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For those who prefer written instructions, here is what I gleaned from watching the video a few


General Instructions

- Start wherever you need to in the progression for each section. For example, some people might
start with 1 for pull, push, and hinge, and 2 for squat.

- Do reps until failure or you hit the target. The target is listed with the movement (eg pull-ups
x10). Push and Hinge targets are all 10 reps.

- Between reps, take a few deep breaths and start the next movement immediately if able. If you
need more time between reps then take it. Remember, quality over quantity.

- Rest for at least 2 minutes between circuits when first starting out. As you progress, reduce the
rest to 1-2 minutes.

- Level up when you are able to hit the target number of reps for a movement for all 4 circuits.


(see video description)


2 minutes of cardio, choose 1:

1. Jumping jacks

2. Burpees

3. Mountain climbers

4. Jump rope


1. Bent-leg bodyweight rows with dip bar x10

2. Straight-leg bodyweight rows with dip bar x10

3. Pull up negatives x5

4. Assisted pull-ups (with resistance band) x10

5. Pull-ups x10

6. Tucked front-level pull-ups


1. Half squat (thighs almost parallel) x30

2. Full squat x30 (optional calf raise)

3. Hop squat x20 (target not listed in video but I've put 20 here to match what he says for lunges)

4. Lunge x20

5. Switching lunges

6. Tuck-jump squats


10 reps

1. Wall push-ups

2. Incline push-ups (use stairs, chair, etc)

3. Standard push ups

4. Diamond push-ups

5. Archer push-ups

6. Clapping push-ups


10 reps

1. Lying Tucks (lying on the floor with legs extended, tuck your knees into your chest)

2. Lying leg raises

3. Hanging knee raises

4. Hanging leg raises

5. Inverted leg raises (headstand with leg 'raises')


- Move around, do something very light, don't just sit on the couch.

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