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Date Sender Recipients Attachments Body

6/10/2020 17577290185 2.2-3706(B)(7) 0 "People are telling me a peaceful protestor was arrested? Do you know whether that is true?
16:04 Also I just watched a live interview where NAACP folks said you gave permission to be there.
If in fact anyone peaceful was arrested, I want to know who so my office can intercept and
ensure they aren't incarcerated while we figure out dismissing charges if appropriate.
Please give me a call if you can. "
6/10/2020 2.2-3706(B)(7) 17577290185 0 "I tried to call you. "
6/10/2020 17577290185 2.2-3706(B)(7) 0 "Yours is going straight to voicemail now"
6/10/2020 17577290185 2.2-3706(B)(7) 0 "I'm now getting word officers are posting signs saying 'No Trespassing Violators Will be
17:55 Prosecuted' I'm hoping this is a standard sign but if not and they are being made, I would like
the prosecution piece to be left off. I don't want any language containing threat of
prosecution attributed to my office around this. "

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