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Yesterday I woke up at 10:30,I stayed a bit on my phone and than I made my bed.

I went in the
kitchen and made myself some bacon and eggs,I ate while watching a movie on my phone and than I
played some video games with my brother, after that I helped my mom cook lunch, we made some
pasta and some meat, then I did some of my homework, specifically science, I sent my homework to
my teacher and then I stayed a bit on my phone, watched some videos on Instagram and a couple
episodes of a tv series that I’m watching.Than I went in the kitchen and made myself and my sister a
sandwich, we ate together and talked a bit, than I played with my brother for a while.After that me
and my sister helped my mom make dinner, we had lamb and roasted potatoes.Than I went to bed,
stayed on my phone and watched a movie,I fell asleep right after the movie ended, but then in the
middle of the night I had a “Midnight craving” and without anybody hearing me I went in the kitchen
and ate some white chocolate, and then I went back to sleep.

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