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(Research and studies)
August 22, 2020
Abelmoschus esculentus
Okra is an excellent source of vitamins C and K1. Vitamin C is a
water-soluble nutrient that contributes to your overall immune
function, while vitamin K1 is a fat-soluble vitamin that’s known for its
role in blood clotting.
Contains beneficial antioxidants.
Research shows that eating a diet high in polyphenols may improve heart
health by lowering your risk of blood clots and oxidative damage 

Okra is rich in antioxidants that may reduce your risk of serious diseases,
prevent inflammation, and contribute to overall health. Most notably, it
contains polyphenols that may contribute to heart and brain health.

Another possible heart benefit of okra is its polyphenol content. One 4-

year study in 1,100 people showed that those who ate a diet rich in
polyphenols had lower inflammatory markers associated with heart
disease .

Okra contains a protein called lectin, which is being studied for its role in
cancer prevention and treatment. More human research is needed.

Researchers suggested that the okra decreased sugar absorption in the

digestive tract, leading to a more stable blood sugar response.

Eating okra has been linked to blood sugar control. Yet, some research
suggests that it may interfere with common diabetes medications.

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