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Cognition 200 (2020) 104271

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State- and trait-math anxiety and their relation to math performance in T

children: The role of core executive functions☆
Lars Orbacha,⁎, Moritz Herzoga,b, Annemarie Fritza,b
Department of Psychology, University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany
Centre for Education Practice Research, University of Johannesburg, South Africa


Keywords: This study examines the interplay of state- and trait-math anxiety (MA) and core executive functions (CEF) on
Math anxiety math achievement in children. According to attention control theory, MA affects the CEF by triggering the
Math performance inhibition function, so that some working memory (WM) is blocked, thus reducing task processing capacity.
Executive functions However, research on the interplay between MA and CEF in children is rare, and the findings in the literature are
Working memory
inconsistent. In this paper, state- and trait-MA, math achievement, CEF (inhibition, cognitive flexibility, working
memory capacity, global index of CEF) and self-ratings of ADHD symptoms (attention deficits, hyperactivity,
impulsiveness) of 646 fourth and fifth grade students (48.1% girls) are assessed. CEF were evaluated with a
tablet-based test. The data revealed negative correlations between state-MA and math achievement for all CEF
levels and cognitive processes. However, inhibition control functioned as a moderator of the relation between
state-MA and math achievement. Children with higher inhibition abilities showed more pronounced negative
relations. No moderation effects were identified for working memory capacity and the CEF global index. The
findings highlight the importance of distinguishing between these three CEF and raise questions for future re-
search on the interplay between cognitive and affective factors as predictors of math achievement.

1. Introduction related stimuli (e.g. worries or external distractors), with the result that
the individual has limited WM resources for actual problem solving
In the recent decades research into math anxiety (MA) in young (Ashcraft & Kirk, 2001; Suárez-Pellicioni, Nunez-Pena, & Colome,
children has intensified (Krinzinger et al., 2007; Ramirez, Gunderson, 2016).
Levine, & Beilock, 2013; Thomas & Dowker, 2000; Wu, Barth, Amin, Although the interplay between MA and WM is considered vitally
Malcarne, & Menon, 2012). Researchers have identified MA in the first important to explaining the relation between math-related anxiety re-
grades of school and further, evidence suggests that MA causes pro- actions and mathematical performance, both of these factors have been
blems in numerical reasoning and number manipulation in children studied separately, for a number of years (Passolunghi, Cargnelutti, &
(Ashcraft & Moore, 2009; Vukovic, Kieffer, Bailey, & Harari, 2013). In Pellizzoni, 2019). Only recently, in the last few years, has more re-
general, the MA-performance link is explained by avoidance behaviour search been undertaken into the reciprocal effects of anxiety and cog-
(behavioral anxiety reaction) and by deficits in the attention control nitive factors as predictors of math performance (Table 1). The findings
system (effects of anxiety on working memory processes). According to for the interplay between MA, WM and math achievement however are
processing efficiency theory (Eysenck & Calvo, 1992) and attentional- contrasting; this leads to two different propositions. On the basis of
control theory (Eysenck, Derakshan, Santos, & Calvo, 2007), working research that investigated only negative relations or stronger negative
memory (WM) is impaired by anxiety reactions (Moran, 2016). When relations between MA and performance in children with higher WMC
an individual is experiencing anxiety, due to being confronted with a (Ching, 2017; Ramirez, Chang, Maloney, Levine, & Beilock, 2016;
math task, some of their WM capacity (WMC) is blocked, depriving Ramirez, Gunderson, Levine, & Beilock, 2013; Vukovic, Kieffer, Bailey,
them of math task processing capacity. In particular, MA causes per- & Harari, 2013), the conclusion was advanced that children with higher
formance-inhibiting effects by impairing the inhibition function. The WM are more vulnerable to the performance-inhibiting effects caused
attention focus shifts from task-orientated problem solving to threat- by MA. In conflict with these findings, other surveys on children

This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.

Corresponding author at: Lehr-und Forschungsambulanz FoBu, Institut für Psychologie, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Universitätsstr 2, 45141 Essen, Germany.
E-mail address: (L. Orbach).
Received 29 July 2019; Received in revised form 16 March 2020; Accepted 18 March 2020
0010-0277/ © 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Table 1
Previous research on MA, working memory and math performance in children.
Math tasks Measure WM Measure MA Relation MA to WM MA-performance link: moderator WM
L. Orbach, et al.


Owens, Stevenson, Norgate, & Hadwin, Cognitive Abilities Test Digit span backward [verbal short- STAIC (trait- Trait-anxiety & verbal STM/central executive: no Verbal STM mediated the relation between trait
2008 term memory1 (STM)/central anxiety) correlation trait-anxiety & visuospatial STM/WM: anxiety and math performance
(n = 50; grade 7) executive] r = −0.29⁎
Spatial span (visuospatial WM2)
Witt, 2012 – Digit span backward (verbal STM/ MARS-E MA & verbal STM/central executive: no correlation –
(n = 55; grade 5) central executive3) (statelike-MA) MA & visuospatial STM/WM: r = −0.33⁎ to −0.40⁎⁎
Letter span forward (verbal STM)
Matrices task (visuospatial STM/
Vukovic, Kieffer, Bailey, & Harari, Story problems, algebra, Data Swanson Cognitive Processing MASYC MA & visuospatial WM: no correlation MA & math applications (after 1 year): above-
2013 analysis Test (visual matrix) (statelike-MA) average WM stronger negative correlation (only
(n = 113; grade 2–3) significant group)
Ramirez, Gunderson, Levine, & Subtest WJ-III Digit span forward/backward CMAQ (statelike- – Relation between MA and performance: higher
Beilock, 2013 (verbal STM/central executive) MA) WM negative relation, lower WM no relation
(n = 162; grade 1–2)
Owens, Stevenson, Hadwin, & Norgate, Wide range achievement test Digit span forward/backward STAI (trait- Trait-anxiety & verbal STM/central executive: Children with higher WMC had a positive relation
2014 (n = 96; 13-years-old (verbal STM/central executive) anxiety) r = −0.31⁎’ to −0.45⁎⁎ between MA and trait-Anxiety, while children
children (M)) Spatial span (visuospatial WM) Trait-anxiety & visuospatial STM/WM: r = −0.22⁎ to with lower WMC showed a negative relation
Trezise & Reeve, 2014a Algebra tasks Operation span task with Faces Anxiety MA & state domain relevant WM: r = −0.19⁎ to WM-MA relation changes as a function of context
(n = 126; 14-year-old children) alphanumerical symbols (domain- Scale (state-MA) −0.33⁎⁎ High-WM/low-MA: more stability, higher
relevant WM) MA & state visuospatial WM: r = −0.20⁎⁎ to −0.31⁎⁎ performance
Corsi block (visuospatial WM) MA & state inhibition: r = −0.21⁎⁎ to −0.22⁎⁎ High-WM/high-MA, moderate-WM/low-MA more
Go/No-Go task (Inhibition) likely to change (to higher MA or lower WM)

Unstable low-WM/high-MA: lower performance
Trezise & Reeve, 2014b Algebra tasks Operation span task with Faces Anxiety MA & state WM problem accuracy WM: r = −0.47′⁎ High-WM/low-MA: high performance
(n = 80; 14-year-old females) alphanumerical symbols (domain- Scale (state-MA) to −0.60⁎⁎ Medium/low WM: no performance differences
relevant WM4) MA & state WM response time: no correlation between MA-level
MA & state WM recall: r = −0.33⁎⁎ to −0.37⁎⁎
Mammarella, Hill, Devine, Caviola, & AC-MT 11–16 (calculation and Word span forward/backward AMAS (statelike- Group comparison: MA, DD, MA & DD, control –
Szücs, 2015 number comprehension tasks) (verbal STM/WM) MA) MA: lower verbal WM and visuospatial STM/WM than
(n = 226; grade 6–8) Matrices task (visuospatial STM/ control
WM) No group differences: verbal STM
Allen & Vallée-Tourangeau, 2016 Arithmetic tasks Digit span forward/backward MARS-E MA & verbal STM/central executive: r = −0.36⁎⁎ –
(n = 59; grades 5–6) (verbal STM/central executive) (statelike-MA)
Trezise & Reeve, 2016 Algebra tasks Operation span task with Faces Anxiety State WM & state-MA change and influence each other High-WM/low-MA: higher performance
(n = 133; 14-year-old children) alphanumerical symbols (domain- Scale (state-MA) within a short time frame (higher state-MA → lower Low-WM/high-MA: lower performance
relevant WM) WMC) (lower WMC → higher state-MA)
Ramirez, Chang, Maloney, Levine, & Subtest WJ-III Letter span forward/backward CMAQ-R – Relation between MA and performance: higher
Beilock, 2016 (verbal WM/central executive) (statelike-MA) WM more pronounced negative relation
(n = 564; grade 1–2)
(continued on next page)
Cognition 200 (2020) 104271
Table 1 (continued)

Math tasks Measure WM Measure MA Relation MA to WM MA-performance link: moderator WM

L. Orbach, et al.

Passolunghi, Caviola, De Agostini, AC-MT 11–16 (calculation and Word span forward (verbal STM) AMAS (statelike- Group comparison: –
Perin, & Mammarella, 2016 number comprehension tasks) Listening span (verbal WMC/ MA) High MA, low MA
(n = 66; grade 6–8) cognitive inhibition5) High MA: lower verbal STM, lower verbal WMC, lower
Ching, 2017 Number skill tasks Letter span forward/backward MASYC MA & WM (verbal/central executive): no correlation Relation between MA and performance: higher
(n = 246; grade 2–3) Calculation tasks (verbal WM/central executive) (statelike-MA) WM more negative relation (especially on tasks
Story problem solving that demand more WMC), lower WM no relation
Cargnelutti, Tomasetto, & Passolunghi, Written computation Word span backward (verbal WM) SEMA (statelike- MA & all WM and STM: no correlation Verbal STM mediated the relation between
2017b Word problems Digit span backward (verbal STM/ MA) general anxiety and math performance
(n = 145; grade 2) MAT-2 (number) central executive)
Path dual task (visuospatial WM)
Wu et al., 2017 WIAT-II (numerical Digit span forward/backward SEMA (statelike- MA & verbal STM: r = −0.14⁎ WM mediated the relation between MA and
(n = 330; grades 2–4) operations, mathematical (verbal STM/central executive) MA) MA & central executive: r = −0.18⁎⁎ to −0.11⁎ numerical operations and mathematical reasoning
reasoning) Counting recall (central executive) MA & visuospatial STM: r = −0.21⁎⁎
Block recall (visuospatial STM)
Justicia-Galiano, Martín-Puga, Linares, Math fluency Digit span backward (verbal STM/ AMAS (statelike- MA & WM total: r = −0.23⁎⁎ WM mediated math performance (all three
& Pelegrina, 2017 Math problem solving central executive) MA) domains)
(n = 167; grades 3–5) Math teacher assessment Word span backward (verbal WM)
Passolunghi, Cargnelutti, & Pellizzoni, Arithmetical problem solving Digit span backwards (verbal MARS-R MA & verbal WMC: r = −0.17⁎ to −0.25⁎⁎ Verbal WMC/inhibition and MA interact
2019 STM/central executive) (statelike-MA) MA & other WM/STM: no correlation
(n = 145; grade 1) Word span backward (verbal WM)
Listening span (verbal WMC/
cognitive inhibition)
Soltanlou et al., 2019 Multiplication tasks Letter span (verbal WM) MAQ (trait-MA) MA & visuospatial WM: r = −0.43⁎ Relation between MA and performance: average &
(n = 25; grade 5) Corsi block tapping (visuospatial MA & verbal WM: no correlation low visuospatial WM negative relation, high

WM) visuospatial WM no relation

Note. The studies assessed WM components that are different in nature. The following definitions of the WM domains can be considered:
Verbal STM/WM: refers to the capacities of individuals “to retain sequences of verbal material over short periods of time” (Gathercole & Martin, 1996, p. 73).
Visuospatial STM/WM: refers to the short-term processing and maintenance of visuospatial information (Miyake & Shah, 1999).
Central executive: functions of the WM that “include the regulation of information flow within WM, the retrieval of information from other memory systems such as long-term memory, and the processing and storage
of information” (Gathercole and Baddeley, 1993, p. 5).
Domain-relevant WM: a modified operation span task with alphanumeric symbols.
Cognitive inhibition: “cognitive inhibition is the stopping or overriding of a mental process, in whole or in part, with or without intention” (MacLeod, 2007, p. 5).

p ≤ .05 (2-tailed).
p ≤ .01 (2-tailed).
Cognition 200 (2020) 104271
L. Orbach, et al. Cognition 200 (2020) 104271

(Cargnelutti, Tomasetto, & Passolunghi, 2017b; Mammarella, Hill, 2006). In accordance with Miyake et al. (2000) inhibition is the ability
Devine, Caviola, & Szücs, 2015; Owens, Stevenson, Hadwin, & Norgate, to inhibit/ignore dominant, automatic or prepotent responses/in-
2014; Passolunghi, Caviola, De Agostini, Perin, & Mammarella, 2016; formation that are irrelevant to task processing. Such distractors can be
Soltanlou et al., 2019; Trezise & Reeve, 2014a, 2014b, 2016) and adults either internal or external (Diamond, 2013). WM – also called ‘updating
(Ashcraft & Kirk, 2001) have led to the assumption that individuals and monitoring’ – is the second CEF, and includes the ability to hold
with higher WM can better manage the negative consequences of MA. information in mind or to manipulate/work with it. Individuals have to
In the light of these apparently contradictory results, it is clear that code new information and must decide which WM contents should be
further research on the interplay between MA, WM and math deleted (Miyake et al., 2000). Shifting, or cognitive flexibility, is the
achievement is essential. By assessing core executive functions (CEF) by ability to switch attention between multiple tasks or to change one's
means of a tablet-based test in a large sample of fourth and fifth gra- perspective/mental set during problem solving (Miyake & Friedman,
ders, the present research aimed to examine the possible moderating 2012). This ability is based on the WM and on inhibiting ability, and
role of CEF, and to contribute to clarifying these inconsistent research improves at a later point of development (Diamond, 2006). Not until
findings. In a further step, the study also considers self-ratings of ADHD adolescence are children able to solve complex shifting tasks at adults
symptoms as a measure of self-rated CEF in daily life. Within the fra- levels (Davidson, Amso, Anderson, & Diamond, 2006). Nonetheless,
mework of the theoretical approach of Eysenck, Derakshan, Santos, and basic forms of all CEF can be observed already in the preschool years
Calvo (2007), the survey observes the interrelated roles played by MA, (Garon, Bryson, & Smith, 2008).
self-perceptions of problems with regulating attention in daily life, and
CEF, in relation to math performance. 1.3. Relation between executive function and math achievement

1.1. Operationalisations of MA in children A large body of research presents evidence of the clear association
(r = 0.28 to 0.38) between WM domains and math performance in
New findings highlight the importance of distinguishing between children (David, 2012; Friso-van den Bos, van der Ven, Kroesbergen, &
operationalisations of MA, as different conceptions of MA have shown van Luit, 2013; Peng, Namkung, Barnes, & Sun, 2016; Swanson &
discrete results regarding the relation of MA to math performance, in- Jerman, 2006). Not only does situational problem solving in math de-
telligence and learning motivation in children (Orbach, Herzog, & Fritz, pend on WM abilities, but longitudinal studies have established that
2019b; Sorvo et al., 2017). The research on children has been realised WM has an important function in the development of numerical abil-
predominantly through self-reports, such as hypothetical/retrospective ities (Alloway & Alloway, 2010; De Smedt et al., 2009; Gathercole,
questions about anxiety in math situations (e.g. mAMAS; CMAQ-R; Brown, & Pickering, 2003; Mazzocco & Thompson, 2005).
SEMA) or questions about fear of failure in mathematics (e.g. MAQ). In Besides performance-based assessments of CEF, rating measures are
line with Spielberger (1972), Atkinson (1964) and Heckhausen and frequently used to index CEF. One main field in which they have been
Heckhausen (2010) questionnaires assessing anxiety about failure in applied is in research on the attentional deficit hyperactivity disorder
mathematics (e.g. MAQ: “How worried are you if you have problems (ADHD), which is associated with impairments in several areas of CEF
with…”) focus on the relatively enduring personality trait of MA, (Doyle, 2006; Pennington & Ozonoff, 1996; Toplak, West, & Stanovich,
whereas questionnaires measuring anxiety in math-related situations 2013; Willcutt, Doyle, Nigg, Faraone, & Pennington, 2005). Teacher or
(e.g. mAMAS: “Please give each sentence a score in terms of how anxious parental reports are used to evaluate the presence of behavioral pro-
you would feel during each situation: Thinking about a maths test the day blems in children's daily life caused by a lack of executive control.
before you take it”) with hypothetical/retrospective items seem to fo- Consequently, this research is based not on children, who have a clin-
calise actual anxiety reactions. However, in light of research (Bieg, ical diagnosis of ADHD in accordance with ICD or DSM, but rather on
Goetz, & Lipnevich, 2014; Bieg, Goetz, Wolter, & Hall, 2015; Goetz, observer ratings of executive control in children's everyday activities.
Bieg, Ludtke, Pekrun, & Hall, 2013a, 2013b; Roos et al., 2015) pro- Thus, it is interesting to consider ADHD ratings in the research in re-
viding evidence of a clear discrepancy between real-time assessments lation to the interplay between CEF and MA.
and retrospective/hypothetical self-reports of anxiety states – a phe- Studies investigating the relationship between ADHD ratings and
nomenon called impact or intensity bias (Buehler & McFarland, 2001; math achievement have demonstrated a clear negative association.
Levine, Safer, & Lench, 2006; Wilson & Gilbert, 2005) – questionnaires Furthermore, evidence does exist that individuals with rated attention
about anxiety in math-related situations cannot be considered as as- deficits have a stronger relation to lower math performances than do
sessments of an actual emotional experience, but rather as statelike individuals with rated hyperactivity or impulsiveness (Tosto, Momi,
assessments (Orbach, Herzog, & Fritz, 2019b; Robinson & Clore, 2002). Asherson, & Malki, 2015). In general, the correlation of ADHD rating
According to the state-trait-anxiety model (Spielberger, 1972), state- and performance based CEF measures is small to moderate
MA should be classified as a temporary and math-situation-related (r = 0.15–0.35; Nigg, Hinshaw, Carte, & Treuting, 1998; Willcutt et al.,
anxiety reaction that is associated with increased arousal of the auto- 2001; Thorell & Wåhlstedt, 2006). This underscores the fact that not all
nomic nervous system. Consequently, a more direct approach to as- children with high observer ratings exhibit worse performances in CEF
sessing state-MA is the real-time assessment, which is less subject to (Nigg, Willcutt, Doyle, & Sonuga-Barke, 2005).
bias from subjective beliefs about emotions (Bieg, 2013). Up to the present time, only few studies have focused on the rela-
tions between and interplay of ADHD observer-ratings and MA in
1.2. Definition of executive functions children. Two surveys have found that being MA positive correlates
with attention problems (r = 0.18–0.19) assessed by parental report
Executive functions (EF) are regarded as an umbrella term for top- (Wu et al., 2017; Wu, Willcutt, Escovar, & Menon, 2014). Furthermore,
down mental processes, which are necessary for all types of cognitive in the survey by Wu et al. (2017) MA mediated the relation between
performance (Diamond, 2006; Diamond, 2013). These cognitive abil- attention deficits and math achievement. It was hypothesised that
ities are self-control processes that are crucial in situations where in- children with higher MA could strive to focus more on math tasks,
tuitive or instinctive behavior is inadequate (Diamond, 2013; Miyake & which as a consequence would decrease the negative impact of atten-
Friedman, 2012). They allow an individual to plan, solve problems, use tion deficits on math achievement.
strategies flexibly, inhibit irrelevant impulses/information and monitor
their actions (Smith & Jonides, 1999). In the literature three core ex- 1.4. Interplay between MA, executive functions and math achievement
ecutive functions (CEF) are distinguished: inhibition, cognitive flex-
ibility and working memory (WM; Miyake et al., 2000; Diamond, The results of studies on the MA-performance link in children are

L. Orbach, et al. Cognition 200 (2020) 104271

contradictory. Recent surveys indicate that the lack of differentiation findings are more reliable. A meta-analysis by Moran (2016) across 177
between operationalisations is one reason for the divergent findings samples on the interplay between general anxiety and WMC examined a
(Orbach, Herzog, & Fritz, 2019b; Sorvo et al., 2017), because stable negative connection between self-reported measures of anxiety and
negative correlations were identified between state- (or statelike) MA scores on various WMC tasks: complex (e.g. OSPAN), simple (e.g. digit)
and math performance in children (Cargnelutti, Tomasetto, & and dynamic span (e.g. N-back) tasks.
Passolunghi, 2017a; Caviola, Primi, Chiesi, & Mammarella, 2017;
Devine, Hill, Carey, & Szűcs, 2018; Ganley & McGraw, 2016; 1.5. Research questions in the present study
Gunderson, Park, Maloney, Beilock, & Levine, 2018; Harari, Vukovic, &
Bailey, 2013; Punaro & Reeve, 2012; Ramirez, Chang, Maloney, Levine, At present, the research is not able to explain in what way CEF
& Beilock, 2016; Ramirez, Gunderson, Levine, & Beilock, 2013; relate to MA and influence the MA-performance link in children. The
Vukovic, Kieffer, Bailey, & Harari, 2013), while studies assessing trait- rare and inconsistent findings lead to two different propositions, whe-
MA (fear about failure in math) did not find any connection (Haase, ther children with higher CEF abilities are more vulnerable to the ne-
Júlio-Costa, Pinheiro-Chagas, Oliveira, Micheli, & Wood, 2012; gative impacts of MA or if they are able to better cope with MA. Thus,
Krinzinger et al., 2007; Krinzinger, Kaufmann, & Willmes, 2009; the main goal of the present research was to examine the reciprocal
Thomas & Dowker, 2000; Wood et al., 2012). For several years, the effects of MA and CEF on math achievement. In attempts to investigate
findings on fears about failure in math have led to the assumption that whether MA is related to CEF impairments, the first aim was to examine
the onset of the MA-performance link does not occur until secondary the relationship between CEF and MA (research question 1, RQ1).
school (Dowker, 2005). Based on the conflicting findings on a possible “choking under pres-
The assumed cause-and-effect relationship seems to be complex, as sure” effect, the second aim was to analyse whether CEF moderate the
not all children with MA exhibit low math achievement (Devine, Hill, relationship between MA and math achievement (RQ2). Additionally,
Carey, & Szűcs, 2018). A well-noted phenomenon in research on MA is the study investigates whether the interplay between CEF and ADHD
the so-called “choking under pressure” effect (Beilock & Carr, 2005). In self-ratings influences the MA-performance link (RQ3).
some studies of adults (Beilock & Carr, 2005; Beilock & DeCaro, 2007; The present study considers two approaches to assess CEF. In ad-
Mattarella-Micke, Mateo, Kozak, Foster, & Beilock, 2011) and children dition to a performance-based assessment of CEF, a self-report measure
(Ching, 2017; Ramirez, Chang, Maloney, Levine, & Beilock, 2016; of CEF in daily life activities (self-rating of ADHD) was used. Therefore,
Ramirez, Gunderson, Levine, & Beilock, 2013; Vukovic, Kieffer, Bailey, the fourth aim of the study was to examine whether the findings differ
& Harari, 2013) only those individuals with high WM abilities showed a in relation to the two assessment approaches (RQ4). In light of research
negative relation or had a stronger relation to math achievement than reporting clear discrepancies (Bieg, Goetz, & Lipnevich, 2014; Orbach,
children with lower WM abilities. One possible explanation as to why Herzog, & Fritz, 2019b; Sorvo et al., 2017) between trait dispositions,
these highly gifted individuals seem to be more affected by MA, is their self-reports of anxiety states in hypothetical/retrospective math situa-
tendency to rely on elaborate and thus more WM-demanding problem- tions (statelike-MA) and real-time assessments of MA (state-MA), trait-
solving strategies. Conversely, individuals with lower WM abilities stick MA (anxiety about failure in math) and state-MA (state-anxiety in a
to rudimentary strategies, which require fewer WM resources (Ramirez, math test situation) were studied separately in the present study. Thus
Chang, Maloney, Levine, & Beilock, 2016). Contrasting findings, re- finally, the study deals with the two different operationalisation of MA
vealing that individuals with lower WM abilities had a negative relation in children. Do the findings on the reciprocal effects of MA and CEF on
to math performance (Owens, Stevenson, Hadwin, & Norgate, 2014; math achievement show discrepancies between the two oper-
Soltanlou et al., 2019), while children with lower WM abilities and ationalisations (RQ5)?
higher MA had a greater risk of lower math performance (Cargnelutti,
Tomasetto, & Passolunghi, 2017b; Mammarella, Hill, Devine, Caviola, 2. Material and methods
& Szücs, 2015; Passolunghi, Caviola, De Agostini, Perin, & Mammarella,
2016; Trezise & Reeve, 2014a, 2014b, 2016), provide support for the 2.1. Participants
long-predominant assumption that individuals with higher WM abilities
should be better able to cope with anxiety reactions. This hypothesis is The sample consisted of 646 fourth and fifth grade students from 11
in line with the observation that the task processing of complex math schools in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Two hundred
tasks, which are more WM-demanding, is more strongly negatively af- and ninety-one children attending fourth grade in primary school
fected by MA (Ashcraft & Kirk, 2001). Further findings supporting this (43.1% girls; 120.09 ± 7.21 months old) and 355 children attending
assumption, can be found in research on the relation between emotion fifth grade in the Gesamtschule secondary schools (50.3% girls;
regulation and EF, in which lower EF abilities are linked to less suc- 132.42 ± 7.37 months old). Given the assumption that the onset of the
cessful emotion regulation (Schmeichel & Demaree, 2010; Schmeichel, MA-performance link does not occur until secondary school (Dowker,
Volokhov, & Demaree, 2008; White, Helfinstein, Reeb-Sutherland, 2005), the target age group of this study consisted of primary and early
Degnan, & Fox, 2009). Other studies have discovered that strategies to secondary school children. Both school types are comprehensive
regulate emotions also rely on WM (Hofmann, Heering, Sawyer, & schools for mixed abilities. In 9 of the schools, the entire grade parti-
Asnaani, 2009). cipated. Students with special educational needs were not included in
In consideration of the bidirectional relation between MA and math the study. Trained graduate students collected the data during regular
performance (Carey, Hill, Devine, & Szücs, 2016) and the clear asso- school lessons. For all children, opt-out parental consent was obtained.
ciation between CEF and math performance, the hypothesis can be
advanced that children with MA are generally impaired in their CEF. 2.2. Procedure
Table 1 presents the research findings on the relationships between MA,
CEF and math performance. Currently, the findings are mixed, so that In autumn 2018, the grad students were trained in how to admin-
no clear evidence for a connection between CEF and MA can be iden- ister the in-class assessment, which was conducted on two consecutive
tified. Even where the findings are analysed with regard to the oper- days at the end of the school term in winter 2018/19. On the first day,
ationalisation of MA (state, statelike, trait) and the WM components state-MA was assessed immediately prior to and after the basic number
(verbal short-term memory, visuospatial WM, inhibition), no clear and skill test. Afterwards the students rated their ADHD symptoms. On the
consistent pattern become apparent. One pattern can be tentatively second day, children filled out the trait-MA questionnaire before the
advanced: that studies assessing WM with digit-related tasks, seem to class was split into groups of 10 children. In these groups the tablet-
identify a negative relation more often. For general anxiety the research based test for assessing CEF was conducted (Fig. 1). The tasks were

L. Orbach, et al. Cognition 200 (2020) 104271

Fig. 1. Research procedure.

completed on a 10.8″ computer tablet. r = 0.176 (state-MAQ); z = −0.059; p = .56) (attitudes: r = −0.196
(KAT-III), r = −0.165 (state-MAQ); z = 0.611; p = .54)]. The relia-
2.3. Materials bility (internal consistency) is α = 0.83.
In this study the children were told that in front of them lay a book
2.3.1. Trait-MA with a variety of math problems, that they would now undertake a math
Children's trait-MA was measured with the Mathematics Attitudes test and that they should be able to solve all tasks without any time
and Anxiety Questionnaire for grades 4 and 5 (MAQ 4–5). The MAQ 4–5 pressure. This instruction was given immediately before the math test.
(Orbach, Herzog, & Fritz, 2019a) can be used in a class setting and Afterwards they were instructed to rate how they felt during the math
assesses trait-MA (14 items) by measuring fear of failure in mathematics test. To control other influential factors, the children were told verbally
in 7 different mathematical situations. The instrument is a modified and in written form to fill out the questionnaire only in the light of the
version of the MAQ by Thomas and Dowker (2000). It includes 14 items upcoming/completed math test. Other circumstances were not to be
with 4 question types and uses a 5-point Likert-type scale (0 to 4). The considered. Thus, the assessment focused on state-anxiety in a basic
reliability (internal consistency) is α = 0.83 to α = 0.92. Higher values number skill test situation without time pressure.
refer to greater intensity of trait-MA.
2.3.3. Core executive functions
2.3.2. State-MA Core executive functions were measured with the tablet-based
State-anxiety in a math test situation was assessed by the state- Yellow-Red-Test (Rosas, Espinoza, & Garolera, 2020). The test evalu-
Mathematics Anxiety Questionnaire (state-MAQ). The instrument con- ates CEF in four tasks: inhibition, cognitive flexibility, WMC and a
tains a self-evaluation questionnaire for current anxiety (7 items) and a global CEF task. The reliability (internal consistency) of the Yellow-
questionnaire evaluating state-anxiety (7 items) retrospectively. Using a Red-Test was α = 0.80 to α = 0.86. Higher values refer to higher
4-point-Likert scale (0 to 3) children indicate whether an emotional abilities.
state applies to them currently (pre) or has done so recently (post). The The first task (Fig. 2, top left) assessed a global measure of CEF and
questionnaire was developed on the basis of the State Anxiety Inventory was based on the ‘Hearts and Flowers’ task (Davidson, Amso, Anderson,
(Spielberger, Gorsuch, Lushene, Vagg, & Jacobs, 1983). In order to be & Diamond, 2006). A cat or a dog was presented on the right- or left-
suitable for young children, the items were simple, short and commonly hand side of the screen. Participants were instructed to press the button
used formulations. The state-MAQ is evaluated in a sample of 1369 on the same side if the cat is presented, but to press the button on the
fourth and fifth graders and can be seen as a reliable and valid in- opposite side if the dog appears. The task procedure was rehearsed in
strument. Similarly to an analysis of the STAI (Gaudry, Vagg, & separate trials before the assessment proper (33 items in total) was
Spielberger, 1975) the state-MAQ assesses a one-dimensional construct begun. The stimuli were presented at one-second intervals. The total
(Table 2). Moreover, its validity was reviewed with the trait-MAQ and raw score was based on the sum of the individual scores allotted to each
Kinder-Angst-Test-III (KAT-III). No differences between the correlation item (1 point = correct item; 0 points = omitted item; −2
coefficients could be identified [(trait-MA: r = 0.146 (KAT-III), points = wrong item).

Table 2
Item analysis of state-MAQ.
Please indicate to what extent each of the following statements applies to you in this moment. Please only give answers in accordance with your feelings and
thoughts regarding the upcoming/completed math test.
Item M (SD) Item-total correlation CFA results

1. I am/was excited 1.55 (1.2) 0.60 0.73

2. I am/was nervous 1.25 (1.2) 0.67 0.79
3. I am/was worried 0.92 (1.1) 0.65 0.78
4. All I can/could think about was what might go wrong 0.86 (1.1) 0.52 0.66
5. I am/was restless 0.97 (1.1) 0.55 0.67
6. I am/was impatient 1.00 (1.1) 0.37 0.48
7. I am/was afraid 0.76 (1.1) 0.65 0.78

Note. Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin = 0.844; Bartlett-Sphericity-Test: χ2 (21) = 5960.80, p < .001.

L. Orbach, et al. Cognition 200 (2020) 104271

Fig. 2. Sample Yellow-Red-Test items. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

The second task (Fig. 2, top right) assessed a measure of the in- occasionally changed between the presentation and recall phases. The
hibition ability. A big arrow pointing in one of four possible directions task comprised 27 items of increasing difficulty, a factor that was
(up, down, left right) was presented at the top of the screen. Partici- considered in the computation of scores. The total raw score was based
pants were instructed to press the smaller arrow in the bottom of screen on the sum of individual scores given for each item (correct item 1 to
(out of three smaller arrows) that was pointing in the same direction as 10 = 1 point; correct item 11 to 22 = 2 points; correct item 23 to
the big arrow. If the big arrow were pointing down the participant was 27 = 3 points). The task had an abort criterion after three wrong re-
not to press any button but was to wait until the next big arrow ap- sponses.
peared. The task included 36 items, of which 8 items were inhibition
tasks. The color of the smaller arrow pointing in the same direction as 2.3.4. Self-rating of executive functions in daily life (ADHD self-rating)
the model can either be congruent with (1/3 of all tasks) or incongruent The Self-Rating Scale for ADHD (Döpfner & Görtz-Dorten, 2008)
to (2/3 of all tasks) the color of the model. The total raw score is based from the Diagnostic System for Mental Disorders in Childhood and
on the sum of individual scores given for each item (1 point = correct Adolescence (DISYPS-KJ) measures self-evaluations of ADHD symptoms
item; −2 points = child presses an arrow in an inhibition task; −1 in daily life. Children were asked to respond on a 4-point Likert-type
points = child presses a different arrow to what which corresponds to scale (0 to 3) as to whether a particular symptom of ADHD applied to
the model). them (Table 3). In accordance with the diagnostic criteria of the 10th
The third task (Fig. 2, bottom left) assessed a measure of the cog- revision of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and
nitive flexibility. Similarly to the procedure of the Wisconsin Card Related Health Problems (ICD), the questionnaire includes 9 items to
Sorting Test (Heaton, Chelune, Talley, Kay, & Curtiss, 1993), partici- assessing inattention, 7 items to assess hyperactivity and 4 items to
pants were instructed to select three out of four figures on the basis of assess impulsiveness in daily life situations. Therefore, the instrument
similarity. Four different figures (square, triangle, circle, pentagon), in evaluated the self-rated CEF in everyday activities. The reliability (in-
four different colors (blue, red, yellow, green) and two sizes (big, small) ternal consistency) was α = 0.88. Higher values refer to greater in-
were presented. The task included four rounds (each round having 12 tensity of self-rated ADHD symptoms.
items) of changing categorisation principles (shape → color → size →
mixed). During the task, the categorisation principle changed discreetly
2.3.5. Math achievement
without any information to that effect being given. For each item the
A basic number skill test (Ehlert, Herzog, & Fritz, in press) was used
participants received a visual feedback, whether the item was correct or
to assess math achievement. The 26 items of the instrument are de-
incorrect. The child had three trials to solve one item. If they chose the
signed to assess basic math competencies in the domains of part-part-
right figures in any of the three trials, the item was assessed as correct
whole concept (8 items), multiplication, division (8 items) and under-
(1 point). For each fail the child received a negative “error” point (−1
standing of the place value system (10 items). The total score (max. 26
point). If the child failed each of the three trials, they received a ne-
points) was calculated as the sum of all correct item responses. It was
gative “perseverative error” points (−3 points). The total raw score was
expected that the children could complete all paper-pencil tasks
based on the sum of individuals scores, but it was combined with the
without time pressure. The reliability and validity of this instrument are
reaction time. The shorter the reaction time, the higher was the as-
satisfactory (Orbach, Herzog, & Fritz, 2019b). The reliability (internal
sessed item score.
consistency) is α = 0.87.
The last task (Fig. 2, bottom right) assessed the WMC. Participants
had to recall an increasing number of paired associations between
2.4. Data analysis
numbers and images, which were visually presented for 5 s. To do so
they had to push the correct number under the appropriate symbol or
Statistical analyses were performed using IBM SPSS Statistics
figure without a time limit. The order of the symbols/figures
(Version 24). To investigate RQ1, Pearson's correlation analyses were

L. Orbach, et al. Cognition 200 (2020) 104271

utilized. In accordance with Cohen (1988), correlation values of r ≥ 0.1 p = .277).

were considered small, r ≥ 0.3 medium and r ≥ 0.5 large. Z-values
were computed to compare correlation coefficients. Predictors of math
3.2. Magnitudes of influence on math achievement
achievement (RQ2) were evaluated using a multiple linear regression
model. Variable blocks (sequential regression analysis) were formed on
To identify the magnitudes of influence of each variable on math
the basis of theoretical models (affective, cognitive, self-rating of
achievement, a multiple linear regression model was calculated with
ADHD) to examine which predictors improved R2 significantly. To ex-
the potential predictors being state-MA (pre + post), trait-MA, CEF and
plore the interplay between MA, CEF or ADHD SR and math achieve-
self-ratings of ADHD (Table 5). Model 1 analyse the affective variables
ment (RQ3 and RQ4), conditional process modelling was applied using
state- and trait-MA. Only state-MA was a significant negative predictor
the PROCESS macro for SPSS (Hayes, 2013). It was tested whether the
of math achievement. This model accounted for 5% of the total var-
separate variables moderated the relation between state- or trait-MA
iance. In model 2 the cognitive predictors were entered. All cognitive
and math achievement (model 1). Finally, a multiple mediation model
variables had a significant positive impact on math achievement, while
(model 6) was calculated by means of the PROCESS macro to analyse
state-MA was a negative predictor. The overall model fit was R2 = 15%.
whether the interaction between ADHD SR and CEF affected the MA-
In both models trait-MA had no significant impact on math achieve-
performance link (Hayes, 2013). In line with Cohen (1994) an alpha
ment. Finally, in model 3 self-ratings of ADHD were included in the
level of 0.05 was applied in this research.
model. In this model state-MA and self-ratings of inattention had a
negative impact. Inhibition, cognitive flexibility, the global measure of
3. Results CEF and WMC had a positive impact on math achievement. Also, self-
rating of impulsiveness was a positive predictor. In this model trait-MA
Descriptive statistics (means and standard deviation) for raw values had a weakly positive impact on math achievement. The final model
on MAQ 4–5 (trait-MA), the state-MAQ (state-MA), the basic number accounted for 19% of variance in math achievement. The predictiveness
skill test, Self-Rating Scale for ADHD, and the Yellow-Red-Test (CEF) of the model increased significantly when the factors of model 2 and
are reported in Table 4. model 3 were added to it (p < .001).

3.1. Relation between MA, ADHD self-rating, CEF and math achievement 3.3. Moderation analyses of ADHD self-ratings

Bivariate correlations among the variables are shown in Table 4. All To test the effect of ADHD SR on the relation between MA and math
coefficients between state-MA and self-ratings of ADHD (r(600 to achievement, moderating regressions were calculated (Table 6). No
601) = 0.12 to 0.30) and between trait-MA and self-ratings of ADHD (r significant moderating effects of inattention SR and hyperactivity SR
(566 to 567) = 0.09 to 0.16; p < .01 to p = .04) were significantly were found. However, impulsiveness was identified as a moderator of
greater from zero (p ≤ .001), with the highest correlation being ob- the relation between state-MA and math achievement. For children
served among state-MA and self-rating of inattention. No significant with lower self-ratings of impulsiveness, a more negative relation was
correlations were found between both MA-types and CEF, whereas in- examined. Similar tendencies can be observed for hyperactivity SR
attention SR (r(563) = −0.10; p = .015) and hyperactivity SR (r (Fig. 3).
(564) = −0.09; p = .042) correlated weakly negatively with WMC. All
coefficients between CEF and math achievement were significantly
positive (r(566) = 0.20 to 0.23; p ≤ .001). State-MA (r(601 to 3.4. Moderation analyses of CEF
605) = −11. to 0.27; p ≤ .01) and inattention SR (r(600) = −0.23;
p ≤ .001) correlated negatively with math achievement, while there The moderation analyses (Table 7) revealed that WMC and the
was no correlation between trait-MA and math achievement. The dif- global index of CEF did not function as a moderator in the relation
ference between state-MA pre- and post-test correlations to math between state-MA and math achievement. By inserting inhibition as a
achievement was significant (z = 4.75; p < .01). moderator to the model, a moderating effect could be identified be-
Examining the pre-test and post-test scores of state-MA is essential, tween state-MA and math performance. Children with higher inhibition
as participants responded to the same items prior and after the math abilities showed a more negative relation (Fig. 4). Similar tendencies
test. This approach implies the risk that the participants learned how were evident for the cognitive flexibility variable. Cognitive Flexibility
they want to reply. There were small correlations between state- and functioned as a moderator between state-MA in post-tests and math
trait-MA and between state-MA and math achievement, which did differ achievement. No moderation effects of CEF were found for the relation
for pre-test and post-test scores (trait-MA: z = 2.680, p = .004; math between trait-MA and math achievement (Fig. 5).
achievement: z = 4.567, p < .001). In general, no differences between
pre- and post-test scores of state-MA were found (t(604) = 1.089, 3.5. Mediation analysis

Table 3 To analyse whether the interplay between ADHD SR and CEF in-
Sample ADHD self-rating items. fluences the MA-performance link, a multiple mediation model (model
Inattention 6) was applied by means of the PROCESS macro (Hayes, 2013). On the
basis of the correlation and regression analyses, inattention SR and
I often have trouble holding attention on tasks or play activities 0123 WMC were selected as mediators (Fig. 6). The total effect of state-MA
on math achievement was significant (BTOTAL = −0.141, SE = 0.030,
p < .001, 95%CI: −0.20; −0.08). However, the effect was reduced
when the mediators Inattention SR and WMC were added to the model
I am often leaving my seat in situations when remaining seated is expected 0123 (BDIRECT = −0.103, SE = 0.030, p < .001, 95%CI: −0.16; −0.04).
There was a significant indirect effect of state-MA on math achievement
Impulsiveness through Inattention SR (BINDIRECT = −0.033, SE = 0.010, 95%CI:
−0.056; −0.015), and a significant indirect effect of state-MA on math
I am often interrupting or intruding on others (e.g., butting into conversations 0123 achievement through Inattention SR and WMC (BINDIRECT = −0.004,
or games)
SE = 0.002, 95%CI: −0.009; −0.001).

L. Orbach, et al. Cognition 200 (2020) 104271

Table 4
Descriptive statistics and bivariate correlation.
Variable M (SD) Correlations

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

1. State-MA Pre + Post 13.01 (9.3) 0.89⁎⁎ 0.93⁎⁎ 0.18⁎⁎ 0.30⁎⁎ 0.20⁎⁎ 0.16⁎⁎ −0.01 −0.04 −0.05 −0.04 −0.21⁎⁎
2. State-MA Pre 6.42 (4.6) – 0.66⁎⁎ 0.20⁎⁎ 0.29⁎⁎ 0.21⁎⁎ 0.16⁎⁎ −0.02 −0.01 −0.03 −0.03 −0.11⁎⁎
3. State-MA Post 6.60 (5.6) – – 0.11⁎⁎ 0.27⁎⁎ 0.16⁎⁎ 0.12⁎⁎ −0.01 −0.05 −0.06 −0.05 −0.27⁎⁎
4. Trait-MA 30.70 (13.4) – – – 0.16⁎⁎ 0.10⁎ 0.09⁎ 0.01 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.03
5. Inattention SR 8.78 (5.2) – – – – 0.49⁎⁎ 0.40⁎⁎ −0.01 −0.01 −0.10⁎ 0.00 −0.23⁎⁎
6. Hyperactivity SR 5.25 (4.2) – – – – – 0.65⁎⁎ 0.00 −0.02 −0.09⁎ −0.07 −0.06
7. Impulsiveness SR 3.53 (2.8) – – – – – – −0.01 −0.04 0.01 −0.10⁎ 0.01
8. Inhibition 27.06 (5.4) – – – – – – – 0.15⁎⁎ 0.12⁎⁎ 0.36⁎⁎ 0.23⁎⁎
9. Cognitive flexibility 15.12 (4.0) – – – – – – – – 0.18⁎⁎ 0.20⁎⁎ 0.22⁎⁎
10. WMC 10.14 (2.4) – – – – – – – – – 0.20⁎⁎ 0.20⁎⁎
11. Global CEF 23.95 (5.9) – – – – – – – – – – 0.23⁎⁎
12. Math achievement 15.72 (6.8) – – – – – – – – – – –

p ≤ .05 (2-tailed).
p ≤ .01 (2-tailed).

Table 5 4. Discussion
Stepwise linear regression model of math achievement.
B SE B β p R2 ΔR2 F
According to Eysenck, Derakshan, Santos, and Calvo's (2007) at-
tentional control theory, the interplay between MA and CEF is crucial to
Model 1 — MA 0.05 – 13.45 explaining the performance-inhibiting effects of MA. However, there is
State-MA −0.15 0.03 −0.22⁎⁎ ≤.001 a lack of research in children, so that the interrelationships between
(pre + post)
Trait-MA 0.04 0.02 0.08 .06
CEF and MA have been only rarely explored. Therefore, the aim of the
Model 2 — CEF 0.15⁎⁎ 0.10 15.40 present survey was to examine whether CEF moderate the relation of
State-MA −0.14 0.03 −0.20⁎⁎ ≤.001 MA to math achievement in children. In light of the research proving a
(pre + post) great state-trait-discrepancy between self-report questionnaires and
Trait-MA 0.04 0.02 0.07 .085
real-time assessments (Bieg, 2013; Goetz, Bieg, Ludtke, Pekrun, & Hall,
Inhibition 0.15 0.05 0.12⁎⁎ .005
Cognitive 0.21 0.07 0.12⁎⁎ .003 2013a, 2013b; Roos et al., 2015), separate analyses were made for both
flexibility MA-components: trait-MA (fear about failure in math) and state-MA
WMC 0.34 0.11 0.12⁎⁎ .003 (state-anxiety in a math test situation without time pressure). Con-
Global CEF 0.14 0.05 0.13⁎⁎ .004 sistently with previous research (Orbach, Herzog, & Fritz, 2019b; Sorvo
Model 3 — ADHD SR 0.19⁎⁎ 0.04 13.70
State-MA −0.12 0.03 −0.16⁎⁎ ≤.001
et al., 2017), the data reveal a clear state-trait-discrepancy, and both
(pre + post) MA-components showed disparate relations to math achievement.
Trait-MA 0.04 0.02 0.09⁎ .033 State-MA was negatively related to scores in the math test, while the
Inhibition 0.15 0.05 0.12⁎⁎ .006 trait-component of MA had no connection to math performance. Thus,
Cognitive 0.22 0.07 0.13⁎⁎ .001
the results again support the hypothesis that trait-MA (anxiety about
WMC 0.26 0.11 0.10⁎ .022 failure in math) is more likely influenced by subjective beliefs and is
Global CEF 0.17 0.05 0.15⁎⁎ .001 discrete from the specific anxiety reaction that causes performance-in-
Inattention SR −0.28 0.06 −0.22⁎⁎ ≤.001 hibiting effects in children. In contrast to prior findings (Orbach,
Hyperactivity SR −0.01 0.08 −0.01 .899 Herzog, & Fritz, 2019b), a significant difference between pre- and post-
Impulsiveness SR 0.34 0.12 0.14⁎⁎ .006
test of state-MA ratings was observed, which could be explained by the

p ≤ .05 (2-tailed). different instructions given in the pre-test assessment (with or without
p ≤ .01 (2-tailed). time pressure).
Contrary to the general assumptions of a bidirectional MA-perfor-
Table 6 mance link and the importance of cognitive predictors of math profi-
Moderated regression analysis of math achievement with the predictor state- ciency, in the performance-based assessment the data reveal no asso-
MA and the moderating variable ADHD self-rating. ciations between either MA-type and CEF scores. Children with MA had
no substantially poorer CEF scores — this was the case also for WMC
B SE B t p R2
tasks including digits. With regard to the recent evidence (Orbach,
State-MA (pre + post) × inattention 0.007 0.005 1.32 .19 0.07 Herzog, & Fritz, 2019b) that state-MA negative relates to fluid in-
State-MA (pre) × inattention 0.014 0.011 1.26 .21 0.06 telligence in the same age group, and given the stable association be-
State-MA (post) × inattention 0.009 0.009 1.07 .29 0.10
tween WM and intelligence (Conway, Kane, & Engle, 2003), this is a
Trait-MA × inattention 0.007 0.004 1.78 .08 0.06
State-MA (pre + post) × hyperactivity 0.011 0.006 1.82 .07 0.05 relevant finding. In general however, the research results on the direct
State-MA (pre) × hyperactivity 0.022 0.013 1.71 .09 0.02 relation between CEF and MA are disparate and cannot be fully ex-
State-MA (post) × hyperactivity 0.018 0.011 1.65 .10 0.08 plained by the different assessments of WM domains. Nevertheless,
Trait-MA × hyperactivity −0.004 0.005 −0.83 .41 0.01 studies using assessments with digits seem to observe a negative rela-
State-MA 0.028⁎⁎ 0.009 3.07 <.01 0.06
(pre + post) × impulsiveness
tion between MA and WM more frequently. Perchance, children's MA
State-MA (pre) × impulsiveness 0.052⁎⁎ 0.021 2.52 .01 02 causes this association (Table 1).
State-MA (post) × impulsiveness 0.046⁎⁎ 0.015 3.05 <.01 0.08 The “choking” effect has been a common assumption in research on
Trait-MA × impulsiveness −0.001 0.007 −0.20 .85 0.00 MA for more than a decade (Beilock & Carr, 2005). On the basis of
studies that investigated only negative relations or stronger negative
p ≤ .01 (2-tailed).
relations between MA and math performance in children with higher

L. Orbach, et al. Cognition 200 (2020) 104271

Table 7
Moderated regression analysis of math achievement with the predictor MA and
the moderating variable CEF.
B SE B t p R2

State-MA (pre + post) × inhibition −0.011 0.005 −2.17 .03 0.09

State-MA (pre) × inhibition −0.020 0.012 −1.68 .01 0.07
State-MA (post) × inhibition −0.018 0.008 −2.19 .03 0.13
Trait-MA × inhibition −0.002 0.004 −0.46 .65 0.05
State-MA (pre + post) × cognitive −0.013 0.007 −1.76 .08 0.08
State-MA (Pre) × cognitive flexibility −0.025 0.015 −1.65 .10 0.06
State-MA (post) × cognitive flexibility −0.024 0.012 −2.02 .04 0.11
Trait-MA × cognitive flexibility 0.007 0.005 1.24 .22 0.05
State-MA (pre + post) × WMC −0.007 0.012 −0.59 .56 0.08
State-MA (pre) × WMC −0.011 0.024 −0.44 .66 0.05
State-MA (post) × WMC −0.010 0.009 −1.08 .28 0.12
Trait-MA × WMC 0.013 0.009 1.55 .12 0.05
State-MA (pre + post) × global CEF −0.005 0.006 −0.97 .33 0.09

Fig. 3. Moderation graphs state-MA post-test × ADHD SR (variables are plotted at 1 SD above and below M).
State-MA (pre) × global CEF −0.011 0.011 −0.96 .34 0.07
State-MA (post) × global CEF −0.024 0.019 −1.24 .22 0.11
Trait-MA × global CEF 0.000 0.004 0.11 .91 0.06

WMC (Ching, 2017; Ramirez, Chang, Maloney, Levine, & Beilock, 2016;
Ramirez, Gunderson, Levine, & Beilock, 2013; Vukovic, Kieffer, Bailey,
& Harari, 2013), it was postulated that individuals with higher cogni-
tive abilities should be more vulnerable to the performance-inhibiting
effects caused by MA. These findings were explained by the preference
of children with high abilities to select problem-solving strategies (re-
trieval of facts from long-term memory, inhibition of conflicting re-
sponses), that rely more on WM resources and that consequently cannot
be used readily in the light of MA, due to cognitive interference (Carey,
Hill, Devine, & Szücs, 2016; Geary, Hoard, Byrd-Craven, & DeSoto,
2004; Ramirez, Chang, Maloney, Levine, & Beilock, 2016; Ramirez,
Gunderson, Levine, & Beilock, 2013). In contrast to these findings and
the “choking” assumption, other research in children has reported ne-
gative relations only in individuals with lower WM abilities (Owens,
Stevenson, Hadwin, & Norgate, 2014; Soltanlou et al., 2019), or else
found that children with lower WM abilities and higher MA had a
greater risk of achieving lower scores in math tests (Cargnelutti,
Tomasetto, & Passolunghi, 2017b; Mammarella, Hill, Devine, Caviola,
& Szücs, 2015; Passolunghi, Caviola, De Agostini, Perin, & Mammarella,
2016; Trezise & Reeve, 2014a, 2014b, 2016). These observations pro-
vided evidence for the assumption that children with higher WM abil-
ities should better manage the negative consequences of MA.
The present data reveal that in the performance-based assessment
children of all CEF levels and for all basic cognitive processes (inhibi-
tion, cognitive flexibility, WMC, global measure of CEF) seem to have
been negatively influenced by state-MA in their math performance.
Thus, children with lower CEF and higher state-MA showed the worst
scores in the math test, while children with higher CEF and lower state-
MA performed better. However, inhibition control functioned as a
moderator in the relation between all state-MA measures and math
achievement. Children with higher inhibition abilities showed a more
negative relation between anxiety and performance. Accordingly,
children with high capability to override dominant or prepotent re-
sponses that are irrelevant for task-processing, and who are able to
focus on task-relevant stimuli, thoughts or behaviour, seem to be the
most affected by state-MA. Similar observations can be made for cog-
nitive flexibility. Children with higher cognitive flexibility levels
showed more pronounced negative relations between state-MA after the
math test and math scores in the basic number skill test. Unexpectedly,
children with higher ability to switch perspectives during task proces-
sing or to respond to changing situations/tasks seemed to be slightly
more affected by the performance-inhibiting effects caused by MA. One
reason for this moderation effect could be the fact that cognitive flex-
ibility is based on inhibitory control and WM (Diamond, 2013).
The research on selection of math-problem-solving strategies in

L. Orbach, et al. Cognition 200 (2020) 104271

Fig. 4. Moderation graphs state-MA post-test × CEF (variables are plotted at 1 SD above and below M).

stressful situations contributes to a further explanation, as it demon- In view of these findings, the moderating effect of inhibition control
strates that children's strategy choice depends on the situational context could be explained by the assessment situation and by the affective
(e.g. time pressure and/or social evaluation), on emotional conditions condition of the children. Children with higher abilities might be aware
(e.g. MA), task complexity and available WM (Barrouillet & Lépine, of their potential in low-pressure situations. If they are confronted with
2005; Luwel & Verschaffel, 2003; Tsui & Mazzocco, 2006; Wang & math tasks that they should be able to solve without any time pressure,
Shah, 2014). One key finding, which was replicated for children by this assessment situation could nonetheless evoke pressure and anxiety,
Wang and Shah (2014), is that individuals with higher WM capabilities leading to more pronounced choking effects caused by strategy choice.
have lower performances in pressure-evoking situations, compared to Another explanation could be that children with higher inhibition
what one would expect in consideration of their abilities and perfor- control, rely longer on more WM-demanding strategies, because their
mance in situations without any pressure (Beilock & Carr, 2005; Beilock use would inhibit signals that would otherwise lead them to change
& DeCaro, 2007). In particular, individuals with higher WM abilities their task-processing approach. If the moderating effect of cognitive
were more impaired by pressure in more highly demanding math tasks, flexibility is not fully caused by the basic inhibition ability, one could
than were individuals with lower WM abilities. One common explica- otherwise hypothesise that some children probably switch more quickly
tion for this ‘choking under pressure’ phenomenon lies in the in- to less accurate and faster strategies. For the sake of completeness, no
dividual's strategy selection. Individuals with higher abilities tend to moderation effects of CEF were found for the relation between trait-MA
use high cognitive-demand strategies, while lower WM individuals rely and math achievement. One possible observation here is that children
on simpler strategies (Barrouillet & Lépine, 2005; Geary, Hoard, Byrd- with lower cognitive flexibility or with lower WMC seem to be differ-
Craven, & DeSoto, 2004). In a stressful situation higher WM individuals ently affected by higher cognitive dispositions of MA (Fig. 5), but this
cannot use their WM-demanding strategy successfully and some of requires further investigations.
these individuals switch to simpler and less accurate strategies. Both Consistently with research using ADHD observer ratings as a mea-
approaches lead to lower achievement, while individuals employing sure of executive control in children's everyday activities, self-ratings of
lower WM strategy selections seem to be unaffected by emotional states general attention deficits were negatively related to their math
and exhibit no impairments (Beilock & DeCaro, 2007; Wang & Shah, achievement. Also, similarly to studies by Wu et al. (2014; 2017) our
2014). data indicate stable associations between ADHD self-ratings −

L. Orbach, et al. Cognition 200 (2020) 104271

Fig. 5. Moderation graphs trait-MA × CEF (variables are plotted at 1 SD above and below M).

Fig. 6. Multiple mediation model (unstandardized coefficients are reported).

Note. * p ≤ .05 (2-tailed) ** p ≤ .01 (2-tailed) *** p ≤ .001 (2-tailed).

L. Orbach, et al. Cognition 200 (2020) 104271

especially inattention − and MA. Possible explanations for this stable defined state-MA as an arousal of the autonomic nervous system,
association can be found in the theoretical frameworks of attentional evoked by the confrontation with a math-related stimulus (math test
control theory (Eysenck, Derakshan, Santos, & Calvo, 2007), in the situation). However, the applied paper-pencil assessment is not a direct
transactional process model of test anxiety (Spielberger & Vagg, 1995) approach to assessing physiological arousal. To date, the assumed
and in the associations of ADHD and anxiety disorders (e.g. test anxiety; convergence between paper-pencil assessments and physiological
Schatz & Rostain, 2006; Jarrett & Ollendick, 2008a, 2008b). Due to the measures of heart rate or skin conductance has rarely been investigated,
repeated experience of MA in math situations and the associated at- although significant correlations have been identified in some studies
tentional bias, the individual is frequently unable to focus on their goal (Kantor, Endler, Heslegrave, & Kocovski, 2001; Weems, Zakem, Costa,
anymore, so that the goal-directed attentional system is often disturbed. Cannon, & Watts, 2005).
It is possible that generalisation effects lead to a broader subjective Another potential point of criticism is in possible misattributions.
belief that influences self-ratings of executive control in daily life. The study design was not able to check for other trait influences on
Further evidence for the stable association between self-ratings of state-MA, such as test-anxiety traits. It is also possible that the nervous
ADHD and state-MA is found in the moderation analysis. Children with system arousal was affected by other internal or external stimuli.
higher inattention self-ratings and higher state-MA achieved the lowest Despite the instruction to rate the items solely in light of the upcoming
math performances, whereas children with lower self-rated inattention or past math test, it is questionable whether all children were able to
and without state-MA had the best math scores. differentiate those stimuli that caused their arousal. The long history of
For self-ratings of hyperactivity and impulsiveness, moderation ef- research on misattribution of arousal has provided evidence that in-
fects appeared. Children with lower self-ratings showed more-negative dividuals sometimes have problems with identifying the causes of their
relations between state-MA and math proficiency. These findings raise feelings (Cotton, 1981; Izard, Kagan, & Zajonc, 1984; Payne, Hall,
interesting questions, as self-report measures of CEF in daily life ex- Cameron, & Bishara, 2010). The use of control variables such as test
hibited strong moderation effects, compared to no moderation effects of anxiety trait questionnaires or baseline assessments of state anxieties in
the performance-based WMC or the global CEF measures. One could math-unrelated test situations, would be a promising approach in this
hypothesise that children with higher hyperactive-impulsive self-rat- matter.
ings had a more sensitive self-perception and put more effort into Analysing the pre- and post-test scores of state-MA was necessary to
coping with situational arousal. Another explanation might be that examine possible rating biases, which could be caused by the similar
items of hyperactivity and impulsiveness focuses on behavioral pro- pre- and post-test questionnaire. Although no discrepancy between pre-
blems, which are only weakly related to test situations. Besides, the and post-test scores was found, the differences between the correlations
validity of hyperactivity and impulsiveness self-ratings on ADHD of state-MA pre-test and post-test to trait-MA and math performance
questionnaires can be questioned for young children (cf. Döpfner & were significant. These findings suggest that the participants did not
Görtz-Dorten, 2008), given the use of items requiring self-reflection on learn how they want to reply to the state-questionnaire. Nevertheless, a
levels of difficult behaviour (e.g. being unable to play or take part in second version of the state-assessment would be able to reduce the risk
leisure activities quietly). In contrast inattention items focus on pro- of rating biases.
blems that might be easier to self-evaluate (e.g. having trouble holding In addition, assessing WMC with tasks that include digits could be a
attention on tasks or making careless mistakes in schoolwork). problematic cognitive task for children with MA. Future studies should
Finally, the mediation analysis provides new insights into the in- compare WMC tasks with and without digits to examine this theoretical
terconnections of state-MA, self-ratings of inattention and WMC. The assumption. Furthermore, research on children's selection of problem-
data reveal that besides the direct negative connection of state-MA and solving strategies in stressful math related situations would contribute
math performance, there are significantly indirect paths. One indirect to an in-depth investigation of the performance-inhibiting effects of
path leads from the experience of state-MA to math performance MA. One key finding of this study is that children with higher inhibition
through self-rated attention problems in daily life and WMC. Thus, the control and greater cognitive flexibility, showed more pronounced ne-
connection between state-MA and WMC was mediated by the general gative relations between MA and performance. Thus, future studies
inattention self-rating and WMC mediated the association between in- concerned with the moderating effects of CEF should focus on the
attention self-rating and math performance. Children with high self- strategy choices of children. This approach would allow researchers to
rated inattention in daily life activities and low WMC, produced the examine whether children with higher inhibition control are more
lowest math scores, while children with high self-rated inattention in likely to inhibit signals that would otherwise lead them to change their
daily life activities had the lowest WMC. Apart from the likely case of task-processing strategy to a more functional one. Another implication
children with anxiety states and subjective beliefs about CEF deficits for future research on the moderating effect of cognitive processes is the
having lower actual WMC, for children without self-rated CEF deficits, assessing of state CEF in math test situations. Such studies should be
increases in anxiety states were related to great decreases in WMC able to offer new information about the negative impacts of MA on
performance. Both cases resulted in lower math performances. Another attentional control functions.
indirect, and stronger path led from state-MA to performance through
self-rating of inattention in daily life. 5. Conclusion
These findings are in line with previous empirical evidence for the
mediating role of WMC and attentional control theory (Moran, 2016). The present study extends the previous research findings on the
Furthermore, the data emphasise the importance of considering dif- interplay between MA, CEF and math performance in children. The data
ferent paths leading from state anxiety to poorer performance. A novel demonstrate that children of all CEF levels and for all basic cognitive
result is that many state math-anxious children seemed to have a self- processes exhibit a negative relation between state-MA and math
awareness of a disturbed goal-directed attentional system in various achievement. However, children with higher inhibition control and
everyday life situations, perchance caused by generalisation effects or cognitive flexibility seem to be more affected by state-MA. These
by lower WMC in general. findings could be explained by the individual's selection of problem-
solving strategies, and the relation between inhibition control and
4.1. Limitations and implications cognitive flexibility. Limitations of the present research are that the
design cannot check for other impacts, such as test-anxiety, and does
Some limitations of the applied research approach, which point to not provide data for state CEF in the math test situation. In general, all
directions for future studies, should be noted. For example, in line with findings raise important questions for research on the reciprocal effects
the theoretical approach of Spielberger (1972), the present research of affective and cognitive factors in academic situations. Directions for

L. Orbach, et al. Cognition 200 (2020) 104271

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study has highlighted the importance of distinguishing between CEF David, C. V. (2012). Working memory deficits in Math learning difficulties: A meta-
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None. itudinal study from first to second grade. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology,
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Data availability largely dissociate: Prevalence of developmental dyscalculia and mathematics anxiety.
Journal of Educational Psychology. 110(3), 431–444.
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