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“Green Industry Standard in Automation Technology

for Indonesian Featured Products”

Sub Theme:

Application of Standardization of Automation Technology in Preparing

Local Industries When Face Industry Revolution 4.0

This work is arranged to join national standardization competition

Written by:

Deanova Insiratu

Shafatyra Reditha Shalsadilla

Wintang Dayinta Wiyanto


According to Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, the standard is certain size used as a
benchmark. The standardization is a form, quality and in accordance with specified standard.
Standardization is created as benchmark in product selection.

Indonesian standardization is said to be lagging behind other countries in the world. Why?
Indonesia has only 105 products with SNI (Standar Nasional Indonesia), while another country
like Thailand has more than 1000 standardized products. At least, standardized Indonesian
products according to BSN (Badan Stardadisasi Nasional) due to the quality of product testing is
still low, Indonesian less concerned with SNI products, and the lack of domestic product testing

Nowadays, the world is facing the era of industry revolution 4.0. Human power has begun
to be replaced by digital machines. Even though it was only in the early year of 2018, industry
4.0 presents a new way for industries to operate through integration of trends and technology.
Are Indonesian ready for this development which demand the entire country to compete?


Indonesia has a variety of superior export agricultural commodities in the world, such as
rubber, both natural and synthetic along with the processed products. The rubber industry is no
longer using full human power for rubber processing at the present time. Automation technology
is considered more efficient than human power. For example, PT Synthetic Rubber Indonesia is a
synthetic rubber processor company which is a combination from rubber company Chandra Asri
and technology company Michelin. PT SRI uses automation technology in processing synthetic
rubber into car tires. The investment received by PT SRI ranges from 435 million US dollar or
equal to 6.17 trillion in Rupiah. With the existence of this PT SRI, Indonesia can supply domestic
needs and it can reduce imports to 250 million US dollar or around 3.5 trillion Rupiah. 2

Kompas. 2017. Soal Sertifikasi dan Standardisasi Produk Indonesia Masih Tertinggal di
BPPT (Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi) in collaboration with the Dewan
Karet Indonesia plans to revitalize the rubber industry by including the value of technology.
Deputy of Information and Energy Technology, Djumain Appe said that genetical manipulation
will be implemented in caring and planting of rubber trees, so that it will add more production
potential. More rubber production will inflict the potential for winning a bigger market. The
chairman of Dewan Karet Indonesia, Azis Pane hopes that the technology owned by BPPT will
play an important role in the movement of the rubber industry in Indonesia. According to him,
with the implementation of innovation from BPPT, it can provide additional values for
Indonesian rubber in targeting the retread tire market. BPPT is currently collaborating with
several parties conducting research and development on rubber trees in Indonesia. With the
project called “down streaming of rubber", it is expected that the rubber industry can utilize
automation technology. 3

However, we can still find traditional rubber processing, such as in South Kalimantan.
Rubber sap from rubber farmers will be a supply for the surrounding rubber processing factories.
Unfortunately, this traditional rubber sap extraction is strongly influenced by the weather. As
with the arrival of the dry season cycle, the resulting rubber will decrease. Then, during the rainy
season, the disruption of rubber production is caused more by technical factors, where rubber
tapping tools and equipment for farmers in South Kalimantan are still very conventional. 4The
rubber tapping container using coconut shells are very easily contaminated by rain water and
causing the lead rubber to be mixed with the water and dirt. it carried which can damage or
decrease the quality of the rubber.

Tempo. 2018. Michelin Chandra Asri resmikan Pabrik Karet Sintetis di Cilegon di
CNN Indonesia. 2014. BPPT Kaji Teknologi di Industri Karet di
Tribunnews. 2017. Produksi Karet Pabrik di Kalsel Menurun di
Based on the facts above, it can be seen that the use of automation technology is much
more profitable than if it uses full human power. It has a big influence in facing the 4.0 industrial
revolution. But, is it good for the environment in the long-term? The fact is that the automation
technology currently requires enormous energy, and as we know Indonesia still uses non-
renewable natural resources as power plants. If is used further, more energy will be needed. It
means that Indonesia needa to exploit non-renewable natural resources which will eventually run

At the present time, Indonesia has environment friendly standardization called the Green
Industry Standard, except that the new Green Industry Standard is just applied to 17 types of
industries which are mostly domestic products, while automation technology machines are not
included. In fact, in this industrial revolution 4.0, automation technology dominates the
production process of domestic products.5 If this automation technology only pays attention to
production efficiency and does not pay attention to the long-term effects of its benefit, then the
overtime using of it can cause two impacts; the pollution of the environment due to industrial
wastes and a significant reduction of non-renewable natural resources used as energy sources
automation technology machines.


It is time for Indonesia applies the Green Industry Standards for automation technology
machines used in various industries. Not only applying product standardization, but also BSN
must promote socialization regarding importance of SNI to the public, because SNI helps society
to select safe products. BSN must socialize the importance of standardization for the course of
export-import activities that will affect the country’s income. Moreover, the use of automation
technology should be focused on superior products of Indonesia so that the benefits can be
maximized. It is time for the government to encourage the sustainability of energy diversification
and conservation in order to maintain the security of Indonesia’s resources in the future.

BPPI. 2016. Standar Industri Hijau (SIH) Untuk 17 Jenis Industri di

Kompas. 2017. Soal Sertifikasi dan Standardisasi Produk Indonesia Masih Tertinggal di
Tempo. 2018. Michelin Chandra Asri resmikan Pabrik Karet Sintetis di Cilegon di
CNN Indonesia. 2014. BPPT Kaji Teknologi di Industri Karet di
Tribunnews. 2017. Produksi Karet Pabrik di Kalsel Menurun di
BPPI. 2016. Standar Industri Hijau (SIH) Untuk 17 Jenis Industri di

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