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Areli Anahí Vallejo Cárdenas. Group.


My best friend’s name is Paulina. We have been friends for more than
15 years. She is a student of the politics sciences university. She is
good at running. She is young and gorgeous. Her eyes are small and
brown. She has long straight brown hair. She is medium height. She is
slim and attractive. When I met her for the first time, I thought she was
serious, but that wasn’t true, she is so funny.

She like to go out with her boyfriend, her birthday is 23th September,
she has 20 years old, she enjoy to go out with her friends every
weekend her favorite place to go is “The City”. She often like to paint,
go to the gym, skiting also read a good and long book.

She has just one sister, she is like she´s best friend with difference of
just 2 years.

She is an independent girl, works a lot! She have two amazing

business, she bake a fruit cakes and also sale recycle straws.

She’s incredible and I´m so happy to meet her and be friends!!!

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