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A) nucleic acids

B) fibrous proteins
C) globular proteins
D) lipids
E) carbohydrates
F) amino acids
1. ) Building block is the monosaccharide
2. ) DNA, RNA, and ATP are examples
3. ) Triglycerides, steroids, and fat-soluble vitamins are
4. ) Antibodies, some hormones, and enzymes are examples
5. ) Collagen and keratin are examples
6. ) Nucleotides are the building blocks for this organic
compound group
7. ) The hydrolysis of proteins produces these building blocks
8. ) Also known as functional proteins

A) Decomposition reaction
B) Exchange reaction
C) Synthesis reaction
1. ) Glycogen is broken down to release glucose subunits.
2. ) Amino acids join together to form proteins.
3. ) Bonds are both made and broken in these reactions.
4. ) Digestion of food

A) Neutron B) Proton C) Electron

1. The atomic mass does not include these subatomic

particles in the calculation.
2. Ionic bonds are formed when these subatomic particles
are completely transferred from one atom to another
3. Isotopes are atoms of the same element that have varying
numbers of these subatomic

True or False
1. Inactive or stored energy is called kinetic energy
2. The number of protons in an atom equals number for that
3. Atoms that have lost or gained electrons during bonding
are known as isotopes
4. Carbohydrates are classified as inorganic compounds
5. Hydrogen bonds are very strong bonds that hold together
water molecules
6. Water is the single most abundant inorganic compound in
the human body
7. The lower the pH, the greater the number of hydrogen
ions released by a chemical into solution.
8. Acids are defined as proton donors since they release
hydrogen ions.
9. Carbon is found in all inorganic compounds.
10. When a solution produces equal numbers of hydrogen and
hydroxyl ions, it is said to be neutral.

1. This is the change that alters the basic nature of a
2. Anything that occupies space and has mass
3. This is also known as the universal fuel of the cells
4. The ability to do work

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