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My Learning Style

By : Sarah Maulidia Sasfi / I1021161030 / A1

Hello, my name is Sarah Maulidia Sasfi. I was born on June 18th, 1999. Everyone call
me as Sarah. Now, i’m a collage student in Pharmacy, Tanjungpura University. Before i start
my story about my learning style, i will tell about my hobbies.

I have many hobbies, but the most one i like are singing and writing. I love writing
because it can makes me feel i’m free doing anything i want. I like writing a short story and
poem. Writing is like something that shows my memories and it makes me happy. I also like
singing. Singing is one of my moodbooster that i can do everywhere and everytime. I like to
sing a western song. So, if i want to know about the meaning of that song, i have to learn
about english. My parents have said to me that some western song can makes you happy and
remember who the real you are. Actually, i have two others hobbies. There are watching
movies and reading a novel. But, not all of movies and novels that i like to read. I just want to
read a detective novel like Sherlock Holmes. I like watching cartoon and western movie. I
like watching a k-pop program like Mnet Asian Music Awadrs.

Do you ant to know why i tell you about my hobbies? Because my learning style has a
connecting with my hobbies. My hobbies have a main skill like listen and watching for
something. So, i make a decission that my learning style is audio-visual. I can study with
hearing something and watching the materials.

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