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Arise Arose Arisen Surgir
Awake Awoke Awoken Despertar (se)
Bear Bore Borne Soportar
Beat Beat Beaten Golpear
Become Became Become Convertirse en
Begin Began Begun Empezar
Bend Bent Bent Doblar (se)
Bet Bet Bet Apostar
Bid Bid Bid Pujar
Bind Bound Bound Encuadernar
Bleed Bled Bled Sangrar
Blow Blew Blown Soplar
Break Broke Broken Romper
Breed Bred Bred Criar
Bring Brought Brought Traer
Build Built Built Construir
Burn Burnt Burnt Quemar (se)
Burst Burst Burst Estallar
Buy Bought Bought Comprar
Cast Cast Cast Tirar
Catch Caught Caught Agarrar
Choose Chose Chosen Elegir
Cling Clung Clung Aferrarse
Come Came Come Venir
Cost Cost Cost Costar
Creep Crept Crept Arrastrar
Cut Cut Cut Cortar
Deal Dealt Dealt Tratar
Dig Dug Dug Cavar
Do Did Done Hacer
Draw Drew Drawn Dibujar
Dream Dreamt Dreamt Soñar
Drink Drank Drunk Beber
Drive Drove Driven Conducir
Eat Ate Eaten Comer
Fall Fell Fallem Cer (se)
Feed Fed Fed Alimentar

Feel Felt Felt Sentir
Fight Fought Fought Pelear (se)
Find Found Found Encontrar
Flee Fled Fled Huir
Fly Flew Flown Volar
Forbid Forbade Forbidden Prohibir
Forget Forgot Forgotten Olvidar (se)
Forgive Forgave Forgiven Perdonar
Freeze Froze Frozen Congelar (se)
Get Got Got Conseguir
Give Gave Given Dar
Go Went Gone Ir
Grind Ground Ground Moler
Grow Grew Grown Crecer
Hang Hung Hung Colgar
Have Had Had Tener
Hear Heard Heard Escuchar
Hide Hid Hidden Esconder (se)
Hit Hit Hit Golpear
Hold Held Held Agarrar (se)
Hurt Hurt Hurt Herir
Keep Kept Kept Guardar
Kneel Knelt Knelt Arrodillarse
Know Knew Known Saber, Conocer
Lay Laid Laid Poner
Lead Led Led Llevar
Lean Leant Leant Apoyarse
Leap Leapt Leapt Brincar
Learn Learnt Learnt Aprender
Leave Left Left Dejar
Lend Lent Lent Prestar
Let Let Let Permitir
Lie Lay Lain Echarse
Lose Lost Lost Perder
Make Made Made Hacer
Mean Meant Meant Significar
Meet Met Met Encontrar (se)
Overcome Overcame Overcome Vencer
Pay Paid Paid Pagar
Put Put Put Poner
Read Read Read Leer
Ride Rode Ridden Montar
Ring Rang Rung Sonar
Rise Rose Risen Levantarse
Run Ran Run Correr
Saw Sawed Sawn Serrar
Say Said Said Decir
See Saw Seen Ver
Seek Sought Sought Buscar
Sell Sold Sold Vender
Send Sent Sent Enviar
Set Set Set Poner
Sew Sewed Sewn Coser
Shake Shook Shaken Agitar
Shear Sheared Shorn Esquilar
Shine Shone Shone Brillar
Shoot Shot Shot Disparar
Show Showed Shown Mostrar
Shrink Shrank Shrunk Encoger (se)
Shut Shut Shut Cerrar (se)
Sink Sank Sunk Hundir (se)
Sit Sat Sat Sentar (se)
Sleep Slept Slept Dormir
Slide Slid Slid Resbalar
Smell Smelt Smelt Oler
Sow Sowed Sown Sembrar
Speak Spoke Spoken Hablar
Speed Sped Sped Acelerar
Spell Spelt Spelt Deletrear
Spend Spent Spent Gastar
Spill Split Spilt Derramar
Spit Spat Spat Escupir
Split Split Split Hender
Spoil Spoilt Spoilt Estropear (se)
Spread Spread Spread Untar
Stand Stood Stood Estar de pie
Steal Stole Stolen Robar
Stick Stuck Stuck Pegar (se)
Sting Stung Stung Picar
Stink Stank Stunk Apestar
Strive Strove Striven Esforzarse
Swear Swore Sworn Jurar
Sweep Swept Swept Barrer
Swim Swam Swum Nadar
Swing Swung Swung Balancear (se)
Take Took Taken Tomar
Teach Taught Taught Enseñar
Tear Tore Torn Romper
Tell Told Told Contar, Decir
Think Thought Thought Pensar
Throw Threw Thrown Lanzar
Tread Trod Trodden Pisar
Understand Understood Understood Entender
Wake Woke Woken Despertar (se)
Wear Wore Worn Llevar puesto
Weave Wove Woven Tejer
Weep Wpet Wept Llorar
Win Won Won Ganar
Wind Wound Wound Enrollar
Withdraw Withdrew Withdraw Retirar (se)
Wring Wrung Wrung Torcer
Write Wrote Written Escribir


Act Acted Id Actuar
Add Added Id Añadir
Ask Asked t Preguntar
Answer Answered d Responder
Arrive Arrived d Arribar
Brush Brushed t Cepillar
Belong Belonged d Pertenecer
Beg Begged d Suplicar
Believe Believed d Creer
Close Closed d Cerrar
Cook Cooked t Cocinar
Call Called d Llamar
Change Changed d Cambiar
Charge Charged d Cargar
Clean Cleaned d Limpiar
Cry Cried d Llorar
Dance Danced t Bailar
Dress Dressed t Vestir
Die Died d Morir
Enjoy Enjoyed d Disfrutar
Explain Explained d Explicar
Follow Followed d Seguir
Finish Finished t Terminar
Help Helped t Ayudar
Hope Hoped t Esperar, desear
Happen Happen d Suceder
Imagine Imagined d Imaginar
Kiss Kissed t Besar
Kill Killed d Matar
Laugh Laughed t Reír
Like Liked t Gustar
Look Looked t Mirar
Miss Missed t Extrañar
Marry Married d Casar (se)
Open Opened d Abrir
Play Played d Jugar
Prefer Prefered d Preferir
Promise Promised t Prometer
Repeat Repeated id Repetir
Rain Rained d Llover
Remember Remembered d Recordar
Smile Smiled d Sonreir
Study Studied d Estudiar
Smoke Smoked t Fumar
Stop Stopped t Detener
Talk Talked t Conversar
Thank Thanked t Agradecer
Touch Touched d Tocar
Use Used id Usar
Visit Visited id Visitar
Wait Waited id Esperar
Want Wanted t Querer
Walk Walked t Caminar
Watch Watched t Observar
Wish Wished t Desear
Work Worked t Trabajar


Add Up Totalizar Add Up To Alcanzar un total
Answer Back Contestar mal Answer For Responder de
Ask About Preguntar (asunto) Ask After Preguntar (salud)
Ask For Preguntar por Ask Up To Pedir hasta (precio)
Ask Back Invitar a volver Ask Down Invitar a bajar
Ask In Invitar a entrar Ask Out Invitar a salir
Ask Up Invitar a subir
Back Away Retroceder Back Out Volver atrás
Back Up Reforzar Be about Estar por
Be Away Estar fuera Be back Estar de vuelta
Be For Estar a favor de Be In Estar en casa
Be Off Irse Be On Estar encendido
Be Out Estar afuera Be Over Estar acabado
Be Up Estar levantado Bend Down Agacharse
Bend Over Inclinarse Blow Away Llevarse
Blow Down Derrumbarse Blow Off Dejar salir (vapor)
Blow Out Apagarse Blow up Volar (explosivos)
Break Away Soltarse Break Down Averiarse
Break In Interrumpir Break Off Romperse
Break Up Terminar el curso, Break Out Estallar
Bring Back Devolver Bring About Acarrear
Bring Along Traer (consigo) Bring Down Derribar
Bring In Hacer entrar Bring Out Publicar
Bring Up Crias, Educar Brush Off Quitar el polvo


Subject + to be (is / are) + complement

Subject + to be (was / were) + complement

Simple Negative Question Simple Past Negative Question

I am I am not Am I…? I was I was not Was I…?
You are You are not Are you…? You were You were no Were you…?
He is He is not Is he…? He was He was not Was he…?
She is She isn’t Is she…? She was She wasn’t Was she…?
It is It is not Is it…? It was It was not Was it…?
We We aren’t Are we…? We were We weren’t Were we…?
They They aren’t Are they…? They were They were Were
not they…?


Write the correct verb in the blank.

A. Susan ______ my new friend.

B. I ______ very good driver. (negative form)
C. My neighbours ______ very noisy.
D. ______ your mother at home?
E. No, she ______ at home. (negative form)
F. ______ the stores open today?
G. They ______ happy to see you.


Put the words in the correct order. (PRESENT AND PAST)

A. Baby / She / Beautiful / Is .

B. Awake / Are / Children / Early / This / The / Morning.
C. Were / Busy / You / Friday / On.
D. South Africa / She / Last / Was / Month / In.
E. Rose / Yesterday / Was / My / In / Home.

I found a love for me

Darling just dive right in
And follow my lead
Well I found a girl beautiful and sweet 
I never knew you _____ the someone waiting for me
'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love.

Not knowing what it _____

I will not give you up this time
But darling, just kiss me slow, your heart _____ all I own
And in your eyes you' _____ holding mine.

Baby, I_____ dancing in the dark with you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song
When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath
But you heard it, darling, you look perfect tonight.

Well I found a woman, stronger than anyone I know

She shares my dreams, I hope that someday I'll share her home
I found a love, to carry more than just my secrets
To carry love, to carry children of our own
We _____ still kids, but we'_____ so in love
Fighting against all odds
I know we'll be alright this time
Darling, just hold my hand
_____ my girl, I'll be your man
I see my future in your eyes.

Baby, I'_____ dancing in the dark, with you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song
When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful
I _____ deserve this, darling, you look perfect tonight.

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song
I have faith in what I see
Now I know I have met an angel in person
And she looks perfect
I _____ deserve this
You look perfect tonight.



Subject + Do / Does + Not + Complement.


Subject + Did / not + Complement (Negative form)

Did + Subject + Complement (Question form)


Complete the sentences with “DO” , “DOES” or “DID”. Some of the sentences are in
Negative Form.

A. ______ she play soccer?

B. ______ the cats drink milk yesterday?
C. He ______ come to home last night. (Negative form)
D. ______ Maria and Gloria like to play pianno?
E. ______ the computer work fine?
F. ______ Jorge cook everyday?
G. ______ they read books in the library every Tuesday?
H. I _______ like to eat carrots. (Negative form)


Tell me about the things you DID on weekend.


Read the lecture and answer the questions.

1. What is one of the favorite classes of this student?

a. Math
b. Music
c. Art
d. Reading

2. The author describes Mrs. Hilbert as a __________

a. Beautiful person
b. Nice lady
c. Wonderful artist
d. Sweet person

3. What did Mrs. Hilbert teach the class to do?

a. Bake chocolate cake

b. Write great stories
c. Do long division
d. Mix paint

4. Why does it help his student see the work of other artists?

a. To learn to draw
b. Mix paint
c. To think about what she wants to paint
d. Non of these

5. Where will the art exhibit be?

a. At the llibrary
b. At one of the banks
c. At the school
d. At one of the churches

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