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The image of the Lindisfarne Gospel Carpet page shows a picture of an artistic and

colourful piece with intertwined patterns. The image contains two borders: a light blue border on

the outside and a red border on the inside. At the centre of the artwork there are threads with a

number of colours that are twinned together to create a masterful pattern. At the centre of the

image there is drawing of a symbol that runs from the bottom to top and side to side that takes

the form of a broad crucifix. On a closer look of the image we can see that the patterns in the

image consist of animals that look like snakes.

The artwork comprises of different colour schemes. The image contains both bright and

dull colours. The bright colour that is most evident is a deep blue colour that is used to form

different patterns on the inside of the art. Some of the colours are only situated at specific

segments with the dark blue colour at the outer segments of the crucifix. The light blue on the

other hand is located on the inside sections of the crucifix symbol.

The artist also used a complex pattern on interlace. The pattern shows different snake like

images intertwining each other. The pattern is consistent all through the image which makes it

look uniform. This patterns though have different colours such as blue, red and brown.

The image utilizes repetition all through. The elongated bodies of the snake-like animal

are repeated all through the artwork. The patterns are repeated all through the image with

different patterns outside the outline borders and inside the borders.

The artist uses the combination of the patterns, colours and repetition to create a skilful

masterpiece. This piece really draws the viewer towards it especially with the intertwined

patterns. These patterns create a sort of third dimension which can lead the viewer to loose

themselves into a meditative contemplation.

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