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The alchemist

My favorite book is EL Alquimista, written by the Brazilian writer Paulo Coelho in

1988. This book is a novel that has been translated into more than 80 languages and
published in 170 countries, and that has sold 65 million copies throughout the world.
world. It is considered as a paraphrase of the story The Thousand and One Nights: in
short, the adventures of a hero who seeks his treasure, far from home.

The novel revolves around the theme of the Personal Legend, which is the end to which
the protagonist Santiago arrives. The Personal Legend is a path traced, a dream that you
always want to do, difficult to fulfill and that is clear in adolescence because it is a stage
of life where fear is insignificant. Evocative and deeply human, this story is the eternal
testimony of the transformative power of our dreams, of the importance of listening to
our hearts and of deciphering the language that is beyond words. And it is that when a
person really wants something, the entire Universe conspires so that he can make his
dream come true.

I think the book is very interesting, it tells the story of a shepherd who goes on a journey
to find the treasure that appears in his dreams.
The characters in this story are very interesting, although the most complete is Santiago,
the main character. The book is narrated in the third person following the protagonist. I
loved the way this story is told as it manages to immerse you inside this great adventure.
The alchemist makes you think about destiny, dreams and when a person really wants
something, the whole universe conspires so that you can realize your dream.

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