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6 Steps to overcome fear

Are you scared of something? Do you experience sweaty palms, shortness of breath, or you just want to
faint when you are confronted with something? You might be experiencing fear. Our fears may come in
different forms and it is rooted differently from person to person.

Everyone of us have fears. Fear is actually inherent in us. Fear is defined as an unpleasant emotion
caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat. This
threat needn’t necessarily be a real or tangible danger.

Why do we need to overcome fear?

We need to conquer our fear because our fear can hinder our growth and our chance to do things that
must be accomplished for our own personal growth.

Remember that fear is just in the mind, and there are ways that we can do to overcome our fears.
Overcoming our fear is essential for us to have fuller lives.

I will help you overcome with your fear in these six simple steps that you can follow.

Here are the 6 steps to overcome fear:

1. Identify your fear

You need to identify what are you scared of. Identifying the root cause of your fear is the fist step to
overcome it. If you fail to identify your fear, it is impossible to conquer your fear. Once you’ve identified
your fear, you have to start to acknowledge your fear and deal with it.

2. Write it down

Writing all about your fear seems to be a little bit unusual. In this step, you have to write down the
situations when your fear manifested and what did you do during that situation. This will help you
understand and determine the gravity of your fear.

3. Use breathing techniques to calm yourself down

Controlling your breathing can keep your mind focused and in control. Take long deep breaths to calm
your nerves. Breathe in through your nose, and out through your mouth.

4. Visualize yourself overcoming fear

Use your imagination and vividly visualize that you are currently facing what you fear the most. Visualize
that you were able to overcome your fear. Do this regularly and it will start to feel normal or at least you
will for more comfortable with it soon.

5. Deal with your fear directly

When you feel like you are no longer afraid after doing the 4 th step over and over again, you can proceed
with this step. It’s time to directly face your fear this time after you’ve practiced visualizing your fear for
days or months. This is finally the real deal.

6. Ask for help and support

You don’t have to do the whole process of overcoming your fears alone. Go ahead and ask for the help
of your friends and family. You can also seek for professional support.

Go ahead and try these 6 simple steps to overcome your fear If you are currently fearing something, and
this fear hinders you to have a full life.

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