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1st Topic

Standardization is the process of creating standards to guide the creation of a good or

service based on the consensus of all the relevant parties in the industry. It also helps in
ensuring the safety, interoperability, and compatibility of goods produced. In general,
standardization is almost always a good thing. But maintaining standardization can be
Standardization is important to any system and is especially important to an enterprise
platform. Fundamentally, standardization means that your employees have an established,
time-tested process to use. When done well, standardization can decrease ambiguity and
guesswork, guarantee quality, boost productivity, and increase employee morale. However,
the disadvantage of standardization is the loss of uniqueness. If a company builds up a
customer base that serves a specialized market, standardizing its processes may mean it
loses some of its former customers. In additionally, loss of responsiveness also
the disadvantage of the standardization.
The positive economic impacts of standards extend well beyond the benefits calculated
here. In addition to the economic growth generated through the function of standards as
diffusers of knowledge, there are further economic benefits gained through other functions of
standardization. For example, many standards lay down requirements for workplace safety,
reducing the number of occupational accidents and thus lowering absenteeism.
Environmental standards help protect the environment, which improves the quality of life and
general well-being throughout the economy. Furthermore, standards ensure greater safety
and security in many areas, which helps lower the cost of safety/ security measures and
obtaining the necessary insurance. In this manner technical standards relieve the burden on
the state, thus legitimizing the support of standardization through public funding and
justifying standardization‘s established position as a useful instrument in many policy areas.

Often, we hear quality leaders say, “Well, we do it this way here in the main facility,
but our other site does it another way.” Such disparities are often a by-product of
circumstances and events like facility acquisition, previous quality issues, or
employee turnover. Perhaps the previous management of the company purchased a
system or did things one way and the new management has purchased something
completely different and does things in a new, different way.

The opportunities for mismatching—as you can imagine—are endless. However,

taking the time and effort to standardize how you talk about performance means
everyone is on a level playing field, which is important for buy-in at all levels.
Everyone understands the benefits of data-driven decisions; everyone also wants
those decisions to be made fairly

A standardized system costs less, takes less time to deploy, gives you greater insight, and
takes less to maintain and expand. The call to arms to stand firm and make it happen. So,
it’s helpful to know and understand the benefits of reaching consensus, of standardizing
wherever and whenever you can. Then, when you run into these difficulties, you can see
how important it is that you come to an understanding and standardize things within your
organization. Therefore, Standardization rationalize different varieties of products.
Decrease the volume of products in the store and also the manufacturer cost.
Improve the management and design. Speed up the management of orders.
2nd Topic
Brands are a fact of everyday life and an omnipresent reality for consumers. Understanding
how consumers respond to brands—what they think and feel and how they act toward them
—is a critical aspect of consumer research. Consumer research in branding is expansive in
nature and has investigated a wide range of topics in terms of how different kinds of
consumers respond to different types of brands and branding activities in various contexts.
Distinctiveness is at the core of branding and a key element in virtually any definition of
brands. Branding success is all about differentiation and offering consumers unique value.
Unique value requires relevance, too; accordingly, another core branding concept is brand
relevance and how meaningful a brand is to consumers. Ensuring that brands are relevant
and differentiated, however, is a challenging managerial priority in today’s fluid and fast-
changing marketplace. Consumers are also seeking relevance and differentiation and
consequently demanding personalized, customized brand offerings that suit their individual
preferences and distinguish them from others. In part because of these new dynamics, many
important consumer research opportunities are emerging in how consumers and brands fit
into their respective landscapes.
Due to this changing marketing environment, a host of other branding concepts have been
put forth in recent years to guide marketing strategies (e.g., brand purpose, brand stories
and narratives). Brand purpose relates to the higher-order mission of brands and their
broader social goals. Brand storytelling and narratives go beyond individual attributes or
benefits to provide a more literary and holistic account of what a brand is about.
Communications are the lifeblood of any brand. In a “paid-earned-owned-shared” media
world, consumer-to-consumer communications are taking on increased importance. Different
communication channels have different properties, however, that require careful analysis
and planning. Understanding what, when, where, how, and why consumers decide to share
information or opinions about brands is a research priority that will likely continue to drive
research activity for many years to come.

Perhaps not surprisingly, branding mirrors many of the broad themes found in consumer
research more generally. Consumer researchers of all kinds are interested in achieving a
better understanding of consumer motivations and desires and how consumers choose to
interact with the world around them, especially in digital terms. Studying branding have
certainly homed in on these and other topics and also have focused on more managerial
considerations, all of which help marketers achieve a deeper understanding of consumers to
help them build, measure, manage, and protect brand equity.

The reality is that brands and consumers are inextricably linked. Brands exist for consumers,
and consumers generally value brands. Yet, in today’s data-rich world, both brands and
consumers can be too easily reduced to online and offline statistical footprints. It is
incumbent upon consumer researchers to breathe life into branding to ensure that consumer
psychology as applied to branding is undeniable in its importance and essential to marketers
3rd Topic

Branding is absolutely critical to a business because of the overall impact it makes on your
company. Branding can change how people perceive your brand, it can drive new business
and increase brand awareness. A brand is the personality that identifies a product, service or
company (name, term, sign, symbol, design, or combination thereof); it also represents a
relationship to key constituencies: customers, staff, partners, investors etc. Proper branding
can yield higher product sales, and higher sales of products associated with the brand (or
brand association). For example, a customer who loves Oreo biscuits (and trusts the brand)
is more likely to try other products the company offers, such as chocolate chip cookies.

The branding process seeks to develop or align the expectations behind the brand
experience, creating an impression that a product or service associated with a brand
possesses certain qualities or characteristics that set it apart from other (e.g.,
competitor) products or services. A brand is therefore one of the most valuable
elements in an advertising theme, as it demonstrates the uniqueness of what the
brand owner is able to offer in the marketplace. Orientation of the whole organization
towards its brand is called brand orientation. Brand orientation is developed in
response to market intelligence. Brand strength analysis describes efforts to
determine the strength a brand has compared with its competitors. The art of
creating and maintaining a brand is called brand management.

The most important reason branding is important to a business is because it is how a

company gets recognition and becomes known to the consumers. The logo is the most
important element of branding, especially where this factor is concerned, as it is essentially
the face of the company. This is why a professional logo design should be powerful and
easily memorable, making an impression on a person at first glance. Printed promotional
products are a way of getting this across.

Branding is important when trying to generate future business, and a strongly established
brand can increase a business’ value by giving the company more leverage in the industry.
This makes it a more appealing investment opportunity because of its firmly established
place in the marketplace. A good brand will have no trouble drumming up referral business.
Strong branding generally means there is a positive impression of the company amongst
consumers, and they are likely to do business with you because of the familiarity and
assumed dependability of using a name they can trust. Once a brand has been well-
established, word of mouth will be the company’s best and most effective advertising

Therefore, when an employee works for a strongly branded company and truly stands
behind the brand, they will be more satisfied with their job and have a higher degree of pride
in the work that they do. Working for a brand that is reputable and help in high regard
amongst the public makes working for that company more enjoyable and fulfilling. Having a
branded office, which can often help employees feel more satisfied and have a sense of
belonging to the company, can be achieved through using promotional merchandise for your
desktop. A professional appearance and well-strategized branding will help the company
build trust with consumers, potential clients and customers. People are more likely to do
business with a company that has a polished and professional portrayal.
4th Topic

Food packaging has become an increasingly indispensable basic component of our daily life,
which is closely related to the global urbanization trend. The reason for that is simple: when
half of the world’s population lives in cities, while the cities are unable to provide the land
and environment required for agricultural development, we’ll have to process and package
our food and put them on supermarket shelves for people to purchase. That’s an
increasingly convenient choice for people living a busy life in cities.

Good packaging can enhance the cleanness and freshness of food, while offering branding
opportunities for food manufacturers. In addition, good food packaging can prevent food
spoilage and extend shelf life, thereby reducing waste of food. The demands made of
packaging are high. Guaranteeing freshness and hygiene is a particular challenge, as foods
must often cover great distances when travelling from their place of origin to supermarket
shelves. Further time passes before they find their way into a shopping basket, and then
again before they ultimately end up on the dining room table. Highly developed technology
ensures packaging can keep products impeccably fresh and hygienic. The differing
characteristics of the composite materials are combined to ensure the packaging is ideally
suited to the food. The base of the packaging, for example, can be produced to have
different characteristics than the lid or wrapping film.

Some high and new technologies have been introduced to the food packaging industry. The
development of the Internet of things allows sensors, chips and electronic label printing to
integrate into the traditional packaging industry. In years to come, ‘intelligent’ or ‘active’
packaging could help reduce food waste. This is a response to experts’ efforts around the
world to come up with new ways to inform consumers about the perishability of food and to
protect against spoiling. The new systems could display the state of a product and at the
same time increase its lifespan with oxygen absorbers or special acids.

A clear trend is what most consumers prefer. Product packaging provides a number of
actionable insights that reflects their interests and values. In today’s world, shoppers have
high priority concerns for environmental issues. Most people care about their impact on the
planet. It is incredible to note that when making purchasing decisions, most shoppers’ factor
in environmental issues. Therefore, as you come up with trendy packaging design, have the
environment in mind. It is possible to make more natural and cheaper environmentally
friendly product packaging. You can still capture the attention of shoppers.

Of course, for business, cost is the first consideration in smart technology introduction. For
some food with high added value such as premium health care products or highly
demanding fresh food, it can be a sensible attempt to introduce intelligent packaging in order
to further improve product added value and availability.  Packaging protects the products
when being handled and shipped to the various retail locations, making sure your customers
don't receive broken items that need to be returned or exchanged. That’s why, it is important
that the packaging is made of high-quality material and at the same time durable. As a
marketing tool, packaging plays an important role too. Therefore, packaging follows
numerous actionable insights that ensure your product performs well in a competitive
market. Through package research or feedback, you can understand how your products
appeal to customers. A perfect connect between packaging and customer preferences would
help boost your sales.

5th Topic after ng Report mo mahal

Advertising is the promotion of a company’s products and services though different mediums to
increase the sales of the product and services. It works by making the customer aware of the product
and by focusing on customer’s need to buy the product. Globally, advertising has become an
essential part of the corporate world. Therefore, companies allot a huge part of their revenues to the
advertising budget. Advertising also serves to build a brand of the product which goes a long way to
make effective sales.

In the world of advertising, finding good insights is vital to the success of campaigns. An insight is a
true revelation of the consumer. Find out why your target think what they think, behave as they
behave and feel what they feel. And work on it to respond to real needs.

One of the biggest secrets and best adventures in the advertising world is to decode the minds of
consumers. Enter them and know what moves them to perform some actions. The intuition, habits,
environment and perceptions of each human being are what condition their actions and your job is to
find the root of all of them.

If your marketing communications attempt to talk to everyone, you’ll just end up talking to no
one. This is where the importance of strategic planning becomes evident. Planning allows you to
pinpoint the target audience for your campaign. Additionally, it will help you develop the right
voice you need to use so that they can easily relate to you.

With a strong insight, you’ll find it easy to come up with the right messaging for your campaign.
This messaging, in turn, will help craft the big idea, which will be the heart of your campaign.
Some examples of big ideas are Nike’s “Just Do It” and Skittles’ “Taste the Rainbow.” To get
insights, you can conduct surveys, in-depth interviews, and focus group discussions with your
target market.

The cost of advertising can be high, and you don’t want to waste your money on a creative that
won’t attract engagement. Ad testing is an inexpensive and efficient way to find out if you should
invest in a particular creative or a concept, or whether you still need to tweak it to have more of
an impact. If you have tailored your creative to a specific audience, the ad testing then allows you
to analyse feedback from your desirable segments and test your creatives or concepts against
them specifically. The number of advertising channels and platforms are growing fast, and you
really need to understand how to optimise your creative based on the audience requirements for
each channel.

At the end of the day, there are loads of best practice guides available for each type of creative.
However, to really see how well your creative works across each channel and for your specific
audience, you should pre-test your creative concepts. This where market research comes in to
help. Therefore, advertising helps promote brand consistency. Strategic planning ensures that
every advertising campaign you’ll implement will always be within the bounds of your branding
guidelines. This is especially true when it comes to messaging and visual elements of your
campaign should be consistent with the characteristics and personality of your brand.
6th Topic

Counterfeiting or imitation of product is a widely spread phenomenon and has seen rapid
growth in recent years. In this paper, we adopt the standard vertical differentiation model and
allow consumers the choices of purchasing an authentic product, purchasing a counterfeit, or
not buying. We focus on how non-deceptive counterfeits, which consumers know at time of
purchase that the products are counterfeits with certainty, affect the price, market share and
profitability of brand name products. We also consider the strategies for brand name companies
to fight counterfeiting. We compare different fighting strategies in a market with one brand
name product and its counterfeit, and derive equilibrium fighting strategies in a market with
two competing brand name products and a counterfeit under general conditions.

Selling fake products to social media, or market on the platforms at least, is clear to see and
represents a culture shift that is important for brands to understand. This means brands would
do well to understand just why counterfeiters find social media to be the perfect new platform
for their illegal industry.

Many social media platforms have free segmentation tools available for companies, which allow
them to filter audiences by criteria such as gender, industry, age, location and more. There are
also paid targeting tools available for more ambitious counterfeiting operations, all of which,
especially the tools offered for free, make it easier for counterfeiters to run effectively and to
turn a profit. Considering counterfeiters exist with the knowledge that their accounts and online
stores are at risk of being shut down at any point, market targeting tools like this help them to
quickly find their target audience and finalise sales before the platforms can take action against

This growth of counterfeits being found on social media has happened surprisingly fast, but it
makes perfect sense as a strategic move for counterfeiters. So many of the qualities and
features offered on social media that have been enjoyed by individuals and authentic brands for
years also combine to create a perfect storm of counterfeiting.

It’s already been said, but it’s worth repeating. Counterfeiters’ move to social media is not an
exodus from other platforms, but rather a diversification of their sales channels. Counterfeiters
are persistent - if they believe any platform or strategy can help them make money, they will
capitalise on it as much as they can.

It’s a bleak outlook by any standards. It means an increasing number of customers will be buying
the things you sell from someone else. And it only gets worse. Fake medicines, fake foods, and
imitation aviation components are on the rise. Which means an increasing number of people are
at risk of dying because of counterfeiting and fraud. That isn’t just bad for business – it’s an
7th Topic

Organic farming has its own role in not only sustaining the environment and agriculture but
also the reason behind a healthy society. Organic farming with concerted community
approach and using biological and organic inputs as well as the application of biological
agents can ensure organic harvests. Marketing needs and the promotion of its values among
the present generation of consumers will support this noble cause.

Different people have different opinions regarding organic farming. People say it is essential,
others say they need organic produce, still, someone says, it is not so, we should have an
integrated approach. There is another group of people, who are sceptic about it and say
without inorganic, nothing will perform better. That will be there, everywhere. It is all
dependant on what is your wish. If you wish, you can resolve to be organic.

As far as agriculture is concerned, water is the major element determining the harvest.
Moisture in the soil to the optimum level is the most essential aspect. Cropping, especially
organic farming success is entirely dependent on the way you manage moisture in the soil. If
it is less, there will be no growth. If there is drought, crop loss occurs. If there is more water,
that too will not give you more yield. A small amount of stress causes a high amount of
flowering and later optimum irrigation gives you the best harvest. Most of the time control is
by the climate. That is why the farmers pray a lot to the Mother Nature to bless them with a
good harvest. However, organic agriculture contributes to mitigating the greenhouse effect
and global warming through its ability to sequester carbon in the soil.

Humus and organic composts and mulching in every season are the best practices to enrich
the soil with carbon. Once the soil is rich in carbon, it will retain moisture, it will maintain soil
aeration and a lot of microbial activity, together everything makes the soil dynamic and warm
factory of solubilised minerals and essential nutrients required for the plants. In a natural
environment, solubilisation and uptake occurs gradually in tune with plant growth and thus a
sigmoid pattern of plant nutrition. In case of long duration crops and perennial crops,
seasonal fertilizer application within the base composting ensures fertility.

One way of organic farming practice is the recycling of biomass which can help to minimize
waste in our community. Here the circularity aspect of the movement of natural resources
ensures within the farm sustainable farming. The other way is buying organic inputs from
locally available sources. The circular economy will not demand investments, whereas the
other option is costlier than inorganic or integrated farming. If the farm can produce compost
or vermicompost, it would be good. Composting is now possible in mini compost units.
Those who have inconvenience may buy manures from the shops or can buy oil cakes of
peanut. It can be mixed with paddy husk or coir pith or such potting mixes. There will be best
for vegetables and leafy vegetables.

Overall, organic farming is not a self-centred activity. It needs the involvement of the
community of farmers in the neighbourhood mainly for pest and disease aspects. An organic
farming community will be healthier and it has a unique value in environmental conservation.
It reduce pollution, conserve water, reduce soil erosion, increase soil fertility, and use less
energy. Farming without pesticides is also better for nearby birds and animals as well as
people who live close to farms.

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