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I decided to present a collective research that I'm doing about the Historical Triangle,

that is in the Paulistan's memory Project. This topic speaks about the questions that
surround patrimony, memory and geography.
Knowing that many people do not know about the patrimony’s questions, which is
very common, I decide to presente some definitions about it.
Memory would be defined as an imaginary dimension of the society that acquires
social substance and creates links between the individual with the collective.
Patrimony presents itself as the materialization of a speech about the past.
Patrimony’s references are considered to be the objects constitutive of the memory of
training, forms of work and past life or current.
This research works with the department of historical patrimony and intends to
produce some plates in memory’s spaces in the city. This is very important because
recognizes places of memory, giving them protection. This is important because these
places are locals of identity’s production by minorities that are making another
understanding outside the traditional narrative, building not a linear history, but a
history that comes back to itself.
This is a participatory process, where we are looking for the multiplicity of
narratives. As guidelines, it was considered concepts as hazardous memories and
questions of representation, traditional historiography, and artistic languages.“
I worked in the Historical Triangle, with the Natural Landscape, and First
Occupations. It was very interesting for me this subject, because considers the landscape
as an object of memory's interpretation, where the choices and changes in the natural
landscape show political, economical and social priorities. The natural landscape gains
cultural significance, and this it is demonstrated by the actions in the urban draw, where
the track of modified memory is on the city, either by materiality or by modifications in
geography. This analysis, who relates geography and occupation with aspects of social
order, it is essential to analyze and understand the interests in the space appropriation
inside the city.
I will speek a little about the Historical Triangle. In the first, São Paulo began to
develop on top of a hill surrounded by the Tamanduateí and Anhangabaú rivers. In the
16th and 17th centuries, three points of this hill were occupied by three religious orders
that defined the three vertices of a triangle, that compound the Historical Triangle being
formed by the streets 15 de Novembro, São Bento, and Direita.
The Piratininga Fields, where it was the Historical Triangle, were a real physical
destination that housed numerous villages and had the role of a demographic condenser.
So, why was the installation of the city there? Due to being on an abrupt hill that
avoided the floods, surrounded by low vegetation, which was strategic in defense
against enemy attacks, the more pleasant weather for Europeans, the articulation with
other cities and the presence of rivers, which provided a lifelong supply of water and
fish, besides the connection with Tietê, the main river, even at present.
In this theme, we had the challenge of understanding and talking about a
consolidated space, and constituted with a lot of memories that are recognized and
protected for the institutional scope of patrimony. In this map, you can see how big is
the patrimony density, in fact, the biggest in the city.

-São Paulo was a territory of indigenous peoples, where Tupi was used as language
colonists and natives.
-And the appropriation of customs, symbols, and meanings was a way of erasure,
where the indigenous techniques and strategies learned by the colonists were a way of
favoring the occupation of São Paulo.

All this explanations it was necessary for the prodution of plates in the locals
selected here. In the map, we have plates of another's subjects that are participating in
the Paulistan’s Memory Inventory.
Some examples can elucidate the idea of overlap on the natural landscape: an
indigenous bridge that becomes the core responsible for the development of São Paulo
and it is the entrance gate to the city (Ponte Grande/Ponte das Bandeiras); the
intellectual center that is consolidated in Largo São Bento, but that also brings a
religious memory from the colonizers, and the memory of a Cacique who defined the
bases for the Portuguese occupation (Cacique Tibiriçá); and the square where
indigenous and black slaves were hanged, before to be the “Liberty” it was the

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