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Activity 1.

1 Process Questions for Instructional Support Units

Name: Hershei Marie B. Romero
Course and Year: BSA 1

1. In general, what is the role of instructional support units to you as students?

Instructional support units play an important role to students. For example, without the registrar,
students could not be enrolled in the institution since, they are responsible in scheduling and registering students
for classes. Without the library, students will not have any access to additional resources for more knowledge
because I believe students can perform better during classes by reading various books which the library caters
for free. Without the bulletin board, students will not be aware of the possible activities and happenings of the
school. These are some of the role of the instructional units to students. Therefore, without all of this, education
will not be realized.

2. How do these instructional support units help in facilitating and administering quality education?
The instructional support units can help in facilitating administering quality education through providing
advanced technologies and modern facilities and resources for the school and by that it can give a quality
education system for the students.

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