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Fish Philosophy.

In my opinion, Fish Philosophy is an extraordinary tool for delivering quality customer service

and informing employees that they should not take their jobs too seriously. I support the Fish

Philosophy in that work should be a place of amusement and fun. Happy employees work

efficiently and are more productive.

The benefits of using Fish Philosophy in place of work include helping workers to choose a

positive attitude. When both employees and leaders take full responsibility of the attitudes they

have, the whole team uses more time working towards achieving the business’s common goal.

Fish Philosophy also helps in building a healthy business culture. Teamwork and trust improve

when employees commit themselves to be there for each other. Simple signs of recognition and

thank you make people feel valued. A playful state of mind in the working place, helps

employees to have more energy and enthusiasm. Nowadays, the most successful teams around

the globe are applying the Fish Philosophy and making it work. Some of the teams include

Sprint, the United States Army, Wells Fargo and even motor vehicle production companies like

Ford and health facilities such as Mayo Clinic.

I can suggest the philosophy to be applied in the telecommunication industry. This is because at

times call centers are tough with angry and upset customers calling with service queries and

issues. The upset customers annihilate the call center agents and as a result, the company can

suffer negatively, for instance, losing employees, customers and even revenue. The philosophy

can be applied through decorating their office using a fish cartoon, tapping employee lessons on

construction paper and even allowing the telco industry employees to observe special days. This

will make the employees happy always and the industry will have excellent results.       

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