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Workshop 2; Activity 1a – Develop a Cross-functional map that describes a process to borrow a book

from the library.

Workshop 2; Activity 1b - Develop a Cross-functional map that describes a process to change a
muffler in a mechanic’s workshop triggered by a customer request. Interview provided in W/S notes.
Workshop 2; Activity 2a - Group Work: Watch the video clip (s) Identify:

 Machines
 Electricity
 Wood slats
 Graphite rods
 Paint - yellow, black, white, red, lacquer
 Stencil transfers
 Elastic glue
 Glue
 Aluminium caps
 Rubber erasers


 Pencils

Process steps:

 Wooden slats loaded

 Grooves cut
 Elastic glue to hold graphite rods laid
 Slats separated
 Graphite rods placed
 Top slats flipped
 Glue applied to top slats
 Top slat placed on top
 Sandwich compressed
 Pencils cut out from sandwiches (top and bottom)
 Yellow colour applied (4 coats)
 Black stripe applied
 Transparent lacquer applied
 Stencil applied
 Pencil top compressed
 Aluminium cap placed and squeezed
 Rubber cap placed and aluminium squeezed
 European pencils tips are colour coded according to pencil’s hardness (could be a multi-step process)
 Pencils are then sharpened

Process Measurements:

 Sample pulled from each batch and sharpened to check lead condition
 Tip id then tested for braking force

Human Role (Tacit Intervention):

 Loading machine with slats

 Loading machine with graphite rods
 Loading machine with paint
 Testing
Workshop 2; Activity 2b - Group Work: Watch the Lawn Bowling video clip: Why is there so much
human intervention when clearly a few of the tasks could be automated?

Process steps:

 M Granules placed in container

 M Granules weighted
 M Cloth placed on top of granules in contained
 M Wood placed on top of cloth
 M Assembly placed in preheater
 A Melamine heated
 M Melted melamine shaped
 M Fed into moulding press
 M Extracted from moulding press
 M Placed in lathe
 A Shaped in lathe
 M Extracted from lathe
 M Placed in engraving machine
 A Grip pattern engraved on both sides
 M Placed in polishing machine
 A Top half polished
 A Flipped
 A Top half polished
 M Placed in engraving machine
 A Emblem engraved
 M Placed into detailing machine
 M Detail painted
 M Excess paint polished off
 M Testing against master ball

Why has a more automated process not available yet?

Answers may vary from group to group. The purpose of the exercise is to identify what processes
can be reasonably automated.
Workshop 2; Activity 3 - Group Work: Identify an “Artistic” Business Process at the University.
Describe the main sources of variation, including:

• Inputs, outputs;

• Processes;

• Process Measurement;

• Human Roles (Tacit Intervention);

Answers may vary according to groups. The purpose of the exercise is to clearly identify the level of “tacicity”
as part of process analysis. What can and cannot be modelled and how much reduction happens?

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