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Psychoneuroendocrinology 86 (2017) 144–151

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Acute physical exercise in humans enhances reconsolidation of emotional MARK


Dharani Keyan, Richard A. Bryant
School of Psychology, University of New South Wales, NSW, 2052, Australia


Keywords: Increasing evidence suggests that when a memory is reactivated through retrieval, it becomes temporarily
Exercise vulnerable to environmental or pharmacological manipulation, which can consequently update or strengthen the
Glucocorticoid memory. Physical exercise has been shown to modulate the maintenance of fear memories in animals following
Memory reconsolidation memory reactivation. This study investigated the effect of intense exercise in modulating the reconsolidation of
Trauma memories
trauma memories. Fifty-four undergraduate students watched a trauma film depicting the aftermath of a
highway car crash. Two days later, participants engaged in either (a) 20–25 min of incremental cycling following
a memory reactivation induction (Reactivation/Exercise), (b) 20–25 min of mild cycling (Reactivation/No
Exercise) following memory reactivation, or (c) 20–25 min of incremental cycling but no memory reactivation
(No Reactivation/Exercise). Saliva samples were collected to index salivary amylase and cortisol at baseline and
post activity. Participants completed memory questionnaires relating to declarative and intrusive memory recall
two days after memory reactivation. Reactivation/Exercise participants recalled more central details of the
trauma film relative to other participants. Increased cortisol predicted better total memory recall in the
Reactivation/Exercise, but not in the other conditions. These findings suggest that intense exercise during the
period of memory reactivation enhances subsequent trauma memory, and provides human evidence consistent
with recent findings of exercise-induced fear reconsolidation in animals.

1. Introduction in inducing this labile state (Forcato et al., 2009), instead a prediction
error involving a mismatch between expected and actual experience
Memory for emotionally arousing events are typically stronger than must be accompanied in order for the original memory trace to be
non-emotional events, with particularly greater recall of central details destabilised (Sevenster et al., 2014). Empirical evidence suggests that a
of these memories (Adolphs et al., 2005; Shields et al., 2017). This destabilised memory trace can be updated by incorporating new in-
memory bias for emotionally significant information is driven by the formation (Forcato et al., 2007; Hupbach et al., 2007), or modulating its
release of noradrenaline and cortisol at the time of an emotionally strength (Forcato et al., 2014). Glucocorticoid administration following
arousing event (Cahill et al., 2003; Roozendaal et al., 2004,2006), memory reactivation impairs recall of a contextual fear memory in
where an interaction between these catecholamines is modulated animals (Cai et al., 2006), with some evidence suggesting that this ef-
within the basolateral amygdala (McGaugh, 2004). Whilst recall of fect may be selective to strong emotional memories (Abrari et al.,
central information is arguably adaptive in navigating subsequent 2008). In humans, glucocorticoid administration following memory
threatening experiences, overconsolidated memories for emotionally reactivation enhances conditioned fear (Drexler et al., 2015), and de-
arousing details with accompanying high levels of distress can lead to clarative emotional memory (Marin et al., 2010). In contrast, beha-
debilitating psychopathological states, such as posttraumatic stress vioral stress following memory reactivation resulted in a memory im-
disorder (PTSD; Pitman, 1989). pairing effect (Drexler and Wolf, 2017), which suggests that cortisol
Increasing evidence suggests that when a memory is reactivated it administration and behavioral stress have differential effects on
returns to a labile, protein-synthesis dependant state (Nader et al., memory reconsolidation. However, there is evidence that experiencing
2000), making it susceptible to modifications in the form of environ- stress during memory reactivation may not influence declarative
mental (Schiller et al., 2010) or pharmacological (Kindt et al., 2009) memory but does increase intrusive memories (Cheung et al., 2015).
manipulations. Research suggests that a mere reminder is not sufficient Further, stress following memory reactivation can impair memory for

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (R.A. Bryant).
Received 23 May 2017; Received in revised form 26 August 2017; Accepted 21 September 2017
0306-4530/ © 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

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D. Keyan, R.A. Bryant Psychoneuroendocrinology 86 (2017) 144–151

negative stimuli encoded five weeks prior (Tollenaar et al., 2008). The participants completed a surprise cued recall and measure of intrusive
discrepancies in terms of declarative memory recall for emotional sti- memories. Based upon the available evidence that acute stress enhances
muli may be attributable to the strength of memory, nature of stimuli, reactivated emotional memories (Bos et al., 2014; Cheung et al., 2015),
and differential modulation of the hypothesized reconsolidation and exercise functions to enhance memory, we hypothesised that par-
window and related timing of the stressor (i.e., cortisol exposure during ticipants who received both memory reactivation and exercise would
vs after memory reactivation). Additionally, the timing of glucocorti- display better cued recall and more intrusions on a delayed memory
coid administration in relation to new learning appears critical in fa- test. We also hypothesized that levels of cortisol and salivary amylase
cilitating subsequent memory (de Quervain et al., 2017), with evidence would be positively associated with reconsolidated emotional memories
to suggest that delayed glucocorticoid exposure can impair retrieval of of the trauma film.
memory (Joels et al., 2006). Further, noradrenergic activity appears to
play a role in the persistence of emotional memories, with evidence that 2. Method
blocking the noradrenergic system (with propranolol) prior to re-
activation eliminates conditioned fear (Kindt et al., 2009), and selec- 2.1. Participants
tively impairs negative episodic memories (Schwabe et al., 2012).
Given the encoding (van Stegeren et al., 2007), and storage of emo- The sample included 54 healthy University of New South Wales
tionally arousing experiences (van Stegeren, 2008) depend upon the undergraduate students (26 female, 28 male) aged between 17 and 36
interactive relationship between glucocorticoids & noradrenaline, it is years (M = 19.48, SD = 3.03) who participated in exchange for course
conceivable that a similar relationship may at least in part underlie the credit. Participants were randomly allocated to a Reactivation/Exercise
reconsolidation of emotional memories as well. (n = 18; 11 male), Reactivation/No exercise (n = 18; 9 male), or No
A role for physical exercise in modulating emotional memory re- Reactivation/Exercise condition (n = 18; 8 male).
consolidation arises from evidence that exercise-induced mechanisms
underpin stabilisation of memories. In particular, memory stabilisation 2.2. Measures
appears to be time-dependant with the specific activation of molecular
mechanisms responsible for learning and memory (Hötting and Röder, 2.2.1. Depression anxiety and stress scales-21 item version
2013; Roig et al., 2013,2016). Additionally, acute aerobic exercise in- Baseline depression was assessed using the Depression Anxiety and
duces significant increases in glucocorticoids (Hötting et al., 2016; Stress Scales (DASS; Lovibond and Lovibond, 1995) 21-item version,
Wahl et al., 2010), and blockade of exercise-induced glucocorticoid which indexes depression, anxiety and stress. This measure possesses
production attenuates memory retention in animals (Hajisoltani et al., strong reliability and internal consistency (Lovibond and Lovibond,
2011). Similarly, acute exercise activates noradrenaline (Segal et al., 1995).
2012; Winter et al., 2007) and plays a crucial role in exercise-induced
memory consolidation (Segal et al., 2012). There is increasing evidence
2.2.2. Intrusions questionnaire
in animals (Siette et al., 2014), and humans (Keyan and Bryant,
Selected items from the intrusion subscale of the Impact of Event
2017a,b) that acute exercise following encoding of fear memories in-
Scale (IES; Horowitz et al., 1979) was used to measure intrusive
creases the strength of the memory trace. A recent animal study de-
memories of the trauma film. Participants were instructed to rate the
monstrated a role for exercise in the reconsolidation of fear memories
degree to which they identified with each item on a five-point Likert
by demonstrating that wheel running immediately after brief exposure
scale (0 = Not at all, 4 = Extremely). The items were Pictures about it
to a previously fear conditioned context subsequently displayed more
popped into mind, Other things kept making me think about it, and I thought
fear (as indexed by freezing behavior) on a delayed retention test re-
about it when I didn’t mean to. Items were framed to capture memory
lative to sedentary controls (Siette et al., 2014). Moreover, the distance
occurrences of the film presented to participants initially, and in the
covered in the wheel running following brief exposure was positively
intervening two days since the experiment.
correlated with levels of freezing (Siette et al., 2014), suggesting that
more intense exercise following memory reactivation corresponded
with increased emotional memory strength. In support of this notion, 2.2.3. Cued recall test
the dose response of exercise on memory enhancement appears to be A 25-item questionnaire that has been previously adapted to the car
critically mediated by brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF; Winter accident film was used to index intentional recall in the current study
et al., 2007), a growth factor implicated in the consolidation (Schulz- (Devilly et al., 2007). This questionnaire included 12 items relating
Klaus et al., 2013), and recently the reconsolidation of contextual fear directly to the central features (e.g., How many of the injured victims had
memories in animals (Giachero et al., 2013). Given the available evi- dark skin and how many had light skin?), and 13 items relating to per-
dence, it is possible that exercise plays a role in the reconsolidation of ipheral/surroundings (e.g. How many police vehicles surrounded in the
distressing emotional memories, and this may be dependent on the scene) of the car accident. Central features of the film were defined as
intensity of the exercise and subsequent activation of critical biological elements directly relating to the victims, whereas peripheral features
mechanisms in implicated in memory reconsolidation. were defined as elements not directly relating the victims, and therefore
The current study aimed to extend previous animal research (Siette elements that captured background details (Devilly et al., 2007).
et al., 2014) by investigating the role of acute exercise in modulating
the reconsolidation of emotional memories. An aerobic cycling task was 2.2.4. Current distress
chosen as this mode and level of intensity has been shown to induce Participants’ distress associated with the trauma film was assessed
substantial learning and memory benefits (Roig et al., 2013), elevate by rating an 8-point Likert scale (0 = Not at all, 7 = Extremely).
noradrenergic levels (Segal et al., 2012), and hypothalamus-pituitary-
adrenal (HPA) responsivity (Brownlee et al., 2005). An analogue 2.2.5. Pre-exercise questionnaire
trauma (film) paradigm was utilized as it elicits significant stress re- Participants were asked to indicate if they were currently suffering
sponses (Cheung et al., 2015), and distressing emotional memories in from any health and/or physical conditions that would prevent them
non-clinical populations (Holmes and Bourne, 2008). On Day 1 of the from engaging in strenuous physical activity (1 participant was ex-
experiment, participants viewed a trauma film. On Day 3, participants cluded for this reason). Examples included high blood pressure, asthma,
were randomised to either, (a) Reactivation/Exercise (acute exercise chronic pain, and a current heart condition; endorsement of any con-
immediately following memory reactivation), (b) Reactivation dition resulted in exclusion from the study. In addition, participants did
(memory reactivation alone), or (c) Exercise (exercise alone).On Day5 not report taking any hormonal contraceptives on this questionnaire.


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D. Keyan, R.A. Bryant Psychoneuroendocrinology 86 (2017) 144–151

2.2.6. Godin-Shephard leisure-time exercise questionnaire (LTEQ) reactivate participants’ memory of the trauma film. An audio clip
The Leisure-Time Exercise Questionnaire (LTEQ; Godin and (2 min duration), including ambulance sirens and the voice of dis-
Shephard, 1997) was used to index the frequency of light-intensity, tressed victims, was extracted from the original trauma film and served
moderate-intensity, and vigorous-intensity leisure-time physical ac- as a reminder cue, which was presented on a 12 in. laptop with head-
tivity undertaken on a weekly basis. This questionnaire has good con- phones. Following this audio clip, participants were required to bring to
struct validity and strong test re-test reliability (Godin and Shephard, mind the car accident film and imagine it in as much detail possible for
1997). The LTEQ was modified by asking participants to indicate how a further three minutes. Participants were informed that they would be
much time (in min) is spent on strenuous, moderate and light activity asked some questions about the video at the end of the imaginal period.
for more than 15 min in a given 7-day period, such that the duration of The questions at the end included What percentage of the time did you
engagement in each type of activity could be assessed, and factored into spend thinking about the video?, and How vivid is the memory of the video,
when estimating weekly metabolic equivalent (METS); this was done on a scale of 1–10? which served as manipulation checks for the memory
using the formula [(total METS = minutes of strenuous exercise/ reactivation.
15) × 9] + [(total minutes of moderate exercise/15) × 5] + [(total
minutes of light exercise/15) × 3] (Andrykowski et al., 2007). 2.3.3. Exercise task
An adaption of the maximal cycle protocol test of aerobic fitness
2.2.7. Heart rate measurement validated by Storer et al., 1990 was employed as the exercise inter-
A Garmin FR70 heart rate watch and chest belt was used to record vention. This task required participants to engage in 20–25 min of in-
participants’ heart rate. This monitoring belt consists of two smart cremental cycling at a cadence between 60 and 70 revolutions per
fabric sensors to acquire cardiac activity. HR data was wirelessly minute (RPM) on a manual cycle ergometer, (Monark 828E, Sweden).
transmitted to the Garmin Connect Training centre and was stored as Participants began with a 3-min warm up period, after which the
average beats per minute over the 10 min period. Heart rate data was workload was increased by 1/4 kg (i.e., kilopond) per minute until
sampled at a rate of 2.4 GHz. participants reached their limit of tolerance, which was defined as
ability to no longer maintain a cadence of at least 60 RPM (i.e., max-
2.2.8. Perceived exertion imal resistance; Storer et al., 1990). On average, it was observed that
To determine how effortfully participants were working on the as- participants took 10 min to reach their maximal resistance level, and
signed exercise tasks, subjective ratings of exercise intensity were thereafter engaged at their submaximal resistance level for at least
measured using the Borg Rating of Perceived Exertion scale (RPE; Borg, 12 min of the exercise intervention. In order to obtain a genuine max-
1982). This measure takes into account individual fitness level by re- imal resistance, participants’ exertion levels were monitored using in-
quiring participants to match how hard they feel they are working on a termittent RPE ratings, and were also verbally encouraged by the ex-
15-point scale (6 = No exertion at all, 20 = Maximal exertion). Mod- perimenter to provide a true maximal effort. After this, frictional
erate activity is classified as 11–14, and vigorous activity as 15 or resistance on the bike was reduced just enough to meet the minimum
above. This measure provides an approximation of heart rate by mul- cadence (i.e., 60 RPM; submaximal resistance), which was thereafter
tiplying a given rating by 10, for example, if an individual’s rating of maintained until the end of the task. The experimenter closely mon-
perceived exertion (RPE) is 15, then 15 × 10 = 150, suggesting that itored participants’ exercise performance such that when heart rate
their heart rate should approximate 150 beats per minute (Borg, 1982; dropped below a minimum standard (arbitrary rate of 160 bpm), par-
Johnson and Prins, 1991). ticipants were notified and encouraged to increase the intensity ac-
cordingly. Participants’ maximal and submaximal workload (or watt)
2.2.9. Salivary hormone collection on the cycle ergometer was determined using the following formula,
Circulating cortisol and alpha amylase (sAA) were indexed via Work (kgm) = force (kg) × distance (meters/min); where force relates
saliva sampling before and after the exercise interventions. Saliva to the frictional resistance applied on the bike as measured in Kg, and
samples were acquired using the absorbent devise technique, which distance refers the cadence (rev/min) multiplied by the a constant of 6
required participants to place a cotton swab in their mouth for 1–2 min (i.e., whereby 6 m per revolution of the flywheel applies to the Monark
until saturation after which the swab was placed back into the storage ergometer). For example, if an individual is working at a frictional re-
tube. Collected saliva samples were immediately frozen at −20 °C until sistance of 3 kg at 65 RPM, then the work level (kgm) engaged would be
assay. To reduce non-specific variations in stress hormone levels, par- defined as 3 kg × 65 RPM × 6m/rev = 1170. Work level is then ex-
ticipants were requested to refrain from taking alcohol, caffeine or pressed in watts approximately equivalent to 6kgm/min, thus the in-
smoking 3 h, eating 1 h, and exercising 24 h prior to both experimental dividual in the above example would be exercising at a 195 W
sessions. No participants were taking medications interacting with the (1170 kpm/min divided by 6). Accordingly, maximal watt was calcu-
noradrenergic response (e.g., beta blockers). Peak levels of endogenous lated using the highest level of resistance endured by participants at a
hormones were assessed immediately, and 20–25 min post the exercise minimum cadence of 65 rpm. Submaximal watt was calculated using
intervention for sAA and cortisol, respectively. the submaximal resistance maintained at a minimum of speed of
65 rpm. The reactivation alone condition engaged in 20–25 min of easy
2.3. Materials cycling at a 0-resistance level, and cadence between 60 and 70 RPM,
and this was designed to match the exercise conditions in terms of
2.3.1. Trauma film cognitive interference (i.e., control for differences in distraction be-
A film depicting the actual aftermath of a highway car crash was tween conditions). Given research to suggest that fitness levels mod-
employed as it has been validated as an effective emotional memory erate the extent to which exercise impacts learning and memory (Roig
stimulus (Small et al., 2011). This film involves 10 min of live footage et al., 2013), and related cortisol production (Hill et al., 2008), a va-
depicting emergency workers attending the scene of a motor vehicle lidated maximal cycle protocol (Storer et al., 1990) was chosen. Whilst
road accident. The video focuses on assistance given to surviving vic- participants’ true fitness level was not determined via prior exercise
tims, and a fatality resulting from the car crash. Additionally, sounds of testing, the protocol was modified to still incorporate individualised
distressed victims and sirens, and words spoken by emergency workers workload and related thresholds during the exercise interventions.
are presented.
2.4. Procedure
2.3.2. Memory reactivation
A combination of a reminder cue and retrieval was utilised to To reduce circadian variation in cortisol, all experimentation was


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D. Keyan, R.A. Bryant Psychoneuroendocrinology 86 (2017) 144–151

conducted between 12.00 and 1800 (Cheung et al., 2015). On Day 1 2.5. Saliva analyses
informed consent was obtained, questionnaires completed, and those
who responded with a “moderate” or greater level of depression, stress Saliva analyses were performed at the University of New South
or anxiety on the DASS-21 were excluded from partaking in the study so Wales (Sydney, Australia) using commercially available ELISA kits
as to not further aggravate any depressive and/or anxious symptoms by (Cayman Chemical, USA; Salimetrics, USA). All saliva samples were
exposure to the trauma film (nil were excluded for this reason). Re- stored frozen at −20 °C until assay, and underwent one freeze/thaw
maining participants were randomised to Reactivation/Exercise, Re- cycle. Thawed samples were centrifuged at 1500 × g for 15 min to
activation/No Exercise, or No Reactivation/Exercise. Following this, collect clear saliva, and brought to room temperature prior to assay
participants watched the trauma film and were instructed to maintain performance. The Cayman Chemical assay for cortisol utilises a com-
attention to the film content, which was monitored by the experimenter petitive immunoassay whereby the concentration of cortisol for each
who remained out of sight. Post viewing, participants were instructed to sample is determined by interpolation from a standard curve generated
close their eyes for 7 min (post encoding silence), after which the dis- by plotting known cortisol concentrations (6.6–4000 pg/mL) against
tress rating (Time 1) associated with the film was assessed. Finally, the their average absorbance divided by the background absorbance (%B/
session was terminated and participants were reminded to attend ses- B0). The Salimetrics assay uses the principle that sAA catalyses the
sion 2 two days later. On Day 3, all participants returned to a different substrate maltotriose linked with a chromagenic substrate, 2-chloro-p-
room, and this change in context was implemented to introduce a novel nitrophenol. The amount of sAA activity present in the sample is di-
element prior to reactivation in the reactivation conditions, which is rectly proportional to the increase in absorbance, and this enzymatic
recommended for facilitating updating during memory reactivation action can be spectrophotometrically measured at 405 nm. The inter-
(Bonin and De Koninck, 2015), and to also limit the trauma film and intra-assay variability, respectively was 8.8% and 6.5% for cortisol,
memory from being reactivated in No Reactivation/Exercise condition. and 6.8% and 4.3% for sAA. Raw concertation scores for sAA and CORT
Participants habituated to this new environment for 20 min in order were square-root transformed to increase normality of distributions
collect saliva samples to index baseline alpha amylase and cortisol. prior to stress hormone analyses.
Following this, the Reactivation conditions received the 5 min re-
activation paradigm, whilst the Exercise alone condition completed a 2.6. Data analyses
neutral word search task for the same amount of time. This was fol-
lowed by either the exercise or no exercise interventions. A third saliva SPSS statistical package (v.23) was used to conduct data analyses.
sample was collected immediately after these tasks (to sample sAA), Separate 3 (Experimental Condition) × 2 (Time) mixed-model ANOVAs
and participants were then required to close their eyes for 5 min. Par- indexed changes in sAA and cortisol levels pre and post the exercise
ticipants read magazines of an emotionally neutral nature for a further interventions. Separate one-way ANOVAs across groups were con-
15 min until the final saliva sample was collected (to sample cortisol) ducted to analyse cued recall for central and peripheral details, and
followed by a second distress rating. On Day 5, the online survey was intrusive memory scores. To determine the relative roles of stress hor-
distributed, which included a cued recall test, intrusions questionnaire, mones in influencing the reconsolidation or stabilisation of emotional
and another distress rating (see Fig. 1). memories, increase in sAA and cortisol (i.e., change from baseline to
post exercise/no exercise intervention) were entered into a linear re-
gression model to predict total cued recall and intrusions within each

Fig. 1. Timeline for experimental sequence.


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D. Keyan, R.A. Bryant Psychoneuroendocrinology 86 (2017) 144–151

Table 1
Participant characteristics.

Reactivation and Exercise (n = 18) Reactivation alone (n = 18) Exercise alone (n = 18)

Age 18.78 (1.06) 19.56 (2.28) 20.11 (4.61)

DASS-Depression 3.89 (3.46) 3.72 (2.56) 4.00 (4.64)
DASS-Anxiety 3.28 (3.04) 3.83 (3.03) 3.72 (2.85)
DASS-Stress 5.67 (3.99) 5.33 (3.18) 6.33 (4.60)
Baseline sAA (U/mL) 63.79 (41.53) 51.62 (37.79) 78.53 (45.82)
Post sAA (U/mL) 144.04 (77.04) 79.38 (69.79) 173.88 (105.25)
Baseline CORT (μg/dL) 0.25 (0.29) 0.16 (0.10) 0.15 (0.09)
Post CORT (μg/dL) 0.55* (0.48) 0.09 (0.06) 0.30 (0.15)
LTEQ-strenuous minutes 80.00 (630.00) 52.50 (300.00) 105.00 (540.00)
LTEQ- moderate minutes 30.00 (240.00) 35.00 (240.00) 50.00 (300.00)
LTEQ- mild minutes 60.00 (150.000) 60.00 (1080.00) 10.00 (420.00)
Total METs 107.00 (378.00) 77.00 (261.00) 91.50 (377.33)
Baseline HR 72.12* (9.21) 68.82 (10.60) 63.28 (10.13)
Maximum HR 188.06 (7.38) 89.50 (6.98) 179.39 (10.22)
Maximal watt 162.50 (32.00) 0.00 168.82 (42.86)
Submaximal watt 125.49 (27.34) 0.00 127.29 (43.26)
%Thinking about trauma film 65.28 (19.53) 71.36 (18.35) N/A
Vividness of trauma film 6.47 (1.40) 7.08 (1.75) N/A
Central detail recall 6.89* (1.45) 5.50 (2.07) 5.33 (1.81)
Peripheral detail recall 2.83 (0.99) 2.83 (1.04) 2.78 (0.88)
Intrusive memory scores 5.72 (2.74) 6.56 (3.43) 6.33 (3.18)

Note. Means and standard deviations in parentheses have been reported. Raw concentration data for CORT and sAA have been provided. However square-root transformed values were
used in the analyses. Median and range (in parentheses) for LTEQ subscales and total METs are presented.
* p < 0.05.

group. To account for individual differences in daily levels of exercise, conditions relative to the Reactivation alone condition [t(2.48)
weekly energy expenditure (i.e., total METs) was added as a covariate = 37.22, p < 0.001]. These findings suggest that the exercise inter-
in these regression analyses. vention was effective in elevating participants’ heart rate.

3. Results 3.2.2. Physiological response

Fig. 2 presents mean concentrations of sAA and cortisol pre- and
3.1. Participant characteristics post-exercise interventions. A 3 (Experimental Condition) × 2 (Time,

Table 1 presents participant characteristics for each experimental

condition. One-way ANOVAs revealed no pre-existing differences be-
tween groups in age and DASS-21 scores. Additionally, separate one-
way ANOVAs revealed no pre-existing differences between groups in
and baseline sAA (F(2, 51) = 1.90, p = 0.161) and cortisol (F(2, 50)
= 1.71, p = 0.191) concentrations. Further, gender did not sig-
nificantly differ across experimental conditions (χ2 = 0.1.04,
p = 0.595). A Kruskal-Wallis H test displayed no pre-existing differ-
ences in engagement of regular physical activity (i.e., total METs)
across conditions,
χ2 = 0.80, p = 0.669. A chi-square test revealed no significant
differences between experimental groups in time of day in which ex-
ercise testing was conducted [χ2 = 9.45, p = 0.490].

3.2. Manipulation checks

3.2.1. Heart rate

Participants’ average resting and maximum heart rate data are
presented in Table 1. A one-way ANOVA revealed that resting [F(2.49)
= −3.51, p = 0.038] and maximum [F(2.48) = 695.62, p < 0.001]
heart rates differed across conditions. Follow-up comparisons revealed
that baseline HR was significantly higher in the Reactivation/Exercise
relative to the Exercise alone condition [t(2.49) = 2.61, p = 0.012].
Follow-up correlations revealed that baseline heart rate was sig-
nificantly correlated with baseline sAA (r = −0.484, p = 0.042), post
sAA (r = −0.493, p = 0.038), and total METS (r = −0.546,
p = 0.019) in the Exercise alone condition. Similar significant corre-
lations were not observed in Reactivation/Exercise condition
(ps > 0.05). Due to the potential, that baseline heart rate could
moderate differences in amylase response and cued recall; this is added Fig. 2. Salivary alpha amylase (sAA) and cortisol levels prior to-, and following the ex-
as a covariate in later ANOVA and regression analyses. Maximum HR ercise interventions (Day 3).
Note. Error bars reflect standard error of the means.
was significantly higher in the Reactivation/Exercise and Exercise alone


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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
D. Keyan, R.A. Bryant Psychoneuroendocrinology 86 (2017) 144–151

baseline, post activity) mixed-model ANCOVA of sAA concentration Table 2

controlling for baseline heart rate revealed a non-significant main effect Summary of hierarchical regression models for cued recall.
of Condition [F(2.48) = 2.81, p = 0.070], and non-significant interac-
B SEB β p
tion effect [F(2.48) = 2.09, p = 0.135]. A 3 (Experimental Condi-
tion) × 2 (Time) mixed-model ANOVA for cortisol concentration re- Reactivation and exercise
vealed a main effect of Condition [F(2, 50) = 7.12, p = 0.002], and a Step 1 Total METs 0.00 0.004 −0.01 0.96
Step 2 sAA increase −1.134 0.76 −0.34 0.16
significant interaction effect [F(2, 50) = 3.73, p = 0.031]. Follow-up
CORT increase 2.79 1.04 0.63 0.02*
comparisons revealed that the Reactivation/Exercise relative to the
Reactivation alone condition experienced an increased cortisol response Reactivation alone
Step 1 Total METs 0.01 0.01 0.20 0.54
[F(1.50) = 6.86, p = 0.012]. Additionally, both exercise conditions Step 2 sAA increase 0.57 1.28 0.12 0.67
experienced an increased cortisol response relative to Reactivation CORT increase 2.77 10.32 0.09 0.79
alone condition [F(1.50) = 7.05, p = 0.011], suggesting that the ex-
Exercise alone
ercise intervention was effective in augmenting the glucocorticoid re- Step 1 Total METs −0.002 0.01 −0.09 0.76
sponse. A secondary analysis was conducted that accounted for poten- Step 2 sAA increase 0.34 0.60 0.17 0.54
tial gender effects in light of previous research suggesting a sex CORT increase 0.78 3.54 0.06 0.83
moderation in cortisol response (Seeman et al., 2001). This 2 (Experi-
Note. SEB = standard error of B. Reactivation and exercise, Step 1, R2 = 0.04; Step 2,
mental Condition) × (Gender) ANOVA did not reveal any significant
ΔR2 = 0.39; Reactivation alone, Step 1, R2 = 0.03; Step 2, ΔR2 = 0.02; Exercise alone,
sex moderation of cortisol response [non-significant con- Step 1, R2 = 0.01; Step 2, ΔR2 = 0.03.
dition × gender interaction, F(2.47) = 0.641, p = 0.531].
3.2.7. Intrusive memories
3.2.3. Exercise intensity Table 1 presents participants’ total intrusions scores. A one-way
Participants’ maximal and submaximal workload data are presented ANOVA of intrusions scores indicated no significant differences across
in Table 1. Planned comparisons revealed that maximal and sub- groups [F(1.51) = 0.34; p = 0.712].
maximal workload (watts) endured on the cycle ergometer did not
significantly differ between the Reactivation/Exercise and Exercise 3.3. Role of stress hormones
alone conditions (ps > 0.05), suggesting that exertion levels did not
differ between these conditions. Across the Reactivation/Exercise and Controlling for average weekly energy expenditure (i.e., Total
Exercise alone conditions, participants were working on average at 76% METs), cortisol increase following acute exercise predicted cued recall
of their maximal work load (as defined by submax W/max W × 100) of the trauma film in only the Reactivation/Exercise condition (see
for at least 12 min of the exercise intervention (see Table 1). Table 2). sAA was not a significant predictor. A similar finding was not
observed in relation to intrusions (p > 0.05). The same pattern of re-
3.2.4. Reactivation induction solts was observed when weekly energy expenditure was not included
Planned comparisons revealed that the Reactivation/Exercise and as a covariate.
Reactivation alone conditions did not significantly differ in the reported
percentage time spent thinking about the film [t(1.34) = −0.96, 4. Discussion
p = 0.342], or vividness rating [t(1.34) = −1.16, p = 0.255] sug-
gesting that these conditions similarly responded to the memory re- Acute exercise following memory reactivation improved subsequent
activation paradigm. declarative memory, and is the first evidence in humans to implicate
exercise in modulating the reconsolidation of emotional memories. To
this end, the current study extends recent animal work of exercise-in-
3.2.5. Distress
duced fear memory reconsolidation (Siette et al., 2014). Importantly,
A 3 (Experimental Condition) × 3 (Time) mixed-model ANOVA of
non-specific effects of exercise were not attributable to memory en-
distress ratings associated with the film revealed a significant main
hancement given that the exercise without memory reactivation was
effect of Time [F(2.49) = 64.56; p < 0.001]. Specifically, participants’
not beneficial to recall performance. These findings need to be under-
distress was highest immediately after viewing the film, and then di-
stood within the context of evidence that biological mechanisms that
minished over time. There was no significant difference between con-
can be induced by a bout of acute exercise have a modulatory role in
ditions over time.
the reconsolidation of emotionally arousing memories (Cai et al., 2006;
Marin et al., 2010; Bos et al., 2014).
3.2.6. Cued memory recal The specificity of exercise-induced memory enhancement for central
Mean cued recall scores are presented in Table 1. The mean recall of but not background/peripheral details of the trauma film requires ex-
central and peripheral memories are consistent with levels reported in planation. We speculate that this pattern of findings may be attributed
previous studies (Keyan and Bryant, 2017a,b). A one-way ANOVA of to the nature of the memory reactivation paradigm and subsequent
cued recall for central and peripheral details revealed a significant impact upon reconsolidation of memories. The use of a deliberate re-
between-group difference [F(2.51) = 4.08, p = 0.023]. Planned con- trieval strategy by asking participants to recall the film in ‘as much
trasts found that participants in the Reactivation/Exercise condition detail possible’, may have activated a covert rehearsal process whereby
recalled more central details of the trauma film relative to the Re- focal details of the trauma film were preferentially reactivated at the
activation alone [t(1.51) = 2.32; p = 0.024], and Exercise alone [t expense of contextual information. This proposition is in line with re-
(1.51) = 2.60; p = 0.012] conditions. Similar differences were not search suggesting a narrowing of attention towards arousing informa-
observed for peripheral details of the trauma film (ps > 0.05). A sec- tion during retrieval of traumatic memories (Christianson, 1992).
ondary analysis was conducted that accounted for potential gender Consequent acute exercise may have served to consolidate the storage
effects in memory recall, given previous research suggesting a sex of this emotionally significant information. In this instance, it is pos-
moderation of emotional memory modulation (Bryant et al., 2013). sible that intense exercise is acting as a strengthening mechanism in
This 2 (Experimental Condition) × (Gender) ANOVA of cued recall did updating the reconsolidation process given that the Reactivation alone
not reveal any significant sex moderation of memory recall [non-sig- condition did not yield similar memory benefits. Furthermore, the
nificant condition x gender interaction, F(2.48) = 1.75, p = 0.185]. heightened glucocorticoid response following acute exercise appears to


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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
D. Keyan, R.A. Bryant Psychoneuroendocrinology 86 (2017) 144–151

be playing an important role in the persistence of reactivated emotional be explored with further research.
memories, and this finding is consistent with previous research evi- In terms of limitations to the current study, the sample size was
dencing a modulatory role of stress in enhancing the reconsolidation of limited in being able to explore the role of gender or the interaction
neutral (Coccoz et al., 2011) and emotional (Marin et al., 2010; Bos between stress hormones in modulating the reconsolidation of emo-
et al., 2014) material. tional memories. Future replications should be adequately powered to
In this light, it is surprising that intense exercise did not enhance the include gender as an additional factor because of the evidence that
reconsolidation of intrusive memories. This is because activation of the gender can impact on cortisol response (Seeman et al., 2001) and
original memory trace in association with exercise-induced stress was emotional memory modulation (Bryant et al., 2013). We also note that
expected to enhance the reconsolidation of distressing intrusions. This timing of experimental sessions varied It is important to note that in-
proposition is in line with previous research evidencing stress during dexation of sAA response within the context of cortisol response is
memory reactivation to enhance intrusive memories (Cheung et al., difficult to investigate given the opposing circadian patterns of each
2015). A possible explanation for the apparent discrepancy in findings stress hormone (Nater et al., 2007). All testing was conducted between
may be attributed to differences in reactivation paradigms and sub- 1200 and 1900 to reduce circadian variation of cortisol, however this
sequent activation of different memory representations. Whilst an ex- meant that natural sAA variation was largely increased given this time
plicit recall instruction during memory reactivation has been evidenced window, which in turn could have potentially induced a ceiling effect of
to modulate declarative memory (Marin et al., 2010), less deliberate sAA following exercise. This proposition may explain the lack of a re-
retrieval strategies encompassing brief reminder cues (Cheung et al., liable sAA response post activity following reactivation and exercise
2015; James et al., 2015) have been found to modulate involuntary relative to the reactivation alone condition. This is important to con-
intrusions. Thus, the current study’s more deliberate recall instruction sider in light of studies that have evidenced exercise induced nora-
could have favored the activation of an explicit memory representation, drenergic activity in isolation of glucocorticoid response assessment
which in turn potentially favored the modulation of intentional re- (Segal et al., 2012). Additionally, we note that the degree of cortisol
trieval. This raises the possibility of boundary conditions under which induced by physical exercise could be influenced by individuals’ car-
explicit and implicit memory traces can be reconsolidated. Indeed, diovascular fitness and related workload capacity, and as such the
theoretical models stipulate a dissociation between explicit and implicit current study could be improved by matching participants based on a
memory representations following encoding of an emotional event prior exercise fitness test (e.g., Hill et al., 2008). Whilst the current
(Brewin et al., 1996), whereby factors such as attentional capacity and study encouraged participants to exercise to an individualized
rehearsal are suspected to modulate the strength of the explicit memory threshold, cardiorespiratory fitness could be better accounted for via
trace. Having stated this, it is worth noting here that the dissociation fitness testing. Whilst an online survey were utilised to minimise at-
between intrusive and deliberate memory performance is not an un- trition rates at follow-up and has been used in past research (e.g.,
common finding (Brewin et al., 1996). Alternatively, it is quite possible Cheung et al., 2015), we recognize that this method does carry lim-
that the lack of a difference in intrusive memory performance stems itations including variability in conditions under which questionnaires
from a methodological limitation of the current study, whereby a diary are completed (e.g., time of day, distraction, and attention), and ex-
method would have been more sensitive in tracking intrusions fol- perimenter presence. Future replications of the study must standardise
lowing memory reactivation on Day 3 (James et al., 2015). This tracked testing times and contexts, and ideally bring participants back to the
method was not utilised due to the possibility that declarative memory laboratory. To avoid intentional learning of the stimuli, we did not
at test would be contaminated following the implementation of daily administer a baseline memory test of the trauma film following its
memory records. presentation. One confound of this is that we cannot preclude the
It is worth juxtaposing the current study’s findings within past re- possibility that participants in the Reactivation/Exercise condition did
search that have evidenced stress following memory reactivation to not consolidate their memories more strongly prior to the experimental
impair, rather than enhance, memory performance (Cai et al., 2006; manipulation; this possibility is limited by the randomization of parti-
Abrari et al., 2008). Such discrepant findings may be explained by the cipants to each condition. Finally, we note that we did not assess prior
possibility that the impact of stress on emotional memory re- trauma history; one study has shown that recency of a traumatic ex-
consolidation follows a dose trajectory similar to consolidation whereby perience impacts on baseline cortisol levels in experimental studies
extreme levels of glucocorticoids can impair memory (Elzinga et al., (Chou et al., 2014).
2005), whereas low doses exert a beneficial effect (Roozendaal, 2000). In summary, this study provides initial evidence that acute exercise
It is also possible that the impact of glucocorticoids on memory recall following activation of an emotional memory trace can subsequently
may be attributed to the influence of glucocorticoids on consolidation enhance intentional retrieval. These findings extend recent animal work
of fear extinction rather than on memory reconsolidation (see Cai et al., relating to exercise-induced fear memory reconsolidation, and point to
2006). possible mechanisms for the maintenance of reactivated emotional
It is important to consider that biological mechanisms underlying memories. Specifically, heightened levels of stress following reactiva-
acute exercise-induced memory benefits may extend beyond a heigh- tion of trauma memories coupled with extreme exercise-induced
tened glucocorticoid response. The intensity of exercise achieved in the arousal may contribute to the persistence of traumatic memories.
current study is comparable to previous research in terms of consequent Future study of this issue may lead to possible management of clinical
impact upon BDNF production (Huang et al., 2014), and given the disorders characterized by intrusive memories. For example, trials
crucial role of BDNF in modulating learning and memory processes could test whether limiting exercise after patients with PTSD reactivate
(Cunha et al., 2010), it is possible that this is another factor modulating their trauma memories reduces memories of the trauma. Development
the impact of exercise on emotional memory reconsolidation. This is of our understanding of how brief exercise reconsolidates traumatic
noteworthy within the context of a recent study evidencing BDNF en- memories potentially offers cheap and accessible means to modify the
hancement following retrieval in stressed animals exclusively (Giachero intensity of this core feature of a range of clinical disorders.
et al., 2013). It is possible that exercise-induced BDNF has a strength-
ening influence in memory reconsolidation within the context of a
heightened glucocorticoid response. Evidence suggests that BDNF in- Conflict of interests
teracts with glucocorticoid response in modulating the impact of ex-
ercise on emotional memory consolidation (Keyan and Bryant, No authors have any actual or potential conflicts of interest related
2017a,b). As exercise-induced BDNF production was not indexed in the to this study.
current study, its role in modulating the reconsolidation process must


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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
D. Keyan, R.A. Bryant Psychoneuroendocrinology 86 (2017) 144–151

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