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Difficulties and obstacles can crop up in one’s life any given moment.

But as they

say Obstacles do not block the path, they are the path it’s just a way of learning. We face

something, we fall, we pick ourselves and we move on. Many a times I have found myself in

situations when it was too hard to get a hold on myself and make the correct choice but as I look

back now I know that at that time, as I was, I couldn’t have done any better.

A young girl of sixteen, I hoped and aspired to become someone who could

influence and motivate others. Little did I know, the real world wasn’t as easy as the one I

dreamt about. It’s still there, a distant, vague memory tied up in the struggle of past and present,

like a ghost, unseen but with an impact. True, I struggled then and I’m struggling now and true,

this might not have been the greatest adversity I might have to face in life and true, for some

people, this might not be even a mole for I don’t know what’s out there in the universe of

possibilities, for all I know, they might have faced far worse than what I did. But for me it was. I

guess the quote Put Yourself in Their Shoes came out all wrong. After all, everyone has a

different fit, a different preference.

Though my mom is my best friend and my family is the group I’ve been closest

to, some things are better left out unsaid. No, not that I was strong enough to deal with it on my

own but weak, so weak, I started ignoring the problem, maybe denying it. I locked myself in,

away from people, away from anything that needed my attention. For anyone who cared enough

to try and find my whereabouts, I always had some kind of a believable excuse. But soon it

became clear that I was running away from the inevitable, after all, it was now a part of me and

running from oneself isn’t a solution.

That’s when I realized I was my own obstacle. I was stopping myself from

moving forward because the time had stopped only for me. No one had stopped just because I
was down. Unfortunately, time is relative. After all, it’s just another physical dimension and

regrettably, the worst of our enemies. I have no idea how much of my time I spent staring off

into the distance, holding it all in because opening up to people has never been my strongest

feature. But soon I knew that something had to be done about all this or I would drown in the sea

of sorrow I had created (Tacky, I know!).

And then I started talking to my friends. It still was difficult to share my story

with my family but it was easier to do so with someone my own age who made me realize that

maybe all this wasn’t even worth the slightest of my time. I am utterly grateful to have such a

person in my life.

Well, after that, I started going out, meeting new people, kind of started getting

back into the circle. What do they call it? Yeah, I started breathing a little more air, I started

living my life a little more. Funny phrase that. Well, let’s just say I did everything I could to

divert my mind and let it heal whether it be binge watching a series or eating a month’s food in a

single day. Like I said, anything.

The only thing that helped me deal with all this was knowing that whatever

happened couldn’t be unwritten from my past but a new chapter can be written to rewrite it. The

same story continues always but if we want to, a new chapter unfolds. True, I didn’t discuss the

particulars of whatever that was. Maybe I’m still healing because even though it’s so far off, it’s

still so near to me but I know I’ve grown through all this, I know I’ve grown stronger for

Strength Doesn’t Come from What You Can Do, It Comes from Overcoming the Things You

Once Thought You Couldn’t and now I am contented because I put up a fight and I have a feeling

I’m going to win this one.

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