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Theories of a conspiracy: who created the coronavirus?

Is the coronavirus a Machiavellian creation and the axis of a strategy to subdue the world?

Is there a political superpower behind one of the greatest social upheavals in history?

How was it created? Who are they?

One of the best known conspiracy theorists is Canadian Michael Chosudovsky

On the website of the Global Research institute. He says that The coronavirus pandemic is not the
cause of this developing economic and social crisis. The coronavirus is the pretext for the
implementation of a carefully designed operation (supported by misinformation in the media) to
destabilize national economies, impoverish large sectors of the world's population and undermine
the lives of millions people. It is an act of war.

Michel Chosudovsky says that Covid-19 is a major public health concern, but the lockdown and
ongoing fear campaign are not effective means of fighting the virus. The governments should be
provide medical assistance and health services to people affected.

Another theorist of the Coronavirus conspiracy is Lithuanian Daniel Estulín. The analyst has
declared, on the Kontrainfo FF website, that COVID is undoubtedly a biological weapon, but it is
not explained by a competition between countries, but by the systemic crisis of the world
economy: a planetary collapse of the markets is coming. What happened on September 11 served
to postpone bankruptcy. Coronavirus will be the excuse to reduce the consequences of an
imminent planetary economic collapse.

What are the objectives of the alleged Covid-19 conspiracy on the planet? In these days, an
agenda of the new world order with six goals is emerging: global control of information,
digitization of the planet, police control of society, mandatory management of personal health,
micrometrization of the computer empire and the beginning of smart city-states.

For each objective of this agenda, Covid-19 constitutes the justification.

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