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Earth dynamics and climate changes

La dynamique terrestre et les modifications climatiques

The evolution of the earth's climate over geological time is now relatively well known the
wedges and the feedback mechanisms involved in climate change are still not clearly
defined, the geological time scales as factors play an important role as the tectonic
plates and the chemical composition of the atmosphere, the climate effects are
examined through indicators of paleo climate and the results of climate models are
primarily focused on the effect of continental resulting in cold weather events and hot
These discuss the consequences of the distribution of land to the peculiar (merger
spread of continental blocks) sea and the tectonic plates causes lie in giving a change in
sea level and so is the elevation of the mountains, lifting Mountain has been a major
factor states that when the weather is altered due to large scale space experiments
regarding climate sensitivity to the elevation of the Appalachians during the late period
are discussed to affect all the land, chemical composition of the atmosphere is a factor
to force the carbon dioxide more efficiently driven by the carbon cycle long-term global
climate influenced by this more or less accurately simulates the long-term evolution of
pCO2 roughly corresponds to the oscillations climate as the greenhouse climate
however Pco2 remains significant because of the different parameters involved in the
carbon cycle in the long term.

The degassing rate, chemical weathering of silicate burial of organic matter, are not well
constrained throughout the past, the chemical composition of the atmosphere is altered
by emissions of modern volcanic eruptions leading to weak global confrontation.

L'activité volcanique rejette notamment du CO2 (actuellement en quantité moindre que

les activités humaines) et de l'acide sulfurique sous forme de gouttelettes. Les rejets de
cendres peuvent atteindre des millions de tonnes jusqu'à plusieurs kilomètres d'altitude.


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