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A. Comment on the Social Amelioration Program (SAP) of the Philippine government based
on Morality.

Based on my morality, the program itself (SAP) is a blessing to the people, as it gives them
money to sustain their needs. But, the distribution was a disaster, the SAP recipients were not
chosen properly, some were given because they know someone from the “inside” and also
some people who were poor shouldn’t have been worthy of SAP ,due to the fact that they
themselves are not good Filipino citizens, they do not pay taxes, they didn’t’ have jobs
before, some people would call them “tambay”, yet they were given money but the
responsible Filipino citizens were not given because they had a “job” that can sustain their
needs but in reality they needed money as much as anyone.
In what way that you were able to relate your particular course to the pandemic as to its
relevance in this kind of crisis?

Preparedness, Civil Engineers needs to be prepared for anything that will happen,
especially for building buildings, we should be prepared when an equipment fails, what
would be the alternates to that equipment and how would you return the workflow back
to normal caused by the failure of an equipment. Just like right now, we are taking baby
steps on how we would go back to the old normal , because the “new normal” that they
are imposing is not feasible for most of the people, right now we are in a workflow that
we are not used to and should not be used to as it imposes danger to the world because of
the massive changes that we cannot be used to because you just can’t change something
that has been going around for centuries.

B. How do you assess your personal faith in the midst of the COVID-19, and how important
is your faith in today’s “new normal” situation.
Faith, right now He is the one that we are looking up and looking for answers, these
pandemic tests our faith to Him, my faith to Him. As a Christian, I admit that, I, only
come to Him when i’m in need but not all of the time. This pandemic helped me establish
a long-lasting relation to Him as it made me realize how He can help me and other
people. He made me realize some of the truth that I have been looking for a long time
now, but He made me realize the truth’s that I was looking for in this pandemic.

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