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Resolución de Reconocimiento de Estudios Nº 7969 del 23 de Noviembre de 2018
de la Secretaría de Educación y Cultura del Tolima.
NIT: 800012461-6 CÓDIGO DANE N° 173319000072


Grado: 7.

Guía No: 12.

Profesora: Teresa Sandoval


El alumno puede dar sugerencias y hacer recomendaciones.


Hacer preguntas y responder sobre el texto.

Hello, everyone, Silence, please.

Thank you Right, as I am sure you all know, the elections for 7 class president are
going to take place next month. I know that some of you are interested in being class
President and so I would like to give some advice about how a great class president
school behave.

First of all, a class president should be helpful. So, if you can, always try and help
other students when they have problems. But if the problem is a big one, for
example, violence or bullying. Then the class president should always talk to the
teacher and ask them what to do.

Secondly, a class president should always be respectful, polite, and friendly. Greet
your classmates and teachers when you see them, and of course, you shouldn´t
Be rude to people…and always say please and thank you.

Another important point is that a class president should be bossy. You should
Always be polite when you ask people to do things. So you shouldn´t give people
Well, I think that´s all. If you have any questions. please come and see me after
class. Thank you.

Traducir el texto a español.

“Ser Caldista honor que enaltece”
Resolución de Reconocimiento de Estudios Nº 7969 del 23 de Noviembre de 2018
de la Secretaría de Educación y Cultura del Tolima.
NIT: 800012461-6 CÓDIGO DANE N° 173319000072

Etapa exploración:

Seleccione 10 palabras del texto.


Etapa de estucturación:

1.Are you interested about the elections for year 7 class president?
Yes, I am interested about the elections for year 7 class president

2. would you like to know advices about how a great class president should behave?
¿A usted le gustaría saber cómo un presidente de la clase se comportaría?
Yes, I would like to know advices about how a great class president should behave.

3. Can you help other students when they have problems?

Yes, I can help other students when they have problems

4. Do you consider the violence and bullying in class?

Yes, I consider the violence and bullying in class

5. Should a president class be respectful?

Yes, president class should be respectful. (un presidente de la clase seria

Etapa de transferencia.

Completar las reglas de la escuela de la “1” a la ”6”

Con el verbo TENER O NO TENER QUE (with have to or don’t have to)

A class president have to follow some rules:

l. They_________ attend meetings after school every Friday.

2. They _________ follow all the school rules and regulations.

3. They_________ attend class regularly, but___________ have perfect attendance.

4. They ________ take the class register every morning and they__________ report
Absent students immediately.

5. They_________ study hard, but they ________________ be top of the class

6. They __________ respect teachers and students.

“Ser Caldista honor que enaltece”

Resolución de Reconocimiento de Estudios Nº 7969 del 23 de Noviembre de 2018
de la Secretaría de Educación y Cultura del Tolima.
NIT: 800012461-6 CÓDIGO DANE N° 173319000072


Grado: 7.

Guía No: 13.

Profesora: Teresa Sandoval


El estudiante puede identificar actitudes agresivas y de reconciliación.


Decida si la situación de la 1 a la 4 son ejemplo de bromas, de mal gusto y de


Decide if the situations (de la 1 a la 4) are examples of a joke in bad taste or of


Escriba si es broma o bullyng enfrente de cada mensaje del 1 al 4.

“Ser Caldista honor que enaltece”
Resolución de Reconocimiento de Estudios Nº 7969 del 23 de Noviembre de 2018
de la Secretaría de Educación y Cultura del Tolima.
NIT: 800012461-6 CÓDIGO DANE N° 173319000072

Etapa de exploración:

Escriba el mensaje del cuadro 1


Etapa de estructuración:

Boy: I am a new student at school, my teachers are very nice to me. But my new

classmates are of them pushed me over in the playground and hit me in

The face. It really hurt and I cried-

(Hit: golpear, Cry: llorar cried el pasado de Cry)

Girl: I don´t like wearing dresses so, I am a bit different to other girls in my

class……... Nobody is verbally or phisically agressiive towards me……. They just

Completely ignore me. they don´t speak to mee or look at me

Etapa de transferencia:

1. Did they laugh at me because I prefer to spend my time with boys more than with

Girls? (laugh: Reirse el pasado: laughed)


2. Were they aggressive?

No, ___________________________

3. Did a student push you in class? (Push: empujar, el pasado: Pushed.


4. Did you feel bullied? (el pasado: Felt; sintió)

Yes, _____________________________________________________________

“Ser Caldista honor que enaltece”

Resolución de Reconocimiento de Estudios Nº 7969 del 23 de Noviembre de 2018
de la Secretaría de Educación y Cultura del Tolima.
NIT: 800012461-6 CÓDIGO DANE N° 173319000072


Grado: 7.

Guía No: 14.

Profesora: Teresa Sandoval


El alumno puede Identificar actitudes agresivas y de conciliar.


Responder preguntas del texto.


Bullying at schools is on increase:

Bullying is a problem that is on the increase in schools. In general, bullies are
Aggressive, physically and verbally abusive and offensive to their victims.

At school, they usually call defenceless students horrible, rude names, they take
their Things without permission, and leave offensive messages on their desks.
But one particular area of bullying that is seriously out of control is Cyberbullying:
Bullies use social media and messaging appa to offend masses of students with one
push of a button.

If you want to stop bullying.IT is very important to stay calm and not respond with
Violence. Also, be careful about the information you share on social media, and
don´t Do things you aren´t comfortable with or don´t agree with.

Etapa de exploración:

Selección 8 palabras nuevas del texto:







“Ser Caldista honor que enaltece”
Resolución de Reconocimiento de Estudios Nº 7969 del 23 de Noviembre de 2018
de la Secretaría de Educación y Cultura del Tolima.
NIT: 800012461-6 CÓDIGO DANE N° 173319000072

Etapa de estructuración:

What to do when you are bullied

There is no magic spell to stop someone bullying you. But if you are bullied, then
You should always keep calm and not respond violently. It also helps if you can
Identify the type of bulling and act accordingly.

Social Bullying: If you are a victim of social bullying, you should look for new friends
and new activities.
Doing exercise, for example, helps you to relax. Also remember, you have to tell and
adult what is happening to you.

Cyberbullying: Give your parents your passwords for all your social media accounts.
Don´t post personal information, and be careful who you add or accept as contacts.

Physical Bullying: Stay away from the bully, and talk to your parents and teachers.
Never respond with violence.

Etapa de transferencia.

Responder las siguientes preguntas.

1. Are you bullied?


2. Are bullies aggressive, physically and verbally abusive and offensive to their

3.Why Do you want to stop bullying?


4. What are the characteristics of a bully?


5. What recommendations does the article give about how to deal with bullying?

6. DO you post personal information in social networks?


7. Can you identify the type of bullying?


“Ser Caldista honor que enaltece”

Resolución de Reconocimiento de Estudios Nº 7969 del 23 de Noviembre de 2018
de la Secretaría de Educación y Cultura del Tolima.
NIT: 800012461-6 CÓDIGO DANE N° 173319000072


Grado: 7.

Guía No: 15.

Profesora: Teresa Sandoval


El estudiante puede hablar de personajes famosos.


Responder preguntas acerca del texto.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: He was born in 1756. In Salz burn (Austria)

He was a very prolific musician; He composed hundreds of musical pieces, including

operas. He mainly played the piano and the violin.

Mozart demonstrated great skill from when he was little. He began to compose when

He was 4 years old in 1760. His father Leopoldo was his tutor, he and his family

travelled a lot because, when the young boy was 17, He started playing for people

In the courts of Vienna, Paris and London. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart created

beautiful pieces, but he died very poor in 1971.Nowadays, people continue to listen

To wonderful music and he is one of the most famous musician in the history.

Etapa de exploración:

Selección de los verbos en pasado.






“Ser Caldista honor que enaltece”

Resolución de Reconocimiento de Estudios Nº 7969 del 23 de Noviembre de 2018
de la Secretaría de Educación y Cultura del Tolima.
NIT: 800012461-6 CÓDIGO DANE N° 173319000072

Etapa de estructuración:

1. Was he born in 1756?

Yes, he was born in 1756

2. Did he compose hundreds of musicia pieces?

Yes, He composed hundreds of musicia pieces.

3. Did he play violin?

Yes, he played the violin

4. Did he start to play for people?

Yes, he started to play for people

Etapa de transferencia:

1. Wen was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart born?

a. in 1760
b. in 1791
c. in 1756

2. Where was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart born?

a. He was born in Germany.
b. He was born in Australia.
c. He was born in France.

3. What did he do?

a. He was a writer.
b. He was a mathematician.
c. He was a musician.

4. In the text, the word ’prolific’ means…

a. that he was very intelligent.
b. that he produced many works of music.
c. that he played different musical instruments.

5. How old was he when he began to compose?

a. He was 17 years old.
b. He was 35 years old.
c. He was 4 years old.

6. Why did he travel a lot?

a. Because he played for people in different courts.
b. Because he studied music in different places.
c. Because he was very rich.

“Ser Caldista honor que enaltece”

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