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Source : VOA News

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Launching on : November 10th, 2016/7.27 PM

Name : Sarah Maulidia Sasfi

NIM : I1021161030/Pharmacy/Reguler A/A1

News title : Studies : Bedtime Smartphone Use May Lead to Poor Sleep

Resume :

November 10th, 2016, Smartphones and Coumputer’s devices have penetrated

everyday. Their effects are distrupting all levels. in this era, children and adults are using
smartphone everywhere, everyday, everytime, in fact, they use it same at the bedtime.
Researches from University of California and King’s College London say that use of such
devices near the bed time can distrupt sleep pattern and previous studies say that it can be a
diseases like diabetes, obesity, and, the using of technology has the bad sides
too, parents and community have to watch and keep their children or children around them
along with smartphone use.

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