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Once, when I was six years old,

I read a book about the primeval forest.

The book said,

"Boa constrictors swallow

their prey whole, without chewing it."

I pondered this deeply.

And then, I did my first drawing.

I showed my masterpiece to grown-ups

and asked if the drawing

frightened them.


Why should anyone

be frightened of a hat?


They never understand

anything by themselves.

So, I did another drawing.

Well. My advice is stick to arithmetic.

- History.

- And grammar.

I took their advice and I grew up.

I forgot all about being a child.

Until something miraculous happened.

The Little Prince

I have always wanted to find someone

to share my story with, but...

I don't know...

I guess this world just got too grown-up.

Tonight, let's recap today's recap

of today's market activity.

Record-breaking numbers

were written down on pieces of paper,

taken to the bank,

placed in drawers and locked with keys.

Backs straight.

Listening attentively.


No excessive blinking.


Unexpected praise.

Acknowledge and thank you.

A real smile, sweetie. Show your teeth.

Not too much.

Good. Okay.

Now remember,

statistics tell us that if the panel

is leaning toward acceptance,

they will ask only one question.

The big question.

Are you Werth Academy material?

One, two, three.

Three things make me Werth...


Go on.

We've reviewed your application.

Thank you!

We've reviewed your file...

Thank... You.

We've read your essay,

"The transformative power of zero

on the bottom line"

and the follow-up, "Zero, still my hero."

Everything looks to be perfect.

We will ask you just one question today.

The big question!

"Are you Werth Academy material?"

What do you want to be

when you grow up?

One, two, three.

Three things make me

Werth Academy material.

No. No.

One, like Werth, I am intelligent.

Two, like Werth, I am serious.

- Stop.

- Three...

Like Werth...
My unwavering...

Abort... Abort.

Will to


Thank you.






they changed the big question.

I'm sorry, Mum.

Don't be.

We'll just have to go to Plan B.


You said Plan B was impossible!

That's why we went with Plan A.

Plan B is the new Plan A.

We're moving forward!

Neighbourhood identified. Check.

If by some miracle we find

an affordable house here,

they will have to take you.


Check. Check.

Moving truck, check.


Matters of consequence today for

the serious and sensible man...

We did it!

You're going to Werth Academy

whether they like it or not.

Whether volcanoes are extinct or alive,

it comes to the same thing for us.

No one is ever satisfied

where he is, pursuing nothing...

Our new home. Check.

Is it too late for a Plan C?

Just keep reminding yourself that

that house made this house available,

and made your future possible.


Do you really think

I'm Werth Academy material?

You will be by the end of the summer.

I have a plan.

Right on time.

I present to you your life plan.

My life plan?

Your life plan.

We're not leaving anything to chance.

Everything's here.
From top to bottom. Left to right.

Let's take a look.

The minute of the hour,

hour of the day, day of the week,

week of the month, month of the year,

the year of your life.

Everything! Got it?

It's even got a chart

for all your birthday gifts.

Like your ninth birthday,

coming up. Microscope.

Perfect for

the Werth Academy biology curriculum.

It's already wrapped.

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