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The article called “Internal criticism of religion” was published in “Encyclopaedia

Britannica”. The author raises the problem of internal criticism and gives examples
of its kinds.
First of all, the author claims that internal criticisms of religion have their basis in
the imbalance that occurs when one aspect or one understanding of religion
dominates the rest. Such heresies appears when one way of understanding has been
developed without balancing it with another.
Second of all, the author states that another criticism of religion has been that it has
tended to be overintellectual. The combination of this trait, moral laxity and
factional rivalries has led to protests connected with the arrogance of the
intellectualized religion.
Third of all, it is said that the basic difficulty of all religions is to effect a constant
rebirth of symbols in changing cultures as beliefs usually explicate metaphors,
images, and symbols.
In conclusion, the author wants us to pay attention to the greatest religious struggle
in the world – the war against terrorism. He emphasizes that at its core it is a war
between forces of religious tolerance and intolerance. Such wars have already been
in the world’s history. He also says that the history does not repeat itself exactly,
but there are patterns to human behavior.
In my point of view, the problem raised by the author of this article is vitally
important. People tend to keep silence instead of discussing such topics. It happens
so because religion is a controversial topic but it definitely requires our attention.
Kalenskaya, group 307.

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