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Before we can question our perspective about any scriptures, we need to understand the structure of
this universe which will be a pointer to where message of God is coming from, and where and what it
tries to point us, the lack of that understanding is why we have chosen a different pieces of what we
understood of God and thus making a division which gave rise to different religion around the globe.
Quran itself has been unexplained and many people have come up with different conjecture to fill
meaning in places that is a little beyond our understanding. Everything as we know it has a source,
although we all could readily accept the source of every other sources is God, but then, we need to
understand God in His physical presence albeit invisible, that is why the Quran has been revealed, if we
indeed accept these scriptures to be the word of God, then we must first understand how it all describe
God. Everything has a source and all these are described in the scriptures, as human; we use the physical
presence of this tiny world to interprete and shape meaning, that meaning is not completed until we
understand the origin of all human language, we found some relationship in human languages, as it is
difficult to fashion out that point of relationship, that is how much difficult it will be to interpret the
word of God if we dont understand different point of this unverse. The scriptures explains the structure
of the universe and all creations point to the same direction yet we all take different meaning due to our
human perspective.

Human as the vicegerent of God posseses a quality which places them above all other creations, and
that quality is mentioned in the scriptures as the ability of Adams to name all elements, the
understanding of that quality and it sources is the beginning of understanding the word of God,
understanding where all human sounds come from, the originality and meaning of each sounds and how
different nation combine them, how does these sounds relates to the unseen world, the same source
explains time, day, and numbers.

We human command all element and all other creations in the world with sounds and it representations.
All the scriptures there is; follows a kind of invocation in words which seems alot different from our
everyday language, and getting meaning or interpretation of those words are highly difficult, they are
better left the way they are. The Technologist wonders and develop different kind of things through all
the elements by combination of some terms, yet it meaning is obscured. There are many verses in quran
that even the Arabs couldnt find the origin or source of such words. This brings us to the question of
what is Mother tongue, as you may presume the meaning, that it is the tongue that gave birth to all the
language in the world; then what really is that tongue. How do early human named everything ? One
would say God gave Adam the gift of language, why then do we have many languages and who were
really Adam (Adam is a topic for another chapter). The understanding of this mother tongue is key to
understanding all these questions, this is not to put one religion above others nor to support one
language as being superior. There is a chapter on the religion of the Prophets, you can read to clearify
your impression about religion. This is a message in which I have been sent0 through0 revelation.

According to Jesus ; "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was
God." The word wherein Jesus tried to describe as God, it is the Mother tongue. Now lets learn few
arabic letter representation, so we can understand why God is the word. It is a universal representation,
so dont consider it arabs sounds, I discuss on a different chapter How english letters were also
generated. And some nations dont have letters atall, they were given other gift, they copied what has
been developed by these gifted nations to represent their own sounds too. These letter were the0 gift to
Abraham most especially, then some first men that lead other nations, we will get insight into these in
other chapters that treated your related point of inquisitive.

Do you know why Abraham was refered as the father of all Nation ? I bet you are thinking about the ram.
Abraham was refered as the father of all nations because he was given the gift of letter representation in
the arabic ways, the gift he was given is what I represented below as Al-furqun, that is the source of all
sounds, letters and numbers, Abraham earned the father of all Nations because his representation of
these letter were more accurate, and he could only achieve that through the understanding of whom his
God really was. That is why Quran was delivered in that tongue, all type of invocations are in the form of
arabic, albeit differs, that is why Abraham earned his Title and he didnt just get there, you will
understand How as we move on. The arabic alphabets carries with it; just as the case with the numbers,
a more accurate representation of Mother tongue, that is why it is neccessary to represent the images in
arabic forms before we can understand the fact behind my explanations. I am going to discuss the
sources of every human sounds, from that source, we can get a little understanding into it meaning and
How Adam use them, then How these tongues were used to make scriptures aswell as Invocation to
celestial bodies.

Each sounds is generated from different aspect of the Universe, the illustration describes each positions
in which each and everyone of the sounds is generated or say where it tries to reference when we
produce that sound, and all these different places are treasure of God, that treasure is what we called
Mother tongue that gave birth to every other languages in the world. If you dont understand the
diagram before you condemn it, then you wouldnt know what you are missing. Below are list of the
sounds as used by human. And their meaning are derived according to which point of the Universe
existence each sound references. The shape Mim-Ha-Mim-Da (Muhammed) is the existence of God, that
is why it is said in the scriptures that, God made man in his own image, that implies, Head (Mim), Body
(Ha), Lower body (Mim) and Leg (Da), In which case, another sound is produced therefrom when we
reference the front,the back and that position itself, that is why Mim has other two sounds, making
three, aswell and Ha and Da. This temporary diagram is to give us little insight to where each sounds and
letter represents. If you UNDERSTAND this diagram called AL-FURQUN, it will set us on a journey that will
give us knowlege into our very existence in this world, where we came from, where we are going, who
are we worshiping, whats the essence of worship and the big question, the origin of all human language.
Different scriptures have tried to point us in these directions, but we usually end up not getting the real
message behind it, perhaps that is why God has shown me this revelation that I may intimate the world,
and add the last letter missing in the puzzle.

This is the gift that was given to all the prophets, If you became a messenger, it is like a title, we are all
equal in the sight of God, but they earned that title by faith and some series of other attributes which
are discussed under the chapter Rainbow. If you are in this world, then you are part of the soul
preserved in the star, that is the message in Surat Nur, so we are all equal and cannot be compared to
God because we are product of Nutfa, i.e a tiny spider line of soul connected to this body from each star
to be tested in this part of the world, and Allah made it like that so that Shaitan will have little influence
over us, we shall return to Him as we were created in the first time, this world is strange to our real
existence, because we are all being tested. Without much ado, I present to you the sounds, It is
important, really really important to know where each sounds come from, that will set you well on this
journey, I will give the list of the relative meaning of each sound as used in the various scriptures, the
meaning is the SAME for all scriptures sounds of invocations, it only differs in our everyday language and
we can but blame our different perspective.

Numbers are also generated through this diagram called Al-furqun, you can check that on the chapter
where we discussed number. Again, you need to understand where each sound referenced, before you
can find it meaning.

Undestanding this very diagram is key into understanding the very origin of all human language,
invocations and interpretation of scriptures. It will help to understand all the language in the world with
the combination and understanding of the meaning of each sounds from the diagram above.

If you wish to derive a meaning, one takes the sounds and referenced it to the point where it was
derived. Take instance, Man; The loud sounds there is Mim and Nu, If you reference that to the diagram,
it points to the treasure of 9, and somewhere above God presence as Nu.Presence of God is filled with
mercy, so man could mean something created of Mim treasure with mercy. And woman on the other
hand, the WU means this planet, so woman could mean something created with mercy for the purpose
of this planet. This is much easier after we consider the four aspect of sound usage, When it is primary,
when is it secondary, when it is general and when it is just supportive. Say we consider YA, Ya with
denotation that implies Ya will mean you, Ya with denotation that implies Yu will mean all of you, while Yi
will mean me, then the last is when it is used to support a statement. Consider When you Yi-Yang in
chinese language, it You and Me, then the sound G, means this Universe. The case is usually different for
invocations, since we are not trying to study a particular language per say, but the foundation of all
language which is reffered as Mother tongue for the purpose of understanding scriptures.

Let consider in the book of Moses that calls angel Uriel. One could Interpret it to Mother tongue
immediately by considering the sounds, YU-RU-EL, YU is like earth of God, YU is this context is used for
general, RU- God throne, EL- describes power. From the diagram of Al-furqun, we can figure where this
angel serves and why the name was so.

Then another Raphael, RA as the throne, but in this case singular, FA- in mother tongue means thing
related to plan,thought,intention. Then EL- describes power. So we know how these names of angels are
derived and different position in which they serve. That is how we named all the angels, by referencing
the point of God's treasure where they serve.

Mark 16:17 "And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons;
they will speak in new tongues;"

1 Corinthians 14:2 For anyone who speaks in a tongue does not speak to people but to God. Indeed, no
one understands them; they utter mysteries by the Spirit.

In the quran, Ya-sin. These are much easier to understand, because the quran is the purpose of this
revelation. Ya-sin means the "Path to God Presence" or "My Presence is the Path", which you like to put

Except one understands the mother tongue before he can gain understanding of the scriptures. This Al-
furqun is the foundation of all books. I will present some of the relative meaning of all these places, so
when we reference them, we can easily get a meaning, however, perspectives will differs, as our
understanding grows, we find a way to use these more meaninfully. There is just one God, and I shall
continue to prove the existence of His singularity through many other things as we move on to other
chapters. However, God purposefully made us in a diverse ways, diverse colors, diverse tongue and that
we may worship Him in diverse ways. The purpose of this revelation is to correct our impression about
God, know where to face and know how to worship, although we can say some religion does the
worshipping more properly than the others, knowing the position of the throne of the creator will set us
well on a proper religion doctrines.

I have developed this list in the order they were listed above for easy referencing, note that, some
sounds are almost pronounce alike, but they referenced different positions, that is why they almost have
an attribute of second sounds to denote the particular place they referenced. Let me use a more general
language for our understanding, when you consider letter A and Letter H, they referenced different
positions, but almost pronounced alike. It is when they are placed in the context we will be able to
differenciate which is which. Like in Arabic usage, Ha-in and Ha, they produced the same sound, but you
reference Ha when you are talking about God or human in a action, while Ha-in is used where we talk
about Universe and related things.

Alif - This is used to describe all that under God control.

Ba - Used to describe God as the beginning.

Ya - Used to describe God premisis/enviroment.

Gb - Used to describe Extention of God enviroment.

Nu - Used to describe God blessing.

Ta - Used to describe what God send.

Sa - Used to describe something in larger size sent by God.

Sin - Used to describe the path of God.

Shin - Used to describe something opposite God.

Ka - Used to describe angels under the service of God.

La - Used to describe God power.

Laa - Used to describe God power in a bigger way.

Mim - Used to describe God himself.

Fa - Used to describe what God reserve of His intentions.

Qa - Used to describe what God expresses.

Ha - Used to describe what God receive.

Kha - Used to describe what God gave.

Ji - Used to describe God reservation of changing/hidden.

Da - Used to describe the worship of God.

Za - Used to describe God gift of being Worshipped.

Pa - Used to describe God reserve of enjoyment.

Ra - Used to describe the treasure of God throne.

Za - Used to describe the treasure opposite God throne.

Ha-in- Used to describe this part of Universe that turn to God.

Ga-in - Used to describe this part of Universe that turned against God.

To-hu - This is used to describe what God has done in this Universe above in a positive way.

Za-hu - Used to describe what God has done in this universe above but in negative way.

Sa-hu - Used to describe what God has done in this universe below in a positive way.

Do-hu - Used to describe what God has done in this universe below but in negative way.

Hau - Used to describe the real center of God treasure, wideness and greatness.

Hu - Used to describe the Last of God treasure.

Wa - Used to describe the planets and How God created this planets.

If you put all these sounds together, it all equal 32. Which represent the number of our tooths from the
age we can begin to invoke God or perform any act of worship consciously. If you then consider the
number of bones between the palm to shoulder, each equal 32, and the leg from the feet to the tusk
equal 32 in number, that is why we prostrate during worship because when we put all these 32 figures in
the body together, we are connected to everything, and the creator is much nearer to us that way.
Which explains when we yawn, because of the power of the tongue which the mouth carries, we get
connected as we see others too yawning. These are topics discussed in other chapters. Our tongue is a
powerful tool which we will never be able to cultivate until we crossed a line between the earth and
heaven. The 7 heaven and 7 earth is right here, it is not above us, neither is it below. Our actions and
following instructions of God is a determinant to where we will belong.

Someone might say human can produce more than these sounds or even mimick sounds ? that is like
combining numbers, we have just 10 numbers, but through combination, what can be produced therein
is unlimited. Just these 32 have a distinct point of reference, the combination is the unlimited.

for questions and suggestions; contact Komolafe at

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