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Black water: An US organization which is basically takes contracts of killing people or you can

say target killing.

A month ago, a couple of University Town, Peshawar citizen complained to Federal Interior
Ministry about mysterious activities of some American’s living in their neighbor. After
investigations by Pakistani authorities, they coined that an NGO labeled under “Creative
Associative International Inc.” (CAII) rented house, a Washington DC based company. Further,
they told that they are working on projects in tribal areas and very astonishing that these projects
are linked to US State department and their projects were not relevant with their described work
of an NGO.

By the passage of time, they applied to hire security guards for their protection and next step was
to demand Black-water World Wide. They were going to use Black-water to conduct a range of
covert activities in Pakistan’s tribal areas, which was later on confirmed by daily “New York

In Peshawar, security officials observed by different reports that Black-water was operating from
the office of CAII on Chinar Road, University Town in Peshawar companies in-charge alleged
and arrested for maintaining contacts with the adversaries of Pakistan in tribal belt. At last
company’s in-charge Mr. Davis expelled from Pakistan Daily “Jang” reported.

One thousand US Marines will be coming to Pakistan and will be deployed at US Mission in
Islamabad, Foreign Office Spokesman, Abdul Basit Khan told media in a press briefing on 5th
August, 2009 at Press Club, Karachi while replying to a query about increase in the strength of
the US personnel at Islamabad Mission. Remember that US is going to establish world’s biggest
mission in Islamabad in near future and marines are coming to protect the Islamabad mission.

According to media reports, marines of Black-water already exist here and stepped into Pakistan
during the Musharraf era. There are so many worthy scoops which declare that Black-water
exists here in Pakistan. First of all, existence of CAII in Peshawar, their suspicious activities then
intelligence agencies concerns about their covert activities and presence. Exploring the facts this
statement seems 100% true as a foreign newspaper “New York Times” reported recently “the
CIA has for several years operated Predator drones out of a remote base in Shamsi, Pakistan but
has secretly added a second site at an air base in Jalalabad, Afghanistan” in this report they also
mentioned that these Predator drones were fired by the Black-water.

While like CAII, which is considered to be the front line of CIA and was involved in
mischievous activities in Peshawar there are several other reports about CIA’s suspicious
activities in different nooks of Pakistan, a person can better understand what is the purpose of
these activities protecting diplomats or espionage.

For example, wreaking havoc inside Pakistan and recovering American and Israeli manufactured
weapons during this havoc, at right of the time when you are flawed to know about the supplier
of these kind of weapons inside Pakistan. Thirdly, capturing of a US Woman diplomat convening
a secret meeting between Indian diplomats and Pakistani Officials at 152 – Margalla Road,
Islamabad and government’s letter to refrain contacts with foreign diplomats, issued in response.

Same like University Town, Peshawar and existence of Black-water marines were exposed in a
televised programme of Geo TV, when Hamid Mir questioned to Nawabzada Malik Amaad,
Minister for Foreign Affairs about 200 houses are rented to American’s possibly US marines,
who are doing cover activities, which compelled residents to report. The most important thing
both Pakistani and US authorities denied to confirm about the existence Black-water when it has
already been declared by Foreign Office Spokesman.

Knowing all these bullshits, we can not deny the existence of Black-water in Pakistan but a rally
of questions blow our minds to make us senseless that why an external security force is here,
neglecting our own security agencies? Our agencies are not able to protect foreign diplomats or
our regime + US State Department do not want to rely on them? Can they provide services to a
sovereign state with having an NOC? If they have NOC? Then why not made it public? And if
they have taken NOC from government then isn’t it a hard hit on the sovereignty of Pakistan? If
they have not taken NOC then what is the reactions of our state?

Black-water established in 1997 by Mr. Eric D. Prince. It is a completely private owned security
company. In 1990’s Mr. Prince purchased 6,000 acres (24 Km2) of the great dismal swamp, at
North Carolina / Virginia border, where he established Black-water on the name of peat colored
water of the swamp. Black-water World Wide replaced its name with Xe LLC after breaking
their contract with Iraqi regime because they killed 17 innocent people without any cause in
2007. Xe’s founder and former CEO Eric Prince was a Navy Seal, he attended Naval Academy
and was an intern in George H. W Bush’s White House.

Prince is a major financial supporter of Republic Party causes and candidates, which is the
reason that 90% of the companies revenue come from the US State Department. Currently, Xe is
the largest US States three private security contractors and 2/3 contracts are NO-BID

In continuation, I would like to insert here that Black-water Marines, on September 16, 2007
shoot and killed 17 innocent Iraqis and at least 14 of them were killed without any cause,
according to Federal Bureau of Investigation. In November 2008 the US State Department fined
million dollars to Black-water for smuggling automatic weapons to Iraq without the necessary
permission. Connecting to this information, Pakistan army has already recovered American
assembled weapons from terrorists inside Pakistan’s territory with highly trained terrorists came
from Afghanistan. Our minds are useless to understand then why they have allowed Black Water
to step into Pakistan, even they do not have registered passports.

Jeremy Scahill – an investigative journalist of Daily “The Nation” international’s report added
fuel into story about a former employee of Black-water and an ex US-marine, whom made a
series of explosive allegations in sworn statement, filed on August 03 in Federal Court in
Virginia. One of the most flabbergasted allegations from these persons is “Mr. Eric Prince views
himself as a Christian crusader tasked with eliminating Muslims and the Islamic faith from the
In addition to this statement these men told to Federal Court that Mr. Prince intentionally
deployed to Iraq certain men who shared his vision of Christian supremacy, know and wanting
them men to take every availability to murder Iraqis. Many of these men used call signs based on
the knights of the Templar – the warriors who fought crusades. Remember, that still five persons
are waiting for trials on manslaughter in Baghdad and a sixth Jeremy Ridge way has already
pleaded guilty to manslaughter and helping the prosecutors.

Reviewing entire facts, our current regime should have to rewind the history that CIA had
already attempted to build a spy chain for accessing Pakistan’s nuclear programme, which was
broken in 1978 by our intelligence agencies. This news was not made public but issue resolved
on diplomatic level at Washington DC, USA. Now, their media and US States Department have
already showed their concerns about threat of nuclear weapons accessibility to Taliban. CIA and
Black-water’s covert activities could be a signal of another spy chain for gaining access to
Pakistan’s nuclear assets but Black-water must have to remember that they have stepped into
hot-waters and landed into land of suicider’s and it will not be easy to eat this pill.

With the very first day, Pakistan Intelligence, Pakistani media and some well known
personalities of Pakistan have been asserted that Blackwater was operating in Pakistan. But the
officials of Pakistan Govt. were used to deny all these reports.

On December 14, 2009, despite repeated denials, the CIA has confirmed that US security
contractor Xe Services, formerly known as Blackwater, has been operating in Pakistan and CIA
spokesman George Little said that agency Director Leon Panetta has now terminated a contract
with Xe services that allowed the company’s employees to load bombs on CIA drones at secret
airfields in Pakistan and Afghanistan

Blackwater or Xe is  in Pakistan. They are hiring people from all walks of life including media,
students, retired bureaucrats and military men, businessmen and others. They are up to
something very nefarious possibly taking over the nuclear assets of Pakistan. They are
strengthening themselves in every notable city and town and soon they will be everywhere from
Karachi to Khyber.

Those are the news which are being touted repetitively. It is said that thousands of American
marines and blackwater operatives have rented hundreds of houses in Islamabad and Peshawar
and they have opened up many fronts and they are brandishing weapons in public and also have
been threatening police officers in the capital.
This news is in circulation for quite a time, but the government has been silent and just yesterday
they have issued a statement that there is no existence of Blackwater in Pakistan.

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