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prehistoric man first took a burned stck and drew onthe wall of his cave, i was animals athe chose to depict. To this doy, the onimal kingdom confines to fscinate and inspire us fo create ort. The subject is vas and clmost unbelievably vared, offering the artist new interests and challenges ot every tun, This book ons to instuct the reader inthe fundamental sls of drawing animals so tha, with some opplication, oven the complete beginner should be able to produce satsying results, his designed os 0 course, with each new subjact following natrally rom the previous one. Stopby-tep demenstations wil each you ta captire bose enimal form and thon graduolly increase your files 1 render shade, texture ond dei, We wil investigate various materials ond techniques and stive to develop your own expressive drawing sly along the way. Captor sxpretson ond pefsonelity in your subjects, Learn tochniques for sketching cenimos from lite. ‘Convey textes with elegance ‘ond simplicity DRAWING ANIMALS Unlike the disciplines of sil if, londscape and portaire, animals con be elusive, unpredictable and rorely keop sil. For these roasons, | recommend using photographic rferance lor most ofthe exercises In this book. But there is much more to drawing than merely copying from pictues. Photographs are merely starting point: selecion, simpifcation, mark meking and sell-axpresion will moke petvres tho! ‘re more than mere copies. When following the exercises, ty fo resist simply copying my exomples; opply the some stoges Yo photographs of your own or in beaks, to create new pictures, ‘As you grow in confidence, Il dzcues strategies for working directly from ie, fer bringing drama and chorocor to your pitas and for developing your ‘wn creative foutishes. The 200 or 40 ilusofions in ths book represent only ‘tiny faction ofthe techaiques ond Stylistic epproches open to you ‘you continue fo develop your ‘mostery of drawing animale Work up your deawings Into expressive and diamatie solomon Drawe with bold and confident mock moking Body Structure Rae cof the varsty found in the animal kingdom, you'l be pleased to know that the basic underlying structure is the some for most ofthe creatures onthe planet. [And what’s more, is the same as our own! CCompore the human fguce with thot of ether primetes such ‘os the chimponzes, The joints are the some, but there core a couple of important difeences. Bacouse ape mmoinly walk on al fours, the pebis is proportionately ‘much smaller thon outs The spine does not curve in atthe Bock like ours ther quadrupeds have the some curvature of spine ond Zina pevises o» apes, Diflerenly developed foot o ist Inoke the diagram oftheir joints look unlike ours, but leaking = Gtihe lion obove, you can sea tht in et the pads ofits paws are equivalent to the fingers and toes ofthe prime. Ti walks on what ore the balls af he fest ond hands in Bimales. The shoulder and hip joints ve very close to the | 208 ond aro nots immedi vibe os n primates, le bath longs on email are sim constructed. tis not 20 easy to dacern the joints in a brs wing, but each joint plays on imporiont function that is useful to understand when ‘drowing birds, especially when the wings are unfelded, eSNG LS ‘The same struct isto be found in other mamma, ‘0 well a: in amphibians and reptiles. Even dinoscurs ‘and ether ancen! erectus were contrcted with pracsoly the some joins ‘These front views allow futher comparison withthe human structure. rs Cleotly the proportions oF the eagle's bones axe very diferent, whichis only natural considering the very diferent functions the body pans serve Basic Materials and Equipment 0: cof the greot things about taking up drawing is that you need very litle equipment 10 got started. There fo large and highly profitable industry in artists’ materials ond some of the elaborate items on show in art shops con be very tempting, but Fancy media and equipment ‘generally do lite te improve your skils and con confuse the issue ofleorning to draw. To str) ‘with you't need pencils, paper, an eraser and «knife, but throughout the book we'll osk ot other ‘materials ond tols you might wont to experiment with and add to your kit DRAWING ANIMALS | ‘aaiiaiabiaia taal Pencils ‘Although any pencil wll do for Ihastering the bosies of drawing, heap ones con be scratchy ond ‘mating to work wih. W's {worth spending money on a few ‘Ge0d-quality pencils fem an a foppfies shop. They ore graded from H (hor) t0 8 [blo-k) with ‘number prix indicating the egroe of hardness or blackness. D useful storing sot weuld be H, HB, 26 and 08. HANDY HINT ‘Buy pencils of diferent grades with diferent colored ‘Many of he exeriss in his book can be undertoken on the tabletop, but for your comfort you may prefer til the drawing turfoce toward you. Skeichpads ‘evaly hove o back cover rigid ‘enough thot you can lean them ‘iyi the edge ofthe table. For ‘working on lore paper, smell drawing boord may be useful [A thin sheet ef plywood, soy 1/4 inch (5 mm wil be song tenaugh to cary with you for ‘rorking on location, Make sre iis sonded smooth and sighly larger then your paper, which con be affixed with masking tope at the corners, Eraser ‘An eraser iso vl port of your {i Thore is absolutly 96 shome in ersing mistakes ond rough ‘vidalinge — they ate on importont port ofthe drawing process. Buy @ good-qvoliy eraser that ic nether tne heel nor toe Spongy, there ae dozens of ‘orites onthe marke, but they fl do estontlly the sam job, When the corners weor blunt, fon eraser con be timed with @ Kala to prodvce a fine working edge, For detailed ersing | often tse © special eraer that coms in the form of pencil and can be shorpened te 8 point Paper For your early sketches, vitally ‘ony paper will da. A cheap spiral bound skelchpod, Ad ‘oF preferably A3, would be ‘900d, but photocopy pope or feven serop poper wil be fine. Expensive poper only serves to inhibit yout freedom to moke mistakes. ‘As you odvonce in kill and cembiton, the move important ‘he grade and type of poper becomes: cholks end chareoo! work best on lightly textured turface and some subjects might cell forthe popes to be toned bee pages 28-5). Wet medio, sich es watercolor, need ticker oper thot won't buckle with moisture [vee poges 26-7). Paper roted anywhere between 120 lbs (200g/n2| ond 180 Ibs (3008/ 12) should be quite stiff enough 0" lager drawings, you could Sharpening ‘A sharp kale or scalpel is teszentil far Fashioning the pointe of your pencils. For drawing, pencil ae ideally sharpened te reveol« good length of lead, nlite the uniform point produced by @ penal shorpener-Keep the blade af en acute angle to the pencil ond elways shorpen the pencil away from your Body, Soft pencis such as 28 or 68 require regular shorpering, maybe several fines in he course of drawing a single picture. A pencil sharpener can be handy for repeatedly honing © point for dataled work 2 dacoroor Ining paper, Beano eOINE which is very cheap, bust ond ‘Some pencil sharpeners come within o comes on rolls of an metas, You

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