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Pusat Pengajian Siswazah | Graduate School


Semester Registration

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(Please circle)
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1. Nama Penuh (Full Name)

2. Program Sarjana Doktor Falsafah

(Programme) (Master) (Doctor of Philosophy)

3. No. Matrik
(Matric No.)

4. Bidang Pengajian
(Field of Study)

5. Fakulti/ Institut (Faculty/ Institute)

6. Jika tiada biasiswa (If no scholarship)

No. resit yuran pembayaran

(Receipt no. for fees payment)

Jumlah .
(Amount) .

7. *Nama penaja, jika ada (Name of sponsor, if any)

*Sila sertakan bukti penajaan (Please attach sponsorship evidence)

Tandatangan calon Tarikh

(Signature of candidate) (Date)

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