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Me and my sister will be leaving Florence the 12 of April and will land the same day

in London once we are there we will take the train to Stratford-Upon Avon. We will be
staying in the Buckland Manor hotel and pay 330€ a night.
The first day we will be visiting William Shakespeare‘s childhood home situated in
Henley Street we will also be visiting his wife’s childhood home (Anne Hathaway‘s
childhood home) in the village of Shottery. The second day we will be visiting the
royal William Shakespeare theater to see the exhibition “Uncover the secrets”, it’s an
exhibition created by artist Luke Jerram,it consists in exploring the theatre to find
little boxes and lift the lids to reveal the stories and inspirations behind each one; we
will come back in August to see a play called “Blindness and seeing” ,this play talks
about a city whose people are overcome by an epidemic blindness, the only woman
not affected becomes a guide for a small group of strangers.The third day we will
visit the Holy Trinity Church to see it’s beautiful architecture and to see William
Shakespeare’s funerary monument ,located inside the church where he was
baptized and where he was buried.The day after we will take the train to London and
take the plane to come back home.

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