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My view on Colombia

There are certain customs that are common to almost all Colombians, wherever you
go, someone will always offer you a "tintico" (or cup of black coffee). Any reason is
good to get together with family and friends, and dance until dawn. The average
Colombian always brings out the best in each situation and does not miss an
opportunity to show his joy and good cheer. Each region specializes in preparing its
own arepa, but they all share the basics: they are made with corn and consumed at
any time of the day. Christmas is the most anticipated party for everyone. the best
weekend plan is to go to "La finca" or somewhere outdoors.
The average Colombian is sincere, disinterested and collaborative. He shows
himself to others as they are, without hypocrisy and ready to serve without expecting
anything in return. Colombians are creative by nature and are always looking for
ways to improve in many ways. From the great professionals to the humblest, the
Colombian is a hard-working person. Creativity, tenacity, effort and discipline is
something that characterizes us all Colombians to carry out projects and get ahead.
In Colombia, large projects have been developed in the fields of telecommunications,
medicine, technology, business, etc. led by colombians. Colombia by the year 2000
was in 22nd place out of 191 countries, for its general performance of the health
system according to a report by the World Health Organization.

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