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9/7/2020 Bootcamp 2020 Infosys English-V: Attempt review

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Started on Monday, 7 September 2020, 8:01 PM

State Finished
Completed on Monday, 7 September 2020, 8:39 PM
Time taken 38 mins 35 secs
Grade 30.00 out of 40.00 (75%)

Choose an antonym for the word in BOLD in the following sentences:

Question 1 He is such a capricious boss I never know how he’ll react.


Mark 1.00 out of Select one:

a. Demure

b. Fickle

c. Unstable

d. Constant

Question 2 She had a surreptitious relationship with her employee.


Mark 1.00 out of Select one:

a. Hazy

b. Closed

c. Open

d. Undercover

Question 3 The audience was in jovial mood.


Mark 1.00 out of Select one:

a. Jolly

b. Energetic

c. Melancholic

d. Festive

Question 4 The two languages are closely akin.


Mark 1.00 out of Select one:

a. Ignored

b. Solid

c. Beautiful

d. Unrelated 1/10
9/7/2020 Bootcamp 2020 Infosys English-V: Attempt review

Question 5 Who painted the house that awful color?


Mark 1.00 out of Select one:

a. Pitiful

b. Wonderful

c. Laughable

d. Unthinkable

In the following the questions choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the words which are in bold.

Question 6 His tenacity in pursuing his goals made him so successful today.

Mark 1.00 out of Select one:

a. perseverance

b. ingratitude

c. splendor

d. tendency

Question 7 It was because of my repugnance for him that I decided not to start the business venture with him.

Mark 1.00 out of Select one:

a. loathing

b. senility

c. belligerence

d. renewal

Question 8 She sat back for a minute to ponder her next move in the game.

Mark 1.00 out of Select one:

a. Think

b. Evaluate

c. Anticipate

d. Increase

Question 9 Squirrels are so nimble that we cannot catch them.


Mark 1.00 out of Select one:

a. Sprightly

b. Happy

c. Clear

d. Unrhythmic 2/10
9/7/2020 Bootcamp 2020 Infosys English-V: Attempt review

Question 10 This illness is fatal in almost all cases.


Mark 1.00 out of Select one:

a. Serious

b. Dangerous

c. Deadly

d. Grievous

In each of the following question, the word at the top is used in four different ways. Choose the option in which
the usage of the word is Incorrect or Inappropriate.

Question 11 Announce

Mark 0.00 out of Select one:

a. Would you announce the guests as they arrive?

b. They haven’t formally announced their engagement yet.

c. This editorial article announces the dastardly act committed by the government.

d. The government yesterday announced to the media their achievements over the past year.

Question 12 Catch

Mark 1.00 out of Select one:

a. She caught herself wondering whether she had made a mistake.

b. How many fish did you catch?

c. She managed to catch the keys as they fell.

d. I was catching the umbrella in the right hand while walking.

Question 13 Connect

Mark 1.00 out of Select one:

a. The connect of the situation could not be understood easily.

b. The blow connected and she felt a surge of pain.

c. They met a couple of times but they did not connect.

d. The towns are connected by train and bus services.

Question 14 Deny

Mark 0.00 out of Select one:

a. The accused could not deny to the charges leveled against him.

b. The department denies responsibility for what occurred.

c. Access to the information was denied to them.

d. The spokesperson refused either to confirm or deny the reports. 3/10
9/7/2020 Bootcamp 2020 Infosys English-V: Attempt review

Question 15 Glow

Mark 0.00 out of Select one:

a. The strap has a fluorescent coating that glows in the dark.

b. The embers still glowed in the hearth.

c. The painting made by the maestro glows every year.

d. The brick walls glowed red in the late afternoon sun.

Choose the word which can be substituted for the given expression

Question 16 A name adopted by an author in his writings


Mark 1.00 out of Select one:

1.00 a. Nomenclature

b. Pseudonym

c. Title

d. Nickname

Question 17 A person of obscure position who has gained wealth recently.


Mark 1.00 out of Select one:

a. Sumptuary

b. Promiscuous

c. Parvenu

d. Extravagant

Question 18 A short amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person


Mark 1.00 out of Select one:

1.00 a. Ancedote

b. Ode

c. Hymn

d. Tale

Question 19 One who cannot be changed or reformed


Mark 1.00 out of Select one:

a. Incorrigible

b. Invulnerable

c. Hardened

d. Incurable 4/10
9/7/2020 Bootcamp 2020 Infosys English-V: Attempt review

Question 20 One who secretly listens to the talk of others


Mark 1.00 out of Select one:

a. Detective

b. Spy

c. Eavesdropper

d. Emissary

Read the passage and answer the questions that follow on the basis of the information provided in the passage.

An upsurge of new research suggests that animals have a much higher level of brainpower than previously thought. If
animals do have intelligence, how do scientists measure it? Before defining animals' intelligence, scientists defined what
not intelligence is. Instinct is not intelligence. It is a skill programmed into an animal's brain by its genetic heritage. Rote
conditioning is also not intelligence. Tricks can be learned by repetition, but no real thinking is involved. Cuing, in which
animals learn to do or not to do certain things by following outside signals, does not demonstrate intelligence. Scientists
believe that insight, the ability to use tools, and communication using human language are all effective measures of the
mental ability of animals. (Paragraph 1)
 When judging animal intelligence, scientists look for insight, which they define as a flash of sudden understanding. When
a young gorilla could not reach fruit from a tree, she noticed crates scattered about the lawn near the tree. She piled the
crates into a pyramid, then climbed on them to reach her reward. The gorilla's insight allowed her to solve a new problem
without trial and error. (Paragraph 2)

The ability to use tools is also an important sign of intelligence. Crows use sticks to pry peanuts out of cracks. The crow
exhibits intelligence by showing it has learned what a stick can do. Likewise, otters use rocks to crack open crab shells in
order to get at the meat. In a series of complex moves, chimpanzees have been known to use sticks and stalks in order to
get at a favorite snack—termites. To make and use a termite tool, a chimp first selects just the right stalk or twig. He trims
and shapes the stick, then finds the entrance to a termite mound. While inserting the stick carefully into the entrance, the
chimpanzee turns it skillfully to fit the inner tunnels. The chimp attracts the insects by shaking the twig. Then it pulls the
tool out without scraping off any termites. Finally, he uses his lips to skim the termites into his mouth. (Paragraph 3)

Many animals have learned to communicate using human language. Some primates have learned hundreds of words in
sign language. One chimp can recognize and correctly use more than 250 abstract symbols on a keyboard. These symbols
represent human words. An amazing parrot can distinguish five objects of two different types. He can understand the
difference between the number, color, and kind of object. The ability to classify is a basic thinking skill. He seems to use
language to express his needs and emotions. When ill and taken to the animal hospital for his first overnight stay, this
parrot turned to go. "Come here!" he cried to a scientist who works with him. "I love you. I'm sorry. Wanna go back?"
(Paragraph 4)

The research on animal intelligence raises important questions. If animals are smarter than once thought, would that
change the way humans interact with them? Would humans stop hunting them for sport or survival? Would animals still
be used for food, clothing, or medical experimentation? Finding the answer to these tough questions makes a difficult
puzzle even for a large-brained, problem-solving species like our own. (Paragraph 5)

Question 21 According to the passage, which of the following is true about animals communicating through the use of human
Complete language?
Mark 0.00 out of
1.00 Select one:
a. Chimpanzees and gorillas have been trained to use sign language or geometric shapes that stand for words.

b. Crows screech warnings to other crows.

c. Parrots can imitate or repeat a sound.

d. Dolphins click and whistle. 5/10
9/7/2020 Bootcamp 2020 Infosys English-V: Attempt review

Question 22 Crows use sticks to pry peanuts out of cracks. Which of the following is the kind of intelligence or conditioning the
Complete situation describes?
Mark 1.00 out of
1.00 Select one:
a. rote learning

b. instinct

c. tools

d. communication

Question 23 In paragraph 3, what conclusion can be reached about the chimpanzee's ability to use a tool?

Mark 1.00 out of Select one:

a. It illustrates high intelligence because he is able to get his food and eat it.

b. It illustrates high intelligence because termites are protein packed.

c. It illustrates instinct because he faced a difficult task and accomplished it.

d. It illustrates high intelligence because he stored knowledge away and called it up at the right time.

Question 24 The concluding paragraph of this passage infers which of the following?

Mark 1.00 out of Select one:

a. Animals are capable of untrained thought well beyond mere instinct.

b. There is no definitive line between those animals with intelligence and those without.

c. Animals are being given opportunities to display their intelligence.

d. Research showing higher animal intelligence may fuel debate on ethics and cruelty.

Question 25 The underlined word upsurge, as it is used in the first paragraph of the passage, most nearly means

Mark 1.00 out of Select one:

a. a decreasing amount.

b. an increasingly large amount.

c. an immeasurable amount.

d. a well-known amount. 6/10
9/7/2020 Bootcamp 2020 Infosys English-V: Attempt review

Read the comprehension and answer the questions that follow:
There are two theories that have often been used to explain ancient and modern tragedy. Neither quite explains the
complexity of the tragic process or the tragic hero, but each explains important elements of tragedy, and, because their
conclusions are contradictory, they represent extreme views.

and of the limitation of human effort. But this theory of tragedy is an oversimplification, primarily because it confuses the
tragic condition with the tragic process: the theory does not acknowledge that fate, in a tragedy, normally becomes
external to the hero only after the tragic process has as a heroism that creates the splendor and exhilaration that is unique
to tragedy. The tragic hero quality of an honest person, but the external antagonist of the criminal. Secondarily, this
theory of tragedy does not distinguish tragedy from irony. Irony does not need an exceptional central figure: the original
destiny never quite fades out of the tragedy.
as a rule, the more ignoble the hero the sharper the irony, when irony alone is the objective. It is heroism that creates the
splendor and exhilaration that is unique to tragedy. The tragic hero normally has an extraordinary, often a nearly divine,
destiny almost within grasp, and the glory of the original destiny never quite fades out of the tragedy.

The second theory of tragedy states that the act that sets the tragic process in motion must be primarily a violation of
normal law, whether human or divine; in short, that the tragic hero must have a flaw that has an essential connection with
sin. Again it is true that the great majority of tragic heroes do possess hubris, or a proud and passionate mind that seems
to make the hero’s downfall morally explicable. But such hubris is only the precipitating agent of catastrophe, just as in
comedy the cause )f the happy ending is usually some act of humility often performed by a noble character who is meanly
This theory of tragedy as morally explicable runs into the question of whether an innocent sufferer in a tragedy, such as
Iphigenia, or Socrates in Plato Apology, is a tragic figure. They are, of course, even though it is not very easy to find crucial
moral flaws in them. Cordelia shows sincerity and high spirit in refusing to flatter her faber, and Cordelia is 30 hanged.
Tragedy, in short, is ambiguous and cannot be reduced to the opposition between human effort. and external fate, just as
it cannot be reduced to the opposition between good and evil.

Question 26 According to the. author, Cordellia is an example of a figure who


Mark 0.00 out of Select one:

a. sinned, but whose sin did not set the tragic process in motion.

b. submitted willingly to fate, even though her submission caused her death.

c. disobeyed a moral law, but was not punished for doing so.

d. did not set the tragic process in motion, but is still a tragic figure.

e. transcended both the laws of ‘fate and the laws of society.

Question 27 In the author’s opinion, an act of humility in comedy is most analogous to


Mark 1.00 out of Select one:

a. a tragic hero’s aversion to sin.

b. A tragic hero’s pride and passion

c. an ironic action in tragedy.

d. a catastrophe in tragedy.

e. a tragic hero’s pursuit of an unusual destiny.

Question 28 The author contrasts an honest person and a criminal primarily in order to

Mark 1.00 out of Select one:

a. introduce the concept of sin as the cause of tragic action.

b. prove that fate cannot be external to the tragic hero.

c. develop the distinction between the tragic condition and the tragic process.

d. establish a criterion that allows a distinction to be made between irony and tragedy.

e. argue that the theme of omnipotent external fate is shared by comedy and tragedy. 7/10
9/7/2020 Bootcamp 2020 Infosys English-V: Attempt review

Question 29 The primary purpose of the passage is. to


Mark 1.00 out of Select one:

a. compare and criticize two theories of tragedy.

b. develop a new theory of tragedy

c. reject one theory of tragedy and offer another theory in its place.

d. distinguish between tragedy and iron

e. summarize the thematic content of tragedy.

Question 30 Which of the following comparisons of the tragic with the ironic hero is best supported by information contained in the’
Complete passage?
Mark 1.00 out of
1.00 Select one:
a. A tragic hero’s moral flaw surprises the, audience, but an ironic hero’s sin does not.

b. A tragic hero’s fate is an external condition, but an ironic hero’s fate is an internal one

c. A tragic hero must be controlled by fate, but an ironic hero cannot be.

d. A tragic hero and an ironic hero cannot both be virtuous figures in the same tragedy.

e. A tragic hero is usually extraordinary, but an ironic hero may be cowardly or even villainous.

Question 31 Direction: Correct the error: A)If you listen with/ B) the question carefully/ C) you will be able to answer them easily/ D) No
Complete error
Mark 1.00 out of
1.00 Select one:
a. C

b. B

c. D

d. A

Question 32 Directions: Choose the word pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that of the original pair. MIRROR : SMOOTH
Complete ::
Mark 1.00 out of
1.00 Select one:
a. sandpaper : rough

b. laggard : lazy

c. fragrance : musk

d. poet : sweet

Question 33 Directions: Choose the word pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that of the original pair. BIRD : CARDINAL ::

Mark 0.00 out of Select one:

a. water : fluid

b. building : sturdy

c. idol : reverence

d. house : igloo 8/10
9/7/2020 Bootcamp 2020 Infosys English-V: Attempt review

Question 34 Directions: Choose the word pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that of the original pair. TEARS : SADNESS ::

Mark 1.00 out of Select one:

a. happiness : laughter

b. reiterate : loiter

c. revision : mistake

d. smiles : joy

Question 35 Directions: Choose the word pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that of the original pair. Q. KNIFE : CUT ::

Mark 0.00 out of Select one:

a. breach : tear

b. shovel : dig

c. wings : birds

d. kill : die

Question 36 Directions: Choose the word pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that of the original pair. Q. FISH : SEA ::

Mark 1.00 out of Select one:

a. rattle : chatter

b. cat : whiskers

c. moose : forest

d. horns : unnerve

Question 37 Read each of the following sentences to find out whether there is any grammatical or idiomatic error in it. The error, if any
Complete will be in one part of the sentence.(A)Sunita opened an almirah (B) Full of books and which (C) Took one of them(D)For
Mark 0.00 out of reading

Select one:
a. B

b. A

c. D

d. C

Question 38 Read each of the following sentences to find out whether there is any grammatical or idiomatic error in it. The error, if any
Complete will be in one part of the sentence.(A) The technique structurally may (B) Function fine but (C) The result of it (D) Can be
Mark 0.00 out of obscure or ambiguous

Select one:
a. D

b. A

c. C

d. B 9/10
9/7/2020 Bootcamp 2020 Infosys English-V: Attempt review

Question 39 Read each of the following sentences to find out whether there is any grammatical or idiomatic error in it. The error, if any
Complete will be in one part of the sentence. (A) On the end of the two day meet(B) the athletes from different countries agreed to
Mark 0.00 out of the factors (C) that affects performance (D) At a height of 5000m above sea level.

Select one:
a. C

b. A

c. D

d. B

Question 40 Read each of the following sentences to find out whether there is any grammatical or idiomatic error in it. The error, if any
Complete will be in one part of the sentence. (A) The Prime Minister has decided (B) to name a future leader (C) of the country (D)
Mark 1.00 out of Who will retire early next year.

Select one:
a. C

b. D

c. A

d. B

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