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Get rid of glasses with this wonder treatment

60% of the population has vision problems: children, adults and the elderly. Although surgery
can solve these eye conditions, Russian doctor Vladimir Filatov has innovated a natural remedy
to improve the quality of vision, and also to prevent its degradation.


-100 g of Aloe Vera

-300 g of natural honey

-500 g of chopped walnuts

-1 glass of lemon juice

Method of preparation:

For this recipe, aloe vera leaves (two to three years old to get the desired result) should be
prepared about ten days in advance. Therefore, they are washed and left to dry for that number of
days. After this period, the leaves are chopped and the juice is separated. Strained well and then
mixed with the rest of the ingredients.

Administration method:

For a strong effect, the remedy is consumed 30 minutes before eating a daily teaspoon.

The remedy is beneficial both for eye diseases and for:

- respiratory, endocrine, cardiovascular, skin, kidney, digestive system disorders;

- tuberculosis;

- inflammation;

- hormonal imbalance

Sweet wormwood in combination with iron destroys 98% of cancer cells

In traditional medicine, sweet wormwood is used to treat fever.

Before consuming sweet wormwood, go to the family doctor to see if it is recommended to

consume it in your case.

Other plants that destroy cancer cells are: sage and sagebrush. These two plants are consumed in
the form of tea.
1. Sage tea (Salvia officinalis)

Represents one of the most indicated choices in completing the treatment of these tumors;

for good health, regular consumption of this tea is recommended;

preparation: a teaspoon of sage mixed with 500 ml of boiled or purified water.

2. Geranium robertianum tea

It is consumed to facilitate the treatment of all types of cancer, especially after those patients
have been treated with radiation;

Preparation: put a cup of water to a boil, when it starts to boil, turn off the heat and add a
teaspoon of parsnips. Wait ten minutes and then strain. Drink a cup of cold tea every day.

10 plants that cleanse the liver

1. Blueberries (both fruit and leaf extract) are collected during the summer, being rich in
vitamins A, B, C, anthocyanins (they have a tonic effect on blood vessels), having a strong
influence on the liver and in the treatment of stress. . They also have a role in healing varicose
veins, hemorrhoids, antioxidant role, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, strengthen capillaries and
even fight urinary tract infections. But beware: their consumption should only be done for short
periods, because they have a high tannin content or can even cause damage to the liver.

2. Grapefruit contains naringenin, an antioxidant that helps break down lipids, but also
glutathione that annihilates free radicals and triggers the elimination of heavy metals.

Mint is not only used for fresh breath, this plant has the role of stimulating the circulation of bile,
it helps to break down fat. It also reduces "bad" cholesterol in the body, which facilitates the liver
in filtering toxins. It also has the role of inhibiting blockages in the kidneys and gallbladder, even
helping to calm the stomach for better digestion.

3. The root of Astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus) began to be used in China hundreds of

years ago, with the role of improving the release of toxins from the liver and gallbladder. It has a
sweet taste, being used especially by active young people. This plant stimulates the immune
system, improves circulation, improves night sweats, reduces fluid retention.

4. Chicory roots - also known as the vibrating blue flower. Roman, Arab, and Persian physicians
used the leaves and roots of this plant to treat many liver diseases, including jaundice, liver and
gallbladder stones, bladder, headaches, constipation, indigestion, and even depression.

5. Dandelion roots - these weeds that come from the country side are like a liver cleanser. They
stimulate the circulation of bile in the liver and fight against cirrhosis, a fatty liver and even acne.
6. Common celandine- both the Greeks and the Romans considered this plant to be the most
powerful in cleansing the liver. They used hollyhock for all liver problems. This plant stimulates
the production of enzymes in the pancreas, stimulates the production of bile, helps the liver to
eliminate foreign particles; helps the lazy liver and serves to relieve spasms of the gallbladder.

8. Beetroot is rich in flavonoids and β-carotene having a role in stimulating and improving liver
function, but also in cleansing the blood naturally.

9. Organic turmeric - also called yellow root, is a very strong protector of the liver, even in the
regeneration of its cells. It helps stimulate the enzymes responsible for removing toxins
(including carcinogens) from the body, even in the fight against these cancer cells.

10. Garlic contains allicin and selenium, which play a role in protecting the liver from toxins in
the body. It also has a role in reducing cholesterol, the level of triglycerides that can overload
this organ, preventing its optimal functioning.

5 anticancer drinks that we need to drink daily

Cancer is a disease that can affect anyone, regardless of age. The causes of tumors are numerous,
ranging from genes to lifestyle, which is why we will present a few drinks that will help prevent
this disease or even cure it.

1. Pineapple and ginger smoothie

Pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain, which helps prevent cancer. Thus, this enzyme
is especially special because it reduces the negative effects of chemotherapy and radiation
therapy. Bromelain destroys cancer cells, leaving them intact. Ginger also has properties that
help prevent the onset of tumors. Mix the pineapple, ginger and milk with a blender. The result is
not only delicious, but also helps prevent tumors.

2. Orange and raspberry juice

This juice is perfect to fight this disease. These fruits contain many antioxidants that will help in
the destruction of cancer cells. It is recommended to consume it on an empty stomach. Use the
blender again to mix the oranges and raspberries. The quantities will be chosen by you,
depending on your preferences, if you want it sweeter, you will add more raspberries, but if you
want it sweeter, you will have to opt for more oranges. Consume immediately to prevent

3, 3. Apple and carrot smoothie

Carrots have stimulating properties against diseases of your body, so it is a good fighter against
diseases such as cancer. Carrots contain a component called falcarinol, which has a great effect
against this disease. As for apples, they have many vitamins and antioxidants that are very good
in preventing the onset of the disease. Mix the apples and carrots with a blender and add a little
water to make it more liquid. It is preferable to consume it immediately, also in order not to

4. Banana and mango smoothie

Bananas have minerals that are extremely difficult to find in other fruits. Both have a multitude
of antioxidants, minerals and vitamins. Mix them with a blender. You can also add some honey
to make the smoothie sweeter.

5. Blackberry smoothie

It has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-neurodegenerative, anticancer properties, especially in

the case of the colon.

Dental abscess

Left untreated, in addition to the discomfort and pain it causes, dental abscess can lead to tooth
loss. A dental abscess is an infection of the gums that starts right next to the root of the tooth. It
is full of pus and usually very painful.Dental abscess is most often a complication of gingivitis or
periodontitis. In extreme cases, the latter condition can affect the bone and cause the loss of the
tooth in question. Therefore, it is very important to see a dentist if you suspect that you have a
dental abscess. Only he is able to prescribe you a proper drug treatment.

The 10 natural remedies for dental abscess that we are going to present to you represent therapies
complementary to the treatment prescribed by the doctor. In fact, it is best to talk to your dentist
before using them.1

1. Black tea

This remedy will help treat the infection and drain the pus collected inside the abscess.


-1 sachet of black tea

-1 cup water (250 ml)

Method of preparation and administration:

-Boil water in a kettle.

- Add the black tea bag.

- Let it infuse until the tea cools slightly.

Then remove the tea bag and place it on the abscess. Hold it like this for 10 minutes. Repeat this
process three times a day.

2. Salt and baking soda


-1 tablespoon unprocessed salt (15 g)

-1 tablespoon baking soda (9g)

Method of preparation and administration:

Mix the salt with the baking soda in a bowl.

Apply the mixture obtained on the affected area using a cotton pad.

You can also add a little water to this mixture to form a paste.

Let the remedy work overnight, then brush your teeth as usual.

3. Tea tree oil


1 cup water (200 ml)

1 tablespoon tea tree oil (15 ml)

Method of preparation and administration

Put the teaspoon of tea tree oil in the cup of water and apply the mixture obtained on the affected
area with a sterile cotton pad.

With the rest of the mixture you can gargle.

To quickly treat dental abscess, repeat this procedure three times a day.

Alopecia(loss of hair in females)

Female pattern baldness (alopecia) is a form of hair loss affecting women due to an inherited
susceptibility. It is most commonly noticed after menopause, although it may begin earlier.
Female pattern baldness is due to a combination of a family history of balding (in men or women
from either parent's side of the family), aging, and hormones. Female pattern baldness is not due
to a vitamin deficiency, poor circulation, dandruff, or wearing hats. There is progressive
shrinking of the hair follicles until they produce only a fine, wispy hair or cease functioning.2

5. Cloves

This remedy will help relieve pain and reduce redness.


1 teaspoon clove powder (5 g)

1 teaspoon water (5 ml)

Method of preparation

In a small bowl, mix the clove powder and water to form a paste.

Apply the paste obtained on the abscess and leave it to act for 15 minutes.

Repeat this process three times a day.


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