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Notes: historical and prophetic readings (September 2, 2020)

Anthologically- no connection to other part of the bible readings

Contextual reading- what precedes, what follows.

1. Methods and Techniques

a. World behind the text – many people help to create the Bible
b. Historical-critical – authored centered, trying to see the historical events.
i. Textual criticism- base on the premise text that becomes the basis of the other
copies. The history of the text. The aim is to reconstruct the text to become
nearer to the original.
ii. Source criticism- source of the books (YHWH) =”ADONAI’ =JHVH – J= jawest
(reed) E- elohist D-deuteronomist (conditional..if then.) P- priestly= Toledot=
generations. If u know the source you can interpret.
iii. Form criticism- sit im leben =social setting
iv. Redaction criticism = what is the difference? Why is there a difference?

c. World of the text- like watching a movie viewing

i. Narrative analysis
1. 2 plots- plot of resolution and plot of revelation. From conflict to
(revealed) resolution.
ii. Rhetoric analysis- rhetoric -the art of persuasion; persuading someone.
iii. Semiotics – signs , some call it structuralism ;the bible has always the structure.

Notes: Bioethics (September 2, 2020)

Ethical stance- a stance from the facts that involves reasoning.

Notes: Ecclesiology (September 3, 2020)

- Just sharing thoughts about the church

Notes: Christology (September 4, 2020)

1. Going deeper into our context

a. Many changes had happened because of globalization; because we are connected
b. Fundamentalism – very fix in his/her conviction whether in modernity or from medieval
c. Pluralism- a lot of views from others, free for all, you can hold whatever u want.

Summary: 1. For institutional religions: jesus- “the son of God, the God-man the personal Lord and

2. For most of us Jesus of God

3. Concept of divinity: closely associated with the miracles .

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