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So, Too, Neither, Either

1. Fill in the gap with: So, Too, Either, Neither

I don’t play guitar and Laura_______don´t either____

Juan Diego doesn’t eat fish and ___neither____ does his brother the
teachers doesn’t do exercise and ____neither_____ do we.
I don’t want to fail the semester ______either______, do I Your sister
can't help you with your homework._______either_______
My students don’t take out the trash, ___either___ the teacher. She is
always late._________too____________.

2. Combine to form a sentence using: So, Too, Either, Neither.

You brush your teeth every morning. We brush our teeth every morning
i brush your me teeth every morning. we brush too our teeth every morning

She doesn’t study her lesson. He doesn’t studies his lesson

She doesn't study her lesson either. neither does he studies his lesson

They like to drink milk. I like to drink milk

they to drink milk. So like i to drink milk

We should practice the song. They should practice the song

We should practice the song too. They should practice the song too

I don’t cheat on my exams. She doesn’t cheat on her exams

I don’t cheat on my exams. She doesn't cheat on her exams either

Complete the sentences taking into account the information and the

He isn´t Good at driving the car, neither do I

me daughter dishwashing, I do it, too

She doesn´t feet her dog in the morning,

And she doesn't feed him in the afternoon either

I don’t like to vacuum my house, so do i

She can go to walk with his dog, so can I

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