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Emanuel Rubio
Given the appearance in the world of the covid-19, the impact it
has generated on health systems, the high transmissibility and
rapid spread added to the number of deaths, the countries have
taken a series of extreme measures and Colombia has not been the
exception, where an extended quarantine is already carried out,
meanwhile society has undergone a very great change compared to
what we were experiencing before this pandemic, such as the
mandatory preventive quarantine, the closing of places such as
shopping centers, cinemas, restaurants, hairdressers, schools and
universities, etc. And the economy has not been exempt from the
consequences of covid-19, there are still vulnerable populations
that have not received any type of subsidy, such as those who do
not belong to any belong to any government social program but
have lost their jobs. They are clearly dependent on commercial
activities or work as freelancers, and the labor side has also
suffered a lot, as the world of work is deeply affected by the global
pandemic of the virus. In addition to being a threat to public health,
economic and social disruptions endanger the long-term livelihoods
and wellbeing of millions of people, but like all the people in the
world we are all waiting for this quarantine to end so that we can
continue with our normal lives and we continue to hope that this
covid-19 virus can be eradicated.
Emanuel Rubio 10-2

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