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How do the images of celebrities affect people?

Celebrities are part of society and also part of our lives. That's why their image and
behavior can affect us in many ways.

First of all, we have celebrities as an inspiration not only for young people but for
everyone. What we like doing may be reflected in many of them and they can help us to
keep trying and follow our dreams. Be happy doing what we do.

Moving on to the next point, we have celebrities as positive role models, too. We know
famous people that share the same interests that we have. But also celebrities can spread
good values and good actions to all the people that follow them and for those who don't,
too. Many people think that most of them have a negative impact on our lives. That's not
true. In my opinion, it depends on our responsibility. We follow them to keep learning and
really enjoy what we do.

Finally, there are specific reasons for us to follow celebrities and have them as an
inspiration but there are limits. Sometimes, people become obsessed with celebrities and
that is not healthy for both sides because we're talking about a lifestyle based on their story,
not ours.

To sum up, celebrities get into our lives unconsciously. We all have different interests and
there's room for everybody in this modern world. We find inspiration for what we like
doing in celebrities and also have a positive impact on our lives. But we have to be careful
not to exceed the limits and make them an obsession, copying all their personality and
losing our identity, maybe losing ourselves.

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