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An inclinometer is an instrument for measuring slope angles of elevation or depression of an object with

respect to gravity inclinometers measure both up and down gradients using three different measurement units:
degrees, percent and mole.
In General , an inclinometer is a measuring instrument to measure That Serves the inclination of a plane With
the horizontally or vertically to the surface . But geotechnical , or inclinometer inclinometer probe is an
instrumentation system horizontally That Allows us to measure displacements on slopes and uneven terrain
It is Important to Properly locate the point or points of measurement chosen. If we want to determine how it
Affects the internal movement of a slope to a building, the inclinometer or inclinometers Should be Placed off
the field Influenced by the foundation of the building .
The survey points Should be sufficient to cover , on the surface , the Entire area to be Monitored . Regarding
the depth Should be more than enough to reach the layer Where there is no doubt That the ground is stable .
Regarding the depth Should be more than enough to reach the layer Where there is no doubt That the ground
is stabl
If you follow one advice Regarding the depth esta would "never fall short" It's not the Most Expensive de este
technique and if we do not reach the stable area Could do nothing to fix it afterwards . Drilling Should be as
upright as possible , but Should not Worry About the measurement possible deviations Because we will do
incremental That is , That is , it is not related to the theoretical vertically but With the initial measurement or
Now we would Have to put the so- called inclinometer pipe . Generally metal, is Being Gradually Replaced
by plastic material. The pipe section has four separate notches 90 or each other . These guides are called
Through Which the measuring element moves as Discussed later . Each pair of guides Opposed mark a
measuring axis perpendicular to the other
THUS We Have the axes A and B. Typically target is Substantially One of These axes to the theoretical
direction of movement , it is , Although Not entirely Necessary .

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