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The Story of Noah

God spoke to me. He must put an end to all the wickedness. He is

going to send a flood that will destroy everything. He ordered me
to build an ark. I will build an ark but I don’t know how. So, God
told me that he will give me the measurements and it must be big
enough to hold me and my family. Every animals and birds must be
in it.
My sons and I started to make an ark as God instructed. But people
skeep telling me that I am crazy and I’m just wasting my time to
build a big boat. I need to warn them. “God will bring a great flood,
stop doing wrong and obey him, repent for your sins”. Yet, no one
paid any attention to me.
At last, the ark was done. It is time. We need to go into the ark and
bring my family. Animals will come and the rain will begin soon.
It rained for 40 days and 40 nights without stopping. We are almost
lacking of food but we are still faithful that God will not abandon
us. I will let this dove free and see if it will come back.
Finally, God told me to come out. The flood is over. My family and I
can go out now. My sons let us thank God for saving us and for his
kindness to our family. Let us make an altar and offer a gift to thank
God and God promised that he will not destroy all living creatures
and as a sign of his covenant, the rainbow will be remembered by
all mankind.

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