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AQzT 0 19 a a STRUCTURE AND WRITTEN EXPRESSION Time — 25 minutes This section is designed to measure your ability to recognize language that is appropriate for standard written English. There are two types of questions in this section, with special directions for each type. Directions: Questions 1-15 are incomplete sentences. Beneath each sentence you will see four words or phrases, marked (A), (8), {C) and (D). Cnoose the ane word or phrase that best ‘completes the sentence. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside the oval cannot be seen. : Example 1 ple Answer ‘Sound comes in waves, and the @2Oeo higher the frequency, «+ «+ (A) higher is the pitch (B) the pitch is higher (©) the higher the pitch 7 (D) pitch is the higher ‘The sentence should read, “Sound comes in waves, and the higher the frequency, the higher the pitch.” Therefore, you should choose answer (C). Example It Sample Answer Fire safety in family houses, e®o® most fire deaths occur, is difficult to achieve, : (A) where (8) why {C) how (0) when The sentence should read, “Fire safety in family houses, where most fire deaths occur, is di to achieve.” Therefore, you should choose answer (A). After you read the directions, begin work on the questions, 1. Bees... display distinct preferences 42 Jupiter... . the i for different colors, but are also foie Sees Tea sensitive to ultra-violet light. ) is (A) only }) which not only () although only do (D) being (DY can only : 5. When sugar... to yeast, fermentation 2 physi takes place, rented the mercury thermometer in (A) by adding a4. (B) adding (A) There is ) itis added B) iti © sane ‘ ‘The i ) Ht is the : 6, The overall efficiency of a system can be... that.of its weakest element. 13. Minagement ..... as the organization no greate} © “and coordination of an enterpese. isepeae (A) to be defined i i nothing as great as (B) it is defined | (D) not the greater (©) definable can be defined \ fase 132 8 10. 1. 2. ‘The Puritans, . . . . . percentage of the earliest settlers ii Massachusetts, were a ious, self-disciplined people. & which size a sizable (Q)_ the sizable (D) that sizable Deserts produce less than 0.5 grams of plant growth ...-.. from every square meter. (A) the day ®) some day (C) one day a day By observing REM, br rapid eye movements, ... . . to know when dreaming occurs during sleep. 1A) it is the possibility (B) is the possibility itis possible then is possible ‘The Irish brought the popular custom of Halloween to America... . . 1840's. (A) into the (B) in the (C) within during At experimental agricultural stations many-types of grass are grown . various conditions, @ tocer (B) underneath (©) below (D) beneath Nitric acid . .. .. copper to give off brown fumes of nitrogen dioxide, (A) on reacting with reacting to reacts with (D) is reacting with 1B. cra 15, ‘The saturated fat in dairy foods is thought . . .. .a factor in heart disease. ‘ ) itis @ wee (Q they are : {D) as being : Robots are being used increasingly in| industry as they can work on large jobs | faster, are more precise and... Qo extn te dont tire more easily (C) don't tre easily (D) don't too easily tire Many plants can grow in water, without any soil, .., . . nutrients are added. as long as 5) sure that (C) above all (D) of necessity irections: In questions 16-40 each sentence has four underlined words or phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentence are marked (A), (B), (C) and (D). Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be corréct. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number.of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen. Example I : Sample Answer After Newton has observed an apple fall @oe FAT B : to the ground, he formulated the law of Cc gravity. , D ‘The underlined words has observed would not be acceptable in carefully written English; the ast perfect form of the verb should be used to express the first of two completed actions in the past. Therefore, the sentence should read, “After Newton had observed an apple fall to the ground, he formulated the law of gravity.” To answer the question correctly, you should choose TAN Example Sample Answer In 1740, John Newbery was the ®®oe0e A first publisher to produce B books which children really Cc wanted read, D ‘The underlined word read would not be accepted in carefully written English; the infinitive form to read should be used because the verb wanted takes an infinitive with “to”. Therefore, the Sentence should read, “In 1740, John Newbery was the first publisher to produce books which ‘children realiy wanted'to read.” To answer the question correctly, yoii should choose (D)- ‘After you read the directions, begin work on the questions. 16. Epsom salts, or epsonite, belong to the same class exystals as the gem topaz. A i D 17. Either the storm or the spring tide caused flooding in the Carolina coast. A e cD ll enjoy to study languages. cD 18. Although we are no longer young, we A 19. If you have an opportunity to choose your seat in the Listening Comprehension section of : B ol the TOEFL, you choose one near the speakers. D 20, Gemstone amber is the fossil sap off ancient trees. rx BO @ ~D 21. Before the 1920's, scientists use to think an immobilized muscle would become weaker. comarca s Seeeeeeeeeeeore ital operations 22, One of the first rescue methods in space € called MOOSE — manned ot “A B safety equipment. 23, The ruins of Mayan cities have recent been discovered in the Mexican jungle. cae .s DB 24. Breakdancing, or say “some forms of dancing”, can cause serious injuries, according 7 A B ic S chiropractors. 27. 31. 32. 36. 37. 38. 135 Nuclear waste has traditionally been stored in steel drums what are subject to rust. A Cc D “The finmune system is the be way of protecting itself against viruses. A Cc D One of Hana Claus's experiments, a frothy ceramic, called Beerstone, A B was produced. People visiting Los Angeles usually take a tour of Universal Studios, go to the Chinese A B ¢ theater and looking at the footprints of the stars. ‘The videodisc has the capacity to store thousand of visual images. A B © D It has been discovered that when bananas are completely ripe or cooked, they are one of A B the most digestion foods, and of great value in treating certain diseases. © D Duiing the industeial revolution farmers have left their fields and went to work in dinky B c factories and mines. ‘Although discovered the X-ray in 1895, Professor Roentgen. det Poor ad péseted A Heine In Northern America, both the bison and certain species of bear is on # A B becoming extinct. Originate in Ethiopia, coffee was drunk in the Arab world before A ‘without any honors in hi came to Europe in the cD 17th century. ‘Amsterdam is a town we is sometimes referred to as the “Venice of Northern Europe” B C because of its canals. D A deep-orange color carrot, rich in vitamin A, has been produced at te University of Bt c Wisconsin, “The sea wasp releases a poison that Kill a person in three minutes. A B Many time in geological history the earth's magnetic field has changed, with 7 B magnetic pole becoming the south, and vice versa. 3 i" Pipe and cigar smoke is thought to be at least as dangerous as cigareite smoke; the A much important and crucial determiner is whether you inhale the smoke. : e Cc D> 40. _Halley’s comet approaches the earth, close to be visible, every seventy-five poe 5 a Millie cet Cc ‘The undeslined word read would not be accepted in carefully writteit English; the infinitive form to read should be used because the verb wanted takes an infinitive with “to”: Therefore, the Sentence should read, “In 1740, John Nevibery was the first publisher to produce books which children eéally wanted to read.” To answer the question correctly, you should choose (D).. ‘After you read the directions, begin work on the questions. £16. The most bulkiest of the poisonous snakes is the diamond backed-rattler, which reaches 8. - 1 A B ft Cc feet 8 inches long. D 47, The rice yields more food per acre than any other grain and more people depend on it A B c D than any other foodstuff. 18. The speed of light varies considerably, depending on the medium through which it is A B c moved. D 7 19. The Comariche were thé most skillful horsemen.of all the American indians and tanked as FA B c the most powerful nomad on the plains of the Southwest D 20. Trees are designated as neither hardwoods or softwoods. A BC D 21, Copper was the first metal used by man and is still of strong demand because it is a good A B Cc conductor of electricity. D 22. In 1672 Congress declared that Yellowstone to be the first national p: A B c D 23. Farming now use 10 per cent of the garth’s land area to produce food. A B c D 24. Ants and termites are one other's greatest enemy, ants always being the aggressors, AB c 25. In 1744 Benjamin Franklin lead in the founding of the American Philosophical Society, the A B . first learned society of America. Cc D 26. Marian Anderson, one of the world’s finest contraltos, has some of the great voices of A OB c 27. Among bees the queen is never alone, but is always surrounded by a swarm of workers, A B c whom guard, clean and feed her. D 28. Ozone is extremely active chemically and succeeds in damaging any vegetation they comes A B Cc in contact, ith 29. ‘The right to vote was granted fo women aftzr only the adoption of the 19th Amendment A 8 cD in 1920. 136; 30, Without fungi most green plants-could hardly stirvive, because they depend on the produce - eras B ¢ D of fungus decay'ia the soil. 31. , The Social Security Act, ‘signed by President Roosevelt in 1935, was established old-age ; A B c benefits and unemployment insuran DU. 32, “The novelist who best embodied the Jazz Age in either his personal life and writings was AB D F, Scott Fitzgerald. : 33, Magnesium is almost five times lighter than steel, so A B is wide used in space vehicles and D aircraft. 34. George Washington's refused to run fot a third term established the custom that no. A B c President should seive for more thai two terms, : D oa 35. The natural conditions in the United States which most affecting manufacturers are A B factory power and labor supply. Cc D 36. Th 1927 the revolution struck the motion picture industry when the first important A B Cc all-talking pictutt, The Jazz Singer, was a phenomenal success. D of informations. 37. The normal credit card has a magnetic strip that holds 1,700 B D A 38. Powdered instant coffee was on the market, in some form and another, long before World A B D War Il z 39. In Yosemite National Park there is a wall of granite called El Capitan which is too high A HBL that itis almost three times the height of the Empire State Building in New York. C D 40, In the past, some of the most highly stressed areas in education was the moral A B en improvement of students. D = Bry

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