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1. Where were you born?

2. What did you do after class yesterday?

3. When did you celebrate your birthday?
4. How often does your wife work out?
5. How many toys does your daughter have?
6. What are you doing tomorrow in the morning?
7. What do you think you will do tomorrow in the afternoon?
8. What are you going to do next weekend?
9. What have you done today yet?
10.What will you do if you have the rest of the day off?
11.What had you done before the class started?
12.I broke into my best friend house in the middle of the night and a
worried neighbor called the police so I got arrested for 24 hours for
trespassing private property. What should I have done? What would
you have done if you were me?
13.If you could travel anywhere in the world with 1 person, who would
you travel with?
14.What has your wife/boyfriend/girlfriend/friend with benefits done
today yet?
15.What did you do last weekend?
16.Where should you have studied if you had given the chance and the
money to choose?
17.What would you have written on the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights if you had been there on December 10 1948 in Paris?
18.Where would you go if you had a free ticket for tomorrow?
19.Have you ever cheated on an exam?
20.What important historic character would you bring back if you had
that superpower?

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