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Mediation. B2.

The World Meteorological Association has issued this graph to show how global temperature has
been consistently rising for the last century. Write a short summary (around 100 words) to explain
the data in the graphic.

Sample text:

In this graphic we can see how the average temperature has been rising
steadily decade after decade. Between 1880 and 1930 the average
temperature stayed below 13.76 degrees Centigrade. Then, after the 1940s,
the temperature gradually rose, staying below 14 degrees until the 1970s.
However, the biggest change took place between 1980 and 2010, with an
increase of about half a degree, finally reaching an average of 14.47 degrees
in the first decade of the 21st century. In conclusion, the numbers in the
graphic show that we are facing a serious problem and something must be
done about it quickly.

CEFR Descriptors:

Explaining data in writing:

B2: Can interpret and present reliably in writing (in Language B) detailed information from diagrams and
visually organised data in his fields of interest (with text in Language A).

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