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The important of strategic decision in sustaining business.

Decision making is one of the basic management activities. The effective strategic
decision can increase performance, success and survival of small corporations. The important
of strategic decision in sustaining business is strategy is at many times at tangent with
marketing decisions. Marketing is focused on retaining the existing customer base with the
existing technologies. So that the firm must stay in a place of continuous development.

Secondly, the important of strategic decision in sustaining business is there is

immense risk involved while taking strategic decisions. Company need to think about time
and energy but not to say natural resources wasted to implement a plan which failed after 4-5
years. Finally, the important of strategic decision in sustaining business is strategies decisions
involve a lot of Ifs and Buts. The decision making must consider all the alternatives whether
positive or negative. The plan must include the action that the company will take if any
business problems or factors come in.

Conclusion, the strategic decision in sustaining business is important for any


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