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London under lockdown

London as we know it,is one of the busiest cities in the world , wherever
you turned it was full of poeple and the streets were flooded with cars.
London’s population is around 9.30 million and now all of those people are
forced to stay home due to the recent shock that the world is now
facing.Covid-19 has left the entire world speechless, people are dying and
nobody can find a solution,for now a massive ammount of countries are on
lockdown and people havo to stay home.London is one of the cities that
didn’t expect this virus to bring so many deaths so they didn’t go under
lockdown right away like some european countries.
Now if you look at the city that was once one of the busiest cities in the
world it looks like a whole different place in the streets there’s only tour
buses,there’s a very small amount of people,stores are closed and
monuments aren’t surrounded by crowds anymore.
It’s crazy to see how much this famous city has changed,it’s way more
quiet,less busy,less crowded but also way cleaner and unpolluted.
The lockdown has many citezens upset that they can’t go out,but overall it
has made everyone aware of the gravity of the situation and the approach
we need to take to get through this situation.

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