgia]. Feel like I $19,665 (+2)
Matt Jones........................................68-71-76-71–286
the 15-time major winner and green with a calf injury. He was
him for third all by itself. have good vibes there, and I’m Julian Benbow can be reached $19,475 (+7)
Patrick Rodgers...............................71-67-76-77–291
2006 winner of the Deutsche replaced by Eric Ledbetter, an
Johnson only missed seven excited about getting there and at Bank Championship in Norton, assistant pro at TPC Boston.

From start to finish, it was a dominance that’s rarely seen

uSULLIVAN ence is no longer there.”
Continued from Page C1
bolted to 11 under through 11
Northern Trust leadercards Of course, none of it both-
ered Johnson, one of the game’s
Eagle or better Birdie Bogey Double bogey or worse
holes, to a fifth eagle and six Leaders after the final round at TPC Boston most fascinating figures. To call
more birdies on Sunday, John- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 OUT 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 IN TOT him enigmatic doesn’t quite fit,
son mowed down the field by because that would seem to im-
YARDS 365 542 208 298 466 465 600 213 472 3629 425 231 510 447 516 421 187 412 530 3679 7308
pulling every one of his consid- ply complicated, deep thoughts
PAR 4 5 3 4 4 4 5 3 4 36 4 3 4 4 4 4 3 4 5 35 71
erable skills out of his bag and regarding the game. Johnson
putting them all together in a Dustin Johnson 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 2 4 30 4 3 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 33 63 appears to suffer from anything
way that turned him into a golf Harris English 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 2 4 32 4 3 5 4 4 4 3 4 6 37 69 but, consistently revealing an
machine. He never did manage approach rooted in simplicity
to put a circle on his scorecard Daniel Berger 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 4 34 4 2 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 33 67 and consistency. The anti-Bry-
for holes 13 through 16, but lit- Kevin Kisner 4 4 3 3 4 3 4 3 4 32 4 3 4 4 4 4 3 3 5 34 66 son DeChambeau.
tle worry, since he absolutely And yet enigmatic does fit,
owned the rest of it. Scott Scheffler 4 5 3 4 4 5 5 3 4 37 5 3 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 34 71 too, at least in the way that ap-
And this is why I love golf. proach plays itself out in re-
Watching Johnson elevate sults. Since golf returned after
his game was pure cinematic much as he beat the rest of the come return to greater Boston, inspiration from outside sourc- costs him as much as it frees the three-month pandemic-in-
genius, a maestro conducting a Masters field. This week, it gave a one-time annual Labor Day es to get something going.” him. duced layoff, Johnson has been
private symphony, a champion us Johnson, and he never gave date replaced by this alternat- McIlroy had a kindred spirit “Absolutely. Anyone who has both unstoppably dominant
compelling not just because he TPC a chance. ing chance to host the first in his playing partner across played in front of thousands of and head scratchingly awful.
was beating the field, but be- He didn’t miss a green on round of the year-end playoffs, the final two rounds. people, it is very different,” he He won the Travelers and was
cause he was besting the Sunday. He missed only two COVID-19 changed everything. “It is different,” Tiger Woods said. “Usually between 20,000 the runner-up at the PGA. He
course. Golf ’s unique magic is fairways. In the words of final- Rory McIlroy, sizzling prior agreed. “Obviously, the energy and 40,000 people screaming shot back-to-back 80s at the
found in the way it allows indi- round playing partner and run- to the pandemic, is shuffling is not anywhere near the same. and yelling. That’s always been Memorial and also missed the
vidual greatness to unveil itself ner-up Harris English, “On fire. now, and he knows part of the There isn’t the same amount of one of the things I’ve become cut at his first event back, the
in all its dominating glory, the He didn’t miss a shot.” reason is the change in atmo- anxiety and pressure and peo- accustomed to; the guys who Charles Schwab Challenge.
way it celebrates that greatness Listen, these are strange sphere. ple yelling at you and trying to played with me, who haven’t But he came to play in Bos-
unbound and unrestricted by times for sports. As grateful as “This is going to sound real- grab your shirt, a hat off you. become accustomed to it. They ton.
unwritten rules that can clutter we are to be watching from our ly bad, but I feel like the last few This is a very different world we have only experienced one “Obviously, a really good
the conversation in its athletic couches or tracking on our weeks, I’ve just been going live in.” round here and there; that’s week,” he said, breaking into a
counterparts. The golf course phones, the element of live at- through the motions,” he said. Imagine the attention the been every round I’ve played rare post-round smile.
has no feelings, leaving us free tendance is not yet in our grasp. “I want to get an intensity and Woods-McIlroy pairing might for over two decades. World No. 1. FedEx Cup
to root unabashedly for a sea of The absence of fans has certain- some sort of fire, but I just ha- have drawn in person. Guaran- “That advantage, for me, points leader. Career PGA Tour
red numbers, no 3-and-0 count ly altered the way the games are ven’t been able to. And look, tee they never could have en- and some of the other top play- win No. 22. A good week in-
to respect or 13-goal lead to cor- played, as well as the way we that’s partly to do with the at- joyed that picnic table lunch ers that have been out here for a deed.
rect. experience them. The same is mosphere and partly to do with they had on Saturday. But for while who have experienced it,
In 1997, it gave us Tiger true for the players. While big- how I’m playing. I’m not inspir- Woods, the absence of gallery trying to deal with all that noise Tara Sullivan is a Globe
beating Augusta National as time golf made its most wel- ing myself and I’m trying to get roars and hordes of onlookers and the movement, that experi- columnist.
C8 Sports T h e B o s t o n G l o b e M O N D A Y, A U G U S T 2 4 , 2 0 2 0

At 34, Edelman eager
stunner to begin a new chapter
Sophia Popov marked her GLOBE STAFF

ball a few inches from the hole FOXBOROUGH – Julian

on the 18 th green at Royal Edelman was zipping through
Troon, pulled his receiver drills Sunday
GOLF the brim of her morning when
ROUNDUP cap over her
PATRIOTS he briefly
face, and be- NOTEBOOK turned his at-
gan to cry in the arms of her tention to the
caddie. The realization had fi- Takuma Sato goes for the gusto with a traditional reporters sitting in the bleach-
nally hit her. swig of milk after his second career Indy 500 victory. ers charting his every move.
Against all the odds, she was “Get those stories,” he said
about to become a major cham-
Moments later and still wip-
Sato wins second with a grin. “Write those sto-
ries down.”
Edelman’s story is as good

Indianapolis 500
ing away tears, Popov tapped in as any in this most unusual
the putt to complete a two- training camp — one that in-
stroke victory Sunday and an- volves endless COVID-19 test-
other fairy-tale story at the ing and protocols, face masks,
Women’s British Open. By Jenna Fryer said winning car owner Bob- social distancing but doesn’t
Ranked No. 304, Popov had ASSOCIATED PRESS by Rahal. “This isn’t the first include, for the first time in
never won a senior professional INDIANAPOLIS — At an 500 to be flagged under yel- Edelman’s dozen seasons in
event before. She lost her card eerily empty Indianapolis low and there was a hell of a New England, Tom Brady. Veteran wide receiver Julian Edelman has been focused on
on the LPGA Tour at the end of Motor Speedway, Takuma mess out there.” Edelman, 34, is now the of- connecting with all three of the Patriots’ quarterbacks.
last year and only qualified for Sato snatched a second Indi- IndyCar said in a state- fense’s senior statesman and
the British Open via a top-10 anapolis 500 victory in an ment after the finish “there the main piston of an engine The pair did plenty of catch- going out and trying compete
finish two weeks ago at the odd and unsatisfying finish were too few laps remaining that’s going to have a new con- ing up Sunday, with Newton myself,” said Edelman, who
Marathon Classic, which she to “The Greatest Spectacle in to gather the field behind ductor this fall. Edelman has frequently targeting Edelman, wore a Bruins sweater and
was playing only because high- Racing.” the pace car, issue a red flag some history with Brian Hoyer including six times during the wished both the Bruins and
er-ranked players couldn’t at- Sato held off Scott Dixon and then restart for a green- and Jarrett Stidham and it’s first two full-team periods. Celtics luck in the playoff runs
tend due to COVID-19 restric- and won under caution after flag finish.” clear he’s working on building Newton has pulled ahead in in his postpractice video call.
tions. teammate Spencer Pigot Dixon was visibly disap- chemistry with the new guy in the race to replace Brady, but “I’m more worried about me,
This was just Popov’s fourth crashed with five laps re- pointed after leading 111 of town: Cam Newton. Edelman isn’t one to comment my position group, and trying
appearance at a major. And, as maining in Sunday’s race, the 200 laps in pursuit of his The pair have held myriad on the former MVP’s under- to get our group going in the
she would later reveal in public run in front of empty grand- own second Indy win. side sessions over the last six standing or comfort level with right direction.”
for the first time, she has been stands for the first time in “Definitely a hard one to practices, not only working on the Patriots offense. The Patriots receiver group
bothered by health issues for race history. swallow for sure. We had throwing and catching, but al- “I think you’d be better off is a nice mix of veterans and
the past six years, notably Lyme Sato, 43, became the first such a great day,” Dixon said. so catching up on the sideline asking one of our coaches on young players and Edelman
disease. Japanese winner of the Indy Dixon figured he would during their off reps. that,” he said. “I’m just trying said he takes pieces of every-
No wonder the emotions 500 in 2017. Graham Rahal, ultimately run down Sato as “We’re still trying to get to to worry about being in the one’s game and incorporates
flowed after shooting 3-under Sato’s teammate at Rahal Sato worked through lapped know each other,” said Edel- right place for the quarterback. them into his own — even the
68 to finish ahead of Jasmine Letterman Lanigan Racing, traffic. man. “Just like I am with all He’s a smart football player, first- and second-year players.
Suwannapura of Thailand (67) was third behind Dixon. None of it mattered in the my new teammates, but specif- just like Jarrett and Hoy are. As always, Edelman, who
and become the first female Pigot needed medical at- end as Sato was able to coast ically with a guy that distrib- These guys are going in and has 15 catches through the six
golfer from Germany to win a tention on the track, the around the speedway then utes the football, just kind of they are working their tails practices media have been al-
major title. It is a life-changing crash scene was a massive ride the lift to an elevated getting to know each other as off.” lowed to observe, tags guys
victory, not least because the debris field. His nasty hit de- victory circle installed by people on the field, off the Edelman knows there’s a with nicknames that stick, and
winner’s check of $675,000 is stroyed his car and he was new track owner Roger Pen- field. Trying to build a rapport. quarterback competition, and he enjoys being around the
more than six times her entire prone on the track before he ske. Along for the ride was That’s what I’m doing also although he’ll ultimately play a “whole bunch of dudes.”
career earnings before Sunday. was taken to a hospital. In- David Letterman, his unruly with Hoy and Stid, but those key role in how it unfolds, he Among his choices this
“There’s a lot of hard work dyCar said he was awake gray beard barely contained guys have been around. It’s has other things to concentrate year, are “Gun Show” (Gunner
behind this, a lot of struggles I and alert. by his mask. been one of those things where on. Olszewski), and “My dog Ja-
went through, especially Dixon, the five-time Indy- “Let me just say, if some- I have to catch up with Cam.” “I’m really worried about Kobe” (Jakobi Meyers). But he
health-wise,” the 27-year-old Car champion who had one said to me this morning also mentioned Mohamed
Popov said in the presentation dominated the race, asked at the end of the Indianapo- Sanu, Devin Ross, Damiere
ceremony. “I had a lot of obsta- on his radio if IndyCar was lis 500 that Takuma Sato Sunday’s Patriots’ practice report Byrd, and Isaiah Zuber.
cles thrown in my way so I’m going to give the drivers a fi- and Scott Dixon and Gra- “I’m learning a lot from
The Patriots started Week 2 of training camp with Cam Newton flash-
glad I stuck with it. I almost nal shootout. ham Rahal would be racing ing his most impressive day so far. The big quarterback looked large these guys,’' he said.
quit playing last year — thank The answer was no, turn- for the lead, I would say and in charge during team drills (7-on-7s and 11-on-11s).
God I didn’t.” ing the end of the race into a t h a t ’s a d r e a m , t h a t ’s a ROLL CALL Tests questioned
On a rare still day on the game of what-ifs. dream come true,” Letter- A pair of running backs missed their first practices of the season as The Patriots were among
links in southwest Scotland, “Its a little silly to predict man said. “And I woke up James White and rookie J.J. Taylor were out, further depleting a corps several teams affected by the
that is without Sony Michel (foot) and Lamar Miller (knee), who are still
Popov began with a three- what might have happened. and it turned out we won the on the PUP.
irregularities in Saturday’s
stroke lead but drove into bun- The reality is Takuma won,” Indianapolis 500.” Also absent: cornerbacks Stephon Gilmore (not injury related) and COVID-19 test results that led
ker on the first hole and missed Michael Jackson, rookie tight end Jake Burt, rookie receiver Jeff Thom- to many players missing Sun-
a 10-foot par putt. She barely as, and defensive linemen Beau Allen and Tashawn Bower. day’s practice and forced some
made a mistake after that, pot-
ting 8-footers for birdies on
Nos. 2 and 3, added three more
Harvick dominates Safety Adrian Phillips wasn’t around at the beginning but later was
spotted in a baseball cap on the sideline, likely after doing some condi-
tioning work.
teams to alter or cancel their
New England had a camp-

at Dover for 7th win

Receiver N’Keal Harry, offensive tackle Yodny Cajuste, defensive end
to build a lead, then bogeyed Derek Rivers, and cornerback D’Angelo Ross returned to practice. high 11 players missing from
the last with the tournament in Quarterback Jarrett Stidham (lower body) and safety Kyle Dugger Sunday’s practice.
hand. would have been listed as limited had it been a regular-season practice. The NFL issued a statement
Suwannapura, who also By Dan Gelston on the matter Sunday morning
DRESS CODE: Shorts and shells
would have been an improba- ASSOCIATED PRESS Drydene 311 results ARMS RACE that read:
ble winner with a ranking of DOVER, Del. — Kevin Results of Sunday’s NASCAR Cup race at Newton completed 28 of 39 reps during team drills that were run “Saturday’s daily COVID
Dover (Del.) International Speedway.
No. 138, made four straight Harvick regained the mostly at three-quarter speed with less-than-aggressive defense and testing returned several posi-
Pos.Driver Make Start
birdies from No. 4 to move NASCAR Cup Series victory 1. Kevin Harvick ..................Ford 17
he easily could have had more completions but was hurt by several tives tests from each of the
within one stroke of the lead, lead with his seventh, domi- 2. Martin Truex Jr. ..............Toyota 19 drops. clubs serviced by the same lab-
3. Jimmie Johnson ..............Chevrolet 14 Newton appeared comfortable in command as he ran a variety of plays,
but it was the closest she came. nating Sunday at Dover 4. William Byron..................Chevrolet 23 showing off his arm from the pocket and his legs on rollout throws and oratory in New Jersey. We are
No. 8-ranked Minjee Lee, who International Speedway. 5. Alex Bowman ..................Chevrolet 21
runs. working with our testing part-
6. Joey Logano.....................Ford 13
played with Popov in the final A day after Denny Ham- 7. Aric Almirola ...................Ford 4 Brian Hoyer completed 15 of 21 passes with an interception. Hoyer’s ner, BioReference, to investi-
pairing, finished third at 3 un- lin opened with doublehead- 8. Brad Keselowski .............Ford 12 arm has looked live since the start of camp. gate these results, while the
der after a round of 69. er weekend with his sixth
9. Austin Dillon ....................Chevrolet 6 For the second straight practice, Stidham was limited, participating clubs work to confirm or rule
10. Cole Custer......................Ford 10
only in individual drills as he nurses a lower-body injury. Stidham did
European — Frenchman Ro- win to match Harvick, the 11. Kyle Busch .......................Toyota 18
some footwork/agility drills and then threw passes mostly to the tight out the positive tests. Clubs are
12. Ryan Blaney.....................Ford 7
main Langasque captured his Stewart-Haas racing driver 13. Kurt Busch .......................Chevrolet 28 ends during individuals drills. He also threw a nice deep ball to former taking immediate precaution-
first European Tour title after one-upped his closest rival 14. Chris Buescher................Ford 5 Auburn teammate Will Hastings during individual work. ary measures as outlined in the
15. Matt Kenseth...................Chevrolet 22
shooting a bogey-free, 6-under to claim NASCAR’s regular- 16. Clint Bowyer....................Ford 15
JUST FOR KICKS NFL-NFLPA’s health and safety
65 — tying the lowest round of season title. Harvick has 56 17. Matt DiBenedetto ...........Ford 1 Rookie kicker Justin Rohrwasser had his most active practice since Day protocols to include contact
18. Tyler Reddick ..................Chevrolet 8 1, working on kicks off a tee, then with snapper Joe Cardona and holder
the week at Celtic Manor — to career Cup victories to tied 19. Denny Hamlin..................Toyota 20 Jake Bailey, and then during full-team snaps. Rohrwasser struggled dur- tracing, isolation of individuals
win the Wales Open. Kyle Busch for ninth on the 20. John Hunter Nemechek.Ford 27
ing the first two sessions but rebounded during the team work, with Bill and temporarily adjusting the
21. Bubba Wallace................Chevrolet 26
Langasque finished at 8-under career list. 22. Erik Jones.........................Toyota 9 Belichick right behind him. Rohrwasser nailed 2 of 4 kicks (from 45- schedule, where appropriate.
276, two strokes ahead of Sami Harvick swept all three 23. Corey LaJoie ....................Ford 30 47ish yards) into the skinny posts and likely would have been 3 of 4 The other laboratories used for
Valimaki of Finland, who shot stages in the No. 4 Ford and
24. Ryan Newman.................Ford 2 (and maybe even 4 of 4) had he been kicking at regulation posts. It was NFL testing have not had simi-
25. Michael McDowell..........Ford 25
an important bounce-back for Rohrwasser as several outlets reported
69. Sebastian Soderberg, who won for the third time in 26. Ryan Preece ....................Chevrolet 29 lar results.‘'
27. Christopher Bell..............Toyota 24 the Patriots hosted Nick Folk on Saturday. Folk kicked for New England
started the day tied for the lead seven races. He gave Ford its last season.
with Connor Syme, went to the 700th Cup victory.
28. Daniel Suarez ..................Toyota
29. Ty Dillon ...........................Chevrolet
LBs heavy hitters
30. Brennan Poole.................Chevrolet 34
par-5 18th needing a birdie to “Man, what a year,” Har- 31. B.J. McLeod......................Chevrolet 40
R Ryan Izzo’s fingertip catch and secure of a Newton fade while tum- It’s been well-documented
force a playoff. His approach vick said. “I love the grit 32. Josh Bilicki .......................Chevrolet 33 bling in the corner of the end zone was the best play of the day and a the Patriots lost a ton of talent
33. Reed Sorenson................Chevrolet 37 worthy candidate for play of the summer so far.
found the water and he wound about our race team. Some- from the second level of the
34. Quin Houff .......................Chevrolet 35 R Justin Bethel picked off a deep Hoyer pass intended for Damiere Byrd.
up with a triple-bogey 8 for a times we don’t have the fast- 35. Garrett Smithley.............Chevrolet 39
R Mohamed Sanu caught a deep touchdown pass from Newton on the league’s best defense in 2019,
36. Timmy Hill........................Toyota 36
74, dropping to a tie for fifth on est car but we have guys that 37. Ricky Stenhouse Jr.........Chevrolet 11 last play of the day. It was combo’s smoothest connection of the camp. but there’s a lot of reason for
4 under. are willing to suck it up.” 38. J.J. Yeley...........................Ford 32 ODDS AND ENDS: optimism about this season’s
Champions — Phil Mickelson is Harvick long ago secured 39. Chase Elliott ....................Chevrolet 16 R Damien Harris continues to have an outstanding camp. The second- linebacking crew. Ja’Whaun
40. Joey Gase.........................Ford 38
in Springfield, Mo., ready to his spot in NASCAR’s play- year running back’s legs have been lively, his hands have been reliable Bentley has been a vocal lead-
and he certainly appears as though he’s right where he’s supposed to
make his PGA Tour Champions offs. With just Daytona left be in pass protection, but with limited contact, it’s not always easy to er and a large presence in the
debut at Ozarks National hav- next week before the 16- chance at crashing the field judge. With four backs out Sunday, Harris and Rex Burkhead had a ton middle and Terez Hall is al-
ing been eliminated from the driver field is set, Aric Almi- — unless there’s a surprise of touches. ways near the ball. Rookie
PGA Tour playoffs at TPC Bos- rola, Busch, and brother winner. R Harry appeared gassed at the end of practice and didn’t participate in Josh Uche is a versatile speci-
ton. Kurt Busch all wrapped up The only hiccup was a the hurry-up team drills that closed the workout. Instead he chatted men. In addition, fellow rook-
with a trainer.
Mickelson would have been berth on points. brief red flag needed when a R Bethel, Myles Bryant, J.C. Jackson, Terrence Brooks, and Jonathan ies Cassh Maluia and Scoota
left with just one tuneup event Martin Truex Jr. was sec- hole in the concrete had to Jones had pass breakups. Harris keep showing up and
before the US Open at Winged ond and Jimmie Johnson, be patched. Harvick took it R Cassh Maluia stripped fellow rookie Devin Asiasi after it appeared the making plays . . . Rookie cor-
Foot from Sept. 14-20, so the Dover’s career winner with from there and continued to tight end caught a pass but didn’t secure it. Asiasi was sent on a pen- nerback Myles Bryant has five
freshly 50 Lefty is joining fellow 11, was third. Johnson’s showcase what should be a alty lap for infraction. He also ran an earlier lap for an undisclosed rea- pass breakups . . . Joe Cardona
tour rookies Ernie Els and Jim No. 48 team gambled on a fantastic battle with Hamlin R It wasn’t all bad for Asiasi, however, as he made a nifty catch during is “stoked” about the Patriots
Furyk, both of whom already late two-tire pit stop that for the championship. 7-on-7s despite tight coverage from Devin McCourty. signing tight end Paul Ques-
have won this season, former gave the seven-time champi- “ With Denny winning R Brian Lewerke made several nice throws, including connections with senberry his former Naval
Masters winner Mike Weir, and on a late surge. yesterday, we needed to win Gunner Olszewski and Hastings and another to Jakob Johnson while Academy teammate. Quessen-
former Players champion K.J. Johnson is on the bubble, today,” Harvick said. running 11-on-11 plays against a defense that featured plenty of pro- berry played defensive end for
. . . jected starters.
Choi. four points outside of the R Sacks are always tough to judge during practices because of the logi-
the Midshipmen. “He was al-
Mickelson’s been paired with cutoff with his fate to be de- Chase Briscoe rang up his cal “hands-off” policy when it comes to the quarterbacks, but Deatrich ways a high-effort, high-energy
good friends and longtime ri- cided under the lights at wife, Marissa, early Sunday Wise was a menace off the edge definitely would have had at least two guy, played on special teams.
vals Steve Stricker and Retief Daytona. There are 13 driv- and delivered the message: late in practice. He’s an incredible teammate
Goosen. ers with a spot in the play- “I’m going to win this race R Dugger was limited to some stretching and stationary bike work. and an incredible person.”
R The sun wreaked havoc with the receivers during deep drills with sev-
“I didn’ t really want two offs. Clint Bowyer, Matt today.” Briscoe delivered in a
eral unable to catch passes after being temporarily blinded.
weeks off. I’ve been working DiBendetto, and William By- backup car, rallying from the UPCOMING SCHEDULE Jim McBride can be reached at
hard on my game. I want to get ron hold the final three spots back of the field at Dover to Monday-Thursday: 10 a.m.
out and play,” Mickelson said, on points. Johnson is the win his sixth Xfinity Series JIM MCBRIDE Follow him on Twitter
“so this worked out really well.” biggest outlier to have a race of the season. @globejimmcbride.
M O N D A Y, A U G U S T 2 4 , 2 0 2 0 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e C9


GORMAN, Marsha HOEy, Sister Amy KOtRONiS, demosthenes MAStALERZ, Richard J.

By City ANd tOwN
Loyal Friend To
MYERS, Christopher Joseph
KOTRONIS, Demosthenes
BELMONT On Aug. 7, of Tavares, FL and formerly
MESKELL, Kathleen M. (Groden) QUINCY
of Chelsea. At 67 years. Loving
SISK, Marie (Fleming) SCARNICI, Celeste (Hermes)
son of the late Walter and Shirley
BOSTON RANDOLPH (Darish) Mastalerz. Dear brother Jay
COLEMAN, Peter Francis Jr.
NEWCOMB, John P. Walt Mastalerz and his wife Loretta
HOEY, Sister Amy
STONEHAM (Grasso) Mastalerz of Lynnfield and
the late Ronald “Ronnie” Mastalerz.
SCARNICI, Celeste (Hermes) CIARDIELLO, Gerald J.
He is also survived by his longtime
BROOKLINE STOUGHTON friend, Mary Jo Peterson of Wakefield.
LALLY, John P.
WELCH, Elyse Grace NEWCOMB, John P. Relatives and friends are most kindly
invited to attend Graveside Services at
CHELSEA WATERTOWN Marsha, affectionately known as Formerly M. Amy Xavier, 89, a Sister Demosthenes C. Kotronis, of Greenview Cemetery, 232 Fuller St.,
MASTALERZ, Richard J. CIARDIELLO, Gerald J. “Auntie” to many, peacefully passed of Mercy for 68 years, died August 14, Marblehead, MA, peacefully passed Everett, on Wednesday, at 10:00 AM.
CONCORD away in her home on 8/20/2020. 2020, at Warde Rehabilitation and
WELLESLEY away on August 21, 2020 after a long All attendees are required to wear face
MESKELL, Kathleen M. (Groden) Formerly from Malden, Newton and Nursing Center in Windham, New
CIARDIELLO, Gerald J. and wonderful life. Demos was the coverings, practice social distancing.
DEDHAM most recently from Fox Hill Village in Hampshire, after a period of declining beloved husband of the late Stella Arrangements were given to the care
TREACY, Mary F. WELLFLEET Westwood, MA. health. A native of East Boston, (Roumeliotis), with whom he shared 45 and direction of the Welsh Funeral
DORCHESTER MESKELL, Kathleen M. (Groden) She was the loving, caring daughter Massachusetts, she was the daughter of years of marriage. Home, CHELSEA. We continue to
ZUBRYCKI, John J. to Ida and Nathan Gorman and sister the late Matthew and Amy (Hamilton)
WEST ROXBURY Demos became a board-certified encourage family and friends who
EAST BOSTON to the late Beatrice and Leonard Fox. Hoey. wish, to offer condolences at this time
COLEMAN, Peter Francis Jr. Anesthesiologist. He worked at
HOEY, Sister Amy She lived with Bea for over 50 years! Sister Amy held degrees in English
New England Deaconess and Salem by means of the online guestbook or
FALMOUTH TREACY, Mary F. - a B.A. from Emmanuel College in
She is the adored aunt to; David Fox Hospital and then became the Chief of to send a personalized sympathy card
SISK, Marie (Fleming) WESTWOOD of Tyngsborough, MA and Raelin and Boston, an M.A. from Boston College,
Anesthesiology at J.B. Thomas Hospital visit;
HANOVER GORMAN, Marsha Jeff Kantor of Larchmont, NY, with a and a Ph.D. from the University of
in Peabody, MA where he served from
SISK, Marie (Fleming) special bond to Jodi Traub of Needham, Connecticut/Storrs. Her ministry as Welsh Funeral Home
TREACY, Mary F. 1963 until his retirement. He also
HARWICHPORT MA and her family. She is the GREAT a Sister of Mercy began in education Chelsea, MA
WEYMOUTH served as President of the Medical
SCARNICI, Celeste (Hermes) Aunt to Arielle and Joe Kimsal, with teaching in elementary and
staff and as a member of the executive
HOLBROOK ZUBRYCKI, John J. Alexander Kantor, Aliza Kantor, Ryan secondary schools in New Hampshire
committee. He belonged to the
ZUBRYCKI, John J. Fox and Lenni Fox and Billy Klun. and Massachusetts. She served as a
WINTHROP American and Massachusetts Societies
LYNN She was an amazing, loving, faculty member of Mount Saint Mary
MESKELL, Kathleen M. (Groden) of Anesthesiologists, as well as the
NEWCOMB, John P. caring woman who brought love and College in Hooksett, New Hampshire,
American Medical Association.
MALDEN friendship to all and enriched our lives. and as Academic Dean and President.
Demos will be greatly missed by
MESKELL, Kathleen M.
GORMAN, Marsha Out Of State After Mount Saint Mary closed in 1978,
“Auntie” was 102 years young and will
always be with us. she served on the English faculty at St.
his daughters, Georgia Olson and (Groden)
FLORIDA her husband, Scott, Joan Klemm
KOTRONIS, Demosthenes She has given us much and for this Anselm College.
MASTALERZ, Richard J. and her husband, Ted, and Christina
MELROSE we are beyond grateful. In 1980, she was elected President of
WELCH, Elyse Grace NEW HAMPSHIRE the Sisters of Mercy of New Hampshire Reulbach and her husband, Paul;
Donations may be made to the
and served six years in that office. seven grandchildren, Alexandra Olson
NEEDHAM COLEMAN, Peter Francis Jr. World Wild Life Fund (WWF), Museum
CIARDIELLO, Gerald J. Subsequently, she served as Executive Fenty and her husband, Steve, Erik
HOEY, Sister Amy of Fine Arts- Boston, MA or any
TREACY, Mary F. Director of the Federation of the Sisters Olson and his wife, Lorelei, Zachary
cultural institution or animal welfare
NEW JERSEY of Mercy of the Americas working and Nicole Klemm, and Emma,
organization of your choice.
CIARDIELLO, Gerald J. NARVA, Stephen Ira from the office which was then in Carissa and Nicholas Reulbach; two
Funeral Services will be private.
GORMAN, Marsha Rochester, New York. In 1989, she great-grandchildren, Dean and Stella
NORTON Stanetsky Memorial Chapel moved to Washington, D.C. to serve Fenty; two brothers, Michael and
MYERS, Christopher Joseph
Out Of COuntry Aristides Kotronis of Greece; and many
on the Transition Group preparing to
NORWOOD IRELAND 617-232-9300 establish (in 1991) the Institute of the cousins, nephews and nieces. He was
TREACY, Mary F. LALLY, John P. Sisters of Mercy of the Americas, a predeceased by brothers, Chrystotomos,
Funeral Services merger of all the Sisters of Mercy in this
country, Latin America, the Caribbean,
Christos and Vasili.
Visiting Hours: Due to COVID-19
CiARdiELLO , Gerald J. COLEMAN, Peter Francis Jr. Guam, and the Philippines. She then restrictions, the funeral service and
Age 78, of Concord, formerly of
served on the first elected leadership interment will be held privately. In
CANNIFF MONUMENT team of the Institute. In 1996 she was
appointed Project Coordinator at the
lieu of flowers, donations can be made
to the St. Vasilios Building Fund, 5
Belmont, Massachusetts passed away
Tuesday, August 18, 2020, with her
Age 51, of Watertown, and formerly (617) 323-3690 United States Conference of Catholic Paleologos St., Peabody, MA 01960. husband and children by her side.
of Wellesley, passed away on August She was the daughter of the late Dr.
22, 2020. Beloved son of Georgette 800-439-3690 • 617-876-9110 Bishops, staffing the Subcommittee on For online guestbook, please go to
531 Cummings Highway, Roslindale Lay Ministry which was preparing the Henry E. and Ellen (Buckley) Groden
Ciardiello and the late Ralph Ciardiello. of Belmont. Kathleen was one of four
Beloved brother of Yvonne Ciardiello 583 Mt. Auburn Street, Cambridge document Co-Workers in the Vineyard
and brother-in-law John Shagoury. MON-FRI 9-9; SAT 9-5, SUNDAY 12-5 of the Lord: A Resource for Guiding the LALLy, John P. children; the late Mary J. Webb, the
Development of Lay Ecclesial Ministry. late Monsignor Michael F. Groden
Survived by his loving nieces Lyndsey
That document was adopted by the and survived by her twin sister Ellen
Shagoury, Nicole Shagoury, Danielle Affordable Cremation bishops’ conference in November 2005. Dalton of Hancock, NH. She was the
Farrugia and her husband Chris and 1310 complete
beloved wife of John Francis Meskell
As that document was being prepared
their two children. 617 782 1000 and devoted mother of five children;
Jay was a home builder who thrived and after it was adopted, Sister Amy
on helping others. He loved spending
Lehman Reen & McNamara gave numerous presentations and Kathleen Easley of Wellfleet, John F.
time with his extended family and also Funeral Home workshops to dioceses and professional Meskell, III of Winthrop, Jeffrey E.
enjoyed spending time with friends and ministry groups throughout the Meskell of Winthrop, Rachel E. Stiglets
Serving Greater Boston country. In 2007 she co-founded of Winthrop and Ellen E. Meskell of
their families, and traveling throughout May 17, 1925 - August 20,
and co-directed a program named Concord. She was also grandmother
the country. He was very active as a 2020, of Kearsarge, NH,
Companioning the Dying: Opening to her four granddaughters; Sydney J.
volunteer mentor in various support formerly West Roxbury,
Fully to Living, a formation program Stiglets, Madison M. Stiglets, Sophia
groups and was told by many people MA. Peter is survived by the love of his
for those who feel called to accompany R. Easley and Emma G. Easley, and
that he made a big difference in their life, Mary Louisa (Jacobs) Coleman,
those who are dying and their the adored Aunt Kate to many nieces
lives. He was also a member of the with whom he has shared a life to be
caregivers and who wish to explore the and nephews. She loved summers in
Newton Elks. admired full of many wonderful 500 Canterbury St.
Boston, MA 02131 617-524-1036 impact of that experience on their own Scituate, gardening and dogs; most
A visitation will be held at the milestones, adventures and memories
lives. Of Brookline, originally especially her black lab Oakley and
George F. Doherty & Sons Funeral throughout their seventy-three years of In 2013, Sister Amy returned to from Mt. Bellow, Galway, bernese mountain dog Brady. Kathleen
Home 477 Washington St. (Rt. 16) marriage. Peter was a proud U.S. Navy
New Hampshire where she served as Ireland, passed away was a vibrant soul, one who literally
Wellesley on Wednesday, August veteran who answered the call by
a volunteer with Compassionate Care peacefully at home surrounded lit up the room whenever she entered.
26th from 9:30-11:00am. Relatives serving his country with distinction
Hospice. In 2015, she was appointed by his loving family on August 21, She was a proud and dignified woman
and friends kindly invited. Followed during World War II, aiding in the

as Mercy Family Contact for those 2020. Beloved husband of Elizabeth who had a passion for life, friends,
by a Funeral Mass at St. John the invasion of Omaha Beach. Peter has
Sisters of Mercy who are residents at (O’Malley) Lally. Loving father of Kevin family and loved to entertain. Family
Evangelist Church, 9 Glen Rd. Wellesley been honored for his service and Have the of a the Warde Rehabilitation and Nursing and his wife Lynn, Dianne Visconti and friends will gather to honor and
at 11:30am. Please follow all Covid- sacrifice by the Country of France and

Center. Sister Amy was a member of the and her husband Tony, John “Jack” remember Kathleen for a period
19 guidelines. Interment Knollwood the City of Boston. Peter also contrib-
National Association for Lay Ministry, and his wife Stacie, Maureen Shea visitation on Wednesday, Aug. 26 from
Memorial Park, Canton. uted many years to the City of Boston
Network, the New Hampshire Coalition and husband Jim, Vincent and his 4:00-7:00 pm at the Concord Funeral
In lieu of flowers donations may be through his dedicated work in the
made in Gerald’s memory to St. Jude
Children’s Research Hospital, 501 St.
Elections Department. A natural You talk about many Against the Death Penalty, and the
Faith Initiative Committee.
wife Joanne and James and his wife
Julie. Devoted son of the late John and
Home, 74 Belknap St., CONCORD
(masks required). Due to the current
entertainer and the life of the party, things with your loved ones: Sister Amy, a strong, kind, loving, Nora (Cunniffe) Lally. Dear brother of restrictions in the Commonwealth of
Jude Pl., Memphis, TN 38105-1905. Peter was a delight to be around, from
For directions and guestbook gfdoherty. his captivating stories to his sharp wit
from day-to-day details to spiritual, and outgoing woman, brought Margaret Cunniffe and Patrick Lally Massachusetts, a private Funeral Mass
big events. Sharing stories all these gifts to her life and ministry as both of Galway, Ireland, Vera Finnegan for family only will be held at Holy
com. and humor he always left a lasting
a Sister of Mercy. of London, England and the late Mary, Family Church on Thursday, August
George F. Doherty & Sons
impression. He had personality and with those who matter most
Sister Amy is survived by the Michael, Thomas and Luke Lally, and 27. Burial will follow at Sleepy Hollow
Wellesley 781 235 4100
compassion that would light up a room, isn’t just important today; members of her Mercy Community, Nora Giblin. Cherished grandfather of
and will be missed dearly by the many Cemetery, Concord. In lieu of flowers,
it will be especially significant and her much-loved nephews Matthew, Carolyn Livingstone, Matthew Lally, donations can be made to the Pine
who had the pleasure of knowing him.
A dear son of the late Mary (Hughes) when it’s time to honor and III, William, Joseph, David, and Daniel Natalie Visconti, Andrew Visconti, John Street Inn, 444 Harrison Ave., Boston,
commemorate your lives. Hoey and their families. She was “Timothy” Lally, Joseph Lally, Daniel MA 02118 To
and Peter F. Coleman, Sr., and beloved
predeceased by her brother Matthew Shea, Courtney Shea, Megan Treon, share a memory or offer a condolence,
brother of the late Dorthy Rourke; late
Meaningful memorialization Hoey, Jr. Kathleen Lally, Anne Lally, Teresa Lally, visit:
Mary McCarthy; the late Elinor P.
A Mass of Christian Burial will be Erin Lally, Nora Lally, Maggie Lally and
Desmond, the late Anne Morgan, the starts when loved ones talk
celebrated on Saturday, August 29, Emily Lally. Adored great-grandfather
late Richard Coleman, and the late about what matters most: 2020 at 11 a.m. at St. Matthew Church, of Liam and Aiden Livingstone. Also
John Coleman. Devoted father of his
memories made, lessons 2 Searles Road, Windham, New survived by many nieces and nephews
children, he is survived by Mark P. Cole-
man of Fort Myers, FL; Michelle A. learned and how they hope Hampshire. Burial will be at St. Joseph in Galway, Ireland and London,
to be remembered. Cemetery, Bedford, New Hampshire. England. Visiting Hours will be held
Coleman of West Roxbury, MA; David
Memorial donations may be made in the Bell-O’Dea Funeral Home, 376
and Jeanne M. Blodgett of Conway, NH;
Download a free brochure to the Sisters of Mercy-Northeast, 15 Washington St., BROOKLINE on
John G. Coleman of Kearsarge, NH;
Highland View Road, Cumberland, Tuesday afternoon from 4:00 – 8:00.
Neal and Desiree Coleman of Dedham, and Have the Talk of a A Funeral Mass will be celebrated on
RI 02864-1124, and online at www.
MA. He is predeceased by the late Peter Lifetime today. It can make Wednesday morning in St. Mary of
F. Coleman III, Colleen M. Boissiere,
the difference of a lifetime. The Carrier Family Funeral Home, the Assumption Church, Brookline at
and Paul G. Coleman. He is adored and
Express your will live on in memory through his
many grandchildren and great-grand-
38 Range Rd., WINDHAM, NH, has
care of Sister Amy’s arrangements.
11:00. Relatives and friends are kindly
invited. (Due to COVID-19 guidelines, Share a memory
sympathy To send a message of condolence masks must be worn and social
children. Respecting social distancing
distancing maintained in both the
Or add a condolensece
guidelines, Visiting Hours will be held to the family or the community,
please view the obituary at www. funeral home and church.) Interment to the guestbook at
Tuesday, August 25, from 4:00 to 8:00 St. Joseph Cemetery. Late Veteran U.S.
View The Boston Globe’s pm. at Robert J. Lawler & Crosby
complete list of death Funeral Home, 1803 Centre St., WEST
ROXBURY, MA. A Catholic Mass will be
notices and sign
held at Holy Name Parish in West
the guestbook at Roxbury on Wednesday, August 26, at 10:00 am. Interment Mt. Benedict
Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations

Honor your loved one

may be made in Pete’s memory to
Bethany Health Care Center, 97
Bethany Rd., Framingham, MA 01702,
C/O Jacquelyn McCarthy, CSJ.

with a photo in
Lawler & Crosby Funeral Home

The Boston Globe.

Ask your funeral director for details.

Celebrate their lives

Honor your loved ones with a photo
in the Boston Globe. Ask your funeral
director for details.
C10 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e M O N D A Y, A U G U S T 2 4 , 2 0 2 0


MYERS, Christopher Joseph NEWCOMB, John P. TREACY, Mary F.

Of Dedham, passed away on August
21, 2020. Beloved daughter of the late
Michael F. and Beatrice (Murtagh)
Treacy. Sister of Vincent Treacy of
Washington, DC, Michael Treacy
of Norwood, John Treacy of Olney,
Maryland, and Joseph Treacy of
Dedham. Aunt of Dr. Erin Treacy of
Baltimore, Maryland, Megan Powell
of Washington, D.C. Late retired
Administrative Assistant Fidelity
Funeral from the George F. Doherty
& Sons Wilson - Cannon Funeral Home,
456 High St., DEDHAM, Wednesday,
NORTON – Christopher Joseph August 26th at 9am, followed by a
John P. Newcomb, 44, of Randolph,
Myers, 66, of Norton passed away Funeral Mass at St. Mary’s Church,
passed away suddenly, Wednesday,
unexpectedly but peacefully while at Dedham at 10am. Relatives and friends
August 19, 2020 in Lynn.
work on Monday, August 17, 2020. kindly invited (please follow all Covid-
John is survived by his father,
He was the devoted husband of Betsy 19 guidelines). Interment Brookdale
William Newcomb Jr. of Randolph, as
(Murdock) Myers of Norton. Born on Cemetery, Dedham. Expressions of
well as brothers, William Newcomb III
February 8, 1954 in St. Louis, Missouri, sympathy may be made in Mary’s
of Randolph and Douglas Newcomb of
he was a son of the late Meritt and memory to St. Mary Church 420 High
Tewksbury and their spouses.
Hermine (Blanford) Myers. Chris was St. Dedham, MA 02026. A Celebration
In lieu of flowers, we ask that a
a graduate of St. Ignatius High School of Mary’s life will be held at a later
donation be made to The Epilepsy
in Cleveland, Ohio. He then attended date. For directions and guestbook,
Foundation New England in John’s
Kenyon College where he received a
Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts and
Visiting Hours: Services will be George F. Doherty & Sons
Religion. He worked at Fine Arts
private. Dedham 781 326 0500
Express in Boston and most recently
as the IT Director for the Providence
Performing Arts Center since 1999.
WELCH, Elyse Grace
Chris was the founder of the Friends Passed away at five days
of the Archtop Guitar and a longtime
Elder at the Faith Alliance Church in
SCARNICI, Celeste old on August 21, 2020,
surrounded by her mother
Attleboro. He enjoyed skydiving and (Hermes) and father. Elyse was born on August
building guitars. Chris was a man of 17, 2020, to Neil and Sarah Welch of
tremendous faith, and the family is Of Braintree and Harwichport, for-
Melrose. Elyse is survived by her sister,
confident that he is now at peace in merly of Quincy, passed away peacefully
Essie, her grandparents, Ann and
the presence of the Lord. His legacy as on August 20, 2020, at the age of 88.
William Downing of Melrose, and her
a loving husband, caring father, elder Beloved wife of her late husband Frank grandparents, Francis and Eileen Welch
of the church and dedicated luthier “Paul” Scarnici for 51 years. Loving of Cambridge. She is also survived by
will live on timelessly. In addition to mother of Celeste Johnson and her an extensive family including aunts and
husband Tobey of Braintree and Paul uncles, Matthew Downing of Newton,
his loving wife, Betsy, Chris is survived
Scarnici and his wife Elaine of Franklin. Francis Welch of Wilmington, and
by his beloved son, Connor Myers of
Daughter of the late Albert and Theresa Shannon and Christopher Savage of
Norton; his two brothers, Mark Myers,
(Cremen) Hermes. Devoted sister of Wilmington. She also leaves behind
his wife Mary and Tim Myers, his
George Hermes and his wife Mary of cousins, Ashley, Jillian, and John.
wife Christine, both of Ohio; his two
Austin, TX, Leon Hermes and his wife Services for Elyse will be held in a
sisters, Linda Bennett, her husband
Martha of Oldsmar, FL, and the late private ceremony. In lieu of flowers,
Lee of Ohio and Susan Chambers of
Herbert Hermes and his late wife Jan. donations can be made to Boston
North Carolina; also, many nieces and
Loving grandmother of Brittany Zahn Children’s Hospital, 300 Longwood
and her husband Joshua of Braintree, Ave., Boston MA 02115 or online at
A private funeral service will be
Courtney Anderson and her husband To express
held at the Faith Alliance Church
Richard of Watertown and Dillon your love and support please visit
on Saturday, August 29th at 11 a.m.
Scarnici of Franklin. Also survived by
You may watch the live streamed
her adored great-grandchildren Jackson
service by going to Life Celebration by
and Kendall Zahn, and several nieces
dxLdGonOp60 Robinson Funeral Home
and nephews.
In lieu of flowers, memorial
Celeste graduated from Quincy
donations can be directed In Memory
High School Class of 1950 and went
of Chris Myers ’72 to: Saint Ignatius
on to graduate from Bentley College in
High School- Labre Ministry, (Gift Age 73, entered into eternal
1955. She was a crossing guard for the
Steward) 1911 West 30th Street, life on August 21, 2020,
town of Braintree when her children
Cleveland, OH 44113. Please make after a brief illness. John
were young, then became a devoted
checks payable to “Saint Ignatius grew up in Belgium and settled in
employee of G.M. Ridge Corp. as book-
High School.” Alternatively, donations Dorchester in 1959 and has lived in
keeper for the Blue Hill Cemetery for
can be made In Memory of Chris Weymouth for 43 years. He was an
over 40 years.
Myers to Faith Alliance Church, Army Veteran and served in Vietnam.
The love Celeste shared with her hus-
833 Pleasant St., Attleboro, MA Mr. Zubrycki was a ramp service agent
band was like no other, working side by
02703. Funeral arrangements are for Delta Airlines at Logan Airport for
side building a home in Harwichport
entrusted to the Duffy-Poule Funeral 32 years. He also was a life member of
for their family vacations with no fear
Home, ATTLEBORO. To send Chris’ the Weymouth Lodge of Elks. Beloved
of using a hammer and saw. Their
family a message of condolence or husband of 49 years to Elizabeth A.
passion for travel took them on many
remembrance, please visit duffy-poule. (Bradbury) Zubrycki. Devoted father of
cruises and yearly vacations in Aruba
com Matthew and his wife Deirdre of Keller,
with their dear friends and family.
Texas and Danielle Morgan and her
She led an active life skiing, playing
husband Eric of Pembroke. Cherished
NARVA, Stephen Ira tennis, gardening, swimming, and
brother of Roman Zubrycki and his
taking long walks. There was always a
wife Linda of Holbrook and Christine
hobby in the works with another to fol-
Schultz and her husband Michael of

You talk
low, and nothing she wouldn’t try. For
Lexington. Loving grandfather of
any spare moment, there was always a
Matthew, Hannah, Kara, Jack, and Ava.
book close at hand and another new re-
lease waiting on a shelf. Celeste shared
Loving uncle to many nieces and about many things with
nephews. Visiting Hours at the
her love of activities with her children
thinking nothing of taking a carload of
Clancy–Lucid Funeral Home, 100 your loved ones: from day-to-day details to big
Washington St., WEYMOUTH, on
neighborhood children to ski the White
Mountains of NH or drag a boat trailer
Tuesday, August 25th, from 4-8 p.m.
Relatives and friends are respectfully
events. Sharing stories with those who matter
to the lake for a picnic and waterskiing.
invited. Private Funeral Service will be
Her greatest joy was spending time
held in the Funeral Home on most isn’t just important today; it will be
with her grandchildren cherishing
Wednesday, August 26th, at 10 am.
her weekly babysitting days and never
Burial will follow at Fairmount especially significant when it’s time to honor
missing a sporting event, school presen-
Cemetery, East Weymouth. If desired,
Stephen passed away at the age of
tation, or award ceremony. Her love
of hockey led her to become a Boston
donations may be made in his memory and commemorate your lives.
64 on Friday, August 21, 2020, from to the Joslin Diabetes Center, One
College Hockey season ticket holder,
a traumatic brain injury in his home Joslin Place, Suite 745, Boston, MA
attending several Frozen Four Tourna-
in Montclair, New Jersey. He leaves 02215. For messages and directions, see
ments. Her mid-80’s didn’t stop her
behind his beloved wife of 34 years, from getting on the floor to entertain
Memorialization at the end of life is more than
Sarah Narva; and his adored children, her great-grandchildren.
Jacob Narva, Rachel Slader, and Celeste will be fondly remembered it used to be. It can reflect a person’s life story
Kevin Slader. He also leaves behind by all who were blessed to have known
his cherished mother, Cyra Narva;
and siblings, Ann Fenton, Nancy Soja,
her. and be transformative, healing and comforting.
The Service will be private at the
and Thomas Soja; as well as many Cartwright-Venuti Funeral Home, 845
other loving family members. He was Washington St., BRAINTREE, MA
predeceased by his beloved father, 02184, followed by a private Graveside
Louis Narva. Steve cherished family Service in Mount Wollaston Cemetery, Meaningful memorialization starts when loved
above all else and we miss him. Quincy, MA. In lieu of flowers, dona-
Stephen was a CPA and executive in tions may be made in her name to: ones talk about what matters most: memories
the corrugated business who made his Alzheimer’s Association at www.Alz.
mark in the industry in more ways than org or to St. Jude Children’s Hospital at made, lessons learned and how they hope to
one, always jumping at any opportunity
to bring his analytical mind to bear. He
was the kind of man who was on the
be remembered.
cover of a trade magazine, then hung
a friend’s photoshop parody of the
cover in his home. He was a deliberate
man who thought things through fully
SISK, Marie (Fleming) Show your Download a free brochure and Have the Talk
without taking himself too seriously. He
spent every day as if he was on top of
Age 89, of Hanover, passed away on
August 20. Raised in Belmont, Rie, respect of a Lifetime today. It can make the difference
the world and was excited for things to as she was known to her friends, was
come. He loved to golf, especially once the loving wife of the late John Sisk; To submit a paid death of a lifetime.
he convinced his wife to golf with him. mother of Donna Kirby of Hanover;
He was a force, a huge energy, and a joy mother-in-law of Wayne Kirby of
notice for publication in
to be around. Falmouth; devoted grandmother of The Boston Globe and
His family would like to thank Taylor and Hannah Kirby; and sister of on, contact
everyone who has offered their Mimi O’Brien of Depoe Bay, OR and the your funeral director, visit
thoughts and prayers. Graveside service late Chappy Beaulieu of Reading.
will be private. In lieu of flowers,
Rie was a graduate of Mount
donations may be made in Stephen’s Saint Joseph Academy, Regis College or call 617.929.1500. Now
name to The Alzheimer Foundation, and the master’s program at Boston offering custom headings, or College. She was a research scientist and enhanced listings.
The Brain Trauma Foundation, www. at Polaroid for 37 years, working for Dr. Edwin Land in Cambridge on the
Levine Chapels, Brookline groundbreaking SX70 camera. Rie To submit an obituary
617-277-8300 was a founding member and President for editorial consideration,
of the Walnut Hill Garden Club in please send the informa-
Hanover and eventually became the
South Shore District director of the
tion and a photo by e-mail
Garden Club Federation of MA. She to, or

loved traveling, crossword puzzles and send information by fax to
summers in Falmouth. Her Road Race 617.929.3186. If you need
parties each August were legendary.
their lives A wake will be held on Wednesday,
August 26 at Sullivan Funeral Home,
further assistance about
a news obituary, please
551 Washington Street, HANOVER, call 617.929.3400.
Honor your loved ones from 4:00 – 7:00. A funeral Mass will
with a photo in the be private due to Covid-19 limits. In
lieu of flowers, donations can be made To access death notices
Boston Globe. and obituaries online, visit
to the Norwell VNA and Hospice,
Ask your funeral 120 Longwater Drive, Norwell, MA
director for details. 02061. For directions and to sign
Rie’s online guestbook, please visit
M O N D A Y, A U G U S T 2 4 , 2 0 2 0 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e C11


Geoffrey Angela Buxton, set interracial example in tennis

Nunberg, 75, By Matt Schudel

linguist with

Buxton, who broke racial barri-

an audience ers in the 1950s by forging a

friendship and a formidable
tennis partnership with Althea
By Richard Sandomir Gibson, the first Black player to
NEW YORK TIMES win a championship at a major
N E W YO R K — G e o ff r e y international tournament, has
Nunberg, a linguist whose ele- died at her home in Pompano
g a n t e s s ay s a n d b o o k s e x - Beach, Fla. She was 85.
plained to a general audience Her death was announced
how English has adapted to Mr. Nunberg’s books and by the Women’s Tennis Associ-
changes in politics, popular cul- radio commentary helped ation, which said she died Aug.
ture, and technology, died Aug. explain an evolving 14. Other sources gave the date
11 at his home in San Francis- language to a wider public. of death as Aug. 15. The cause
co. He was 75. was not reported.
Kathleen Miller, his wife, gulags and collectivization.” Gibson and Ms. Buxton
said the cause was glioblasto- In a reminiscence on NPR were an early example of inter-
ma, an aggressive brain cancer. last week, Gross recalled that racial harmony in sports, creat-
Mr. Nunberg’s fascination Nunberg was interested in how ing a dominant team to win the
with the way people communi- y o un g p e o p l e “ c r e at e n e w women’s doubles titles at the
cate found expression in ac- words and give old words new French and Wimbledon tennis
claimed books like “Going Nuc- meanings,” but not in “scolding championships in 1956.
ular: Language, Politics, and people for not following the Both women were consid-
Culture in Confrontational rules of grammar.” ered outcasts in the genteel,
Times” (2001); in scholarly Geoffrey David Nunberg was mostly white sport of tennis. The Duchess of Kent (center) presented the women’s doubles championship trophy to
work in areas like the relation- born on June 1, 1945, in Man- Ms. Buxton, who was British, Angela Buxton (left) and Althea Gibson after their victory at Wimbledon in 1956.
ship between written and spo- hattan and grew up in Scars- had been denied membership
ken language; and in lexicogra- dale, New York. His mother, and practice time at tennis snapshot, a white and a black ships, the first Black person to ended, Ms. Buxton opened a
phy — he was chair of the usage Sally (Sault) Nunberg, was a clubs from London to Los An- sitting at table in the clubhouse win either title. She repeated tennis academy in London and
panel of the American Heritage teacher, and his father, Jacob geles because she was Jewish. at D e Co u b e r t i n S t a d i u m , the feat in 1958. became a well-regarded jour-
Dictionary. Nunberg, was a commercial ‘‘ The Southport club [in laughing as if they were in on a ‘‘On court she was very sim- nalist and the author of several
He was one of a small group real estate broker. England] wouldn’t let me prac- joke that the rest of the world ilar to Venus Williams,’’ Ms. books on tennis tactics.
of linguists, among them Noam His parents raised him and tice there,’’ Ms. Buxton told didn’t understand.’’ B ux t o n t o l d t h e G u a rd ia n In 1959 she married Donald
Chomsky and Steven Pinker, re- his sister with an “exaggerated Britain’s Telegraph newspaper Their friendship was ce- newspaper in 2003. ‘‘She had Silk, president of the Zionist
nowned beyond their academic concern” for language, he told in 2019, ‘‘even though I was mented during the women’s the same look of disdain. You Federation of Great Britain.
universes. Stanford magazine in 2005. Po- No. 1 in England, so a member singles semifinals, when they didn’t really know what was They had three children and,
“I always saw him as the par- et Ogden Nash’s light verse and took me there as his guest. I were competing against each going on in her head. She was in the late 1960s, lived for a
agon of public intellectualism,” unconventional rhymes de- took great delight in winning other on opposite sides of the very tall and she was like a spi- time on a kibbutz in Israel. The
linguis t Ben Zimmer, who lighted him. their tournament. As I rose up net. Late in the third and deci- der at the net — very difficult couple later divorced, after
writes a column on language He studied prelaw at Colum- the rankings, the girls on the sive set, Gibson’s bra strap to pass or to lob. She was in- which Ms. Buxton had a long
for The Wall Street Journal, bia College in the early 1960s circuit ignored me . . . they nev- broke. The crowd began to hol- timidating, just like Venus. relationship with Jones, her
wrote in an e-mail. “He was a but left to explore drawing at er once invited me to join them ler and whistle. And her expression never former coach, until his death in
lucid, effective communicator the Art Students League of New for a meal.’’ Ms. Buxton ran to Gibson’s changed until the last ball had 1986.
about thorny linguistic issues York. His pursuit of art did not Gibson, who grew up in side of the court, embracing been hit.’’ Ms. Buxton’s two sons pre-
for many decades.” last long and he returned to Co- New York’s Harlem neighbor- her to keep her from being ex- Gibson was at the peak of deceased her. Survivors in-
Mr. Nunberg addressed lumbia, where a course on lin- hood, had a much harder posed. They walked together to her abilities in 1958 when she clude a daughter.
many of those subjects as a reg- guistics hooked him. struggle as the first Black play- the locker room, where Gibson retired from tennis, which at For years, Ms. Buxton divid-
ular commentator on “Fresh He later received a master’s er, male or female, to appear in changed her bra. the highest level was strictly an ed her time between Florida
Air,” the NPR talk show hosted in linguistics from the Universi- any of tennis’s major interna- ‘‘I felt for Althea,’’ Ms. Bux- amateur sport at the time. To- and England. She periodically
by Terry Gross. Starting in ty of Pennsylvania in 1972 and tional tournaments, when she ton told Schoenfeld for his day, players receive millions of stayed in touch with Gibson,
1987, he delivered erudite es- a Ph.D. from the City University competed in 1950 in what is book. ‘‘I wanted her to do well dollars for winning Wimble- who had a short career in pro-
says that explored words like of New York in 1978. now called the US Open. The nearly as badly as I wanted to don or the US Open. Gibson fessional golf and later became
“disinformation,” “disruption” He quickly began teaching, two players met in 1955 while do well myself.’’ and Ms. Buxton got nothing a tennis coach and a public rec-
and “selfie”; phrases like “tell it first at the University of Rome on tour in India. When they returned to the but acclaim. reation official in New Jersey.
like it is” and “the deep state”; and then at UCLA, and at Stan- Ms. Buxton’s coach, Clar- court, some officials called on ‘‘They were teaching the In 1995, a destitute and ail-
and broader subjects like the ford University, where he was a e n c e ‘ ‘J i m m y ’ ’ Jo n e s , a p - Gibson to forfeit the match be- world to do the right thing, no ing Gibson called Ms. Buxton
way millennials speak. professor from 1988 to 2004. proached Gibson, who had a cause she had left before it was matter what,’’ tennis star Billie on the telephone.
In a “Fresh Air” commentary During that time he was also a difficult time finding a doubles completed and had received Jean King said in a 2013 docu- ‘‘She said she was calling to
last year on the gender-neutral research scientist at a think partner because of her race aid from another person. Ms. mentary, ‘‘Althea and Angela: A say goodbye,’’ Ms. Buxton re-
pronouns used by nonbinary tank, the Xerox Palo Alto Re- and sometimes brusque man- Buxton refused to claim victory Perfect Match.’’ called in a 2019 interview with
people, he urged speakers to search Center. In 2005, he ner, and asked if she would on a technicality and demand- Angela Buxton was born the New York Times. ‘‘She said
“tweak your internal grammar” joined the University of Califor- want Ms. Buxton as a partner. ed that the match be resumed. Aug. 16, 1934, in Liverpool, she was going to kill herself. I
to refer to an individual as “they.” nia, Berkeley, where he taught Shunned by other players, Ms. Gibson went on to capture England. Her father owned a said, ‘Now, wait just a minute.’”
“It takes some practice to get in the school of information. Buxton and Gibson formed a the final set, 6-4, and advanced chain of movie theaters. Ms. Buxton wrote an article
the hang of it,” he said, “but the The rigor that characterized powerful and, for a brief time, to the finals. She defeated Brit- To escape bombings during for a tennis magazine, pleading
human language processing ca- Mr. Nunberg’s academic re- unbeatable team. a i n’s A n g e l a Mo r t i m e r i n Wo r l d Wa r I I , Ms . B u x t o n for help from Gibson’s fans. Al-
pacity is more adaptable than search also fueled his writing ‘‘It never entered my head straight sets to become the first moved with her mother and most immediately, checks be-
people realize, even for geezers and commentary on popular to do anything else except be- Black player to win a major brother to South Africa, where gan to arrive — hundreds of
like me. As I read through an subjects. friend her because we got on so tennis championship. The next she took up tennis and be- thousands of dollars, in all.
article about a nonbinary per- In the title essay of “Going well from the word go,’’ Ms. day, Gibson and Ms. Buxton friended Black children — and Gibson was able to live in com-
son who uses ‘they,’ ‘them’ and Nucular,” he pondered why Buxton told the Philadelphia won the women’s doubles title. developed an early sense of ra- fort until her death at age 76 in
‘their,’ the pronouns ultimately President George W. Bush pro- Inquirer in 2006. ‘‘She was In the 1956 Wimbledon cial injustice after she was 2003.
sort themselves out.” nounced “nuclear” that way. He much warmer than the English championships, Ms. Buxton chastised by white neighbors. ‘‘My legacy is definitely anti-
In another NPR essay, he ob- suggested that Bush knew the people. . . . We hit it off very made the finals in the women’s Returning to Britain after racism because I was playing
served that the word “socialism” right pronunciation (perhaps well.’’ singles, only to lose to Ameri- the war, Ms. Buxton became with a Black player who the au-
has survived as a term of abuse having learned it from his fa- In February 1956 they won can Shirley Fry. After beating one of the country’s top play- dience didn’t really want to
used against Democrats by Re- ther, President George H.W. the French indoor doubles ti- Fry and her partner, Louise ers. In the early 1950s, she and see,’’ Ms. Buxton said in the
publicans, but has lately lost Bush) but had picked up the tle. That May, at the outdoor Brough, in the semifinals, Ms. her mother moved to Los An- 2013 documentary.
some of its political zip because wrong one from “Pentagon French Championships (now Buxton and Gibson swept past geles and lived near the Los She became Gibson’s tire-
“the connections to Marxism are wiseguys” or used it as a “faux the French Open) in Paris, they Australians Fay Muller and Angeles Tennis Club, only to be less champion, seeking to keep
hard to discern” and its power to bubba thing ” to tweak the were inseparable on the court Daphne Seeney in the finals, denied membership because her memory alive. Last year
slander has diminished. “Eastern dweebs” he had and off. 6-1 and 8-6, to win the doubles they were Jewish. she was invited to the unveil-
“Conservatives often seem to known when he attended Phil- ‘‘It was Angela and Althea, title. Ms. Buxton then trained at ing of a statue honoring Gibson
assign magical powers to that lips Academy and Yale. Althea and Angela, everywhere It was the last time the two a public park under the tute- at the US Open in Flushing
word — call yourself a socialist In addition to his wife, Mr. you looked,’’ author Bruce would play together. Early in lage of Bill Tilden, the preemi- Meadows in New York City.
and you summon the specter of Nunberg is survived by his sis- Schoenfeld wrote in his 2004 1957, a serious wrist injury nent men’s player of the 1920s When she saw the bust of her
Stalin whether you meant to or ter, Barbara Nunberg, and his book ‘‘The Match: Althea Gib- forced Ms. Buxton to retire — who was also a social outcast old friend and doubles partner,
not,” he said. “You think you’re daughter, Sophie Nunberg. His son and a Portrait of a Friend- from tennis at 22. That year, after having been jailed for mo- Ms. Buxton delivered a volley
calling for guaranteed health marriage to Anne Fougeron ship.’’ ‘‘They were pictured din- Gibson won both the Wimble- lesting teenage boys. that could not be returned:
care, but you’re really calling for ended in divorce. ing together in a magazine don and US singles champion- After her playing career ‘‘Doesn’t resemble her at all.’’

Ray Cave, at 91; influential Time editor who brought magazine into the modern era
By Richard Sandomir more lifestyle cover articles on one the next week about super- by Time Inc., in 1959, starting He joined Time as an assis- director for three years. “Previ-
NEW YORK TIMES subjects like cats, ice cream, model Cheryl Tiegs. The Tiegs as a reporter and then turning tant managing editor in 1976 ously, the art department kept
NEW YORK — Ray Cave, and cholesterol; new sections issue became one of Time’s all- to editing, which he preferred. and, a year later, was the sur- quiet. It was ‘yes sir, no sir’
who as the managing editor of like American Scene, Comput- time bestsellers. He edited a seminal series by prise choice as managing edi- with the managing editor. But
Time magazine for eight years ers, Video, and Food; and, in Ray Charles Cave was born Jack Olsen in 1968 about Black tor, succeeding Henry A. Grun- he always asked me what I
oversaw a revamping of its 1982, the anointing of the Ma- Ray Roberts on May 27, 1929, athletes and a previously un- wald. Jason McManus, another thought and let me disagree
stodgy look, introduced new chine of the Year (the personal in Tacoma. His father, also published nonfiction manu- editor at Time, had been ex- with him.”
sections, expanded its lifestyle computer), a departure from named Ray, was an assistant script by Ernest Hemingway pected to get the job. In addition to his daughter,
coverage, and promoted long- the traditional Man or Woman district attorney in Tacoma about a Kenyan safari; it ran in “This time the other guy was Mr. Cave leaves his son, Jon; his
form single-subject issues like of the Year (now Person of the who died in a car crash in 1933. three issues in 1971. miffed,” Mr. Cave wrote. stepbrothers, Jon and Christo-
“Children of War,” died on Year) issue. His mother, Agnes (Hansen) “I don’t think you can over- Mr. Cave had strong feelings pher Cave; and a granddaugh-
Monday at his home in Booth- Single-subject issues includ- Roberts, later married John state how important Ray Cave about how Time should look. ter. His marriage to Katherine
bay, Maine. He was 91. ed in-depth looks at Japan and Cave, a career military officer; was in the evolution of Sports At Sports Illustrated, he had Mumford ended in divorce. Pa-
His daughter, C.C. Cave, prisons. “Children of War” was he adopted Ray, who took his Illustrated becoming what it mastered production tech- tricia Ryan, his second wife,
confirmed the death. a 25,000-word article in 1982 stepfather’s surname. Ray’s was by the early 1970s — one of niques that filled pages with who died in 2013, was the
Mr. Cave became Time's top by essayist Roger Rosenblatt mother had been a bookkeeper the best-written, best-edited color photography on tight managing editor of People and
editor in the fall of 1977, when about the lives of children in and model at a local newspaper magazines in America,” Mi- deadlines. He brought the Life magazines. They met at
the magazine was still a swag- five war zones. before her first marriage, and chael MacCambridge, author of same skills to improving Time’s Sports Illustrated.
gering journalistic force, unim- Intensely competitive, Mr. in the 1950s she edited text- “The Franchise: A History of photography. After running Time for eight
peded by competition from the Cave learned in early 1978 that books. Sports Illustrated Magazine” And he was the Time editor years, Ray Cave was appointed
Internet. Time was the leading Newsweek, its chief rival, was After graduating from St. (1997), said in an interview. most closely involved in its re- corporate editor of the maga-
newsweekly when weekly mag- going to publish excerpts in John’s College in Annapolis, By 1974, Mr. Cave had be- design in 1977, working with zine’s parent, Time Inc., in
azines were still flourishing. Its successive issues from the Md., in 1949, Mr. Cave became come a trusted deputy of its the renowned newspaper and 1985; a year later, he was pro-
pages were flush with ads. memoirs of H.R. Haldeman, a reporter for The Southern longtime managing editor, An- magazine designer Walter Ber- moted to editorial director, the
“The magazine’s goal,” Mr. President Richard Nixon’s dis- Maryland Times. He then spent dre Laguerre. But after La- nard. Bernard adopted a bolder second-highest-ranking edito-
Cave told Ad wee k in 198 3 graced chief of staff, who had eight years as a reporter and guerre retired, it was Roy Ter- use of informational graphics, rial job in the company. But he
when it named him “the hot- served 18 months in prison for editor at The Baltimore Eve- rell who succeeded him, not photography, and conceptual left in 1988, unhappy that he
test editor” in its annual maga- his role in the Watergate scan- ning Sun, interrupting his ca- Mr. Cave. cover art and a uniform head- had not been named editor-in-
zine report, “is to inform the dal. reer to serve in Army counter- “SI gets a new editor,” Mr. line typeface. chief — a promotion that went
public, to help our society de- Mr. Cave countered with a intelligence in Japan and Korea Cave wrote to his children in a Mr. Cave “was a no-non- to McManus — and unable to
bate more issues, and on occa- cover article about Muhammad from 1952 to 1954. career reminiscence several sense guy who encouraged me reach an agreement on what
sion to help shape that debate.” Ali (who had recently lost his He joined Sports Illustrated, years ago. “Miffed. Should have to argue with him,” said Ber- role he would play at the com-
Under Mr. Cave, there were heavyweight title), followed by which was owned at the time been me.” nard, who stayed at Time as art pany until his retirement at 65.
C12 Sports T h e B o s t o n G l o b e M O N D A Y, A U G U S T 2 4 , 2 0 2 0

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T H E B O S T O N G L O B E M O N DAY, AUG US T 24, 2 0 2 0 | B O S T O N G L O B E .C O M / B US I N E S S

It’s not just Nabel

Why Boston’s hospital CEOs don’t
belong on corporate boards
Larry Edelman tants Pearl Meyer & Partners. Some compa-
nies dole out more than $400,000 a year.
That’s for 25 days or so of work a year.
It’s good money for nonprofit hospital
leaders, who are well compensated but
make nowhere near what most corporate
chief executives bring home, thanks to the
widespread use of stock options and grants
at public companies. Yet it’s small change
for a big drug company or medical device
maker looking for the credibility and con-
nections that comes with having a presti-
gious hospital honcho among its directors.
But what does the hospital get in return
It’s time for the executives who run for renting out its reputation along with its
some of Boston’s elite hospitals to be chief executive? vaccine. Her counterparts at several Boston Peter Slavin is a director at Amwell, another Moderna,
weaned off the cushy money they make Not enough. More on that later. hospitals are also directors at for-profit telehealth company. And Dr. Laurie Glimch- which has been
moonlighting as board directors for corpo- First, to be clear: I’m not wagging my companies in one niche or another of the er, CEO of Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, sits looking for
rate America. know-it-all finger only at Dr. Elizabeth Na- health care market, as are numerous hospi- on three public boards: GlaxoSmithKline, volunteers for
You can understand the appeal of sitting bel, president of Brigham and Women’s tal chiefs across the country. Waters Corp., and Analog Devices, a hire the vaccine trials,
on an outside board. Public companies paid Hospital, who resigned unexpectedly last Dr. Sandra Fenwick, CEO of Boston Chil- company announced Tuesday. had on its
directors a median of $208,000 in cash and month from the board of Moderna amid dren’s Hospital, is on the board of Livongo Any one of those relationships could board
stock in 2018, according to the most recent questions about Brigham and Women’s role Health, a telehealth company that recently cause a problem down the road. Elizabeth Nabel
compensation survey by the National Asso- in the clinical trial of the Cambridge bio- agreed to be acquired by a competitor for Second: Let’s remember none of these of Brigham and
ciation of Corporate Directors and consul- tech company’s experimental COVID-19 $18.5 billion. Mass. General president Dr. EDELMAN, Page D3 Women’s.

days, the
stage really
is social
And artists
have to go
out and
build their
own stage.
That can
be millions
of people.’
(left) chief
product officer at
HubSpot who
with Brad Hallen
perform together
as The Providers


An unlikely
By Andy Rosen But maybe just as unusual as the circumstances of the

GLOBE STAFF music business in this pandemic year is the unlikely make-
INCHESTER — Brad Hallen takes out his up of The Providers. On the surface, it would appear that
phone and scrolls through the Facebook the two members of this studio outfit would never have

advertising campaign designed to pro- connected. Hallen’s decades-long career includes stints
mote his band in Brazil — where the Bos- with Boston bands such as Pastiche, Adventure Set, and
ton-based rock duo known as The Provid- Nervous Eaters, and nationally-known artists like Ministry,
ers has racked up millions of views for its Iggy Pop, Aimee Mann, Johnny Winter, Susan Tedeschi,
online music videos. and the late Ric Ocasek of The Cars. He’s played on more
Hallen rattles off stats — impressions, shares, views — and than 200 recordings.

A HubSpot exec and a veteran says he writes back personally to commenters on the band’s
posts, urging them to share the content more widely. This is
Hallen’s partner, Christopher O’Donnell, 39, is chief
product officer at Cambridge marketing firm HubSpot.
Boston musician have found a large all new to Hallen, a 63-year-old bass player with a deep re-
sume and stellar reputation who has been around Boston’s
O’Donnell, who has been with HubSpot for nearly a de-
cade, is in charge of product development and user experi-
audience for their big-sounding music scene since the late 1970s. With COVID-19 forcing the
cancellation of most live music, going social is one way for an
ence at the marketing software company. While Hallen has
spent many of his working days onstage, O’Donnell has pri-
classic rock songs in Brazil independent band to at least get heard in 2020. From his marily worked online.
Hyde Park apartment, Hallen’s able to go global. BAND, Page D3

Experts say Headspace’s science

is less solid than its popularity
By Juliet Isselbacher bucks, Adobe, and GE — are now enrolled in the
STAT Headspace for Work program. (Boston Globe
This has, by all accounts, been a banner year Media Partners, which owns STAT and the
for Headspace. Globe, is part of Headspace’s workplace pro-
Demand for the mindfulness and meditation gram.) Investors, too, have taken note — Head-
app has skyrocketed since the COVID-19 pan- space clinched $140 million in new funding in
demic and its ripple effects began tak- the first half of 2020.
STAT ing a brutal toll on mental health. But as COVID-19 catapults Headspace into a
Downloads have jumped dramatically new stratosphere of popularity, experts say its
in recent months, and Headspace has been scientific grounding is shakier than its subscrip-
flooded with requests from companies looking tion numbers might suggest.
to buoy their staffs’ well-being while they work “We’ve seen a lot of exciting pilot studies,
from home. and they should be commended for that,” said
The company has seen a 500 percent in- John Torous, the director of digital psychiatry at
crease in partnership requests since mid-March. Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Bos-
More than 1,100 companies — including Star- HEADSPACE, Page D2
D2 Business T h e B o s t o n G l o b e M O N D A Y, A U G U S T 2 4 , 2 0 2 0

TECHNOLOGY TikTok plans to file a lawsuit against
President Trump’s administration as soon
as Monday over an executive order
banning transactions with the Chinese
app in the United States, the company
Maine shipbuilders
has said. The move would come on the
first day of the Republican National OK three-year pact
KICKOFF Convention, four days of celebrating a
president who’s made “tough on China” a By David Sharp for Navy contracts and a highly
centerpiece of his reelection bid. TikTok, ASSOCIATED PRESS skilled workforce that didn’t
owned by China-based ByteDance Ltd., BATH, Maine — A 63-day want to give up ground to sub-
said Saturday it would challenge the order banning transactions with the popular strike at Bath Iron Works — contractors. The test of wills
against the backdrop of a pan- ultimately ended with help
social media app. The company said it “strongly disagreed” with concerns raised by
demic in an election year — from a federal mediator.
Trump. He subsequently gave it a 90-day deadline to divest its US operations. The
came to an end Sunday with Shipbuilders represented by
skirmish is the latest between the Trump administration and China as November’s vote shipbuilders voting to return Machinists Local S6 got most
approaches and Trump makes his case for a second term. — BLOOMBERG NEWS to their jobs producing war- of what they wanted when it
ships for the United States Na- came to work rules and main-
vy. taining the status quo for hir-
With the approval of a ing of subcontractors, along
PRIVATE EQUITY Leon Black, the billionaire chairman, CEO, and co-founder of private equity firm
three-year contract, the 4,300 with the previous proposal’s
Apollo Global Management, will be subpoenaed by the US Virgin Islands’ attorney production workers represent- annual pay raises of 3 percent
APOLLO’S LEON general for information about his decades-long business ties with Jeffrey Epstein, the ed by Machinists Local S6 will for three years. The company
BLACK TO BE New York Times reported Sunday. The territory’s attorney general, Denise N. George,
informed a local court on Thursday that she would issue civil subpoenas to Black and
begin returning to work on
got streamlined rules for hiring
subcontracting, and a commit-
SUBPOENAED several entities connected to him. The subpoenas will seek financial statements and tax After falling behind sched- ment to work together to get
IN EPSTEIN CASE, returns for a number of entities, including ones that manage some of Black’s $9 billion
ule, Bath Iron Works is eager to
get caught up on production of
back on track.
Because of the pandemic,
REPORT SAYS wealth. They will also go to Apollo and entities that help manage his art collection, the
New York Times said. “Apollo never did any business with Mr. Epstein at any point in
destroyers as the US Navy faces voting on the contract’s ap-
growing competition from Chi- proval — unanimously en-
time,” according to a spokesperson for the New York-based private equity firm. After na and Russia on the high seas. dorsed by the union negotiat-
Epstein’s arrest last year, Black also assured investors in Apollo’s funds that his The General Dynamics subsid- ing committee — took place
relationship with Epstein didn’t extend to the private equity company. He said that iary was already behind more online and by telephone. Vot-
Epstein provided certain services to his family partnership and entities relating to tax, than six months schedule be- ing began Friday and ending at
fore the strike. noon Sunday. The vote was 87
estate planning, and philanthropic advice. Epstein died in jail while facing sex-
“We are pleased to welcome percent in favor of the contract
trafficking charges last August. His death was ruled a suicide. — BLOOMBERG NEWS
back our valued manufactur- among those who voted, said
ing employees and get back to Jay Waldeigh, a district union
the important work of building official.
TECHNOLOGY Microsoft Corp. is backing Epic Games Inc. in its fight with Apple Inc. Epic, a game ships on schedule for the US The shipyard builds the
Navy,” Bath Iron Works said workhorse of the Navy fleet,
developer, is set to ask a federal court on Monday to force Apple to restore the Fortnite
MICROSOFT SIDES app to the App Store, and block the iPhone maker from cutting off Epic’s developer
Sunday in a statement.
Robert Martinez Jr., the Ma-
destroyers that have the ability
to provide air defense while si-
WITH EPIC GAMES tools and limiting its ability to provide
key graphics technology to other apps.
chinists’ international presi- multaneously waging war
dent, cast the outcome on Sun- against submarines and sur-
IN BATTLE WITH The graphics technology, known as day in historic terms, saying face warships. Destroyers are
APPLE Unreal Engine, is a suite of software “this fight for dignity, justice, also one of the few types of
used by millions of developers to build and good Maine jobs will go warships equipped to with-
down in the history books of stand a chemical attack.
3-D games and other products. Cutting
the Machinists Union.” The Navy wants to increase
off Epic from Apple’s iOS and Mac
The shipyard on the Ken- the fleet’s size — something
developer tools would mean the gaming nebec River is one of the Navy’s President Trump supports —
company can no longer distribute largest, and it’s also a major and Bath Iron Works has said
Unreal Engine to other developers, Epic employer in the state with with it needs to get back on sched-
said in its legal filing. Microsoft, which makes the Xbox, uses the technology for games 6,800 workers. ule and lower costs to remain
developed for consoles, PCs, and mobile devices. Apple has urged a judge in Oakland, The stakes were high for competitive on those contracts.
both a company that feared be- The strike was the first in 20
Calif., to reject Epic’s request. — BLOOMBERG NEWS
ing priced out of competition years at Bath Iron Works.

Experts question the scientific grounding of Headspace app

uHEADSPACE shown to improve focus and nia San Francisco, Carnegie- of whether the intervention and individual users — to con- er skills — all with the guid-
Continued from Page D1 happiness, as well as reduce Mellon, and the UK‘s National works. sider what Headspace can and ance of a professional.
ton. “But I don’t think we’ve stress, burnout, and aggres- Health Ser vice. Nine have In a 2018 study of Head- can’t do. “If you are handing this app
seen rigorous, high-quality, re- sion. Headspace has also said more than 500 participants, space, researchers at the Na- There likely isn’t any harm to a patient and giving them
producible research.” there is preliminary evidence she said. tional University of Ireland to providing employees or stu- the expectation that this is the
A smattering of studies in- to suggest the app can ease “We are committed to ad- took that approach and gave a dents access to the app. But if end-all be-all therapy while
dicate Headspace can help anxiety and depression. vancing the science on digital control group access to a that offering takes the place of we’re in a pandemic and not
people feel more positive and Outside experts say Head- health and happiness interven- “sham meditation,” the virtual other care or support systems able to receive care as usual, it
less stressed, among other space deserves credit for the tions — and this means doing equivalent of a placebo pill. a person might need, it could sets expectations that are un-
benefits. The company doesn’t data it has collected. But the research that may not always The sham treatment, designed present a problem, experts realistic and unethical,” she
clai m the app can treat or quality and consistency of the s h o w a n i m p a c t f o r He a d - to look exactly like the Head- said. said.
manage any medical condi- findings — as well as the scope space,” Jones Bell said, adding space app, simply instructed “ You have to think about Jo n e s B e l l e m p h a s i z e d
tions. But with Headspace of the research — doesn’t yet that the company “empowers” participants to close their eyes the opportunity cost of some- Headspace isn’t designed to
landing new corporate con- line up with the hype the app its academic partners to pub- and breathe. The actual Head- body doing a mindfulness treat or manage any medical
tracts, some experts say they’re has received. lish their findings. space meditation gave users meditation or someone doing a condition, nor is it designed to
worried that a growing num- Earlier this year, research- “We believe that being fully guidance on how to focus their Headspace app. Does that replace professional care. But
ber of companies might be re- ers at the University of Wash- transparent is essential to con- attention and inhibit instinc- mean that they’re doing that she added that even so, a self-
lying too heavily on Headspace ington School of Medicine and sumer trust. If we aren’t doing tive reactions. instead of, say, doing a CBT help tool or app can help pre-
in lieu of other support for Seattle Children’s Research In- research that shows null ef- The study didn’t find any program?” Noone asked. vent the onset — or slow the
more serious mental health stitute conducted a literature fects, we aren’t challenging difference between the sham The company doesn’t claim progression — of common
conditions like anxiety and de- review combing through the ourselves and advancing the group and the treatment group the app can treat any condi- mental health conditions.
pression — particularly during evidence on a slew of mental field,” she said. when it came to the primary tions. But anxiety is especially “This is a both-and prob-
the pandemic, when rates of health and stress management But outside e xper ts say outcomes of critical thinking prominent on Headspace’s lem,” Jones Bell wrote. “ We
both appear to be climbing. apps, including Headspace. there are still significant gaps and executive functioning, nor website, which has a dedicated need to ensure swift access to
“I do have concerns that The researchers turned up in the research around Head- in the secondary outcomes of page explaining different anxi- high-quality specialized care
mindfulness programs, and es- more peer-reviewed evidence space — specifically when it emotional experience or well- ety disorders and pointing for those in need — and meet
pecially mindfulness apps, are for Headspace than any other comes to how the studies are being. readers toward Headspace’s swelling demand with scalable
seen by organizations as a product. designed. “There wasn’t anything spe- anxiety course — “a series of evidence-based approaches
cheap and easy win when it But the authors found the Many of the studies the cial about the mindfulness in- meditations over 30 days that like Headspace.”
comes to employee and stu- eight Headspace studies company touts as success sto- tervention that they weren’t al- offers a different perspective She added that the compa-
de nt w elfar e co mp ar ed to turned up inconsistent results: ries use patients who received so getting from the sham medi- on anxiety while providing ny has been careful to make
more expensive — but possibly Some showed improved posi- no initial treatment at all as a tation.” tips, techniques, and insight sure none of its marketing
more effective — structural tive affect, satisfaction with control group, experts said. Jones Bell said a forthcom- for managing it.” claims or statements mislead
changes in their organiza- life, and resilience, while oth- Those studies might show that ing study, led by Carnegie Mel- “Headspace especially consumers.
tions,” said psychologist Chris ers found no significant effect Headspace is better than noth- lon, will “help us isolate Head- doesn’t say it’s a mental health Still, experts said there’s a
Noone, who does research on in these areas. Others couldn’t ing. space’s active ingredient with app, but it’s certainly adver- need to temper some of the ex-
well-being interventions at the identify significant changes in But they aren’t designed to much more precision than the tised that way,” said Jessica citement around the mental
National University of Ireland compassion or anxiety, both of demonstrate whether the app’s study by Dr. Chris Noone,” she D’Arcey, a graduate student at health app space as a whole
Galway. which Headspace claims to im- proposed active ingredient — said. the University of Toronto who while the research catches up.
In a sea of mental health pact on its website. Six of the mindfulness — is driving the Other studies have tried to studies digital aids for patients “There’s good evidence . . .
and mindfulness apps, Head- eight studies involving Head- difference in outcomes, or close in on Headspace’s active with psychosis. that using these apps as stand-
space stands out as one of only space in the review also includ- whether the placebo effect is at ingredient by giving the con- D’Arcey said the problem alone, self-help treatment is
a few that has put its product ed fewer than 100 people. play. trol group an alternative inter- with mentioning those condi- not effective. And there’s good
to the scientific test. Head- “When you have these small James Coyne, a longtime vention, such as listening to an tions in the marketing materi- evidence that it’s not engag-
space has partnered over the studies, there’s a lot of random psychology researcher and audiobook on meditation, but als is that the app has largely ing,” Torous said. Many users
years with a number of outside effects that can show up,” Tor- professor emeritus at the Uni- experts said those aren’t close been tested only in the general who start using mental health
researchers, and also boasts its ous said. “I think that the fact versity of Pennsylvania, said enough to the app to serve as a population, rather than among apps like Headspace simply
own six-person “science team” that we’re seeing contradictory the placebo effect is likely to be meaningful comparison. people with symptoms severe don’t stick to them. One study
that studies how well the app findings just tells us that we particularly strong with Head- That’s what made the find- enough to meet the clinical published in 2019 found that a
works. need larger, higher quality space. ings from Noone and his col- definitions for certain mental median 4.7 percent of mindful-
The app offers guided medi- studies.” “The issue is that people re- leagues so striking, experts health conditions. She said it’s ness app users were still using
tation sessions in which users Jones Bell of Headspace ally want it — it’s a commercial said. critical to have randomized, the tools after 30 days.
learn to “tame” their mind’s said the company hasn’t seen product. And when they get a “People believed that they controlled trials with partici- “ We really have to think
natural restlessness and devel- mixed results for any of its pri- chance to be in a study where would get the real thing when pants who have actually expe- twice about what we’re giving
op focus. Many modules are mary outcomes, such as stress, they get access to it for free, they got a fake intervention,” rienced those mental health to people,” he said. “We proba-
designed with specific goals, happiness, or resilience, nor they approach it with a lot of Coyne said. “When it couldn’t challenges. bly have to make sure things
whether that’s sleeping better from its other “well-done, ap- expectations of getting some- be shown to be different, that Another reason it’s crucial work a little bit better before
or getting a handle on stress. propriately powered” studies. thing special,” he said. was devastating. I thought that to be careful about how the providing them as big and pop-
Pointing to 25 peer-reviewed She also noted that Headspace These expectations — or should have been a major em- app is presented to the public: ulation-level solutions.”
publications, Megan Jones has 50 ongoing clinical re- “goodies,” as he calls them — barrassment to Headspace.” Mindfulness, while it can be
Bell, chief strategy and science search studies conducted by can influence outcomes. They As Headspace’s footprint helpful, isn’t a standalone skill. Juliet Isselbacher can be reached
officer of Headspace, said in an external partners, which in- need to be controlled in order continues to grow, experts said In therapy, D’Arcey said, mind- at juliet.isselbacher@
e-mail that the app has been clude the University of Califor- for a study to give a real sense it’s critical for companies — fulness is taught alongside oth-
M O N D A Y, A U G U S T 2 4 , 2 0 2 0 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e Business D3

Hospital CEOs, corporate boards don’t mix In states,

Continued from Page D1
entific and clinical innovation into
products and services for the ben-
advice goes
folks has been accused of violat- efit of patients and the public,”
ing any hospital rules, govern- Brigham and Women’s said in a
ment strictures, or even industry statement when Nabel left Moder-

norms. na.
But Nabel’s exit from Moder- Hospital trustees sincerely be-
na’s board, and her sale of mil- lieve this biz school blather, and
lions of dollars worth of shares add that it’s good for their CEOs
earlier in the year as the stock to see how the for-profit business Businesses dictated
price soared on the vaccine’s world operates.
prospects, could be a textbook Academic medicine can be an pace of reopening
case on why these side gigs can ivory tower that is out of touch
be hazardous to a hospital’s repu- with the nitty-gritty of capital- plans, e-mails show
tation. ism, they said.
The Moderna vaccine is being But I think they place far too By David A. Lieb
tested at Brigham and Women’s high a value on the benefits for ASSOCIATED PRESS

— and scores of other sites — in a hospitals. How much of this As South Carolina Governor
clinical trial co-led by Brigham’s could they achieve without Henry McMaster prepared to an-
Dr. Lindsey Baden. Nabel knew exposing their CEOs to potential nounce the end of a coronavirus
weeks before the study was an- conflicts of interest? A lot. The stay-at-home order, his top staff re-
nounced July 27 that Baden corporate suits are getting the ceived an e-mail from the state
would be a co-principal investi- better deal than the white coat health department.
gator; she stepped down from folks. The message, highlighted in
the Moderna board July 30. There are some institutions bold, was clear: Wait longer before
“Despite the management that agree. Beth Israel Lahey allowing customers back inside res-
plans that have been put in place Dr. Elizabeth board of trustees at parent com- have disclosed how much she Health prohibits its president taurants, hair salons, and other
to ensure the COVID-19 vaccine Nabel, pany Mass General Brigham — made for her consulting work, from serving on for-profit businesses where people will be in
study is not compromised due to president of could have easily spared every- which largely wrapped up in boards. And plenty of nonprofit close contact.
my connection with Moderna, I Brigham and one the agita and embarrass- 2017. Her third paid hospital CEOs that would be Instead, McMaster pressed
have come to realize that those Women’s ment. Not only did they approve extracurricular, a board seat at considered a big catch currently ahead with a plan written by the
who do not know me, or how Hospital, has Nabel’s moonlighting, they en- medical device manufacturer don’t do public board work, state restaurant association to re-
such trials are conducted, may resigned from couraged it. And they did so even Medtronic, yielded her $385,000 including those at Boston sume inside dining on May 11. The
perceive a conflict of interest,” the board of after getting a taste of the prob- in cash and stock options in the Medical Center and UMass guidelines made masks optional for
Nabel said in a statement when Moderna. lems that paid outside work past fiscal year, while she Memorial locally, and the employees and allowed more cus-
she resigned. could cause. received $487,000 from Cleveland Clinic, Johns Hopkins tomers inside than the health agen-
People who do know Nabel, In 2016, a year after Nabel Moderna. Hospital, and New York cy had advised.
68, and a cardiologist by train- was tapped by the National Foot- Between the two boards, Presbyterian Hospital. A few days later, the Republican
ing, call her a “Girl Scout” and ball League to be its chief health that’s nearly $875,000 in one Beth Israel Lahey’s approach governor opened the doors to sa-
“straight-shooter,” a woman ded- and medical adviser, a Democrat- year; at the Brigham, Nabel’s should be formally adopted by all lons, fitness centers, and swimming
icated to science who would nev- ic congressional report said she base salary and bonus totaled nonprofit health care systems. pools. He did not wait to gauge the
er undermine public health or contacted the National Institutes $1.85 million in 2018, the latest Such a move would underscore effect of the restaurant reopening
her hospital for money. But with of Health when the league “im- year for which her compensation hospital leaders’ dedication to on the virus, as public health offi-
billions of dollars at stake for properly attempted to influence” is public. patient care, medical training, cials had suggested. Like many
Moderna, she should have quit the selection of researchers for a So it’s obvious what Nabel and research, and would help states, South Carolina later experi-
the board when it became clear landmark concussion study. and her Boston counterparts — shield their reputations — and enced a surge in infections that
Baden would play a pivotal role Nabel, who said at the time whose base pay and bonus those of their institutions — from forced McMaster to dial back his re-
in the trial. The appearance of a that she remained neutral during ranged from $1.3 million to accusations that they care more opening plan.
conflict of interest is, practically the NIH’s selection process, more than $2 million — get from about money than patients. He was hardly alone. Thousands
speaking, as bad as an actual wasn’t accused of wrongdoing. their outside board work. But It will never happen. The of pages of e-mails provided to the
conflict. But the incident raised many what about their hospitals? CEOs think it’s good business, Associated Press under open-re-
Nabel declined through a eyebrows, and it should have Where’s the quo for their quid? they like the dough, and the cords laws show that governors
spokeswoman to be interviewed been a yellow flag for trustees “These interactions allow for trustees have their backs. across the country were inundated
or answer written questions for that Brigham and Women’s im- the exchange of cutting-edge sci- And that’s a shame, too. with reopening advice from a wide
this column. age could be dinged by their entific expertise, support the es- range of industries — from camp-
It’s a shame it went down this president’s outside jobs. tablishment of research collabora- Larry Edelman can be reached at grounds in New Hampshire to car
way because her bosses — the Neither the NFL nor Nabel tions and foster translation of sci- washes in Washington. Some gover-
nors put economic interests ahead
of public health guidance, and cer-
tain businesses were allowed to
write the rules that would govern
their own operations.
As job losses accelerated, the
pressure to reopen intensified.
“Attraction folks are on me like
white on rice,” McMaster’s tourism
director wrote to the head of the
governor’s reopening task force, de-
scribing lobbying from amusement
parks, bingo halls and other enter-
tainment venues.
Though governors often work
with business leaders to craft poli-
cy, the e-mails offer a new window
into their decisions during a critical
early juncture in the nation’s battle
against the pandemic. Many gover-
nors chose to reopen before their
states met all the nationally recom-
mended health guidelines, which
include a sustained downward rate
of infection and robust testing and
contact tracing.
Many states were forced to halt
or roll back their reopening plans
as COVID-19 cases spiked across
the country this summer, and the
number of infections and deaths in
the U.S. far outpaced those of any
other country.
In early August , McMaster
transformed his restaurant guide-
lines into requirements, including a
mandate that all diners and em-
ployees wear masks. The governor’s
spokesman, Brian Symmes, said
“some restaurants weren’t doing
what they needed to do.”
Sym mes a lso de fend ed the

A cross-continental venture, to a rock backbeat

spring reopening, saying the gover-
nor ‘‘has a wider scope of responsi-
bility and focus than our public
health officials.”
The tensions between economic
uBAND nell and Hallen brought in other ally viable now, as a message of a big chunk of his self-imposed Christopher and health interests were evident in
Continued from Page D1 musicians to flesh out their re- comfort to the people who actu- pandemic isolation practicing O’Donnell New Hampshire in a decision al-
The two men met about 16 cordings in studios around the ally understand that concept, and posting Facebook videos that (left), a top lowing campgrounds to open with
years ago when O’Donnell was Boston area, and they wouldn’t be and, hopefully, a gentle message pay tribute to legendary bass executive at restricted capacities.
running a New Hampshire re- able to recreate the sound onstage to the people who don’t under- players such as Tommy Cogbill HubSpot, Margaret Byrnes, executive di-
cording studio in a previous ca- without more members. But these stand it,” Hallen said. and James Jamerson. chatted with rector of the New Hampshire Mu-
reer. Hallen came in for a session, days, with the right tools, a couple Figuring out a niche in today’s The relatively high volume of long-time nicipal Association, urged Republi-
and they hit it off. They saw each of guys playing part time together diffuse music market is a little eas- listeners The Providers have gen- Boston-area can Governor Chris Sununu’s ad-
other again when Hallen showed can make a name for themselves ier when you’ve got a mastery of erated produces some revenue rock player ministration to keep campgrounds
up as part of the band that — un- without touring, radio play, or a content marketing. O’Donnell’s from online platforms — they Brad Hallen closed because of concerns they
beknownst to him — was playing record label. used some of skills he’s polished at take home a slightly bigger cut as about his could attract visitors from areas
O’Donnell’s wedding. The pandemic has actually HubSpot to target specific audi- independent artists — but it’s not recently with higher coronavirus caseloads.
Years later, O’Donnell called played to the band’s strengths. ences — even down to individual enough to cover the cost of re- purchased She also wanted cities to have a
Hallen on a whim to ask him to It’s released five songs recorded fans — based on their age, location cording and marketing the mu- guitar while greater voice on the governor’s re-
jam on Jimi Hendrix songs. last year, three of which have and taste in music. The band is al- sic. The goal, they said, is to get they worked in opening task force.
Soon, O’Donnell told Hallen more than million views on You- so using software tools to make enough exposure that they can his Winchester- “There was a lot of business and
about his original music. Tube. One track, “All I Know,” has one-on-one connections at scale develop a trade in selling mer- based studio. industry representation, which is
No less than his singing, song- been seen 5.5 million times. With through platforms such as Whats- chandise, and potentially licens- really important in the reopening
writing, and guitar contribu- more classic rock fans at home App and Facebook. ing their songs. process, but it needed to be bal-
tions, O’Donnell’s day job has af- and online — like everybody else The result has been a blossom- “It may seem like what I do is anced with some local municipal
forded the band a deep knowl- — The Providers say it was a little ing audience in unlikely places different from what Brad does, representation,” Byrnes said.
edge of how to find an audience. bit easier to find their niche. such as Brazil, where there’s a big but particularly when we’re Sununu’s policy director, D.J.
“These days, the biggest stage Another song, “Start to Love,” appetite for the kind of anthemic working together it’s really a sim- Bettencourt, said municipalities
really is social media. And artists with a message of unity and classic rock that The Providers’ ilar challenge,” O’Donnell said. were represented on the task force
have to go out and build their equality, has attracted nearly 1 music evokes. “It’s actually been a “It’s getting amazing people into through lawmakers who doubled as
own stage,” O’Donnell said. “That million views since the band re- great test bed for what I do at the room and coming up with a local officials. He said opening
can be millions of people.” leased a video last month illus- work,” O’Donnell said. shared vision.” campgrounds on May 1 was “an es-
Even before COVID-19, The trated with images from the pro- For now, the project is still sential aspect of ensuring housing”
Providers never intended to tour tests over racial injustice. primarily a labor of love for Andy Rosen can be reached at for some health care workers and
or play live gigs regularly. O’Don- “We felt that this song was re- O’Donnell and Hallen, who spent guarding against homelessness.
D4 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e M O N D A Y, A U G U S T 2 4 , 2 0 2 0

PLUGGERS by Gary Brookins

DILBERT by Scott Adams
ZITS by Jerry Scott & Jim Borgman

DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau DUSTIN by Steve Kelley & Jeff Parker

RED & ROVER by Brian Basset ARCTIC CIRCLE by Alex Hallatt

FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE by Lynn Johnston CURTIS by Ray Billingsley

RHYMES WITH ORANGE by Hilary Price ARLO & JANIS by Jimmy Johnson


ACROSS 56 Arabian Peninsula’s
1 A hand might largest city
have five 60 Owl sound
6 Slightly wet 61 Incredibly spicy
10 Word after “summer” mozzarella purchase?
or “space” 63 Depose
14 Upscale Honda 64 ___ Major
15 Ridesharing giant (constellation)
16 Region 65 Beachcombing concerns
17 Place to store brie? 66 Predator’s quarry
19 ___-pedi 67 Down Under greeting
20 Seed type on an 68 Often-meaty dishes
everything bagel
21 Umami or sweetness DOWN
receptor 1 Crow sounds
23 Inner planet that’s 2 Experience soreness
farthest from 3 Regrets
the sun 4 They think big
25 Title for Patrick 5 Hayek who portrayed
Stewart Frida Kahlo
26 Surface, as a 6 Pair
boulevard 7 Border on
29 Gathering with lots of 8 ___ Verde National
cheddar? Park
35 A-lister 9 Media packet
36 Elba named “Sexiest 10 Modern doorbell
Man Alive” in 2018 feature
37 Be indebted to 11 Jordanian, e.g.
38 Brewery bagful 12 List that might
39 Get a move on feature specials
40 Shades 13 Like some internships
41 Singer DiFranco 18 Cilantro or dill
42 Strict 22 15-Across fare
43 “___ skies of blue add-ons 32 Awaken 45 Like sandpaper 55 Anna asks her
and clouds of white” 24 Parts of pie charts 33 Post in a hashtag 46 Maltese lira whether she wants to
(“What a Wonderful 26 “Pfft, yeah right!” campaign replacement build a snowman
World” lyric) 27 Make up (for) 34 Affirmative 50 Many Black Friday buys 57 Home or House
44 Gouda concern? 28 Lacking intellectual responses 51 What many do on worker
47 Places for props substance 39 Smelly, shield-shaped Black Friday 58 Did some doodling
48 Participated in a 5K 30 Nose-wrinkling smells pest 52 More than rain 59 Gas company known
49 Yanks 31 Hybrid bakery 40 Angry outburst 53 Valentine’s Day flower for its toy trucks
51 Light rain offering 42 Actor Astin 54 Cooking fat 62 Frito-___
M O N D A Y, A U G U S T 2 4 , 2 0 2 0 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e D5
Boston’s forecast SUDOKU

7 9 4 3 5
6 A.M. NOON 6 P.M. 6 A.M. NOON 6 P.M. 6 A.M. NOON 6 P.M. 6 A.M. NOON 6 P.M. 6 A.M. NOON 6 P.M.

HIGH Partly sunny, warm and HIGH Partly sunny, very warm HIGH Sunny to partly cloudy HIGH Times of clouds and HIGH Intervals of clouds and
83-88 humid with a thunder-
LOW storm in a couple of
86-91 and humid; becoming
LOW breezy with a thunder-
74-79 and nowhere near as
LOW warm. Breezy at times
78-83 sunshine with a thun-
LOW derstorm in spots in
73-78 sunshine. While the day
LOW could turn out nice, a
5 2 8
3 5 2
69-74 spots in the afternoon. 62-67 storm in spots later in 57-62 and pleasant. Highs 60-65 the afternoon. As a 62-67 frontal boundary not
Afternoon thunderstorms could the day. Any thunderstorm can pressure will build into the area, disturbance moves toward the too far to the south could pro-
become locally gusty or heavy. bring hail and strong winds. resulting in nice conditions. area, some places could have duce a thunderstorm.

New England forecast Almanac

9 6
TODAY: With increased humidity in place, thunderstorms
will develop across parts of the region, possibly becoming
Yesterday’s high/low
6:01 a.m.
Source: Asthma & Allergy Affiliates, Inc.
Weeds Grass Mold 1 6 9 4
Sunset 7:31 p.m. Absent Moderate Low N.A.
gusty with downpours.
TOMORROW: Thunderstorms will be widespread
as a cold front dives southward. These storms could
Mount Washington (5 p.m. yesterday)
12:31 p.m. Yesterday’s mold and spore rating.
Eastern Massachusetts air quality
4 7
9 3 7
Weather Dense fog MOD.

produce damaging winds, hail and flash flooding.


Visibility 0 miles 75
EXTENDED: Beautiful weather is on tap, 50 100 150 200 300
though there will be a gusty breeze. It will Wind west at 43 m.p.h. For more information on today’s conditions, call the
certainly be more comfortable with lower
humidity and less heat.
High/low temperature
Snow depth at 5 p.m.
state hotline at (800) 882-1497 or Massachusetts
Department of Environmental Protection web site
5 2 1
24 Hr. Precipitation
Precip days in August
(valid at 5 p.m. yesterday)
Month to date 0.70”
Norm. month to date 2.57”
Year to date 19.93”
Norm. year to date 27.97”
8 7 9 2 3
Climate data are compiled from National Weather Service records and are subject to change or correction.
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every
3X3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. Puzzle difficulty lev-
Tides A.M. P.M. High tides A.M. P.M. High tides A.M. P.M.
els: Easy on Monday and Tuesday, more difficult on Wednesday
Boston high 3:50 4:16 Gloucester 3:50 4:16 Hyannis Port 4:55 5:19 and Thursday, most difficult on Friday and Saturday. Tips and
Marblehead 3:50 4:16 Chatham 4:42 5:06
Height 10.6 11.0 computer program at
Boston low 10:0010:35 Lynn 3:51 4:15 Wellfleet 4:04 4:30
Height -0.4 -0.5 Scituate 3:49 4:16 Provincetown 3:57 4:22


High tides Plymouth 3:58 4:24 Nantucket
Old Orchard ME 3:37 4:04 Cape Cod Harbor 5:03 5:26
Hampton Canal East 3:40 4:06 Oak Bluffs 4:19 4:53
Temperatures are Beach NH 3:51 4:18 Cape Cod New Bedford 12:27 1:01 BY FRANK STEWART
Canal West 2:40 Newport RI 12:2012:54
today’s highs Plum Island 4:04 4:31 West dealer — Both sides vulnerable
and tonight’s lows. Ipswich 3:36 4:03 Falmouth 3:34 4:00
 Small craft advisory
New England marine forecast  Gale warning  Storm warning ♠ KJ8743
Wind Seas Temp Wind Seas Temp
♥ 6
Boston Harbor SE 6-12 kts. 1 ft. 84/72 Martha’s
♦ J 10 6
East Cape Vineyard SW 6-12 kts. 1-2 ft. 81/69
♣ 742
Cod Canal SW 6-12 kts. 1 ft. 84/69 Nantucket SW 6-12 kts. 1-2 ft. 77/69
Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2020
Buzzards Bay SW 6-12 kts. 1 ft. 82/69 Provincetown SW 6-12 kts. 1 ft. 80/67 West East
Cities Forecast high and low temperatures and conditions For current Charles River Basin water quality, call (781) 788-0007 or go to ♠ 2 ♠ 6
● Travel delays possible, C Clouds, F Fog, H Haze, I Ice, Pc Partly Cloudy, R Rain, Sh Showers, S Sun, Sn Snow, Fl Flurries, T Thunderstorms, W Windy ♥ Q8542 ♥ K973
Today Tomorrow Today Tomorrow Today Tomorrow Today Tomorrow ♦ AK85 ♦ Q9432
 Atlanta 82/72 T 83/73 C Los Angeles 89/69 S 90/68 S Seattle 77/54 S 78/54 S Jerusalem 86/64 S 86/66 S
 Atlantic City 90/73 T 92/68 T  Miami 91/82 R 92/81 T  Washington 91/75 T 92/74 S  London 68/60 T 71/56 T
♣ A 10 3 ♣ QJ6
Charlotte 82/71 Pc 86/69 T  New Orleans 84/78 R 89/79 T Beijing 88/69 R 91/70 Pc  Moscow 71/56 R 75/59 Pc
Chicago 94/74 S 94/72 Pc  New York City 87/74 T 90/68 T  Cancun 90/78 T 87/80 T Paris 76/58 Pc 82/58 Pc South
Dallas 96/74 S 95/77 Pc  Philadelphia 89/74 T 91/71 T  Mexico City 75/56 T 73/56 T Rome 86/66 Pc 87/66 S ♠ A Q 10 9 5
Denver 98/65 S 98/65 Pc Phoenix 114/89 Pc 112/89 C  Montreal 79/68 R 76/52 T  San Juan 88/78 Sh 90/80 Pc ♥ A J 10
 Detroit 89/71 T 87/67 T Salt Lake City 97/71 Pc 98/72 Pc  Toronto 88/69 T 83/57 Pc  Stockholm 65/48 T 65/47 Pc
 Fort Myers 91/77 T 93/76 T  San Francisco 78/57 T 76/55 Pc Vancouver 70/53 S 69/55 S Tokyo 87/76 C 90/79 Pc
♦ 7
♣ K985
West North East South
HOROSCOPE 1♥ Pass 2♥ 2♠
serious, but decisions can be made eas prevails. Tonight: Stroll out- 3♥ 4♠ All Pass
and helpful advice exchanged. doors at sunset and gaze at the sky. Opening lead — ♦ K
HAPPY BIRTHDAY for Monday, night: Be relieved you offered the Avoid a difficult neighbor or trou- CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan 19)
Aug. 24, 2020: best advice. bled sibling. You'll express ideas Fear is the darkroom where nega- The afternoon penny game had ended, and Rose showed
Astute, sophisticated and investi- GEMINI (May 21-June 20) eloquently and have a special abil- tives are developed. Despite a set- me today’s deal. She had been East.
gative, as a complex individual, Your birth sign’s cell salt is potas- ity to solve problems by compro- back today, you do not give up. “When North-South bid four spades,” she said, “I won-
your observations are brilliant. sium chloride. Cell salts stimulate mise. Tonight: Relax and celebrate Consider your goals and group af- dered whether I should sacrifice at five hearts. We would be
You succeed very well this year. better absorption of nutrients. yourself. filiations. A sense of deja vu pre- down only one.”
The first half is challenging, but Lifesaver. Strawberries, parsley, LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) vails. Examine old photos to help “If the hearts lay a bit differently,” I observed, “your ‘sac-
you were born to untangle myster- blueberries, pineapple, cucumbers Libra likes the finer things in life. you make wise choices. Tonight: rifice’ could turn into a make. But who was South?”
ies, and you make money doing and asparagus are good sources And splendid financial opportuni- Reconnect with an old group. “Unlucky Louie,” Rose replied.
this. If single, you give your rela- for you. Tonight: Poke around rec- ties are beginning to manifest. Be AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) “Then sacrificing is less attractive,” I said. “Louie may
tionships a hard time, so it's likely ipes to find these ingredients. careful not to overextend yourself, Social contacts and creative ideas find a way to go down at four spades.”
you stay single this year. If at- CANCER (June 21-July 22) however. Go easy on spending. boost your career today. Impor- “He ruffed the second diamond,” Rose said, “drew
tached, you are wildly in love and A very intense day promises re- Live within your means, or there tant responsibilities need your at- trumps, attacked the clubs and lost three clubs. Down one.”
you wouldn't have it any other unions with lost loves. Loyalties could be consequences very short- tention. Maintain a positive men- After Louie ruffs the second diamond (not best defense),
way. CANCER worships you. and attachments are in flux. Be ly. Tonight: Is the very shortly -- a tal outlook. Use diplomacy in all he can lead a trump to dummy, ruff the last diamond,
sensitive to repeating patterns in- dissatisfying product. that you say and write. Efforts return a trump to dummy and lead a heart to his 10. (For
ARIES (March 21-April 19) volving heart connections. Com- SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) made now will bring advance- East to play the king won’t help the defense.) When West
Financial obligations relating to munication with those near and Self-sufficient, with inherent cour- ment and money in the future. To-
wins, he is end-played. Whether he leads a diamond — con-
others can be resolved. Sincerity is dear to you is excellent. Tonight: age and determination, Scorpio night: Collapse in utter, well-de-
ceding a ruff-sluff — or returns a heart or a club, Louie gets
the best way to process and re- Acquaintances inspire you. Facts surmounts most obstacles. You served exhaustion.
his 10th trick.
lease old resentments. Get in come to light. are also inventive and gifted. Cele- PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)
Avoid taking sacrifices against a weak declarer.
touch with how you really feel and LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) brate yourself and your amazing Today you have a genuine zest for
let others know. Tonight: Expect Today highlights your home and qualities today. Share with those life. You'll be ready for journeys
DAILY QUESTION You hold: ♠ A Q 10 9 5 ♥ A J 10 ♦ 7 ♣ K
news of a status change concern- family life. Patiently work out dif- who love you without complaint. and adventures of all kinds, with
9 8 5. You open one spade, and your partner raises to two
ing a couple to whom you're close. ferences and make needed re- Tonight: Some recovery followed the added blessing of great physi-
TAURUS (April 20-May 20) pairs. Shop for the best prices for by early beddy-byes. cal vitality. Enter contests and spades. The opponents pass. What do you say?
Get partners talking, and be a items for the home. A family SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) competitions. Creativity and
ANSWER: Game is possible, especially if partner has help
good listener. Someone close to member is feeling very adventur- Old and poignant memories sur- charm abound. Tonight: Travel
for your second suit. You will be a favorite at four spades if
you is making important decisions ous and may surprise you by tak- face today. A past life regression would be rewarding, especially if
he has K 8 4 3, 7 6 5, J 6 5 3, A 2. But if his hand is K 8 4
about their future. There is a new ing a gamble. Tonight: Take the might be useful to aid in under- you're able to travel abroad.
3, 8 7 6 5, K J 6, 6 4, you need to stay low. If you judge to
slant on partnership and commit- latter with a grain of salt. standing and accepting the present
try for game, bid three clubs, asking him to pay attention to
ment issues. This is punctuated by VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) situation. A deep rapport with crea- (c) 2020 by King Features Syndi-
turning points and surprises. To- Emails and conversations will be tures and animals of wilderness ar- cate Inc. his club holding.

ZIPPY “In Farm’s Way” by Bill Griffith ADAM@HOME by Rob Harrell

ROSE IS ROSE by Pat Brady & Don Wimmer

BIZARRO by Wayno & Piraro

3 4 2 9 5 6 7 1 8
9 1 7 2 4 8 6 3 5
6 8 5 1 7 3 2 9 4
Today’s Crossword Solution

Today’s Sudoku Solution

7 5 1 3 6 9 4 8 2
4 9 8 7 2 5 3 6 1
2 3 6 4 8 1 5 7 9
1 2 9 5 3 7 8 4 6
8 7 4 6 9 2 1 5 3
5 6 3 8 1 4 9 2 7
d6 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e M o n d a y, a u g u s t 2 4 , 2 0 2 0

tV critic’s corner Ask Amy

by Matthew Gilbert

He looked to Tinder to ignite

a spark — and a relationship
Q. i’m a 25-year-old gay man. i’ve dated, but no someone for a second chance, partly because —
long-term relationship, yet. in this context — you really should not do it
recently, a tinder match and i hit it off pret- (certainly not right away). if you continue to
ty quickly. We decided to meet, in spite of what- feel this way after several months, then you
ever coronavirus fears either of us had. could get in touch to check in and see how he is
He was fantastic: handsome, kind, funny, doing (don’t ask outright for a second chance).
successful, my own age, and local. He wasn’t Based on his response, you would know quickly
afraid to talk about wanting to have a family if the dynamic had shifted.
someday, which is important to me.
i usually only go out with someone from tin- Q. i’m a 55-year-old man. after no contact
tony dejak/associated Press/file
der once or twice before one of us decides it for 13 years, three years ago i reconnected with
The Republican National Convention airs Monday through Thursday nights. won’t work, but this match and i went out five my ex-wife. We started hanging out, going out
times within a month. i thought we might have and spending time together. last month, i
something good going! moved into her house. this week, she told me
What’s coming up: from the RNC to the VMAs after the last time we went out, though, he she has no interest in sexual intimacy. i’ve been
told me he thought we were looking for differ- sleeping in a separate room. i love and care
1. it’s the republicans’ turn this week, from 3. the MTV Video Music Awards is due sun- ent things, and that while he thought i was a about her, but i still need and desire sexual inti-
Monday through thursday nights, with both vir- day at 8 p.m., although some of the plans were in nice guy, he didn’t think we were a match. macy.
tual material and a few live events taking place flux due to coVid-19 concerns. Performances now i can’t seem to shake the thought of i’m so disappointed and depressed. i’ve
in charlotte. the details of the schedule for the will take play at outdoor locations around new him. a month isn’t a very long time, but i like spent over $6,500 on her place since i moved
Republican National Convention are still un- york city with limited or no audiences, after the him better than i have liked anyone else before. back. i wonder if i’m in savior mode. i don’t
clear, as the roster continues to develop and as original plans to have a socially distanced event unwanted messages would only push him fur- want to spend the rest of my life frustrated.
President trump tries to avoid pre-recorded ad- at Brooklyn’s Barclays center were scrapped. ther away, but i want so badly to ask for another How do i get past this without hurting her
dresses in order to create a ratings blockbuster among those set to perform: lady gaga, ariana chance. and ruining my (great) relationship with our
with the help of two “apprentice” producers. grande, the Weeknd, Bts, doja cat, Black eyed What’s the etiquette around that? should i two kids (in their 20s)?
Here’s what we know: the roll call to re-nomi- Peas, and Miley cyrus, with more performers to wait a certain amount of time before reaching Worried
nate trump will be Monday, Melania trump will be announced in the coming days. keke Palmer out again? (six months? a year?) or just forget A. you have happily reconnected with your fam-
speak tuesday from the White House rose gar- is hosting, and, for the first time, the event will about it? ily, but if you are depressed and unhappy living
den, Vice President Pence will talk on Wednes- be simulcast on a broadcast network, the cW. Woefully ineXPerienced in the household, then you should move out —
day, and the president, who is expected to speak 4. on thursday, HBo Max is premiering a six- A. first, let’s add coVid to the list of things a but stay connected.
each night, will give his acceptance speech on episode British comedy series called “Pure,” person should be tested for when choosing to you and your ex seem to have previously sev-
thursday from the White House. also on the based on the memoir by rose cartwright. it fol- meet and date a new person. i won’t lecture you ered all ties for over a decade, but i hope you
docket: four of trump’s children (ivanka, don- lows 24-year-old Marnie (charly clive), who has about your choice, but, well, it’s a roll of the have learned that you two are capable of main-
ald jr., eric, and, yes, tiffany); Mark and Patricia a painful form of obsessive compulsive disorder dice. taining a loving friendship. you should do this,
Mccloskey, the st. louis couple who waved guns — nicknamed Pure o — where her obsessions your dating experience is extremely com- however, from a distance.
at Black lives Matter protesters; and nick sand- take the form of intrusive sexual thoughts. When mon, and the answer is for you to glean whatev-
mann, the kentucky teen whose stare down with it premiered in the uk last year, the guardian er lessons you can, and then move on with a de- Q. i couldn’t believe the letter from “Making
a native american protester went viral. you’ll be wrote, “it is bravely and expertly done.” termination to apply those lessons the next time change,” the poor little snowflake who didn’t
able to watch all or portions of the convention 5. this one is studded with stars. “Women in you match with someone. one thing you’ve like an “underground railroad” game she
on the networks, cable news channels, and on- Film Presents: Make It Work!” is an hour-long learned is how it feels to be really interested in played in gym class years ago.
line. variety special in support of getting women and someone. that is a plus! doesn’t she know that the underground
2. the vivid, thought-provoking, challenging women of color back in the entertainment work- it is possible that you did everything right railroad assisted escaping slaves? Will she be
HBo series “I May Destroy You” finishes its first force as it is rebuilt during the pandemic. airing and your date was being completely honest happy when she gets this teacher fired?
season on Monday at 9 p.m. it has been one of at 8 p.m. on Wednesday on the cW, it will fea- with you regarding his choice to part. it is also disgusted
the year’s best and most powerful shows so far, ture Malin akerman, lake Bell, alison Brie, con- possible that he continued to match with other A. “Making change,” a Phd candidate, was well
taking on various kinds of sexual trauma within nie Britton, logan Browning, nkechi okoro car- people while you two were seeing each other aware of the importance of the underground
the context of a group of well-drawn characters roll, rosario dawson, Beanie feldstein, jane and he simply met a new person that he pre- railroad. in retrospect, she objected to this
in london. Written by, co-directed by, and star- fonda, jennifer garner, elizabeth gillies, kath- ferred over you. dangerous, heartbreaking, and important his-
ring Michaela coel, it is, without a doubt, one of ryn Hahn, ashlyn Harris, rachael Harris, cheryl this is tough to take, but human attraction torical experience being gamified, and i com-
the most intricate and humane tV portrayals of Hines, sarah jeffery, ali krieger, javicia leslie, defies logic, which is what makes it seem so pletely agree with her.
sexual assault i’ve seen. it’s a groundbreaking Melanie liburd, rita Moreno, andrea savage, magical.
model of how to honor the complexities of the sherri shepherd, alexandra shipp, rain Valdez, your friend has made his choice and he has
subject without succumbing to lecture, exploita- Michaela Watkins, kym Whitley, and alfre Woo- been kind about conveying it to you. Amy Dickinson can be reached at
tion, or lifetime-like glibness. dard. there is no etiquette surrounding asking

Monday August 24, 2020 Movies Sports News Specials Powered by

7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 11:00pm 11:30pm
2 WGBH Greater R. Steves PBS NewsHour Convention Coverage (CC): Coverage and Amanpour (CC) HD BASIC CABLE
PBS Boston HD TV-G analysis of the Republican National Convention. Live. HD NEW A&E (6:00) Hoarders Hoarders (CC): A family lives in a single Intervention (CC) Hoarders (CC) HD
4 WBZ Wheel Jeopardy! Love Island (CC): Singles seek their Republican (CC) News (11:35) (CC) HD TV-14 bedroom. HD TV-14 NEW HD TV-14-L NEW TV-PG-L
CBS HD TV-G perfect matches. HD TV-PG NEW Live. HD NEW Colbert AMC (5:30) The Goonies ★★★ Day-Tomorrow: Where will you be? TV-PG-LV ★★ Fast & Furious TV-14-LSV
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Ed. NEW PG NEW Feud Feud HD NEW (CC) HD NEW NEW Edition on a play by Tyler Perry. HD TV-14-L hope. Fate gave her family. HD TV-PG-D TV-PG
9 WMUR ABC Chaos 25 Words Holey Moley To Tell HD TV-PG-D Rep (CC) Live. HD News J. Kimmel Bravo Below Deck (CC) Below Deck (CC) Below Deck (CC) Below Deck (CC) ★★★ Definitely
10 NBC Boston News Hollywood Ninja Warrior (CC): Jesse Labreck, Grant Convention (CC) News Tonight HD TV-14-L HD NEW HD TV-14-L NEW HD TV-14-L (2008) HD TV-14
NEW McCartney and more. HD TV-PG Live. HD NEW Show
CMT Last Man Last Man Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom ★★ Taken 2 TV-14
10 WJAR News Extra TV- Ninja Warrior (CC): Jesse Labreck, Grant Convention (CC) News Tonight CNN E. B. OutFront Live. Convention Convention: Republican National Convention. Live. Convention Live.
NBC Live. HD PG NEW McCartney and more. HD TV-PG Live. HD Live. HD Show
Comedy Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Daily Show (CC) HD
11 WENH Greater R. Steves PBS NewsHour Convention Coverage (CC): Coverage and Amanpour (CC) HD Central TV-14-L TV-14-L TV-14-L TV-14-L TV-14-L TV-14-L TV-14-L TV-14-L TV-14-L NEW
PBS Boston HD TV-G analysis of the Republican National Convention. Live. HD NEW
CSPAN Public (7:27) Public Affairs (8:20) Convention (CC): Day one of the convention. Live. HD
12 WPRI Wheel Jeopardy! Love Island (CC): Singles seek their Republican (CC) News at (11:35)
CBS HD TV-G perfect matches. HD TV-PG NEW Live. HD 11 NEW Colbert CSPAN 2 (2:00) Public Affairs Communicat Postmaster General Louis DeJoy Testifies: Louis DeJoy testifies. HD
Dest. America Holmes on Homes Holmes on Homes Holmes on Homes Holmes on Homes Holmes on Homes
25 WFXT ET NEW TMZ TV- ★★★★ Kings Spc: England's monarch Boston News (CC) News TMZ Live
FOX PG NEW strives to overcome a nervous stammer. HD NEW NEW NEW Discovery Street NEW Street-Memphis (CC) HD TV-14-LV NEW Bad Chad NEW Bad Chad TV-14-L
Discovery Life Hoard-Buried TV-PG Hoard-Buried TV-PG Hoard-Buried Hoard-Buried TV-PG Hoard-Buried TV-PG
27 WUNI Vencer el miedo HD Rosa (CC) HD TV- Médicos, línea HD Como tú no hay dos Noticias Noticiero
TV-14 NEW 14-D TV-14 NEW HD TV-14 NEW HD Uni Live. DIY Pool Kings Pool Kings Maine HD TV-G Maine HD TV-G Maine HD TV-G Maine HD TV-G
36 WSBE R. Steves Seeing Nature (CC) HD National Parks (CC) Pacific With Sam World Last/ E! Botched HD TV-14-L Botched HD TV-14-L Botched NEW 10 Things 10 Things 10 Things Nightly
PBS HD TV-G the USA TV-G HD TV-G Neill (CC) HD TV-PG News Wine Encore (7:14) ★★ Tango & Cash (1989) (CC) HD Spider's Web: A new Dragon Tattoo story. (10:58) ★★★ Taken
38 WSBK Big Bang Big Bang Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU WBZ News 10p (CC) Seinfeld Big Bang Food Diners, Drive (CC) Diners, Drive (CC) Best Thing-Ate (CC) Amy Schumer (CC) Grocery (CC) HD
44 WGBX Doo Wop to Pop Rock (CC): The greatest moments Abba Forever (CC): Swedish PBS NewsHour (CC) Fox News Story (CC) Live. HD Tucker Carlson Live. Hannity Live. HD Fox News Live. HD Ingraham Live. HD
PBS from "My Music" specials. HD TV-G supergroup ABBA. HD TV-G HD NEW Freeform (5:00) ★★★ The Blind Side Love Love Love (10:14) Love-Corona 700 Club (CC) HD
50 WWJE Cold Case Files Cold Case Files Last 24 HD TV-14 Poisonous (CC) HD (11:01) Cruise Ship FUSE Parkers Parkers Malcolm Malcolm Malcolm Malcolm Malcolm Malcolm Malcolm Malcolm
56 WLVI Goldbergs Goldbergs Whose Whose Penn & Teller (CC) News (CC) HD NEW Modern Modern FX ★★ Transformers (2014): Stand together or face extinction. HD TV-14-LV ★★ Transformers TV-14-LV
CW Line NEW Line HD TV-PG-L NEW Family Family FXM (5:30) Love, Simon (7:45) ★★★ Heat (2013) HD TV-MA-LV (10:05) ★★★ Heat (2013) HD TV-MA-LV
64 WNAC ET NEW TMZ TV- ★★★★ Kings Spc: England's monarch Eyewitness News at Big Bang Seinfeld Hallmark (6:00) From Friend Just My Type (2020) (CC) HD TV-G Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls
FOX PG NEW strives to overcome a nervous stammer. 10 HD NEW TV-14-L TV-PG Hallmark M. & M. A Feeling of Home (2019) (CC) HD TV-G Murder: The murder of a bake-off judge. Murder ... HD TV-PG
68 WBPX CSI: Miami (CC) HD CSI: Miami (CC) HD CSI: Miami (CC) HD CSI: Miami (CC) HD CSI: Miami (CC) HD HGTV Love It or List It Love It or List It Love It or List It (10:01) Love It or (11:01) Love It or
ION TV-14-LSV TV-14-LV TV-14-LV TV-14-LV TV-14-LV (CC) HD (CC) HD NEW (CC) HD NEW List It (CC) HD List It (CC) HD
PREMIUM CABLE History American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers (10:03) Pawn Stars (11:03) Pawn Stars
Cinemax (6:10) ★★ Death ★★★ Brothers (2009) (CC): There are (9:45) Human Capital (2019): Crimson (CC) HD TV-PG-L (CC) HD TV-PG-L (CC) HD NEW (CC) HD TV-PG (CC) HD TV-PG-L
Sentence (2007) R two sides to every family. HD R Every life has a price. TV-MA Peak HLN Forensic Forensic Forensic Forensic Forensic Forensic How It Really HD How It Really HD
Flix (6:15) ★★★ Cop ★★ Armored (CC): Who will be ★★ Double Impact (1991): Twin brothers ★★ 8MM HSN Fall Home NEW D. Meyer NEW Adam's TV-G NEW Adam's TV-G NEW Adam's TV-G NEW
Land (1997) HD R the last one standing? PG-13 join forces against their parents' killers. ID People Magazine People Magazine 48 Hours on ID (CC) Your Worst (CC) HD Your Worst (CC) HD
HBO (7:08) ★★★ Birds of Prey (2020) (CC): I May (9:38) The Vow (CC) (10:35) I May (CC) (11:15) (CC) HD TV-14-LV (CC) HD TV-14-V HD TV-14-LV NEW TV-14-V NEW TV-14-V
Based on the comic books. HD R NEW HD TV-MA HD TV-MA Lovecraft IFC Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men
HBO 2 (5:34) ★★ Midway (7:55) I (8:26) I ★★★ In Bruges (2008) (CC): Hit men cool (10:50) ★★★ Lifetime Rizzoli & Isles Rizzoli & Isles Rizzoli & Isles Rizzoli & Isles Rizzoli & Isles
(2019) HD PG-13 May May their heels in Belgium. HD R Cowboys PG-13 LMN (6:00) Deadly Deadly Influencer (2019) (CC) HD TV-14 InstaPsycho (2020) (CC) HD TV-14-SV
Showtime We Hunt Together Dexter: Dexter tries Chi (CC): Ronnie Twenties Desus & We Hunt Together MSNBC Republican Live. HD Republican Live. HD Republican (CC) Live. HD Republican Live. HD
(CC) HD TV-MA-LV to distance himself. finds absolution. TV-14-L Mero (CC) HD TV-MA-LV
MTV Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic.
Showtime 2 ★★★ Ex Machina (2015): A young coder ★★ Jexi (2019) (CC): She is the Circus: Desus & Kobe HD National National Parks (CC) National Parks (CC) National Parks (CC) (10:03) National (11:03) National
interacts with a beautiful robot. HD R captain now. HD R Inside Mero TV-MA-L Geographic HD TV-PG HD TV-PG HD TV-14 NEW Parks TV-PG NEW Parks HD TV-PG
Starz! (5:56) ★★★ Spider- ★★★★ Little Women (2019) (CC): Three sisters (10:17) ★★★ William (1996) NatGeoWild Wild Australia Wild Nordic TV-PG Wild Nordic TV-PG Wild Australia Wild Nordic TV-PG
Man (2002) PG-13 return home when a fourth becomes sick. HD (CC) HD PG-13
NECN necn NOW NEW Dateline HD TV-PG Dateline HD TV-PG News Talk Stoop 1st Look Rescue
TMC (6:05) ★★★ Eternity ★★★ Hook (1991) (CC): Captain Hook kidnaps the ★★★★ Finding (2004): Unlock
Ovation Along Came: Based on a book by James Patterson. ★★★ Mommie Dearest (1981) (CC) HD TV-14
(2018) HD children of the adult Peter Pan. HD your imagination. PG
OWN Dateline on OWN Dateline on OWN Deadline: Crime Deadline: Crime Dateline on OWN
ESPN SportsCenter Special: Presenting the latest news MLB Baseball: All the latest action from Major
from the world of sports. Live. HD League Baseball. Live. HD Paramount Two Men Two Men ★★★ The Replacements (2000) (CC) HD TV-PG-L ★★★ Replacemt (CC) TV-PG-L
QVC Fashion's Night In (CC): Fashion & Accessories from Leading Brands & Designers. HD TV-G
ESPN Classic (6:00) MLB Baseball MLB Baseball: From Oct. 28, 1981. HD MLB Baseball: The Mets rally to beat the
From Oct. 24, 1981. Astros and win the 1986 pennant. HD Science Secrets HD TV-PG Files (CC) HD TV-PG NEW Encounter TV-PG Evidence HD TV-14
Sundance (5:00) ★★★ Scarface: A Cuban immigrant ★★★★ The Silence of the Lambs (1991) (CC): Based Silence-
ESPN 2 ATP Tennis: Coverage and highlights of Coco Gauff: Tennis NFL Live (CC) HD SportsCenter (CC)
fights to the top of Miami's drug trade. on the novel by Thomas Harris. HD TV-14-V Lambs
the tennis action. Live. HD star Coco Gauff. HD Live. HD
Fox Sports 1 MLB Baseball (CC): All the latest action from Major League Bears: Lions HD Chiefs Chargers Syfy Ghost (7:15) ★★★ Trick 'r Treat ★★ Halloween: Evil has a destiny. HD TV-14-LSV Megalodon
Baseball. Live. HD 100 TV-PG-L NEW NEW TBS Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Conan Seinfeld
Golf PGA Champions Central Central Feherty NEW Feherty HD TV-PG Central Central TCM (5:45) Some Like ★★★ They Drive (1940) (CC) HD TV-PG ★★★★ Each Dawn I Die (1939) HD TV-PG
NBC Sports Early Edition (CC) Felger & Mazz (CC) Ninja Warrior (CC) Boston (CC) Live. Talkin' Talkin' TLC 90 Day Fiancé 90 Day NEW 90 Day: Other NEW 90 Day: Other NEW Darcey & Stacey
Boston HD HD NEW HD TV-PG HD BB Live. BB HD TNT (6:30) NBA Basketball (CC) Live. HD NBA Basketball: First Round action, Game 4. Live. In NBA
NBCSN NHL Live To Be Announced: Programming to be announced. NHL The Russian Five HD TV-G Travel Unknown HD TV-PG Unknown (CC) HD TV-PG NEW Unknown NEW Unknown NEW
NESN History of the Boston Bruins HD Bruins Behind B Hours Live. HD Hours HD TruTV Jokers Jokers Jokers Jokers Jokers Jokers Jokers Jokers Misery Misery
FAMILY TV Land Griffith Griffith (8:10) Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King
Cartoon Gumball We Bare Burgers Burgers Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Rick YOLO Family Guy Family Guy TV One Matters Matters Fatal Attraction HD Attraction (CC) HD Attraction (CC) HD Attraction (CC) HD
Disney Raven's Raven's Raven's (8:25) Big City (9:40) (10:05) Gabby Raven's (11:20) USA Chicago P.D. (CC) WWE Monday Night RAW (CC): With Michael Cole, Corey Modern Modern
Home Home Home Bunk'd Greens Bunk'd Bunk'd Duran Home Bunk'd HD TV-14-LV Graves and Renee Young. Live. HD TV-PG Family Family
Encore Family (6:25) Swift TV-G (7:55) ★★★ Dragonheart (CC) (9:39) ★★★ The Sandlot (1993) (CC) HD Nanny VH-1 Love & Hip Hop Love & Hip Hop Love-List. NEW Beautician NEW ★★★ Just Wright
Nickelodeon SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends WE Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds
Nick Jr. Blaze Blaze Bubble Blue Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Bubble Blue WGN America Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man

Content Ratings: TV-Y Appropriate for all children; TV-Y7 For children age 7 and older; TV-G General audience; TV-PG Parental guidance suggested; TV-14 May be unsuitable for children under 14;
TV-MA Mature audience only Additional symbols: D Suggestive dialogue; FV Fantasy violence; L Strong language; S Sexual activity; V Violence; HD High-Definition; (CC) Close-Captioned

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