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Step 5: Summarize the Network Information

Individual Information (Circle Applicable)

Gender Male Female

Age Group (20-30) (31-40) (41-50) (51-60) (61-70) (71-80) (81-100)

Network Information

1. Total number of people listed on the Network Grid __12_________

2. Number of “Very Close” relationships listed on the Network grid ____6_______
3. Density of your network ____0.27_______
Once you have finished check-marking who knows who in Step 4, compute the density of YOUR network through
the following steps:

Total number of people in your network

To follow our example, Abhishek’s N = 10.
N = 12

Maximum Density (i.e., if everyone in your network knew

each other). Abhishek’s maximum density is (10*9) ÷ 2 = 45.
[N * (N - 1)] ÷ 2 = 45
M = 66

Total number of checkmarks on your network grid (i.e., the

number of relationships among people in your network).
C = 17
Density of Your Network. Nicole’s D = 19 ÷ 45 = .42

4. Look over your Network Grid and determine the number of people who are:

a) More senior than you, for example, school teacher __3______

b) At your level, in college ____6____
c) More junior than you, in college ___0______
d) From the same company (pre-business school) ___1______
e) Fellow business school students _____6______
f) Business school faculty ______0____
g) The same gender as you ____8_______
h) The same region as you _____6______
i) The same age group as you ____9_______

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